© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022
M. J. Haber et al.Cloud Attack Vectorshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8236-6_2

2. Cloud Computing

Morey J. Haber1  , Brian Chappell2 and Christopher Hills3
Lake Mary, FL, USA
Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK
Gilbert, AZ, USA

The move to cloud computing has accelerated rapidly in recent years, and there’s no slowdown on the horizon. Organizations are moving their infrastructure, including mission-critical systems, out of their direct control and onto platforms that are delivered and supported by cloud service providers (CSP). When we consider the value of the data that’s being processed and stored in the cloud, this is a move that might have seemed impossible, or at least very improbable, not so long ago.

After decades of building walls around our infrastructure to prevent the unauthorized from gaining access to our crown jewels, our data, and our intellectual property, we now move it wholesale onto systems that we have little or no direct control over. What does cloud computing offer that is of such value that it outweighs so many of the risks? Well, it offers us flexibility, both in structure and in cost.

In the early days of the Internet, a television commercial featuring your company URL could result in the website breaking under the sheer volume of traffic it generated. This was before Internet access was as ubiquitous as it now is, when the traffic was directed to a company-hosted web server within their own organization’s data center (or co-opted cupboard). Companies could arrange to stand up extra web servers in their farm ahead of time to address those peaks. However, the servers and traffic to host them were still the responsibility and ownership of the company. Those servers would be physical servers with physical costs, both for the hardware and for the people required to build and commission them. And, when loads were light, they sat idle, becoming a sinkhole for the cost of their software, hardware, power, and cooling.

Another area of benefit from the cloud approach emerged when users required access to critical computing services while they were away from the office. Historically, organizations implemented various remote access mechanisms enabling employees to have access to the systems inside the infrastructure. Initially, these were phone-based, dial-up connections directly wired into the company network, before later being moved onto virtual private networks (VPN). I’m sure many of us remember the challenges of commissioning a VPN across an early Internet router with dial up. This process multiplied in difficulty when network address translation (NAT) emerged and became ubiquitous for appropriately routing traffic. As well as being difficult to set up and complex to manage, these connections offered direct connectivity into our corporate networks long before many realized the risk behind them.

Today, we have a multitude of cloud-based service types delivered on-demand and typically on a pay-as-you-go or consumption model. This model eliminates much of the capital expenditure involved in earlier approaches to the problems of scale and flexibility. Many of these services can be delivered and controlled through application programming interfaces (APIs), allowing for a high degree of automation, for example, responding to excessive website traffic by spinning up extra instances of a web server and shutting them down again when the demand subsides.

Cloud-based services are also commonly hosted entirely outside of the company network, allowing core services to be accessed from anywhere in the world without the need for a VPN. This is a much-improved experience for the average end user and a significantly reduced cost (and risk) to the organization.

As you can surmise from the “Introduction,” privileged access plays a pivotal role in all aspects of cloud computing, from the administrators who set up and manage the cloud computing services to the processes that use the APIs to adapt the environment to the needs of the moment. Every stage has privileged access that offers the malicious actors the opportunity to disrupt operations, steal valuable data, or both. This occurs on top of the ever-present race to patch vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

As we continue to move our operations into the cloud, it is increasingly important to be conscious of our responsibilities in securing these solutions. Yes, every provider has the responsibility to deliver a safe and secure platform that you will use, but there is no doubt that this is where their responsibility ends. How you use that platform and ensure your organization’s use of it is secure is still entirely your responsibility. To that end, the different ways you can use the cloud will help you formulate strategies for securely defending it from threats. Let’s take a high-level tour through some of the more common cloud-based services.

Software As a Service

For many of us, Software as a Service (SaaS) is where the cloud became something new, not just someone else’s computer. It is a model in which a service provider hosts one or more applications and makes them available to users on a subscription basis, often from a cloud-hosted location (or locations). This is a paradigm shift from the older, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) approach, where software is bought on a perpetual license, installed and run locally by the organization themselves. The only similarity of COTS with a cloud-based service is the support and maintenance contract that supplies ongoing updates, upgrades, and break/fix support for running the software.

SaaS should not be confused with software licensed on a subscription basis but hosted by the purchaser, whether within their own infrastructure or in a rented third-party infrastructure. The applications provided via SaaS are commonly, but not exclusively, accessed using web browsers, though they can also be service-based to host distributed technology, like agents on end-user assets without the need for VPN or similar technologies.

The breadth of application types offered today in the cloud is immense, with examples such as
  • Office 365 (office applications)

  • Sage Accounting (business accounting)

  • Salesforce (customer relationship management)

  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud (enterprise resource planning [ERP])

  • ServiceNow (service desk management)

  • Okta (identity management)

  • BeyondTrust (privileged access management [PAM])

  • SailPoint (identity governance)

  • Tenable (vulnerability management)

  • Autodesk AutoCAD (computer-aided design)

Plus many, many more (The services and organizations listed are examples and not in any way endorsed by the authors).

