
Optimizing is rarely the first thing you think about when developing, but there always comes a time when optimizing for better performance will be appropriate. That’s not to say you should write a program with the idea that it will be slow, but thinking about optimization without first figuring out the right tools to use and doing the proper profiling is a waste of time. As Donald Knuth wrote, “Premature optimization is the root of all evil.”1

Here, I’ll show you how to use the right approach to write fast code and where to look when more optimization is needed. Many developers try to guess where Python might be slower or faster. Rather than speculating, this chapter will help you understand how to profile your application so you’ll know what part of your program is slowing things down and where the bottlenecks are.

Data Structures

Most programming problems can be solved in an elegant and simple manner with the right data structures—and Python provides many data structures to choose from. Learning to leverage those existing data structures results in cleaner and more stable solutions than coding custom data structures.

For example, everybody uses dict, but how many times have you seen code trying to access a dictionary by catching the KeyError exception, as shown here:

def get_fruits(basket, fruit):
        return basket[fruit]
    except KeyError:
        return None

Or by checking whether the key is present first:

def get_fruits(basket, fruit):
    if fruit in basket:
        return basket[fruit]

If you use the get() method already provided by the dict class, you can avoid having to catch an exception or checking the key’s presence in the first place:

def get_fruits(basket, fruit):
    return basket.get(fruit)

The method dict.get() can also return a default value instead of None; just call it with a second argument:

def get_fruits(basket, fruit):
    # Return the fruit, or Banana if the fruit cannot be found.
    return basket.get(fruit, Banana())

Many developers are guilty of using basic Python data structures without being aware of all the methods they provide. This is also true for sets; methods in set data structures can solve many problems that would otherwise need to be addressed by writing nested for/if blocks. For example, developers often use for/if loops to determine whether an item is in a list, like this:

def has_invalid_fields(fields):
    for field in fields:
        if field not in ['foo', 'bar']:
            return True
    return False

The loop iterates over each item in the list and checks that all items are either foo or bar. But you can write this more efficiently, removing the need for a loop:

def has_invalid_fields(fields):
    return bool(set(fields) - set(['foo', 'bar']))

This changes the code to convert the fields to a set, and it gets the rest of the set by subtracting the set(['foo', 'bar']). It then converts the set to a Boolean value, which indicates whether any items that aren’t foo and bar are left over. By using sets, there is no need to iterate over any list and to check items one by one. A single operation on two sets, done internally by Python, is faster.

Python also has more advanced data structures that can greatly reduce the burden of code maintenance. For example, take a look at Listing 10-1.

def add_animal_in_family(species, animal, family):
    if family not in species:
        species[family] = set()

species = {}
add_animal_in_family(species, 'cat', 'felidea')

Listing 10-1: Adding an entry in a dictionary of sets

This code is perfectly valid, but how many times will your programs require a variation of Listing 10-1? Tens? Hundreds?

Python provides the collections.defaultdict structure, which solves the problem in an elegant way:

import collections

def add_animal_in_family(species, animal, family):

species = collections.defaultdict(set)
add_animal_in_family(species, 'cat', 'felidea')

Each time you try to access a nonexistent item from your dict, the defaultdict will use the function that was passed as argument to its constructor to build a new value, instead of raising a KeyError. In this case, the set() function is used to build a new set each time we need it.

The collections module offers a few more data structures that you can use to solve other kinds of problems. For example, imagine that you want to count the number of distinct items in an iterable. Let’s take a look at the collections.Counter() method, which provides methods that solve this problem:

>>> import collections
>>> c = collections.Counter("Premature optimization is the root of all evil.")
>>> c
>>> c['P']  # Returns the name of occurrence of the letter 'P'
>>> c['e']  # Returns the name of occurrence of the letter 'e'
>>> c.most_common(2)  # Returns the 2 most common letters
[(' ', 7), ('i', 5)]

The collections.Counter object works with any iterable that has hashable items, removing the need to write your own counting functions. It can easily count the number of letters in a string and return the top n most common items of an iterable. You might have tried to implement something like this on your own if you were not aware it was already provided by Python’s Standard Library.

With the right data structure, the correct methods, and—obviously—an adequate algorithm, your program should perform well. However, if it is not performing well enough, the best way to get clues about where it might be slow and need optimization is to profile your code.

Understanding Behavior Through Profiling

Profiling is a form of dynamic program analysis that allows us to understand how a program behaves. It allows us to determine where there might be bottlenecks and a need for optimization. A profile of a program takes the form of a set of statistics that describe how often parts of the program execute and for how long.

Python provides a few tools for profiling your program. One, cProfile, is part of the Python Standard Library and does not require installation. We’ll also look at the dis module, which can disassemble Python code into smaller parts, making it easier to understand what is happening under the hood.


Python has included cProfile by default since Python 2.5. To use cProfile, call it with your program using the syntax python –m cProfile <program>. This should load and enable the cProfile module, then run the regular program with instrumentation enabled, as shown in Listing 10-2.

