Morey J. Haber, Brian Chappell and Christopher Hills

Cloud Attack Vectors

Building Effective Cyber-Defense Strategies to Protect Cloud Resources

Morey J. Haber
Lake Mary, FL, USA
Brian Chappell
Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK
Christopher Hills
Gilbert, AZ, USA
ISBN 978-1-4842-8235-9e-ISBN 978-1-4842-8236-6
© Morey J. Haber, Brian Chappell, Christopher Hills 2022
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To Ruth, my parents, my friends, and colleagues for all the support and love over the years.



You merely adopted the dark; I was born in it. – To my wife Heidi, for all the years it took to pull me to the dark side. Thank you.



(By Darran Rolls)


I’ve had the great pleasure of collaborating with Morey Haber for more years than we both probably care to mention. Over those years, our professional paths have crossed and intersected on several fronts. As CTOs at our respective identity management companies, we partnered and collaborated on client engagements, market events, and industry initiatives. Coming from separate “legs” of the now changing “three-legged stool of IAM,” we have always shared a brotherhood of IAM orientation and a distinct passion for the delicate intricacies that surround the topics of privilege, access, and security controls. During my time at SailPoint, we counted BeyondTrust as a trusted partner, and I considered Morey a good friend.

Morey and I also shared the unique alignment of transitioning into formal CSO/CISO roles within those same companies. For us both, taking on responsibility for product and corporate security was a logical career progression and something of great value to our companies. We have since shared many stories on the significant challenges and unique opportunities that come from being responsible for security inside a security company.

Every CSO has a tough job, but being inside the “security chain” itself is a whole different story. As more recent security supply-chain vulnerabilities have shown, being a link in that chain drives a certain focus and concern for yourself and hundreds of others. Under Attack may not have been the rock band Abba’s best-known single, but the title pretty much sums up the experience of being a CSO in today’s increasingly complex and interdependent security supply chain.

Morey asked me to write the Foreword for this book because of another prior successful and rewarding joint collaboration. As I hope the reader will already know, in 2019, we co-authored the third book in this series, Identity Attack Vectors: Implementing an Effective Identity and Access Management Solution.1 That book was both interesting to write and intellectually rewarding to work on with Morey. Our conversations during that book’s writing were always a source of inspiration and motivation.

I’ve always found that when technical specialists from opposite corners of the same InfoSec “camp” come together in the center to “warm their hands” around the embers of a good IAM campfire, interesting things happen. Our unique perspectives, kept on track through the common thread of privileged access and entitlements, lead to what has been referred to as one of the industry’s leading texts2 on using IAM technologies to enhance the prevention, detection, and mitigation of cyberattacks.

Cloud Attack Vectors

In name or in concept, the cloud may seem like a distant, faraway place, both above and apart. But today, even though most significant cloud providers run separate hordes of servers in isolated server farms, in every sense, “the cloud” has become endlessly entwined with itself (from one cloud to another) and with the existing on-premise information technology (IT) operations. The cloud and “traditional on-premise compute” are common bedfellows, as comfortable as Grandpa Joe and Grandma Georgina in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. They are now so interrelated that they can only really be thought of as a single, end-to-end system.

The average enterprise data center is a complex mix of on-premise “legacy” systems, virtualized servers, and containerized complex web applications – all connected to and integrated with shared cloud infrastructure and cloud delivered Software as a Service (SaaS) applications (more on this later). As every IT practitioner knows only too well, today’s innovation is tomorrow’s legacy – so that mix of new and old goes on. Just like the books in this series, one builds upon the next until they make a stack. Our legacy systems support a hybrid cloud stack that employs a complex combination of on-premise and public cloud service elements.

All new and old systems contain data, privilege, and access that must be secured and managed throughout their life cycle. Quite literally, the “web of complexity” now spans cloud and enterprise. Ubiquitously adopted new-school CI/CD pipelines, DevOps, microservices, and an API-first economy have introduced an exponential level of complexity. This new, complex reality is littered with identities, user accounts, passwords, proxy access, keys, secrets, privileges, and fine-grained authentication and authorization access policies.

