Chapter 2. Getting Started

In this chapter, we cover what you need to know to begin building and modifying machine learning applications on low-power devices. All the software is free, and the hardware development kits are available for less than $30, so the biggest challenge is likely to be the unfamiliarity of the development environment. To help with that, throughout the chapter we recommend a well-lit path of tools that we’ve found work well together.

Who Is This Book Aimed At?

To build a TinyML project, you will need to know a bit about both machine learning and embedded software development. Neither of these are common skills, and very few people are experts on both, so this book will start with the assumption that you have no background in either of these. The only requirements are that you have some familiarity running commands in the terminal (or Command Prompt on Windows), and are able to load a program source file into an editor, make alterations, and save it. Even if that sounds daunting, we walk you through everything we discuss step by step, like a good recipe, including screenshots (and screencasts online) in many cases, so we’re hoping to make this as accessible as possible to a wide audience.

We’ll show you some practical applications of machine learning on embedded devices, using projects like simple speech recognition, detecting gestures with a motion sensor, and detecting people with a camera sensor. We want to get you comfortable with building these programs yourself, and then extending them to solve problems you care about. For example, you might want to modify the speech recognition to detect barks instead of human speech, or spot dogs instead of people, and we give you ideas on how to tackle those modifications yourself. Our goal is to provide you with the tools you need to start building exciting applications you care about.

What Hardware Do You Need?

You’ll need a laptop or desktop computer with a USB port. This will be your main programming environment, where you edit and compile the programs that you run on the embedded device. You’ll connect this computer to the embedded device using the USB port and a specialized adapter that will depend on what development hardware you’re using. The main computer can be running Windows, Linux, or macOS. For most of the examples we train our machine learning models in the cloud, using Google Colab, so don’t worry about having a specially equipped computer.

You will also need an embedded development board to test your programs on. To do something interesting you’ll need a microphone, accelerometers, or a camera attached, and you want something small enough to build into a realistic prototype project, along with a battery. This was tough to find when we started this book, so we worked together with the chip manufacturer Ambiq and maker retailer SparkFun to produce the $15 SparkFun Edge board. All of the book’s examples will work with this device.


The second revision of the SparkFun Edge board, the SparkFun Edge 2, is due to be released after this book has been published. All of the projects in this book are guaranteed to work with the new board. However, the code and the instructions for deployment will vary slightly from what is printed here. Don’t worry—each project chapter links to a that contains up-to-date instructions for deploying each example to the SparkFun Edge 2.

We also offer instructions on how to run many of the projects using the Arduino and Mbed development environments. We recommend the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board, and the STM32F746G Discovery kit development board for Mbed, though all of the projects should be adaptable to other devices if you can capture the sensor data in the formats needed. Table 2-1 shows which devices we’ve included in each project chapter.

Table 2-1. Devices written about for each project
Project name Chapter SparkFun Edge Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense STM32F746G Discovery kit

Hello world

Chapter 5




Wake-word detection

Chapter 7




Person detection

Chapter 9



Not included

Magic wand

Chapter 11



Not included

None of these projects require any additional electronic components, aside from person detection, which requires a camera module. If you’re using the Arduino, you’ll need the Arducam Mini 2MP Plus. And you’ll need SparkFun’s Himax HM01B0 breakout if you’re using the SparkFun Edge.

What Software Do You Need?

All of the projects in this book are based around the TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers framework. This is a variant of the TensorFlow Lite framework designed to run on embedded devices with only a few tens of kilobytes of memory available. All of the projects are included as examples in the library, and it’s open source, so you can find it on GitHub.


Since the code examples in this book are part of an active open source project, they are continually changing and evolving as we add optimizations, fix bugs, and support additional devices. It’s likely you’ll spot some differences between the code printed in the book and the most recent code in the TensorFlow repository. That said, although the code might drift a little over time, the basic principles you’ll learn here will remain the same.

You’ll need some kind of editor to examine and modify your code. If you’re not sure which one you should use, Microsoft’s free VS Code application is a great place to start. It works on macOS, Linux, and Windows, and has a lot of handy features like syntax highlighting and autocomplete. If you already have a favorite editor you can use that, instead; we won’t be doing extensive modifications for any of our projects.

You’ll also need somewhere to enter commands. On macOS and Linux this is known as the terminal, and you can find it in your Applications folder under that name. On Windows it’s known as the Command Prompt, which you can find in your Start menu.

There will also be extra software that you’ll need to communicate with your embedded development board, but this will depend on what device you have. If you’re using either the SparkFun Edge board or an Mbed device, you’ll need to have Python installed for some build scripts, and then you can use GNU Screen on Linux or macOS or Tera Term on Windows to access the debug logging console, showing text output from the embedded device. If you have an Arduino board, everything you need is installed as part of the IDE, so you just need to download the main software package.

What Do We Hope You’ll Learn?

The goal of this book is to help more applications in this new space emerge. There is no one “killer app” for TinyML right now, and there might never be, but we know from experience that there are a lot of problems out there in the world that can be solved using the toolbox it offers. We want to familiarize you with the possible solutions. We want to take domain experts from agriculture, space exploration, medicine, consumer goods, and any other areas with addressable issues and give them an understanding of how to solve problems themselves, or at the very least communicate what problems are solvable with these techniques.

With that in mind, we’re hoping that when you finish this book you’ll have a good overview of what’s currently possible using machine learning on embedded systems at the moment, as well as some idea of what’s going to be feasible over the next few years. We want you to be able to build and modify some practical examples using time-series data like audio or input from accelerometers, and for low-power vision. We’d like you to have enough understanding of the entire system to be able to at least participate meaningfully in design discussions with specialists about new products and hopefully be able to prototype early versions yourself.

Since we want to see complete products emerge, we approach everything we’re discussing from a whole-system perspective. Often hardware vendors will focus on the energy consumption of the particular component they’re selling, but not consider how other necessary parts increase the power required. For example, if you have a microcontroller that consumes only 1 mW, but the only camera sensor it works with takes 10 mW to operate, any vision-based product you use it on won’t be able to take advantage of the processor’s low energy consumption. This means that we won’t be doing many deep dives into the underlying workings of the different areas; instead, we focus on what you need to know to use and modify the components involved.

For example, we won’t linger on the details of what is happening under the hood when you train a model in TensorFlow, such as how gradients and back-propagation work. Rather, we show you how to run training from scratch to create a model, what common errors you might encounter and how to handle them, and how to customize the process to build models to tackle your own problems with new datasets.

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