$ python -m cProfile myscript.py
         343 function calls (342 primitive calls) in 0.000 seconds

   Ordered by: standard name
   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 :0(_getframe)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 :0(len)
      104    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 :0(setattr)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 :0(setprofile)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 :0(startswith)
      2/1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <string>:1(<module>)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 StringIO.py:30(<module>)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 StringIO.py:42(StringIO)

Listing 10-2: Default output of cProfile used against a Python script

Listing 10-2 shows the output of running a simple script with cProfile. This tells you the number of times each function in the program was called and the time spent on its execution. You can also use the -s option to sort by other fields; for example, -s time would sort the results by internal time.

We can visualize the information generated by cProfile using a great tool called KCacheGrind. This tool was created to deal with programs written in C, but luckily we can use it with Python data by converting the data to a call tree.

The cProfile module has an -o option that allows you to save the profiling data, and pyprof2calltree can convert data from one format to the other. First, install the converter with the following:

$ pip install pyprof2calltree

Then run the converter as shown in Listing 10-3 to both convert the data (-i option) and run KCacheGrind with the converted data (-k option).

$ python -m cProfile -o myscript.cprof myscript.py
$ pyprof2calltree -k -i myscript.cprof

Listing 10-3: Running cProfile and launching KCacheGrind

Once KCacheGrind opens, it will display information that looks like that in Figure 10-1. With these visual results, you can use the call graph to follow the percentage of time spent in each function, allowing you to determine what part of your program might be consuming too many resources.

The easiest way to read KCacheGrind is to start with the table on the left of the screen, which lists all the functions and methods executed by your program. You can sort these by execution time, then identify the one that consumes the most CPU time and click on it.

The right panels of KCacheGrind can show you which functions have called that function and how many times, as well as which other functions are being called by the function. The call graph of your program, including the execution time of each part, is easy to navigate.

This should allow you to better understand which parts of your code might need optimization. The way to optimize the code is up to you and depends on what your program is trying to achieve!


Figure 10-1: Example of KCacheGrind output

While retrieving information about how your program runs and visualizing it works well to get a macroscopic view of your program, you might need a more microscopic view of some parts of the code to inspect its elements more closely. In such a case, I find it better to rely on the dis module to find out what’s going on behind the scenes.

Disassembling with the dis Module

The dis module is a disassembler of Python bytecode. Taking code apart can be useful to understand what’s going on behind each line so you can properly optimize it. For example, Listing 10-4 shows the dis.dis() function, which disassembles whichever function you pass as a parameter and prints the list of bytecode instructions that are run by the function.

>>> def x():
...     return 42
>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(x)
  2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 (42)
              3 RETURN_VALUE

Listing 10-4: Disassembling a function

In Listing 10-4, the function x is disassembled and its constituents, made of bytecode instructions, are printed. There are only two operations here: loading a constant (LOAD_CONST), which is 42, and returning that value (RETURN_VALUE).

To see dis in action and how it can be useful, we’ll define two functions that do the same thing—concatenate three letters—and disassemble them to see how they do their tasks in different ways:

abc = ('a', 'b', 'c')

def concat_a_1():
    for letter in abc:
            abc[0] + letter

def concat_a_2():
    a = abc[0]
    for letter in abc:
            a + letter

Both functions appear to do the same thing, but if we disassemble them using dis.dis, as shown in Listing 10-5, we’ll see that the generated bytecode is a bit different.

>>> dis.dis(concat_a_1)
  2           0 SETUP_LOOP              26 (to 29)
              3 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (abc)
              6 GET_ITER
        >>    7 FOR_ITER                18 (to 28)
             10 STORE_FAST               0 (letter)

  3          13 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (abc)
             16 LOAD_CONST               1 (0)
             19 BINARY_SUBSCR
             20 LOAD_FAST                0 (letter)
             23 BINARY_ADD
             24 POP_TOP
             25 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            7
        >>   28 POP_BLOCK
        >>   29 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             32 RETURN_VALUE
>>> dis.dis(concat_a_2)
  2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (abc)
              3 LOAD_CONST               1 (0)
              6 BINARY_SUBSCR
              7 STORE_FAST               0 (a)

  3          10 SETUP_LOOP              22 (to 35)
             13 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (abc)
             16 GET_ITER
        >>   17 FOR_ITER                14 (to 34)
             20 STORE_FAST               1 (letter)

  4          23 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
             26 LOAD_FAST                1 (letter)
             29 BINARY_ADD
             30 POP_TOP
             31 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           17
        >>   34 POP_BLOCK
        >>   35 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             38 RETURN_VALUE

Listing 10-5: Disassembling functions that concatenate strings

In the second function in Listing 10-5, we store abc[0] in a temporary variable before running the loop. This makes the bytecode that’s executed inside the loop a little smaller than the bytecode for the first function, as we avoid having to do the abc[0] lookup for each iteration. Measured using timeit, the second version is 10 percent faster than the first function; it takes a whole microsecond less to execute! Obviously this microsecond is not worth optimizing for unless you call this function billions of times, but this is the kind of insight that the dis module can provide.

Whether you rely on “tricks” such as storing the value outside the loop depends on the situation—ultimately, it should be the compiler’s work to optimize this kind of thing. On the other hand, it’s difficult for the compiler to be sure that optimization wouldn’t have negative side effects because Python is heavily dynamic. In Listing 10-5, using abc[0] will call abc.__getitem__, which could have side effects if it has been overridden by inheritance. Depending on the version of the function you use, the abc.__getitem__ method will be called once or several times, which might make a difference. Therefore, be careful when writing and optimizing your code!

