Appendix B. Capturing Audio on Arduino

The following text walks through the audio capture code from the wake-word application in Chapter 7. Since it’s not directly related to machine learning, it’s provided as an appendix.

The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense has an on-board microphone. To receive audio data from the microphone, we can register a callback function that is called when there is a chunk of new audio data ready.

Each time this happens, we’ll write the chunk of new data to a buffer that stores a reserve of data. Because audio data takes up a lot of memory, the buffer has room for only a set amount of data. This data is overwritten when the buffer becomes full.

Whenever our program is ready to run inference, it can read the last second’s worth of data from this buffer. As long as new data keeps coming in faster than we need to access it, there’ll always be enough new data in the buffer to preprocess and feed into our model.

Each cycle of preprocessing and inference is complex, and it takes some time to complete. Because of this, we’ll only be able to run inference a few times per second on an Arduino. This means that it will be easy for our buffer to stay full.

As we saw in Chapter 7, audio_provider.h implements these two functions:

  • GetAudioSamples(), which provides a pointer to a chunk of raw audio data

  • LatestAudioTimestamp(), which returns the timestamp of the most recently captured audio

The code that implements these for Arduino is located in arduino/

In the first part, we pull in some dependencies. The PDM.h library defines the API that we’ll use to get data from the microphone. The file micro_model_settings.h contains constants related to our model’s data requirements that will help us provide audio in the correct format:

#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/examples/micro_speech/

#include "PDM.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/examples/micro_speech/

The next chunk of code is where we set up some important variables:

namespace {
bool g_is_audio_initialized = false;
// An internal buffer able to fit 16x our sample size
constexpr int kAudioCaptureBufferSize = DEFAULT_PDM_BUFFER_SIZE * 16;
int16_t g_audio_capture_buffer[kAudioCaptureBufferSize];
// A buffer that holds our output
int16_t g_audio_output_buffer[kMaxAudioSampleSize];
// Mark as volatile so we can check in a while loop to see if
// any samples have arrived yet.
volatile int32_t g_latest_audio_timestamp = 0;
}  // namespace

The Boolean g_is_audio_initialized is what we’ll use to track whether the microphone has started capturing audio. Our audio capture buffer is defined by g_audio_capture_buffer and is sized to be 16 times the size of DEFAULT_PDM_BUFFER_SIZE, which is a constant defined in PDM.h that represents the amount of audio we receive from the microphone each time the callback is called. Having a nice big buffer means that we’re unlikely to run out of data if the program slows down for some reason.

In addition to the audio capture buffer, we also keep a buffer of output audio, g_audio_output_buffer, that we’ll return a pointer to when GetAudioSamples() is called. It’s the length of kMaxAudioSampleSize, which is a constant from micro_model_settings.h that defines the number of 16-bit audio samples our preprocessing code can handle at once.

Finally, we use g_latest_audio_timestamp to keep track of the time represented by our most recent audio sample. This won’t match up with the time on your wristwatch; it’s just the number of milliseconds relative to when audio capture began. The variable is declared as volatile, which means the processor shouldn’t attempt to cache its value. We’ll see why later on.

After setting up these variables, we define the callback function that will be called every time there’s new audio data available. Here it is in its entirety:

void CaptureSamples() {
  // This is how many bytes of new data we have each time this is called
  const int number_of_samples = DEFAULT_PDM_BUFFER_SIZE;
  // Calculate what timestamp the last audio sample represents
  const int32_t time_in_ms =
      g_latest_audio_timestamp +
      (number_of_samples / (kAudioSampleFrequency / 1000));
  // Determine the index, in the history of all samples, of the last sample
  const int32_t start_sample_offset =
      g_latest_audio_timestamp * (kAudioSampleFrequency / 1000);
  // Determine the index of this sample in our ring buffer
  const int capture_index = start_sample_offset % kAudioCaptureBufferSize;
  // Read the data to the correct place in our buffer + capture_index, DEFAULT_PDM_BUFFER_SIZE);
  // This is how we let the outside world know that new audio data has arrived.
  g_latest_audio_timestamp = time_in_ms;

This function is a bit complicated, so we’ll walk through it in chunks. Its goal is to determine the correct index in the audio capture buffer to write this new data to.

First, we figure out how much new data we’ll receive each time the callback is called. We use that to determine a number in milliseconds that represents the time of the most recent audio sample in the buffer:

// This is how many bytes of new data we have each time this is called
const int number_of_samples = DEFAULT_PDM_BUFFER_SIZE;
// Calculate what timestamp the last audio sample represents
const int32_t time_in_ms =
    g_latest_audio_timestamp +
    (number_of_samples / (kAudioSampleFrequency / 1000));

The number of audio samples per second is kAudioSampleFrequency (this constant is defined in micro_model_settings.h). We divide this by 1,000 to get the number of samples per millisecond.

Next, we divide the number of samples per callback (number_of_samples) by the samples per millisecond to obtain the number of milliseconds’ worth of data we obtain each callback:

(number_of_samples / (kAudioSampleFrequency / 1000))

We then add this to the timestamp of our previous most recent audio sample, g_latest_audio_timestamp, to obtain the timestamp of the most recent new audio sample.

After we have this number, we can use it to obtain the index of the most recent sample in the history of all samples. To do this, we multiply the timestamp of our previous most recent audio sample by the number of samples per millisecond:

const int32_t start_sample_offset =
    g_latest_audio_timestamp * (kAudioSampleFrequency / 1000);

Our buffer doesn’t have room to store every sample ever captured, though. Instead, it has room for 16 times the DEFAULT_PDM_BUFFER_SIZE. As soon as we have more data than that, we start overwriting the buffer with new data.