Nearly all enterprise-level companies use SaaS solutions, and most use more than one, with some using thousands. For example, a medium-sized company like our employer, BeyondTrust, who has fully embraced the cloud, uses hundreds of SaaS applications spread across the entire business. That sounds like a lot until you look at the McAfee 2019 Cloud Adoption and Risk Report,1 which gives the average number of distinct cloud services used by organizations as 1,935. That’s nearly 2,000 services, on average, in use by every organization surveyed – the average IT team believed the number was closer to 30.

Selecting the right SaaS vendor to solve each business need has deep roots in cost and potential cloud attack vectors. A pretty user interface or cool, unique technology certainly shouldn’t be primary considerations. The focus should be on providing solid foundations, creating reliable and resilient implementations, and solving real business needs, underpinned by good value for money and transparent cybersecurity practices.

Some definitions and business requirements for SaaS also include the notion that the solution is multitenant, that is, a single implementation of the solution is used to provide service for many customers, while maintaining segregation between each customer for operations and their data. This is illustrated in Figure 2-1. (Note: This will be explored in more detail later in the book.)

A schematic diagram of the range of responsibilities for software as a service. The parameters are the User, Cloud Service, and Cloud Provider. Application is highlighted under Cloud Service.

Figure 2-1

Software as a Service responsibility scope

Irrespective of tenancy model, licensing a SaaS application is arguably the most secure of the service provisions because the application (not necessarily the infrastructure) is entirely under the control of the SaaS provider. That said, poor password choices and misconfigured permissions can still lead to significant risks. The top attack vector for most SaaS-based solutions is a credential compromise, either at the user interface or an underlying API used for integrations or automation.

For example, APIs tend not to lock accounts when incorrect credentials or secrets are provided. Doing so would become a denial-of-service opportunity for threat actors to lock out services with multiple, deliberately incorrect, login attempts. This can be mitigated with ever-increasing delays in the response to bad credentials, offering some defense against brute-force and dictionary attacks, but such mechanisms shouldn’t be relied upon as an exclusive defensive strategy. It does provide one illustration of why privileged accounts in this space should be managed with a commercial privileged account and session management (PASM) solution that automates the creation of long, random, complex passwords to mitigate this attack vector. This will be discussed in detail later in this book. For now, rest assured that password attacks and password management will remain a fundamental part of your security model.

Platform As a Service

Platform as a Service (PaaS) takes the service provision down a technology layer below SaaS. Rather than the entire technology stack needed to deliver a software solution, PaaS delivers the platform on which the solution (typically an application) executes. This has, historically, been the provision of a managed server (or servers) where the service provider builds, provisions, and manages the operation of the server(s) using a management and sustainment model. Users of the PaaS then build or install their applications on the platform and manage only the applications themselves, taking a significant portion of the effort and complexity involved off their shoulders and onto the PaaS service provider. More recently, PaaS has expanded to include container-based platforms and other serverless environments that host applications without excessive overhead. This is slightly different than Function as a Service, covered a little later.

Unfortunately, this is one of the scenarios where responsibility for security has become a potential source of contention. While the service provider manages the platform, the security of the platform, depending on application requirements, remains (unless explicitly indicated in the service contract) with the service user. Consider the two approaches in Figures 2-2 and 2-3.

A schematic diagram of the range of responsibilities for software as a service. The parameters are the User, Cloud Service, and Cloud Provider. Application is picked, and Operating is highlighted under Cloud Service.

Figure 2-2

End-user PaaS security responsibilities for operating systems

A schematic diagram of the range of responsibilities for software as a service. The parameters are the User, Container Service, Cloud Service, and Cloud Provider. Container and Other Customer's Container are picked, and Other Customer's Container is highlighted under Container Service.

Figure 2-3

End-user PaaS security responsibilities for containers

Like SaaS solutions, PaaS is at risk from credential theft. Unlike SaaS, it is most at risk for un-remediated vulnerabilities or poor configuration management in the hosted application or the container management system. The risk for vulnerabilities in PaaS needs to be clearly defined when implementing a solution since multiple organizations and departments will ultimately share the responsibility of keeping it secure and prioritizing risk.

Having the application in the cloud and potentially directly exposed to the Internet will cause it to be subjected to continual probing and attacks. Therefore, it is vitally important that the application and container libraries, etc., are assessed for potential vulnerabilities by all stakeholders, remediated promptly, and tracked by service-level agreements (SLAs) to measure the outcome of your security posture.

