Chapter 13. Layouts

Contrary to what the name implies, D3 layouts do not, in fact, lay anything out for you on the screen. The layout methods have no direct visual output. Rather, D3 layouts take data that you provide and remap or otherwise transform it, thereby generating new data that is more convenient for a specific visual task. It’s still up to you to take that new data and generate visuals from it.

The list of D3 layouts includes:

  • Chord

  • Cluster

  • Force

  • Pack

  • Partition

  • Pie

  • Stack

  • Tree

  • Treemap

In this chapter, I introduce three of the most common: pie, stack, and force layouts. Each layout performs a different function, and each has its own syntax and considerations.

If you are curious about the other D3 layouts, work your way through the examples in this chapter first, to get familiar with D3’s general approach. Then check out the many examples on the D3 website, and be sure to reference the official API documentation.

Pie Layout

d3.pie() might not be as delicious as it sounds, but it’s still worthy of your attention. It is typically used to create a doughnut or pie chart, like the example in Figure 13-1.

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Figure 13-1. A simple pie chart

Feel free to open the sample code for this in 01_pie.html and poke around.

To draw those pretty wedges, we need to know a number of measurements, including an inner and outer radius for each wedge, plus the starting and ending angles. The purpose of the pie layout is to take your data and calculate all those messy angles for you, sparing you from ever having to think about radians.

Remember radians? In case you don’t, here’s a quick refresher. Just as there are 360° in a circle, there are 2π radians. So π radians equals 180°, or half a circle. Most people find it easier to think in terms of degrees; computers prefer radians.

For this pie chart, let’s start, as usual, with a very simple dataset:

var dataset = [ 5, 10, 20, 45, 6, 25 ];

We can define a default pie layout very simply as:

var pie = d3.pie();

Then, all that remains is to hand off our data to the new pie() function, as in pie(dataset). Compare the datasets before and after in Figure 13-2.

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Figure 13-2. Your data, pie-ified

The pie layout takes our simple array of numbers and generates an array of objects, one object for each value. Each of those objects now has a few new values—most important, startAngle and endAngle. Wow, that was easy!

Now, to actually draw the wedges, we turn to d3.arc(), a handy built-in function for drawing arcs as SVG path elements. As you know, path syntax is messy. For example, here’s the code for the big, red wedge in Figure 13-1:

<path fill="#d62728" d="M9.184850993605149e-15,-150A150,150 0 0,1

It’s best to let functions like d3.arc() handle generating paths programatically. You don’t want to try writing this stuff out by hand.

Arcs are defined as custom functions, and they require inner and outer radius values:

var w = 300;
var h = 300;

var outerRadius = w / 2;
var innerRadius = 0;
var arc = d3.arc()

Here I’m setting the size of the whole chart to be 300 by 300 square. Then I’m setting the outerRadius to half of that, or 150. The innerRadius is zero. We’ll revisit innerRadius in a moment.

We’re ready to draw some wedges! First, we create the SVG element, per usual:

//Create SVG element
var svg ="body")
    .attr("width", w)
    .attr("height", h);

Then we can create new groups for each incoming wedge, binding the pie-ified data to the new elements, and translating each group into the center of the chart, so the paths will appear in the right place:

//Set up groups
var arcs = svg.selectAll("g.arc")
    .attr("class", "arc")
    .attr("transform", "translate(" + outerRadius + ", " + outerRadius + ")");

Note that we’re saving a reference to each newly created g in a variable called arcs.

Finally, within each new g, we append a path. A paths path description is defined in the d attribute. So here we call the arc generator, which generates the path information based on the data already bound to this group:

//Draw arc paths
    .attr("fill", function(d, i) {
        return color(i);
    .attr("d", arc);

The syntax in this last line is new to us. arc is our path generator function (defined earlier), but you’ll notice here we’re not calling the function (which would require parentheses, as in arc()), but we are passing the arc function itself as a parameter to attr(). The attr() function then sets a d attribute with the value set to the results of the arc() function. When a named function is specified as a parameter in this way, D3 automatically passes in the datum and index values, without us having to write them out explicitly. So, that last line of code:

    .attr("d", arc);

is equivalent to the more verbose:

    .attr("d", function(d, i) {
        return arc(d, i);

Oh, and you might be wondering where those colors are coming from. If you check out 01_pie.html, you’ll note this line:

var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10);

D3 has a number of handy ways to generate categorical colors. They might not be your favorite colors, but they are quick to drop into any visualization while you’re in the prototyping stage. d3.schemeCategory10 is an array of 10 different colors. (Try typing d3.schemeCategory10 into the console to verify.) By feeding it to d3.scaleOrdinal(), you can quickly generate an ordinal scale whose output range is those 10 colors. (See the wiki for more information on the included color scales as well as perceptually calibrated color palettes, based on research by Cynthia Brewer.)