New cloud infrastructure entitlement models are shockingly complicated to understand and manage. They inevitably have data, access, and privileges bouncing back and forth across what can accurately be described as the IT blood-brain barrier. This security configuration and resulting IAM stuff, spanning cloud and on-premise, must all be accounted for, tracked, and managed, if we have any hope of retaining control.

In this, the latest book in what can only be referred to as “Morey’s Attack Vector Series,” the authors look across that cloud stack, with an IAM-centric eye, and carefully consider the people, the process, and the technology required to mitigate a myriad of potential issues.

Cloud Attack Vectors adds to the series of asset, privilege, and identity texts to focus on the essential cloud elements that live under, over, and inside everything we now do in enterprise computing. As you will observe, the more things change, the more they stay the same. This theme undeniably links the disciples from on-premise to the cloud, but breaks away from traditional best practices to resolve the same threats we have struggled with for years.

DevOps and DevSecOps (SecDevOps)

Today, most development organizations follow core DevOps principles and best practices in their application and software development processes, especially when creating applications for the cloud. In a DevOps approach, the overall application context is not delivered as a single whole. Instead, it is developed and delivered iteratively based on “modules and dependencies” that come together on a cadence that often goes down to the hourly level. Finding security vulnerabilities in such a complex, dynamic, and modular process requires focus. It is, therefore, no wonder that security is one of the core tenets of any DevOps process or system.

Each part of the application development, test, and operations life cycle is, by convention, responsible for understanding and managing the necessary security measures that ensure minimum vulnerability, while maximizing protection, detection, and mitigation. DevSecOps logically becomes the overarching methodology that unifies and coordinates the various security tools required during the DevOps life cycle.

Any high school–level cybersecurity textbook will quote the mantra, “application development starts and finishes with security.” DevOps people, processes, and technology are intended as the unification of that directive. Hopefully, removing the potential “security silos” that inevitably develop within a dynamic, independent, but highly interdependent application delivery process results in the inclusion of security in the same model. Hence, DevSecOps is now responsible in every sense. DevSecOps teams choose the tools that track and monitor their usage. DevSecOps engineers must understand the nuances of asset, privilege, access, and identity in their “new stacks” and their “existing legacy.”

In the cloud, DevSecOps is an attack vector – every part of the application development life cycle is poised to protect against cyber threats. This leads me to some “truisms” for consideration.

Perpetual Truths

One of the greatest things about writing the Foreword to this book is that I don’t have to hunker down and cook the full course meal – only the appetizer! I get the privilege and convenience of creating an abstract.

Having been in systems administration and, more specifically, security delivery for most of my 30-plus-year career in IT, I find great significance and considerable discomfort in the fact that nothing really seems to change that much. Of course, everything changes on the ground, in practice, in tools, and in approach, but somehow, it always stays the same.

So many of the lessons I learned from the “old mainframe guys” when I first started doing system administrative work have remained true. As I myself have worked through the coming and going of client–server, everyone gets a desktop (PC), Web 2.0, and now cloud and SaaS, so much has changed, but so much of what needs to be done to create good identity and good security has changed very little.

The cyclic nature of the underlying elements of IT is fascinating. The repeating cycle of distribution and re-centralization of systems design has already played out many times. The perpetual balance of homogeneity and heterogeneity has played out time and time again over the years. And, sadly, this perpetual cycle of innovation introduces complexity that is the ultimate enemy of all security systems.

These ever-repeating “trends” and their resulting costs are a source of career stability and, ultimately, intellectual frustration for many in IT. The fact that “everything is new, but nothing ever changes” personally drives me just a little crazy! As a programmer at heart, I hate repetition without automation. I can live with “Groundhog Day” if all I do is press the “replay” button without having to do it all from scratch every time.