Infrastructure As a Service

As we continue down the layers of services, we reach Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). IaaS offers online services accessed via APIs that allow the service user to provision infrastructure systems, such as virtual machines, storage (block, file, object), network infrastructure (firewalls, load balancers), and even to configure VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) to segregate traffic among their IaaS components. This concept provides a vital lesson in how the more things change, the more they actually stay the same. The technology we are familiar with on-premise has been implemented in the cloud, and the primary control point for automation is based on APIs.

Consider how this is implemented in Figure 2-4.

A schematic diagram of the range of responsibilities for software as a service. For the user to Own Manage Maintain the application, Manage maintain the operating system, and use the virtual hardware under the cloud service.

Figure 2-4

IaaS implementation with end-user interaction

In this service provision, the users don’t manage the cloud infrastructure itself, but they do manage all the IaaS-provisioned systems that run on top of it.

It’s important to be aware of the scope of responsibility you, as the user, have for each of the IaaS provisions you are using. If we start with what might commonly be called infrastructure, that is, network devices, you may have control over the configuration of those devices. You may be able to change the rules on a firewall or router, but you probably won’t have control over the lowest levels of the devices themselves. This makes you more of a standard user than an administrator, in terms of privileges. Similarly, with virtual machines, you will probably have control over the entire operating system running on the VM and the maintenance of it, but no access to the underlying hypervisor or the virtual hardware configuration.

As you can see, for each IaaS provision, it’s important to understand what you control and what the service provider is managing because this is the demarcation point for security responsibility. No one is going to take responsibility for the security of a system when the user can compromise that security through their legitimate access and controls. Don’t assume the service provider is doing something; verify it and ensure it is documented that way – this will save a lot of time in the long run.

Where you have full responsibility for the updating and patching of an IaaS service provision, it is important to support it just as you would any on-premises system that is directly connected to the Internet. Otherwise, threat actors will find and exploit any vulnerability that is exposed due to a lack of proper maintenance.

Function As a Service

Also known as serverless computing, Function as a Service is possibly both the most abstract of the cloud computing models and the most “cloud” of them all. The service user writes code that runs either monolithically (one large application), as microservices interacting to supply a function or application, or somewhere in between using both concepts.

The code runs as needed, rather than persisting in memory between runs, by storing results or states to a persistent storage medium, that is, a database. This allows the resources for the execution to be given dynamically. When the code is not running, there are no compute resources used, and thus, there are minimal (if any) costs associated with the runtime. The application developers aren’t concerned with the infrastructure at all, just the code, keeping the complexity of the execution environment hidden and managed.

As an example, serverless databases extend the serverless services model to applications eliminating the need to manage database server infrastructure and provide direct database access without all the overhead. This architecture is shown in Figure 2-5.

A schematic diagram of the range of responsibilities for software as a service. For the user to communicate for the assistance under cloud service can function.

Figure 2-5

Databases implemented as a Function as a Service (serverless)

As with all cloud service provisions, there are risks. The predominant risk here is the security of the data passed between functions, but it’s important to be aware of data held at rest between executions. This data is the lifeblood of the system, and any opportunity to poison that would lead to a catastrophic failure.

Typically, the usual suspects raise their heads once more with access controls (privileged by their very nature, even if not seen as such), configuration management, and vulnerability management being core among them. Even in this, the most cloud-like of cloud implementations, it’s still the same basics that we struggle with on-premises that are most likely to trip us up in this “new world.”

X As a Service

While SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS are the original trio of services offered as cloud computing, more variations of on-demand, centrally managed software services have emerged. There is now a plethora of “X As a Service” offerings that can be delivered, where X represents a technology substitution by asset or application. Many are specific instances of the more classic services, designed to address a particular market need. For convenience, you can think of them as less generic implementations of the services that have already been covered but are discussed separately because of unique implementations and/or potential security risks.

Database As a Service

Databases offer an excellent opportunity for a delivered service designed from the ground up to be remote from the applications and services using them. A nuance of this service, compared to full-blown database servers hosted in the cloud, is that the scope of the service is the database – not the underlying database server or supporting infrastructure. The server infrastructure is hosted and managed by the cloud service provider, hence being commonly referred to as a cloud database. The customer is instantiating databases through the service provision, and the provider is managing the scale, availability, and database maintenance support.

Hosting the database in the cloud offers a tempting target for many threat actors because the database infrastructure is necessarily accessible via the Internet. While your databases are only accessible to you, the database server itself may be providing service to 10s, 100s, or even 1000s of others. As a result, the database servers cannot be firewalled to only allow your IP addresses access. Every customer needs access to every database server (including redundant servers). This leaves the database servers open for indirect attacks if another component is compromised.