Lastly, we can generate text labels for each wedge:

    .attr("transform", function(d) {
    	    return "translate(" + arc.centroid(d) + ")";
    .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
    .text(function(d) {
    	    return d.value;

Note that in text(), we reference the value with d.value instead of just d. This is because we bound the pie-ified data, so instead of referencing our original array (d), we have to reference the array of objects (d.value).

The only thing new here is arc.centroid(d). Huh? A centroid is the calculated center point of any shape, whether that shape is regular (like a square) or highly irregular (like an outline of the state of Maryland). arc.centroid() is a super-helpful function that calculates and returns the center point of any arc. We translate each text label element to each arc’s centroid, and that’s how we get the text labels to float right in the middle of each wedge.

Bonus tip: remember how arc() required an innerRadius value? We can expand that to anything greater than zero, and our pie chart becomes a doughnut chart like the one shown in Figure 13-3.

var innerRadius = w / 3;
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Figure 13-3. A simple doughnut chart

Check it out in 02_doughnut.html.

One more thing: the pie layout automatically reordered our data values from largest to smallest. Remember, we started with [ 5, 10, 20, 45, 6, 25 ], so the small value of 6 should have appeared between 45 and 25, but no—the layout sorted our values in descending order, so the chart began with 45 at the 12 o’clock position, and everything just goes clockwise from there.

Stack Layout

d3.stack() converts two-dimensional data into “stacked” data; it calculates a baseline value for each datum, so you can “stack” layers of data on top of one another. This can be used to generate stacked bar charts, stacked area charts, and even streamgraphs (which are just stacked area charts but without the rigid starting baseline value of zero).

For example, we’ll make the stacked bar chart in Figure 13-4. See all the code in 03_stacked_bar.html.

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Figure 13-4. A simple stacked bar chart (blue = apples, orange = oranges, green = grapes)

Start with some data, like this array of objects:

var dataset = [
	{ apples: 5, oranges: 10, grapes: 22 },
	{ apples: 4, oranges: 12, grapes: 28 },
	{ apples: 2, oranges: 19, grapes: 32 },
	{ apples: 7, oranges: 23, grapes: 35 },
	{ apples: 23, oranges: 17, grapes: 43 }

Imagine each object in this array as corresponding to a single column or stack of bars. Each category is represented by a different color. So the first object (5 apples, 10, oranges, 22 grapes) corresponds to the bars on the far left of the chart (short blue bar, taller orange bar, tallest green bar).

The dataset is organized by columns. The stack layout reconfigures the data to be organized by categories.

To achieve this, we initialize our stack layout function, specifying the categories of interest with keys(). Then we call the stacking function on dataset, storing the results in series:

//Set up stack method
var stack = d3.stack()
              .keys([ "apples", "oranges", "grapes" ]);

//Data, stacked
var series = stack(dataset);

I strongly recommend typing both dataset and series in the console, to compare the before and after states of the data.


In the console, find the first values of each type of fruit in dataset. Then find the corresponding values in series. Try changing the original values in dataset, then reload, and see how series is impacted.

Note that series is now an array with three values, each one itself an array corresponding to each categorical series: apples, oranges, and grapes (in that order, because we specified them as such in keys()).

//'series', the array formerly known as 'dataset'
	[ [ 0, 5],  [ 0, 4],  [ 0, 2],  [ 0, 7],  [ 0, 23] ],  // apples
	[ [ 5, 15], [ 4, 16], [ 2, 21], [ 7, 30], [23, 40] ],  // oranges
	[ [15, 37], [16, 44], [21, 53], [30, 65], [40, 83] ]   // grapes

Whoa, what are all these extra numbers? The first value in each two-value array is the baseline value, and the second is the “topline” value—the sum of all the preceding values. The baseline values are where our bars begin, and the toplines are where they end. (Take the difference to get the height of any given bar.)

Take a look at the original values for apples back in dataset. Note that the apples values look like this: 5, 4, 2, 7, and 23. Now, find those values in the first row of series. Note how the baseline values in that first row are all 0. That makes sense, because apples is the first series in the stack. That is, the apples are just sitting on the ground (baseline of zero).