Unfortunately, all too often, security program design and spending learn little from their past experiences. I never like to use the sour words of recent breach reporting as a proof point, but you’ve read the tech press lately, right? The phrase “shit happens” is a universal truth, and “here but for the grace of God go I…” is a secular truism. But that said, we should always look for the “perpetual truths,” the repeating memes, or “rules to live by” that sit above the changing drivers of security program spending. Some things do stay the same.

Visibility Is a Quintessential Control

Someone early in my career, probably at Tivoli Systems before it was merged into IBM (and, as I recently learned, a competitor to Morey when he was at Computer Associates managing teams with Unicenter), once said to me, “always remember you can’t manage what you can’t see.” This has remained true for me throughout my time at Waveset, Sun Microsystems, and at SailPoint.

Visibility is the baseline for any security control. An extensive, stable, and dependable discovery and inventory process is, therefore, the cornerstone of any asset, privilege, identity, or cloud security program. Any person, process, or technology in the IT security space should always start with asset management. Understand the scope, assess the weaknesses, and plan the mitigation. Cloud Attack Vectors follows this same principle, and Chapter 6 highlights the tools and techniques that help you get there from the weakest point – the people.

Doors and Corners

If you’re a science fiction fan, as I am (if you haven’t read “The Expanse”3 series of novels by James Corey), the term “Doors and Corners” will conjure up images of the crusty old Belter cop “Miller” as his ghostly figure laments the best approach to entering a dangerous room. That reference neatly codifies the perpetual truth that security weakness is always in the forgotten corners of complex systems design and, therefore, an unexplored attack vector until it is exploited.

In today’s complex, cloud-delivered systems, the vulnerability is often exposed and exploited via something simple that was overlooked or forgotten. All too often, post-breach forensic analysis highlights a misconfiguration or an untracked dependency at fault lurking in that dark corner, ready to jump out and eat you up!

As we perpetually expand the footprint and integrated scope of cloud-based and cloud-integrated systems, we continually add new corners and new doorways that must be documented, assessed, and, ultimately, protected. The universal truth in this statement is simply knowing where the doors and corners are and taking the time (and the project scope) to “threat-model” their potential vulnerability (even if it can’t be fully mitigated). Taking the time to play out the possibilities, model the threat scenarios, and walk through at least “a plan for a plan” is one of the most proactive and essential elements of a cloud security program.

Complexity: The Sworn Enemy of Security

A podcast I highly recommend tuning into is Steven Gibson’s Security Now.4 Steve is a long-time programmer, hacker, technologist, and security practitioner who’s been a regular on my subscription list for many years. Steve has a repeating meme that has been a mantra for me in my time designing, delivering, and securing systems: Gibson always says, and I quote, “complexity is the enemy of security.” Oh boy, that is never more true than when deploying cloud and SaaS at scale. Remember, complexity creates the doors and corners where vulnerabilities lurk. Complexity in composition, configuration, and deployment is a likely cause in most attack vectors – cloud or otherwise.

To continue the somewhat curmudgeonly theme of this Foreword, I’m horrified and perpetually amazed by the level of complexity that I see in modern systems and infrastructure design. Any application that merges on-premise, private cloud, and SaaS is an Eddie Krueger1 poster child for complex configuration. Of course, I fully understand and appreciate the need for that configuration capability, especially in an infrastructure-to-application “as code” model like today’s cloud.

But have we now gone hog wild? Just take a look at the manual pages for a K8 (Kubernetes) control verb, read through the security model settings for a Salesforce application, or worse, crack open the complexity of the end-to-end authorization model in AWS. It’s nothing short of mind blowing.

The IAM model that spans these systems is cut from the same complex hyper-weave cloth. One would have thought that, in the post-SAML and OAuth2 world, newer applications would, at least, have a unified authentication. Sadly, this unified, seamless experience rarely exists.