Defining Functions Efficiently

One common mistake I have found when reviewing code is definitions of functions within functions. This is inefficient because the function is then redefined repeatedly and needlessly. For example, Listing 10-6 shows the y() function being defined multiple times.

>> import dis
>>> def x():
...     return 42
>>> dis.dis(x)
  2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 (42)
              3 RETURN_VALUE
>>> def x():
...     def y():
...             return 42
...     return y()
>>> dis.dis(x)
  2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 (<code object y at
x100ce7e30, file "<stdin>", line 2>)
              3 MAKE_FUNCTION            0
              6 STORE_FAST               0 (y)
  4           9 LOAD_FAST                0 (y)
             12 CALL_FUNCTION            0
             15 RETURN_VALUE

Listing 10-6: Function redefinition

Listing 10-6 shows the calling of MAKE_FUNCTION, STORE_FAST, LOAD_FAST, and CALL_FUNCTION, which requires many more opcodes than those needed to return 42, as seen in Listing 10-4.

The only case in which you’d need to define a function within a function is when building a function closure, and this is a perfectly identified use case in Python’s opcodes with LOAD_CLOSURE, as shown in Listing 10-7.

>>> def x():
...     a = 42
...     def y():
...             return a
...     return y()
>>> dis.dis(x)
  2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 (42)
              3 STORE_DEREF              0 (a)

  3           6 LOAD_CLOSURE             0 (a)
              9 BUILD_TUPLE              1
             12 LOAD_CONST               2 (<code object y at
x100d139b0, file "<stdin>", line 3>)
             15 MAKE_CLOSURE             0
             18 STORE_FAST               0 (y)

  5          21 LOAD_FAST                0 (y)
             24 CALL_FUNCTION            0
             27 RETURN_VALUE

Listing 10-7: Defining a closure

While you probably won’t need to use it every day, disassembling code is a handy tool for when you want a closer look at what happens under the hood.

Ordered Lists and bisect

Next, let’s look at optimizing lists. If a list is unsorted, the worst-case scenario for finding a particular item’s position in the list has a complexity of O(n), meaning that in the worst case, you’ll find your item after iterating over every item of the list.

The usual solution for optimizing this problem is to use a sorted list instead. Sorted lists use a bisecting algorithm for lookup to achieve a retrieve time of O(log n). The idea is to recursively split the list in half and look on which side, left or right, the item must appear in and so which side should be searched next.

Python provides the bisect module, which contains a bisection algorithm, as shown in Listing 10-8.

>>> farm = sorted(['haystack', 'needle', 'cow', 'pig'])
>>> bisect.bisect(farm, 'needle')
>>> bisect.bisect_left(farm, 'needle')
>>> bisect.bisect(farm, 'chicken')
>>> bisect.bisect_left(farm, 'chicken')
>>> bisect.bisect(farm, 'eggs')
>>> bisect.bisect_left(farm, 'eggs')

Listing 10-8: Using bisect to find a needle in a haystack

As shown in Listing 10-8, the bisect.bisect() function returns the position where an element should be inserted to keep the list sorted. Obviously, this only works if the list is properly sorted to begin with. Initial sorting allows to us get the theoretical index of an item: bisect() does not return whether the item is in the list but where the item should be if it is in the list. Retrieving the item at this index will answer the question about whether the item is in the list.

If you wish to insert the element into the correct sorted position immediately, the bisect module provides the insort_left() and insort_right() functions, as shown in Listing 10-9.

>>> farm
['cow', 'haystack', 'needle', 'pig']
>>> bisect.insort(farm, 'eggs')
>>> farm
['cow', 'eggs', 'haystack', 'needle', 'pig']
>>> bisect.insort(farm, 'turkey')
>>> farm
['cow', 'eggs', 'haystack', 'needle', 'pig', 'turkey']

Listing 10-9: Inserting an item in a sorted list

Using the bisect module, you could also create a special SortedList class inheriting from list to create a list that is always sorted, as shown in Listing 10-10:

import bisect
import unittest

class SortedList(list):
    def __init__(self, iterable):
        super(SortedList, self).__init__(sorted(iterable))

    def insort(self, item):
        bisect.insort(self, item)
    def extend(self, other):
        for item in other:

    def append(o):
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot append to a sorted list")

    def index(self, value, start=None, stop=None):
        place = bisect.bisect_left(self[start:stop], value)
        if start:
            place += start
        end = stop or len(self)
        if place < end and self[place] == value:
            return place
        raise ValueError("%s is not in list" % value)

class TestSortedList(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.mylist = SortedList(
            ['a', 'c', 'd', 'x', 'f', 'g', 'w']

    def test_sorted_init(self):
        self.assertEqual(sorted(['a', 'c', 'd', 'x', 'f', 'g', 'w']),

    def test_sorted_insort(self):
        self.assertEqual(['a', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'w', 'x', 'z'],
        self.assertEqual(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'w', 'x', 'z'],

    def test_index(self):
        self.assertEqual(0, self.mylist.index('a'))
        self.assertEqual(1, self.mylist.index('c'))
        self.assertEqual(5, self.mylist.index('w'))
        self.assertEqual(0, self.mylist.index('a', stop=0))
        self.assertEqual(0, self.mylist.index('a', stop=2))
        self.assertEqual(0, self.mylist.index('a', stop=20))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.mylist.index, 'w', stop=3)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.mylist.index, 'a', start=3)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.mylist.index, 'a', start=333)

    def test_extend(self):
        self.mylist.extend(['b', 'h', 'j', 'c'])
            ['a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'w', 'x']

Listing 10-10: A SortedList object implementation

Using a list class like this is slightly slower when it comes to inserting the item, because the program has to look for the right spot to insert it. However, this class is faster at using the index() method than its parent. Obviously, one shouldn’t use the list.append() method on this class: you can’t append an item at the end of the list or it could end up unsorted!