The oranges, however, will be stacked on top of the existing apples. Find the original values for oranges back in dataset: 10, 12, 19, 23, and 17. You won’t be able to find those values in series, but take a look at the oranges row. Note how the baseline values in that row are the same as the data values from the preceding row (5, 4, 2, 7, and 23). The topline values are just the sum of those baseline values plus the oranges data value. For example, series[1][0] is [5, 15]. The baseline value is 5, and the topline value is 15 (5 apples plus 10 oranges).

The grapes are on the top of the stack, so in that series the baseline values mirror the oranges’ topline values. The grapes’ topline values are just the grapes’ baseline values plus the grapes’ data values.

Enough numbers! Let’s draw something. To “stack” elements visually, now we can reference each data object’s baseline and topline values. Take another look at 03_stacked_bar.html, especially:

// Add a group for each row of data
var groups = svg.selectAll("g")
    .style("fill", function(d, i) {
        return colors(i);

// Add a rect for each data value
var rects = groups.selectAll("rect")
    .data(function(d) { return d; })
    .attr("x", function(d, i) {
        return xScale(i);
    .attr("y", function(d) {
        return yScale(d[0]);
    .attr("height", function(d) {
        return yScale(d[1]) - yScale(d[0]);
    .attr("width", xScale.bandwidth());

Note how for y and height we reference d[0] (the baseline value) and d[1] (the topline value), respectively.

Also note how the resulting DOM structure involves three g groups, each of which contains all of the rects for each series. That conveniently mirrors the structure of our series array, but it didn’t happen automatically. At the top of the code, we begin by using the selectAll/data/enter/append pattern to bind each row in series to a new g group in the SVG (and set a fill for any elements in that group). So, each g has part of series bound to it: series[0], series[1], or series[2].

Then, within each group, we select all the rects (which don’t yet exist) and bind a subset of that data with this line:

    .data(function(d) { return d; })

We haven’t seen this syntax yet. Using an anonymous function within data() lets us bind just a portion of the data. In this case, part of series (such as series[0]) has already been bound to the parent element g. So this anonymous function is taking the child elements of that data (the individual values) and then binding those to the new child elements (the rects).

You will best understand this by spending a few minutes exploring each of these DOM elements in the inspector and console, so you can see for yourself what data is bound to each element.

A New Order

Unless otherwise specified, series will be stacked in the order, well, specified in keys(). But you can use order() to specify an alternate sequence to be applied before all the stacked values are calculated.

In 04_stacked_bar_reordered.html, I’ve added only one new line of code:

var stack = d3.stack()
              .keys([ "apples", "oranges", "grapes" ])
              .order(d3.stackOrderDescending);  // <-- New order!

You can see in Figure 13-5 that the series now appear in a different order.

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Figure 13-5. The same stacked bar chart, reordered

Here are some other values you can feed to order() for bar charts. I recommend you try each one, to see how they work.


Use the default order, as specified in keys(). This is the same as not having specified order() at all. There really is no need to ever use this, but hey, now you know.


Use the opposite of whatever you specified in keys().


Sum all the values in each series, and put the series with the smallest values at the bottom of the stack. Then stack the next largest series on top, and so on.


Sum all the values in each series, and put the series with the greatest values at the bottom of the stack. Then stack the next smallest series on top, and so on.

Note that when I write “the bottom of the stack,” I’m referring to the stacked data series. The “bottom” of the stack is (usually) the one with baseline values of zero. This data order is not necessarily the same as the visual order in one’s final chart. Data “on the bottom” doesn’t have to be visually “on the bottom,” and 04_stacked_bar_reordered.html is a case in point: the grapes series is on the bottom of the data stack (with baseline values of zero), but the green rects depicting that data appears at the top of the chart.

Anchoring Those Bars

Now let’s anchor our stacked bars properly to the bottom x-axis with just a few small modifications. I’ve carried over .order(d3.stackOrderDescending) from the prior example (in 05_stacked_bar_anchored.html), so the series with the greatest sum (grapes) is at the bottom of the stack, followed by the next smallest series (oranges), and finally the smallest (apples).

Yet the visual order is reversed: the largest bars (grapes) sit at the bottom, as in Figure 13-6.

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Figure 13-6. The same stacked bar chart, now anchored at the bottom

I accomplished this by switching the yScale’s range from [0, h] to [h, 0], so low values start at the “bottom” of the chart and increase “up,” instead of vice versa.