For example, I recently reviewed the IAM model deployed at a major retail bank. In just one of their complex systems, I counted five different forms of authentication spanning account passwords, keys, tokens, scopes, and attribute policies. Ouch – and let the pain sink in. The picture for authorization in these systems is often worse, with profiles, groups, roles, ABAC, PBAC, and OAuth scopes all hard-coded into an end-to-end system busting at the seams with rich complexity. These IAM “crimes” are not crimes of end-user convenience; they are simply the innocent result of a multitiered cloud system that strives for flexibility and functional supremacy in architecture and implementation.


The cloud is not all complexity and risk. Far from it. In many ways, it is also a unique and exceptionally powerful inflection point, a time to review, redesign, and re-implement when considering the transition.

Consolidation and simplification themes reign on the field marketing banners of just about every cloud and SaaS offering these days. I wholeheartedly subscribe to that philosophy. I will always trade reduced cost, simplification, and better security to live “inside the box” with less customization and more shared intelligence. This is where the application’s use case stays the same, but the implementation can change for the better.

During my time as the CISO at a public company (yes, I could have said “when I was in the barrel”), like everyone, I had to make trade-offs. Trade-offs between vendors and applications, infrastructure and code, and cost and complexity. For me, the most powerful tool in that selection process was always the careful consideration of risk as a direct result of measured complexity. I’ve always come back to those memes or mantras that “you can’t manage what you can’t see” and balancing functionality with simplicity and security. Hopefully, this concept will remain true and valuable to you; it always has for me.

Have fun learning from the rest of the book.



Contributing Editor

Mathew Miller, Director, Content Marketing & SEO

A sincere thank you to:

Laura Bohnert, Content Marketing Manager

Greg Francendese, Graphics Designer

Joshua Miller, Customer Trust Manager

Anna Forman, Compliance Analyst

Justin Sparks, Director, IT Governance, Risk and Compliance

Amy Feldman, Compliance Analyst

John Titor, Faux CEO and Time Traveler

…for your technical knowledge, insight, and skills in helping to edit this book.

And a special thank you to:

Darran Rolls, for his opinion in the Foreword on the cloud and its future.

Table of Contents
About the Authors
Morey J. Haber

A photo of Morey J. Haber.

BeyondTrust, Chief Security Officer

Morey J. Haber is the Chief Security Officer at BeyondTrust. He has more than 25 years of IT industry experience and has authored four related books: Privileged Attack Vectors, Asset Attack Vectors, Identity Attack Vectors, and this one – Cloud Attack Vectors. He is a founding member of the industry group Transparency in Cyber and in 2020 was elected to the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA) Executive Advisory Board.

Morey currently oversees BeyondTrust security and governance for corporate and cloud-based solutions and regularly consults for global periodicals and media. He originally joined BeyondTrust in 2012 as a part of the acquisition of eEye Digital Security, where he served as a Product Owner and Solutions Engineer since 2004. Prior to eEye, he was Beta Development Manager for Computer Associates, Inc. He began his career as Reliability and Maintainability Engineer for a government contractor that built flight and training simulators. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

If you ever meet Morey in person and want to strike up a conversation, just lead in with science fiction or Star Trek. That is an instant hook and the source for many of the corny jokes throughout this book.

Brian Chappell

A photo of Brian Chappell.

BeyondTrust, Chief Security Strategist

Brian Chappell is Chief Security Strategist at BeyondTrust. During over 35 years of IT experience, he has held senior positions in both the vendor and the customer spaces including organizations such as Amstrad plc, BBC Television, GlaxoSmithKline, and, of course, BeyondTrust. Through over 10 years at BeyondTrust, Brian has been a Sales Engineer, Director of Sales Engineering, Senior Director of Solutions Architecture, Director of Product Management, and now focuses on security strategies and new technologies within the Office of the CSO. Brian can also be found speaking at conferences, authoring articles and blog posts, and commenting on cybersecurity in the media. Outside of work, Brian can be found horse riding, developing software, gaming (loving VR racing currently), and learning obscure facts.