Although traditional mitigation controls, like access control lists (ACL), can prevent direct access for the unauthorized, this is far from perfect. This is a scenario where the layering of security measures can deliver significant value. While each layer may be relatively simple, breaching multiple layers increases the opportunity to detect and defend against an attack.

Desktop As a Service

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) provides a modern version of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) hosted in the cloud. While this concept has existed for decades, implemented using solutions from Citrix and Microsoft, the move to the cloud warrants further discussion on this subject. DaaS allows organizations to enable their users to have access to a virtual image of their corporate desktop, with all necessary applications and storage, from virtually anywhere and at any time. Access is often via a browser, extending the “anywhere” aspect and avoiding asset loss when hardware, like a laptop, is misplaced or stolen. DaaS is convenient and flexible, but as is common, those benefits are accompanied by risk. This is functionally illustrated in Figure 2-6.

A schematic diagram of the range of responsibilities for software as a service. For the user to use the virtual windows workstation under the cloud service.

Figure 2-6

Desktop as a Service implementation

DaaS risks include everything from inappropriate access to stolen or shared credentials, to exposing an application with potentially sensitive information directly on the Internet – all threats that must be considered in your cloud security model. This is not to say that services like this are inherently unsecure, but rather that they need to be approached eyes wide open, with a full appreciation of the potential for misuse.

Data Center As a Service

Data Center as a Service (DCaaS) offers a service where a physical data center infrastructure and actual facility, or the virtual equivalents, are provisioned for users. This is conceptually similar to data center colocation (Colo), but it bundles the entire experience, the management, and the offering to the subscribing organization as a service. This concept is a layer down from IaaS, allowing companies to use the skills of the provider and capitalize on the best practices for data center management, all while operating the data center’s services for their specific needs. The DCaaS provision can, like most cloud computing requirements, scale to the immediate needs of the user without requiring the infrastructure to be held at maximum capacity indefinitely. Functionally, this is illustrated in Figure 2-7.

A schematic diagram of the range of responsibilities for software as a service. For the user to use and manage the virtual devices under the virtual data center of the cloud service.

Figure 2-7

Typical DCaaS implementation for virtual machines

While the attack vectors for DCaaS may sound obtuse for this book, you need to consider the physical security controls that were implemented on-premises to protect your data center. If you consider relinquishing them to a third party and sharing them with other organizations that leverage DCaaS services, you begin to appreciate the complexity of the attack vectors that this service could be subject to, even if the entire environment is virtualized. This includes the physical access required to manage the assets and resources used to support your services.

Managed Software As a Service

Managed Software as a Service is a hosting model where an organization licenses (subscription or perpetual) a software solution, but uses an independent service provider to host and manage the software for their use cases. This offering provides a service that bridges the SaaS and PaaS provisions by providing the platform and the management without directly providing the software and actual solution. Figure 2-8 illustrates how only the software is delivered as a management component of the service.

A schematic diagram of the range of responsibilities for software as a service. For the user and the cloud provider to own, use, manage, and maintain the application.

Figure 2-8

Managed Software as a Service implementation

While the hosting itself has its own security risks that should be managed by the hosting provider, the application (software) security has a shared responsibility model. The hosting provider typically manages application security patches for deployment, but the runtime of the application, which can be misconfigured or can have weak credential security, is managed by the end user. Both can open critical paths of exposure to the business and the managed software. Some service providers will undoubtedly offer services to cover the application runtime as well.

Backend As a Service

Backend as a Service delivers a mechanism for Internet (web) and mobile application developers to link their software to cloud storage and computing services through an abstraction layer interface, like an API. These services deliver capabilities, such as push notifications (sending notifications to a web browser or mobile application to alert the user to some change of state), centralized user management (registration, login, subscription processing, etc.), and activity monitoring dashboards. Figure 2-9 illustrates these services in the cloud.

A schematic diagram of the range of responsibilities for software as a service. For the user to use the application. Then the application can utilize the different Application Programming Interface under cloud service.

Figure 2-9

Mobile application services via Backend as a Service implementation

Attack vectors for Backend as a Service target operational runtime of data required by the back end to properly host applications. If the compromised data is shared via multiple applications, like the ability to deliver traffic or weather information, then all subscribers could potentially have incorrect, even potentially life-threatening, information.

As you may have begun to realize, there are many “As a Service” provisions and potential services on the market today. Not all of them are truly under the cloud computing “As a Service” model, and some providers are simply jumping on the messaging to differentiate with new offerings. This is where concepts like “cloud washing” (discussed later) become important in understanding cloud attack vectors. For solutions that are not cloud native, but which adhere to similar models as XaaS, you will find clear parallels to the concepts that follow in subsequent chapters.

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