Many Python libraries implement various versions of Listing 10-10 for many more data types, such as binary or red-black tree structures. The blist and bintree Python packages contain code that can be used for these purposes and are a handy alternative to implementing and debugging your own version.

In the next section, we’ll see how the native tuple data type provided by Python can be leveraged to make your Python code a little faster.

namedtuple and Slots

Often in programming, you’ll need to create simple objects that possess only a few fixed attributes. A simple implementation might be something along these lines:

class Point(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

This definitely gets the job done. However, there is a downside to this approach. Here we’re creating a class that inherits from the object class, so by using this Point class, you are instantiating full objects and allocating a lot of memory.

In Python, regular objects store all of their attributes inside a dictionary, and this dictionary is itself stored in the __dict__ attribute, as shown in Listing 10-11.

>>> p = Point(1, 2)
>>> p.__dict__
{'y': 2, 'x': 1}
>>> p.z = 42
>>> p.z
>>> p.__dict__
{'y': 2, 'x': 1, 'z': 42}

Listing 10-11: How attributes are stored internally in a Python object

For Python, the advantage of using a dict is that it allows you to add as many attributes as you want to an object. The drawback is that using a dictionary to store these attributes is expensive in terms of memory—you need to store the object, the keys, the value references, and everything else. That makes it slow to create and slow to manipulate, with a high memory cost.

As an example of this unnecessary memory usage, consider the following simple class:

class Foobar(object):
    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = x

This creates a simple Point object with a single attribute named x. Let’s check the memory usage of this class using the memory_profiler, a nice Python package that allows us to see the memory usage of a program line by line, and a small script that creates 100,000 objects, as shown in Listing 10-12.

$ python -m memory_profiler object.py
Filename: object.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
     5                             @profile
     6     9.879 MB     0.000 MB   def main():
     7    50.289 MB    40.410 MB       f = [ Foobar(42) for i in range(100000) ]

Listing 10-12: Using memory_profiler on a script using objects

Listing 10-12 demonstrates that creating 100,000 of the objects of the Foobar class would consume 40MB of memory. Although 400 bytes per object might not sound that big, when you are creating thousands of objects, the memory adds up.

There is a way to use objects while avoiding this default behavior of dict: classes in Python can define a __slots__ attribute that will list only the attributes allowed for instances of this class. Instead of allocating a whole dictionary object to store the object attributes, you can use a list object to store them.

If you go through CPython source code and take a look at the Objects/typeobject.c file, it is quite easy to understand what Python does when __slots__ is set on a class. Listing 10-13 is an abbreviated version of the function that handles this:

static PyObject *
type_new(PyTypeObject *metatype, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
    /* Check for a __slots__ sequence variable in dict, and count it */
    slots = _PyDict_GetItemId(dict, &PyId___slots__);
    nslots = 0;
    if (slots == NULL) {
        if (may_add_dict)
        if (may_add_weak)
    else {
        /* Have slots */
        /* Make it into a tuple */
        if (PyUnicode_Check(slots))
            slots = PyTuple_Pack(1, slots);
            slots = PySequence_Tuple(slots);
        /* Are slots allowed? */
        nslots = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(slots);
        if (nslots > 0 && base->tp_itemsize != 0) {
                         "nonempty __slots__ "
                         "not supported for subtype of '%s'",
            goto error;
        /* Copy slots into a list, mangle names and sort them.
           Sorted names are needed for __class__ assignment.
           Convert them back to tuple at the end.
        newslots = PyList_New(nslots - add_dict - add_weak);
        if (newslots == NULL)
            goto error;
        if (PyList_Sort(newslots) == -1) {
            goto error;
        slots = PyList_AsTuple(newslots);
        if (slots == NULL)
            goto error;
    /* Allocate the type object */
    type = (PyTypeObject *)metatype->tp_alloc(metatype, nslots);
    /* Keep name and slots alive in the extended type object */
    et = (PyHeapTypeObject *)type;
    et->ht_name = name;
    et->ht_slots = slots;
    slots = NULL;
    return (PyObject *)type;

Listing 10-13: An extract from Objects/typeobject.c

As you can see in Listing 10-13, Python converts the content of __slots__ into a tuple and then into a list, which it builds and sorts before converting the list back into a tuple to use and store in the class. In this way, Python can retrieve the values quickly, without having to allocate and use an entire dictionary.

