Chapter 19. Porting Models from TensorFlow to TensorFlow Lite

If you’ve made it this far, you’ll understand that we’re in favor of reusing existing models for new tasks whenever you can. Training an entirely new model from scratch can take a lot of time and experimentation, and even experts often can’t predict the best approach ahead of time without trying a lot of different prototypes. This means that a full guide to creating new architectures is beyond the scope of this book, and we recommend looking in Chapter 21 for further reading on the topic. There are some aspects (like working with a restricted set of operations or preprocessing demands) that are unique to resource-constrained, on-device machine learning, though, so this chapter offers advice on those.

Understand What Ops Are Needed

This book is focused on models created in TensorFlow because the authors work on the team at Google, but even within a single framework there are a lot of different ways of creating models. If you look at the speech commands training script, you’ll see that it’s building a model using core TensorFlow ops directly as building blocks, and manually running a training loop. This is quite an old-fashioned way of working these days (the script was originally written in 2017), and modern examples with TensorFlow 2.0 are likely to use Keras as a high-level API that takes care of a lot of the details.

The downside to this is that the underlying operations that a model uses are no longer obvious from inspecting the code. Instead, they will be created as part of layers which represent larger chunks of the graph in a single call. This is a problem because knowing what TensorFlow operations are being used by a model is very important for understanding whether the model will run in TensorFlow Lite, and what the resource requirements will be. Luckily you can access the underlying low-level operations even from Keras, as long as you can retrieve the underlying Session object using tf.keras.backend.get_session(). If you’re coding directly in TensorFlow, it’s likely that you already have the session in a variable, so the following code should still work:

for op in sess.graph.get_operations():

If you’ve assigned your session to the sess variable, this will print out the types of all the ops in your model. You can also access other properties, like name, to get more information. Understanding what TensorFlow operations are present will help a lot in the conversion process to TensorFlow Lite; otherwise, any errors you see will be much more difficult to understand.

Look at Existing Op Coverage in Tensorflow Lite

TensorFlow Lite supports only a subset of TensorFlow’s operations, and with some restrictions. You can see the latest list in the ops compatibility guide. This means that if you’re planning a new model, you should ensure at the outset that you aren’t relying on features or ops that aren’t supported. In particular, LSTMs, GRUs, and other recurrent neural networks are not yet usable. There’s also currently a gap between what’s available in the full mobile version of TensorFlow Lite and the microcontroller branch. The simplest way to understand what operations are supported by TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers at the moment is to look at, because ops are constantly being added.

It can become a bit confusing comparing the ops that show up in your TensorFlow training session and those supported by TensorFlow Lite, because there are several transformation steps that take place during the export process. These turn weights that were stored as variables into constants, for example, and might quantize float operations into their integer equivalents as an optimization. There are also ops that exist only as part of the training loop, like those involved in backpropagation, and these are stripped out entirely. The best way to figure out what issues you might encounter is to try exporting a prospective model as soon as you’ve created it, before it’s trained, so that you can adjust its structure before you’ve spent a lot of time on the training process.

Move Preprocessing and Postprocessing into Application Code

It’s common for deep learning models to have three stages. There’s often a preprocessing step, which might be as simple as loading images and labels from disk and decoding the JPEGs, or as complex as the speech example which transforms audio data into spectrograms. There’s then a core neural network that takes in arrays of values and outputs results in a similar form. Finally, you need to make sense of these values in a postprocessing step. For many classification problems this is as simple as matching scores in a vector to the corresponding labels, but if you look at a model like MobileSSD, the network output is a soup of overlapping bounding boxes that need to go through a complex process called “non-max suppression” to be useful as results.

The core neural network model is usually the most computationally intensive, and is often composed of a comparatively small number of operations like convolutions and activations. The pre- and postprocessing stages frequently require a lot more operations, including control flow, even though their computational load is a lot lower. This means that it often makes more sense to implement the non-core steps as regular code in the application, rather than baking them into the TensorFlow Lite model. For example, the neural network portion of a machine vision model will take in an image of a particular size, like 224 pixels high by 224 pixels wide. In the training environment, we’ll use a DecodeJpeg op followed by a ResizeImages operation to convert the result into the correct size. When we’re running on a device, however, we’re almost certainly grabbing input images from a fixed-size source with no decompression required, so writing custom code to create the neural network input makes a lot more sense than relying on a general-purpose operation from our library. We’ll probably also be dealing with asynchronous capture and might be able to get some benefits from threading the work involved. In the case of speech commands, we do a lot of work to cache intermediate results from the FFT so that we can reuse as many calculations as possible as we’re running on streaming input.

Not every model has a significant postprocessing stage in the training environment, but when we’re running on a device, it’s very common to want to take advantage of coherency over time to improve the results shown to the user. Even though the model is just a classifier, the wake-word detection code runs multiple times a second and uses averaging to increase the accuracy of the results. This sort of code is also best implemented at the application level, given that expressing it as TensorFlow Lite operations is difficult and doesn’t offer many benefits. It is possible, as you can see in, but it involves a lot of work wiring through from the underlying TensorFlow graph during the export process because the way it’s typically expressed as small ops in the TensorFlow is not an efficient way to implement it on-device.

This all means that you should try to exclude non-core parts of the graph, which will require some work determining what parts are which. We find Netron to be a good tool for exploring TensorFlow Lite graphs to understand what ops are present, and get a sense for whether they’re part of the core of the neural network or just processing steps. Once you understand what is happening internally, you should be able to isolate the core network, export just those ops, and implement the rest as application code.

Implement Required Ops if Necessary

If you do find that there are TensorFlow operations that you absolutely need that are not supported by TensorFlow Lite, it is possible to save them as custom operations inside the TensorFlow Lite file format, and then implement them yourself within the framework. The full process is beyond the scope of this book, but here are the key steps:

  • Run toco with allow_custom_ops enabled, so that unsupported operations are stored as custom ops in the serialized model file.

  • Write a kernel implementing the operation and register it using AddCustom() in the op resolver you’re using in your application.

  • Unpack the parameters that are stored in a FlexBuffer format when your Init() method is called.

Optimize Ops

Even if you’re using supported operations in your new model, you might be using them in a way that hasn’t yet been optimized. The TensorFlow Lite team’s priorities are driven by particular use cases, so if you are running a new model, you might run into code paths that haven’t been optimized yet. We covered this in Chapter 15, but just as we recommend you check export compatibility as soon as possible—even before you’ve trained a model—it’s worth ensuring that you get the performance you need before you plan your development schedule, because you might need to budget some time to work on operation latency.

Wrapping Up

Training a novel neural network to complete a task successfully is already challenging, but figuring out how to build a network that will produce good results and run efficiently on embedded hardware is even tougher! This chapter discussed some of the challenges you’ll face, and provided suggestions on approaches to overcome them, but it’s a large and growing area of study, so we recommend taking a look at some of the resources in Chapter 21 to see whether there are new sources of inspiration for your model architecture. In particular, this is an area where following the latest research papers on arXiv can be very useful.

After overcoming all these challenges, you should have a small, fast, power-efficient product that’s ready to be deployed in the real world. It’s worth thinking about what potentially harmful impacts it could have on your users before you release it, though, so Chapter 20 covers questions around privacy and security.

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