Part II. Dynamic Reteaming Patterns

Dynamic reteaming involves structural changes to your teams, as well as tactics for humans to transition over to the changes. These structural changes, if you pay close attention to them in particular, show up as regular base patterns. These patterns will be illuminated and explored in this section through industry stories and a weaving of tactics.

From my research, I derived five main dynamic reteaming patterns, which are as follows:

  1. One by one

  2. Grow and split

  3. Isolation

  4. Merging

  5. Switching

While reteaming follows these base patterns, teams also change for a variety of reasons: for company growth; for the work; for learning, fullfilment, and sustainablity; for the code; and to liberate people from undesirable situations. This part of the book is organized by the patterns, but I’ll also show that specific patterns work well when reteaming for some of the reasons I just listed. Let’s get started, then, with the one-by-one pattern.

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