It’s easy enough to declare and use such a class. All you need to do is to set the __slots__ attribute to a list of the attributes that will be defined in the class:

class Foobar(object):
    __slots__ = ('x',)

    def __init__(self, x):
        self.x = x

We can compare the memory usage of the two approaches using the memory_profiler Python package, as shown in Listing 10-14.

% python -m memory_profiler slots.py
Filename: slots.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
     7                             @profile
     8     9.879 MB     0.000 MB   def main():
     9    21.609 MB    11.730 MB       f = [ Foobar(42) for i in range(100000) ]

Listing 10-14: Running memory_profiler on the script using __slots__

Listing 10-14 shows that this time, less than 12MB of memory was needed to create 100,000 objects—or fewer than 120 bytes per object. Thus, by using the __slots__ attribute of Python classes, we can reduce memory usage, so when we are creating a large number of simple objects, the __slots__ attribute is an effective and efficient choice. However, this technique shouldn’t be used for performing static typing by hardcoding the list of attributes of every class: doing so wouldn’t be in the spirit of Python programs.

The drawback here is that the list of attributes is now fixed. No new attribute can be added to the Foobar class at runtime. Due to the fixed nature of the attribute list, it’s easy enough to imagine classes where the attributes listed would always have a value and where the fields would always be sorted in some way.

This is exactly what occurs in the namedtuple class from the collection module. This namedtuple class allows us to dynamically create a class that will inherit from the tuple class, thus sharing characteristics such as being immutable and having a fixed number of entries.

Rather than having to reference them by index, namedtuple provides the ability to retrieve tuple elements by referencing a named attribute. This makes the tuple easier to access for humans, as shown in Listing 10-15.

>>> import collections
>>> Foobar = collections.namedtuple('Foobar', ['x'])
>>> Foobar = collections.namedtuple('Foobar', ['x', 'y'])
>>> Foobar(42, 43)
Foobar(x=42, y=43)
>>> Foobar(42, 43).x
>>> Foobar(42, 43).x = 44
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: can't set attribute
>>> Foobar(42, 43).z = 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Foobar' object has no attribute 'z'
>>> list(Foobar(42, 43))
[42, 43]

Listing 10-15: Using namedtuple to reference tuple elements

Listing 10-15 shows how you can create a simple class with just one line of code and then instantiate it. We can’t change any attributes of objects of this class or add attributes to them, both because the class inherits from namedtuple and because the __slots__ value is set to an empty tuple, avoiding the creation of the __dict__. Since a class like this would inherit from tuple, we can easily convert it to a list.

Listing 10-16 demonstrates the memory usage of the namedtuple class factory.

% python -m memory_profiler namedtuple.py
Filename: namedtuple.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
     4                             @profile
     5     9.895 MB     0.000 MB   def main():
     6    23.184 MB    13.289 MB       f = [ Foobar(42) for i in range(100000) ]

Listing 10-16: Using namedtuple to run memory_profiler on a script

At around 13MB for 100,000 objects, using namedtuple is slightly less efficient than using an object with __slots__, but the bonus is that it is compatible with the tuple class. It can therefore be passed to many native Python functions and libraries that expect an iterable as an argument. A namedtuple class factory also enjoys the various optimizations that exist for tuples: for example, tuples with fewer items than PyTuple_MAXSAVESIZE (20 by default) will use a faster memory allocator in CPython.

The namedtuple class also provides a few extra methods that, even if prefixed by an underscore, are actually intended to be public. The _asdict() method can convert the namedtuple to a dict instance, the _make() method allows you to convert an existing iterable object to this class, and _replace() returns a new instance of the object with some fields replaced.

Named tuples are a great replacement for small objects that consists of only a few attributes and do not require any custom methods—consider using them rather than dictionaries, for example. If your data type needs methods, has a fixed list of attributes, and might be instantiated thousands of times, then creating a custom class using __slots__ might be a good idea to save some memory.


Memoization is an optimization technique used to speed up function calls by caching their results. The results of a function can be cached only if the function is pure, meaning that it has no side effects and does not depend on any global state. (See Chapter 8 for more on pure functions.)

One trivial function that can be memoized is sin(), shown in Listing 10-17.

>>> import math
>>> def memoized_sin(x):
...    if x not in _SIN_MEMOIZED_VALUES:
...        _SIN_MEMOIZED_VALUES[x] = math.sin(x)
...    return _SIN_MEMOIZED_VALUES[x]
>>> memoized_sin(1)
{1: 0.8414709848078965}
>>> memoized_sin(2)
>>> memoized_sin(2)
{1: 0.8414709848078965, 2: 0.9092974268256817}
>>> memoized_sin(1)
{1: 0.8414709848078965, 2: 0.9092974268256817}

Listing 10-17: A memoized sin() function

In Listing 10-17, the first time that memoized_sin() is called with an argument that is not stored in _SIN_MEMOIZED_VALUES, the value is computed and stored in this dictionary. If we call the function with the same value again, the result will be retrieved from the dictionary rather than recomputed. While sin() computes very quickly, some advanced functions involving more complicated computations may take longer, and this is where memoization really shines.

If you’ve already read about decorators (if not, see “Decorators and When to Use Them” on page 100), you might see a perfect opportunity to use them here, and you’d be right. PyPI lists a few implementations of memoization through decorators, from very simple cases to the most complex and complete.