When creating the rects, too, we have to change how we’re getting the y and height values:

.attr("y", function(d) {
    return yScale(d[1]);  // <-- Changed y value
.attr("height", function(d) {
    return yScale(d[0]) - yScale(d[1]);  // <-- Changed height value

Note that the stacked data series is identical in 04_stacked_bar_reordered.html and 05_stacked_bar_anchored.html. (Don’t believe me? Double-check for yourself in the console.) The visual representation, however, has changed.

Stacked Areas

Stacking isn’t just for bars; we can stack areas, too. This can be a valuable way to represent time series data, when a sum total is derived from several related categories.

We learned how to make an area chart in Chapter 11. I’ve created a new example, 06_stacked_area.html, that uses both the stack layout and area generators to make the chart shown in Figure 13-7.

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Figure 13-7. A stacked area chart

This visualizes the data provided in ev_sales_data.csv, which reports monthly unit sales of consumer electric vehicles in the US. Note that I’ve included a tooltip, so you can mouse over an area to see which model it represents, as in Figure 13-8.

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Figure 13-8. A stacked area chart, with tooltips!

With this stacked area representation, we can easily observe the overall growth in sales. Note that the top edge of the top area represents the sum of all values beneath that point. So in June 2013—the far-right edge of the chart—we can see that about 4,500 electric vehicles were sold.

But we can also see which categories (vehicle models, in our case) contribute those total, topline sums. For example, the bottom, blue area represents sales of the Nissan Leaf. In the early days, the Leaf is practically the only electric vehicle on the market. By 2013, several other models are stacked “on top” of the Leaf. As sales of each vehicle model fluctuate, the thickness (height) of each area expands and contracts.

The greatest strength of a stacked area chart is its ability to display both totals and relative contributions at the same time. But this is also its greatest weakness. Perceptually, our human brains are good at making comparisons against a fixed, stable baseline, as in a (nonstacked) bar chart. When the baselines wiggle around, however, all bets are off.

The Nissan Leaf is perceptually safe, for example: living at the bottom of our “stack,” it has a consistent baseline. But the Tesla Model S is sitting on top of the Leaf, so the Model S’s baseline is the Leaf’s wiggly topline. Take a quick look at January 2013 on our chart. It looks like overall electric vehicle sales took a dive that month—and they did. But the vast majority of that decline was in Leaf sales, which dipped from 1,489 in December 2012 to only 650 in January 2013. All of the other vehicle areas, stacked on top of the Leaf, appear to also decline sharply. In truth, Model S sales leapt from 900 in December 2012 to 1,350 in January 2013—a 50% increase in sales in one month (assuming data correctness). Lesson learned: stacked area charts (and stacked bar charts) have their uses, but our brains are not yet up to the task of interpreting them honestly. (You could work around this perceptual limitation with interactivity; enable a user to isolate a specific vehicle, giving it a flat baseline. We’ll tackle this in Chapter 16.)

Caveats aside, take a peek at 06_stacked_area.html to see how to make your own stacked area chart.

Most of what’s new in this example is specific to the dataset. For example, there is code to grab all the column names dynamically (“Nissan Leaf,” “Tesla Model S,” “Chevrolet Spark”) and to calculate the maximum yScale domain based on the sums of each column of values (since they will be “adding up” vertically).

The one, crucially important change here is in how we bind the data. You’ll remember that in Chapter 11 we introduced datum() for binding our data array to a single element, as though dataset were a single value:

//Create areas
   .attr("class", "area")
   .attr("d", area);

That made sense, because a single area (path element) would represent an entire array of values.

In our new example, we return to using selectAll/data/enter/append, because we are creating not one path, but many paths, each one of which represents an entire (stacked) array of values:

//Create areas
   .attr("class", "area")
   .attr("d", area)

That takes the stacked dataset (called series) and creates a new path element for each array in the series. Finally, the area generator is called to operate on that data. Since d3.stack() took our original data and generated baseline (y0) and topline (y1) values, the areas wiggle right into place. Try logging series to the console to inspect it and see all the time-saving stacking calculations D3 has done for you.

Force Layout

Force-directed layouts are so called because they use simulations of physical forces to arrange elements on the screen. Arguably, they may be overused, yet they can be genuinely useful for certain use cases, they demo well, and they just look so darn cool. Everyone wants to learn how to make one, so let’s talk about it.