We now have the index of our new samples in the history of all samples. Next, we need to convert this into theh samples’ proper index within our actual buffer. To do this, we can divide our history index by the buffer length and get the remainder. This is done using the modulo operator (%):

// Determine the index of this sample in our ring buffer
const int capture_index = start_sample_offset % kAudioCaptureBufferSize;

Because the buffer’s size, kAudioCaptureBufferSize, is a multiple of DEFAULT_PDM_BUFFER_SIZE, the new data will always fit neatly into the buffer. The modulo operator will return the index within the buffer where the new data should begin.

Next, we use the method to read the latest audio into the audio capture buffer:

// Read the data to the correct place in our buffer + capture_index, DEFAULT_PDM_BUFFER_SIZE);

The first argument accepts a pointer to a location in memory that the data should be written to. The variable g_audio_capture_buffer is a pointer to the address in memory where the audio capture buffer starts. By adding capture_index to this location, we can calculate the correct spot in memory to write our new data. The second argument defines how much data should be read, and we go for the maximum, DEFAULT_PDM_BUFFER_SIZE.

Finally, we update g_latest_audio_timestamp:

// This is how we let the outside world know that new audio data has arrived.
g_latest_audio_timestamp = time_in_ms;

This will be exposed to other parts of the program via the LatestAudioTimestamp() method, letting them know when new data becomes available. Because g_latest_audio_timestamp is declared as volatile, its value will be looked up from memory every time it is accessed. This is important, because otherwise the variable would be cached by the processor. Because its value is set in a callback, the processor would not know to refresh the cached value, and any code accessing it would not receive its current value.

You might be wondering what makes CaptureSamples() act as a callback function. How does it know when new audio is available? This, among other things, is handled in the next part of our code, which is a function that initiates audio capture:

TfLiteStatus InitAudioRecording(tflite::ErrorReporter* error_reporter) {
  // Hook up the callback that will be called with each sample
  // Start listening for audio: MONO @ 16KHz with gain at 20
  PDM.begin(1, kAudioSampleFrequency);
  // Block until we have our first audio sample
  while (!g_latest_audio_timestamp) {

  return kTfLiteOk;

This function will be called the first time someone calls GetAudioSamples(). It first uses the PDM library to hook up the CaptureSamples() callback, by calling PDM.onReceive(). Next, PDM.begin() is called with two arguments. The first argument indicates how many channels of audio to record; we only want mono audio, so we specify 1. The second argument specifies how many samples we want to receive per second.

Next, PDM.setGain() is used to configure the gain, which defines how much the microphone’s audio should be amplified. We specify a gain of 20, which was chosen after some experimentation.

Finally, we loop until g_latest_audio_timestamp evaluates to true. Because it starts at 0, this has the effect of blocking execution until some audio has been captured by the callback, since at that point g_latest_audio_timestamp will have a nonzero value.

The two functions we’ve just explored allow us to initiate the process of capturing audio and to store the captured audio in a buffer. The next function, GetAudioSamples(), provides a mechanism for other parts of our code (namely, the feature provider) to obtain audio data:

TfLiteStatus GetAudioSamples(tflite::ErrorReporter* error_reporter,
                             int start_ms, int duration_ms,
                             int* audio_samples_size, int16_t** audio_samples) {
  // Set everything up to start receiving audio
  if (!g_is_audio_initialized) {
    TfLiteStatus init_status = InitAudioRecording(error_reporter);
    if (init_status != kTfLiteOk) {
      return init_status;
    g_is_audio_initialized = true;

The function is called with an ErrorReporter for writing logs, two variables that specify what audio we’re requesting (start_ms and duration_ms), and two pointers used to pass back the audio data (audio_samples_size and audio_samples). The first part of the function calls InitAudioRecording(). As we saw earlier, this blocks execution until the first samples of audio have arrived. We use the variable g_is_audio_initialized to ensure this setup code runs only once.

After this point, we can assume that there’s some audio stored in the capture buffer. Our task is to figure out where in the buffer the correct audio data is located. To do this, we first determine the index in the history of all samples of the first sample that we want:

const int start_offset = start_ms * (kAudioSampleFrequency / 1000);

Next, we determine the total number of samples that we want to grab:

const int duration_sample_count =
    duration_ms * (kAudioSampleFrequency / 1000);

Now that we have this information, we can figure out where in our audio capture buffer to read. We’ll read the data in a loop:

for (int i = 0; i < duration_sample_count; ++i) {
  // For each sample, transform its index in the history of all samples into
  // its index in g_audio_capture_buffer
  const int capture_index = (start_offset + i) % kAudioCaptureBufferSize;
  // Write the sample to the output buffer
  g_audio_output_buffer[i] = g_audio_capture_buffer[capture_index];

Earlier, we saw how we can use the modulo operator to find the correct position within a buffer that only has enough space to hold the most recent samples. Here we use the same technique again—if we divide the current index within the history of all samples by the size of the audio capture buffer, kAudioCaptureBufferSize, the remainder will indicate that data’s position within the buffer. We can then use a simple assignment to read the data from the capture buffer to the output buffer.

Next, to get data out of this function, we use two pointers that were supplied as arguments. These are audio_samples_size, which points to the number of audio samples, and audio_samples, which points to the output buffer:

  // Set pointers to provide access to the audio
  *audio_samples_size = kMaxAudioSampleSize;
  *audio_samples = g_audio_output_buffer;

  return kTfLiteOk;

We end the function by returning kTfLiteOk, letting the caller know that the operation was successful.

Then, in the final part, we define LatestAudioTimestamp():

int32_t LatestAudioTimestamp() { return g_latest_audio_timestamp; }

Since this always returns the timestamp of the most recent audio, it can be checked in a loop by other parts of our code to determine if new audio data has arrived.

That’s all for our audio provider! We’ve now ensured that our feature provider has a steady supply of fresh audio samples.

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