Starting with Python 3.3, the functools module provides a least recently used (LRU) cache decorator. This provides the same functionality as memoization, but with the benefit that it limits the number of entries in the cache, removing the least recently used one when the cache reaches its maximum size. The module also provides statistics on cache hits and misses (whether something was in the accessed cache or not), among other data. In my opinion, these statistics are must-haves when implementing such a cache. The strength of using memoization, or any caching technique, is in the ability to meter its usage and usefulness.

Listing 10-18 demonstrates how to use the functools.lru_cache() method to implement the memoization of a function. When decorated, the function gets a cache_info() method that can be called to get statistics about the cache usage.

>>> import functools
>>> import math
>>> @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=2)
... def memoized_sin(x):
...     return math.sin(x)
>>> memoized_sin(2)
>>> memoized_sin.cache_info()
CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=1, maxsize=2, currsize=1)
>>> memoized_sin(2)
>>> memoized_sin.cache_info()
CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=1, maxsize=2, currsize=1)
>>> memoized_sin(3)
>>> memoized_sin.cache_info()
CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=2, maxsize=2, currsize=2)
>>> memoized_sin(4)
>>> memoized_sin.cache_info()
CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=3, maxsize=2, currsize=2)
>>> memoized_sin(3)
>>> memoized_sin.cache_info()
CacheInfo(hits=2, misses=3, maxsize=2, currsize=2)
>>> memoized_sin.cache_clear()
>>> memoized_sin.cache_info()
CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=0, maxsize=2, currsize=0)

Listing 10-18: Inspecting cache statistics

Listing 10-18 demonstrates how your cache is being used and how to tell whether there are optimizations to be made. For example, if the number of misses is high when the cache is not full, then the cache may be useless because the arguments passed to the function are never identical. This will help determine what should or should not be memoized!

Faster Python with PyPy

PyPy is an efficient implementation of the Python language that complies with standards: you should be able to run any Python program with it. Indeed, the canonical implementation of Python, CPython—so called because it’s written in C—can be very slow. The idea behind PyPy was to write a Python interpreter in Python itself. In time, it evolved to be written in RPython, which is a restricted subset of the Python language.

RPython places constraints on the Python language such that a variable’s type can be inferred at compile time. The RPython code is translated into C code, which is compiled to build the interpreter. RPython could of course be used to implement languages other than Python.

What’s interesting in PyPy, besides the technical challenge, is that it is now at a stage where it can act as a faster replacement for CPython. PyPy has a just-in-time (JIT) compiler built-in; in other words, it allows the code to run faster by combining the speed of compiled code with the flexibility of interpretation.

How fast? That depends, but for pure algorithmic code, it is much faster. For more general code, PyPy claims to achieve three times the speed of CPython most of the time. Unfortunately, PyPy also has some of the limitations of CPython, including the global interpreter lock (GIL), which allows only one thread to execute at a time.

Though it’s not strictly an optimization technique, targeting PyPy as one of your supported Python implementations might be a good idea. To make PyPy a support implementation, you need to make sure that you are testing your software under PyPy as you would under CPython. In Chapter 6, we discussed tox (see “Using virtualenv with tox” on page 92), which supports the building of virtual environments using PyPy, just as it does for any version of CPython, so putting PyPy support in place should be pretty straightforward.

Testing PyPy support right at the beginning of the project will ensure that there’s not too much work to do at a later stage if you decide that you want to be able to run your software with PyPy.


For the Hy project discussed in Chapter 9, we successfully adopted this strategy from the beginning. Hy always has supported PyPy and all other CPython versions without much trouble. On the other hand, OpenStack failed to do so for its projects and, as a result, is now blocked by various code paths and dependencies that don’t work on PyPy for various reasons; they weren’t required to be fully tested in the early stages.

PyPy is compatible with Python 2.7 and Python 3.5, and its JIT compiler works on 32- and 64-bit, x86, and ARM architectures and under various operating systems (Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X). PyPy often lags behind CPython in features, but it regularly catches up. Unless your project is reliant on the latest CPython features, this lag might not be a problem.

Achieving Zero Copy with the Buffer Protocol

Often programs have to deal with huge amounts of data in the form of large arrays of bytes. Handling such a large quantity of input in strings can be very ineffective once you start manipulating the data by copying, slicing, and modifying it.

Let’s consider a small program that reads a large file of binary data and copies it partially into another file. To examine the memory usage of this program, we will use memory_profiler, as we did earlier. The script to partially copy the file is shown in Listing 10-19.

def read_random():
    with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as source:
        content = source.read(1024 * 10000)
        content_to_write = content[1024:]
    print("Content length: %d, content to write length %d" %
          (len(content), len(content_to_write)))
    with open("/dev/null", "wb") as target:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Listing 10-19: Partially copying a file

Running the program in Listing 10-19 using memory_profiler produces the output shown in Listing 10-20.