Force layouts are typically used with network data. In computer science, this kind of dataset is called a graph. A simple graph is a list of nodes and edges. The nodes are entities in the dataset, and the edges are the connections between nodes. Some nodes will be connected by edges, and others won’t. Nodes are commonly represented as circles, and edges as lines. But of course the visual representation is up to you—D3 just helps manage all the mechanics behind the scenes.

The physical metaphor here is of particles that repel each other, yet are also connected by springs. The repelling forces push particles away from each other, preventing visual overlap, and the springs prevent them from just flying out into space, thereby keeping them on the screen where we can see them.

Figure 13-9 provides a visual preview of what we’re coding toward in 07_force.html.

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Figure 13-9. A simple force layout

Preparing the Network Data

D3’s force layout expects us to provide nodes and edges separately, as arrays of objects. Here we have one dataset object that contains two elements, nodes and edges, each of which is itself an array of objects:

var dataset = {
    nodes: [
        { name: "Adam" },
        { name: "Bob" },
        { name: "Carrie" },
        { name: "Donovan" },
        { name: "Edward" },
        { name: "Felicity" },
        { name: "George" },
        { name: "Hannah" },
        { name: "Iris" },
        { name: "Jerry" }
    edges: [
        { source: 0, target: 1 },
        { source: 0, target: 2 },
        { source: 0, target: 3 },
        { source: 0, target: 4 },
        { source: 1, target: 5 },
        { source: 2, target: 5 },
        { source: 2, target: 5 },
        { source: 3, target: 4 },
        { source: 5, target: 8 },
        { source: 5, target: 9 },
        { source: 6, target: 7 },
        { source: 7, target: 8 },
        { source: 8, target: 9 }

As usual for D3, you can store whatever data you like within these objects. Our nodes are simple—just names of people. The edges contain two values each: a source ID and a target ID. These IDs correspond to the preceding nodes, so ID number 3 is Donovan, for example. If 3 is connected to 4, then Donovan is connected to Edward.

The data shown is a bare minimum for using the force layout. You can add more information, and, in fact, D3 will itself add a lot more data to what we’ve provided, as we’ll see in a moment.

Defining the Force Simulation

Here’s how to initialize a simple force layout:

//Initialize a simple force layout, using the nodes and edges in dataset
var force = d3.forceSimulation(dataset.nodes)
              .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody())
              .force("link", d3.forceLink(dataset.edges))
              .force("center", d3.forceCenter().x(w/2).y(h/2));

Call d3.forceSimulation(), passing in a reference to the nodes. This will generate a new simulator and automatically start running it, but without any forces applied, it won’t be very interesting. To create forces, call force() as many times as you like, each time specifying an arbitrary name for each force (in case you want to reference it later) and the name of a force function.

A force-directed layout usually involves several competing forces that, after pushing and shoving the poor nodes and links around, eventually reach some sort of equilibrium. The specific forces you apply (and how you configure them) will determine how your network looks: Are nodes spread out across space, or clustered together? The forces I’ve just specified won’t be ideal for every dataset. You may want to reference the complete list of forces and their options, but I’ll briefly explain the three I used.


Creates a “many-body” force that acts on all nodes, meaning this can be used to either attract all nodes to each other or repel all nodes from each other. Try applying different strength() values, and see what happens. Positive values attract; negative values repel. The default strength() is –30, so we see a slight repelling force.


Our nodes are connected by edges (as opposed to being free-floating), so we apply this force, specifying dataset.edges. Specify a target distance() (the default is 30 pixels), and this force will struggle against any competing forces to achieve that distance. Experiment by plugging in different distance values—smaller numbers will result in shorter edges, larger values in longer edges.


This force centers the entire simulation around whatever point you specify with x() and y(). In my example, I set x and y to the center point of the SVG (w/2 and h/2). Try setting those coordinates to other values, and note how the entire composition is repositioned.

Creating the Visual Elements

After defining our force simulation, we proceed to generate visual elements, using our old friend: the selectAll/data/enter/append pattern (as first introduced in Chapter 5).

First we create a line for each edge:

//Create edges as lines
var edges = svg.selectAll("line")
               .style("stroke", "#ccc")
               .style("stroke-width", 1);

I set all the lines to have the same stroke color and weight, but of course you could set this dynamically based on data (say, thicker or darker lines for “stronger” connections, or some other value).