By the way, if you ever meet Brian and want to learn more about him, this book, or anything in any way related to cybersecurity, he likes whisky or gin and particularly people who buy them for him (shamelessly paraphrased from the late great Terry Pratchett [X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett] – if you know, you know). It’s still worth a try.

Christopher Hills

A photo of Christopher Hills.

BeyondTrust, Chief Security Strategist

Christopher Hills is Chief Security Strategist at BeyondTrust. He has more than 18 years of IT experience, which started when he was in the navy. Following his nine-year naval career, he moved to Arizona, where he finished his degree in Network Engineering Technology and graduated with honors as valedictorian. Following graduation, Chris went from working with the State of Arizona on their Bioterrorism network as a Systems Administrator to consulting on state contracts as a jack-of-all-trades.

Prior to joining BeyondTrust, Chris was a customer at a large financial institution as a Technical Director, leading everything related to PAM security, maturity, architecture, and operations. During the last two and a half years of his nine-year tenure, he had the opportunity to work with BeyondTrust, implementing several security solutions in Microsoft ESAE Architecture. Chris’ transition to BeyondTrust landed him as a Senior Solutions Architect while the Office of the CTO was built. He transitioned to Deputy CTO and then acquired the Deputy CISO title a year later. Chris finds himself most comfortable in front of people. Teaching and sharing knowledge are two of his passions. He finds himself at home bridging the gaps between sales, technology, and customers.

When you meet Chris, start a conversation about speedboats, time on the water, and off-road racing. If he is not playing in the dirt or water, you’ll find him supporting his youngest son’s football passion.

Darran Rolls

A photo of Darran Rolls.

Darran Rolls has a long history in Identity Management and Security at IBM Tivoli Systems, Waveset Technologies, Sun Microsystems, and SailPoint. Over the past 20 plus years, Darran has helped design, build, and deliver groundbreaking technology solutions that have shaped the Identity and Access Management industry. Darran served as SailPoint’s Chief Technology Officer for 12 years, and he spent 4 years as the company’s Chief Information Security Officer. Darran oversaw SailPoint’s internal security and compliance. He also led SailPoint’s successful IPO in late 2017.

Today, Darran is an investor, advisor, and industry specialist, working with vendors, customers, and financial institutions to help them understand and take full advantage of the latest identity and security technologies. He works closely with a portfolio of growth companies to design and deliver the next generation of IAM solutions worldwide. In 2020, Darran was awarded the title of Research Fellow with the leading identity and security analyst firm, KuppingerCole, where he now assists the team with directed research projects.

Darran has been a frequent contributor to IAM standards at OASIS, the W3C, and the IETF for many years. He frequently speaks at industry events and to customers about IAM technologies and security solutions. Organizations and industry peers alike appreciate his unique vendor in/out perspective on designing, delivering, and deploying an identity-centric enterprise security architecture.

Greg Francendese

A photo of Greg Francendese.

BeyondTrust, Graphics Designer

Greg Francendese is the brand graphic designer at BeyondTrust. Originally from Atlanta, GA, Greg now calls Chicago, IL, home. After graduating from the University of South Carolina, he has gained around 10 years of design experience, from print illustration to digital design and animation. His clientele ranges from retail companies like Sears and Walgreens to athletic companies like Varsity Spirit to local Chicago restaurants and shops. Greg joined BeyondTrust in 2019 as a junior graphic designer. He now is leading creative initiatives in the tech industry, amplifying customer events, and developing video content for cybersecurity issues. As a creative side hobby, he illustrates Chicago neighborhoods to sell at local gift shops.

About the Technical Reviewer
Derek Smith

is available for training services for cybersecurity-, leadership-, and project management-related subjects. He teaches CISSP, Security+, CASP, and CySA+ as well as leadership-related courses.

Derek is also a Certified Financial Education Instructor℠, has his Financial Literacy Certification (CFEI®), and is a Certified Personal Finance Consultant (CPFC) and Financial Coach.

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