$ python -m memory_profiler memoryview/copy.py
Content length: 10240000, content to write length 10238976
Filename: memoryview/copy.py

Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
 9.883 MB     0.000 MB   def read_random():
 9.887 MB     0.004 MB       with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as source:
19.656 MB     9.770 MB           content = source.read(1024 * 10000)
29.422 MB     9.766 MB           content_to_write = content[1024:]
29.422 MB     0.000 MB       print("Content length: %d, content to write length %d" %
29.434 MB     0.012 MB             (len(content), len(content_to_write)))
29.434 MB     0.000 MB       with open("/dev/null", "wb") as target:
29.434 MB     0.000 MB           target.write(content_to_write)

Listing 10-20: Memory profiling of partial file copy

According to the output, the program reads 10MB from _/dev/urandom . Python needs to allocate around 10MB of memory to store this data as a string. It then copies the entire block of data, minus the first KB .

What’s interesting in Listing 10-20 is that the program’s memory usage is increased by about 10MB when building the variable content_to_write. In fact, the slice operator is copying the entirety of content, minus the first KB, into a new string object, allocating a large chunk of the 10MB.

Performing this kind of operation on large byte arrays is going to be a disaster since large pieces of memory will be allocated and copied. If you have experience writing in C code, you know that using the memcpy() function has a significant cost in terms of both memory usage and general performance.

But as a C programmer, you’ll also know that strings are arrays of characters and that nothing stops you from looking at only part of an array without copying it. You can do this through the use of basic pointer arithmetic, assuming that the entire string is in a contiguous memory area.

This is also possible in Python using objects that implement the buffer protocol. The buffer protocol is defined in PEP 3118, as a C API that needs to be implemented on various types for them to provide this protocol. The string class, for example, implements this protocol.

When you implement this protocol on an object, you can then use the memoryview class constructor to build a new memoryview object that will reference the original object memory. For example, Listing 10-21 shows how to use memoryview to access slice of a string without doing any copying:

   >>> s = b"abcdefgh"
   >>> view = memoryview(s)
   >>> view[1]
98 <1>
   >>> limited = view[1:3]
   >>> limited
   <memory at 0x7fca18b8d460>
   >>> bytes(view[1:3])

Listing 10-21: Using memoryview to avoid copying data

At , you find the ASCII code for the letter b. In Listing 10-21, we are making use of the fact that the memoryview object’s slice operator itself returns a memoryview object. That means it does not copy any data but merely references a particular slice of it, saving the memory that would be used by a copy. Figure 10-2 illustrates what happens in Listing 10-21.


Figure 10-2: Using slice on memoryview objects

We can rewrite the program from Listing 10-19, this time referencing the data we want to write using a memoryview object rather than allocating a new string.

def read_random():
    with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as source:
        content = source.read(1024 * 10000)
        content_to_write = memoryview(content)[1024:]
    print("Content length: %d, content to write length %d" %
          (len(content), len(content_to_write)))
    with open("/dev/null", "wb") as target:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Listing 10-22: Partially copying a file using memoryview

The program in Listing 10-22 uses half the memory of the first version in Listing 10-19. We can see this by testing it with memory_profiler again, like so:

$ python -m memory_profiler memoryview/copy-memoryview.py
Content length: 10240000, content to write length 10238976
Filename: memoryview/copy-memoryview.py

Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
 9.887 MB     0.000 MB   def read_random():
 9.891 MB     0.004 MB      with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as source:
19.660 MB     9.770 MB         content = source.read(1024 * 10000)
19.660 MB     0.000 MB           content_to_write = memoryview(content)[1024:]
19.660 MB     0.000 MB       print("Content length: %d, content to write length %d" %
19.672 MB     0.012 MB             (len(content), len(content_to_write)))
19.672 MB     0.000 MB       with open("/dev/null", "wb") as target:
19.672 MB     0.000 MB           target.write(content_to_write)

These results show that we are reading 10,000KB from /dev/urandom and not doing much with it . Python needs to allocate 9.77MB of memory to store this data as a string .

We reference the entire block of data minus the first KB, because we won’t be writing that first KB to the target file. Because we aren’t copying, no more memory is used!

This kind of trick is especially useful when dealing with sockets. When sending data over a socket, it’s possible that the data might split between calls rather than be sent in a single call: the socket.send methods return the actual data length that was able to be sent by the network, which might be smaller than the data that was intended to be sent. Listing 10-23 shows how the situation is usually handled.

   import socket
   s = socket.socket(...)
data = b"a" * (1024 * 100000) <1>
   while data:
       sent = s.send(data)
     data = data[sent:] <2>

Listing 10-23: Sending data over a socket

First, we build a bytes object that contains the letter a more than 100 million times . Then we remove the first sent bytes .

Using a mechanism that implemented in Listing 10-23, a program will copy the data over and over until the socket has sent everything.

We can alter the program in Listing 10-23 to use memoryview to achieve the same functionality with zero copying, and therefore higher performance, as shown in Listing 10-24.

   import socket
   s = socket.socket(...)
data = b"a" * (1024 * 100000) <1>
   mv = memoryview(data)
   while mv:
       sent = s.send(mv)
     mv = mv[sent:] <2>

Listing 10-24: Sending data over a socket using memoryview

First, we build a bytes object that contains the letter a more than 100 million times . Then, we build a new memoryview object pointing to the data that remains to be sent, rather than copying that data . This program won’t copy anything, so it won’t use any more memory than the 100MB initially needed for the data variable.