Then we create a circle for each node:

//Create nodes as circles
var nodes = svg.selectAll("circle")
               .attr("r", 10)
               .style("fill", function(d, i) {
                   return colors(i);

I set all circles to have the same radius, but each gets a different color fill, just because it’s prettier that way. Of course, these values could be set dynamically, too, for a more meaningful visualization.

Since we created the circles last, they will be placed later in the SVG, and therefore will appear “in front of” the lines. (As an experiment, try switching the order, to see the lines appear in front.)

I also added a simple tooltip, so you can hover over each circle to see which person it represents:

//Add a simple tooltip
    .text(function(d) {

Updating Visuals over Time

Finally, we have to specify what happens when the force layout “ticks.” Yes, these ticks are different from the axis ticks addressed earlier, and definitely different from those little blood-sucking insects. Physics simulations use the word “tick” to refer to the passage of some amount of time, like the ticking second hand of a clock. For example, if an animation were running at 30 frames per second, you could have one tick represent 1/30th of a second. Then each time the simulation ticked, you’d see the calculations of motion update in real time. In some applications, it’s useful to run ticks faster than actual time. For example, if you were trying to model the effects of climate change on the planet 50 years from now, you wouldn’t want to wait 50 years to see the results, so you’d program the system to tick on ahead, faster than real time.

For our purposes, what you need to know is that D3’s force simulation “ticks” forward through time, just like every other physics simulation. With each tick, the simulation adjusts the position values for each node and edge according to the rules we specified when the layout was first initialized. To see this progress visually, we need to update the associated elements—the lines and circles—on every tick:

//Every time the simulation "ticks", this will be called
force.on("tick", function() {

    edges.attr("x1", function(d) { return d.source.x; })
         .attr("y1", function(d) { return d.source.y; })
         .attr("x2", function(d) { return; })
         .attr("y2", function(d) { return; });

    nodes.attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; })
         .attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; });


This tells D3, “Okay, every time you tick, take the new x/y values for each line and circle and update them in the DOM.”

Wait a minute. Where did these x/y values come from? We had only specified names, sources, and targets!

D3 calculated those x/y values and appended them to the existing objects in our original dataset (see Figure 13-10). Open 07_force.html and type dataset into the console. Expand any node or edge, and you’ll see lots of additional data that we didn’t provide. That’s where D3 stores the information it needs to continue running the physics simulation. With on("tick", …), we are just specifying how to take those updated coordinates and map them on to the visual elements in the DOM.

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Figure 13-10. The first node in dataset, with lots of supplemental data added by D3

The final result, then, is the lovely entanglement displayed in Figure 13-11.

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Figure 13-11. A simple force layout with 10 nodes and 12 edges

Again, you can run the final code youself in 07_force.html.

Note that each time you reload the page, the circles and lines spring to life, eventually resting in a state of equilibrium.

Draggable Nodes

The same force layout applied to different datasets will produce wildly different results. It’s best to tweak each force, as needed, to produce the most legible, explorable, and meaningful composition for your dataset, but some simple interactivity can help, too.

See 08_force_draggable.html, which adds a call() statement to our nodes:

	.call(d3.drag()  //Define what to do on drag events
        .on("start", dragStarted)
        .on("drag", dragging)
        .on("end", dragEnded));

This bit of code “calls” the d3.drag() method on each node. d3.drag(), in turn, sets event listeners for the three drag-related events (named as strings) and specifies functions to trigger whenever one of those events occurs.

//Define drag event functions
function dragStarted(d) {
    if (! force.alphaTarget(0.3).restart();
    d.fx = d.x;
    d.fy = d.y;

function dragging(d) {
    d.fx = d3.event.x;
    d.fy = d3.event.y;

function dragEnded(d) {
    if (! force.alphaTarget(0);
    d.fx = null;
    d.fy = null;

These three functions can be written however you like. But as written here, they basically say, “Hey, as soon as the user starts dragging something, make that thing follow the mouse position. Once the user lets go, let the simulation resume positioning that thing in response to forces.”

Try it out in 08_force_draggable.html. Hmm, I want to get the orange node by itself, so I’ll drag it down and to the left (see Figure 13-12), and then I’ll move the yellowish one into the same spot (see Figure 13-13).

dvw2 1312
Figure 13-12. Dragging a node to change the arrangement of nodes
dvw2 1313
Figure 13-13. Dragging some more

As a bonus, interactivity + physics simulation = irresistable demo, even when using meaningless dummy data! We humans just love seeing realistic movement replicated on screens.

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