We’ve seen how memoryview objects can be used to write data efficiently, and this same method can be used to read data. Most I/O operations in Python know how to deal with objects implementing the buffer protocol: they can read from those, and also write to those. In this case, we don’t need memoryview objects; we can just ask an I/O function to write into our preallocated object, as shown in Listing 10-25.

>>> ba = bytearray(8)
>>> ba
>>> with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as source:
...     source.readinto(ba)
>>> ba

Listing 10-25: Writing into a preallocated bytearray

In Listing 10-25, by using the readinto() method of the opened file, Python can directly read the data from the file and write it to a preallocated bytearray. With such techniques, it’s easy to preallocate a buffer (as you would do in C to mitigate the number of calls to malloc()) and fill it at your convenience. Using memoryview, you can place data at any point in the memory area, as shown in Listing 10-26.

   >>> ba = bytearray(8)
>>> ba_at_4 = memoryview(ba)[4:]
   >>> with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as source:
...     source.readinto(ba_at_4)
   >>> ba

Listing 10-26: Writing into an arbitrary position of bytearray

We reference the bytearray from offset 4 to its end . Then, we write the content of /dev/urandom from offset 4 to the end of bytearray, effectively reading just 4 bytes .

The buffer protocol is extremely important for achieving low memory overhead and great performances. As Python hides all the memory allocations, developers tend to forget what happens under the hood, at great cost to the speed of their programs!

Both the objects in the array module and the functions in the struct module can handle the buffer protocol correctly and can therefore perform efficiently when targeting zero copying.


As we’ve seen in this chapter, there are plenty of ways to make Python code faster. Choosing the right data structure and using the correct methods for manipulating the data can have a huge impact in terms of CPU and memory usage. That’s why it’s important to understand what happens in Python internally.

However, optimization should never be done prematurely, without first performing a proper profiling. It is too easy to waste time rewriting some barely used code with a faster variant while missing central pain points. Don’t miss the big picture.

Victor Stinner on Optimization

Victor is a longtime Python hacker, a core contributor, and the author of many Python modules. He authored PEP 454 in 2013, which proposed a new tracemalloc module to trace memory block allocation inside Python, and he wrote a simple AST optimizer called FAT. He also regularly contributes to the improvement of CPython performance.

What’s a good starting strategy for optimizing Python code?

The strategy is the same in Python as in other languages. First, you need a well-defined use case in order to get a stable and reproducible benchmark. Without a reliable benchmark, trying different optimizations may result in wasted time and premature optimization. Useless optimizations may make the code worse, less readable, or even slower. A useful optimization must speed the program up by at least 5 percent if it’s to be worth pursuing.

If a specific part of the code is identified as being “slow,” a benchmark should be prepared on this code. A benchmark on a short function is usually called a micro-benchmark. The speedup should be at least 20 percent, maybe 25 percent, to justify an optimization on a micro-benchmark.

It may be interesting to run a benchmark on different computers, different operating systems, or different compilers. For example, performances of realloc() may vary between Linux and Windows.

What are your recommended tools for profiling or optimizing Python code?

Python 3.3 has a time.perf_counter() function to measure elapsed time for a benchmark. It has the best resolution available.

A test should be run more than once; three times is a minimum, and five may be enough. Repeating a test fills disk cache and CPU caches. I prefer to keep the minimum timing; other developers prefer the geometric mean.

For micro-benchmarks, the timeit module is easy to use and gives results quickly, but the results are not reliable using default parameters. Tests should be repeated manually to get stable results.

Optimizing can take a lot of time, so it’s better to focus on functions that use the most CPU power. To find these functions, Python has cProfile and profile modules to record the amount of time spent in each function.

Do you have any Python tricks that could improve performance?

You should reuse the Standard Library as much as possible—it’s well tested and also usually efficient. Built-in Python types are implemented in C and have good performance. Use the correct container to get the best performance; Python provides many different kind of containers: dict, list, deque, set, and so on.

There are some hacks for optimizing Python, but you should avoid these because they make the code less readable in exchange for a minor speedup.

The Zen of Python (PEP 20) says, “There should be one—and preferably only one—obvious way to do it.” In practice, there are different ways to write Python code, and performances are not the same. Only trust benchmarks on your use case.

Which areas of Python have the poorest performance and should be watched out for?

In general, I prefer not to worry about performance while developing a new application. Premature optimization is the root of all evil. When you identify slow functions, change the algorithm. If the algorithm and the container types are well chosen, you might rewrite short functions in C to get the best performance.

One bottleneck in CPython is the global interpreter lock, known as the GIL. Two threads cannot execute Python bytecode at the same time. However, this limitation only matters if two threads are executing pure Python code. If most processing time is spent in function calls, and these functions release the GIL, then the GIL is not the bottleneck. For example, most I/O functions release the GIL.

The multiprocessing module can easily be used to work around the GIL. Another option, more complex to implement, is to write asynchronous code. Twisted, Tornado, and Tulip projects, which are network-oriented libraries, make use of this technique.

What are some often-seen performance mistakes?

When Python is not well understood, inefficient code can be written. For example, I have seen copy.deepcopy() misused, when no copying was required.

Another performance killer is an inefficient data structure. With less than 100 items, the container type has no impact on performance. With more items, the complexity of each operation (add, get, delete) and its effects must be known.

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