Symbols & Numbers

__import__, 1617, 8

__slots__, 163167

__repr__, 211


abstract syntax tree (AST), 135141, 147

walking through, 139

Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), 184186

aiohttp library, 183

all() function, 128

ambiguous times, 55

any() function, 128

API (application programming interface)

designing, 45

documentation, 4142, 4647

managing changes, 4041, 46


event-driven, 181

service-oriented, 184

AST (abstract syntax tree), 135141, 147

asyncio module, 182184

attr module, 210212


bisect module, 159160

bisect.bisect() function, 159

bisect.bisect_left() function, 160

bisect.insort() function, 160

buffer protocol, 170174

bytearray, 173174


C10K, 181

cache, 167168

CLOS (Common Lisp Object System), 203205

closure, 159

Coghlan, Nick, 74

collections module, 153

Counter() method, 154

defaultdict, 153

namedtuple class, 165

Collins, Robert, 9798

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS), 203205

console scripts, 6970

contextlib, 208210

context management protocol, 207210

context managers, 207210

copy.deepcopy(), 176

Counter(), 154

coverage tool, 8889

cProfile module, 154155

CPython, 163, 169, 176, 178179


databases, 187199

backends, 190

existing time zones, 52

relational database management system (RDBMS), 187, 195197

data structures, 152154

datetime, 5051, 5455

dateutil, 5253, 55

debtcollector library, 14, 44

decorators, 100107, 142143

class decorators, 103

creation, 100101

stacking, 102, 103

defaultdict, 153

de Vienne, Christophe, 4547

dis module, 156158

dis.dis() function, 156

distribution, 5774

building, 5859

format, 61

packaging with setup.cfg, 6061

Wheel standard, 6163

distutils library, 58

doctest module, 38

documentation, 3435


entry points, 67

visualization, 68

enumerate() function, 127

event-driven architecture, 181182


filter() function, 127

first() function, 130131

fixtures, 8182

flake8, 12, 95, 140141

Fontaine, Dimitri, 195199

frameworks, 2627, 31

functional programming, 119121

functools module, 105

partial() method, 131132

update_wrapper() function, 105

wraps, 106


generators, 121123

inspecting, 124125

generic methods, 205

GitHub, 35

global interpreter lock (GIL), 13, 169, 176, 178


Harlow, Joshua, 1314

Hellmann, Doug, 2731

hierarchy, 7

Hy, 18, 145149


import hook, 18

import keyword, 1617

inspect module, 106107, 124

interprocess communication, 185186

iso8601 module, 5455

itertools module, 132133


JSON, 191, 193194

just-in-time (JIT) compilation, 14, 169

Jython, 178


KCacheGrind, 155156


lambda() function, 131

layout, 7

least recently used (LRU) cache, 167168

libraries, 15

API, 46

external, 22, 23, 26

standard, 20, 2829

Lisp, 145146, 147148, 203

list comprehension (listcomp), 125126


map() method, 127

memoization, 167168

memoryview, 171

meta path finder, 1920

method resolution order (MRO), 115

methods, 107117

abstract, 110113

class, 109110, 112113

generic, 205207

mixing, 112113

static, 108109, 112113

mock library, 8488

modernize module, 203

modules included in the standard library, 21

multiple inheritance, 114

multiprocessing, 179181, 185

multithreading, 178181


namedtuple class, 165166

next() function, 121122


object relational mapping (ORM), 188, 197198

OpenStack, 1, 1314, 22, 29, 97

optimization, 151174

ordered lists, 159


packaging solutions, 74

pbr (Python Build Reasonableness), 60

PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal)

PEP 440, 810

PEP 7, 11

PEP 8, 1012

pep8, 10

pip, 2426

plugins, 71

poll() function, 181

PostgreSQL, 190194, 195196, 198199

profiling, 154

psycopg2 library, 192

pure functions, 120

pyflakes, 12

pylint, 12

PyPI, 24, 6467

pyprof2calltree, 155

PyPy, 169

pytest, 7681

coverage, 88

fixtures, 81

mark, 80

pattern, 79

parallel, 8182

scenarios, 83


Python versions, 56, 30, 201203

Python 2, 6

Python 3, 6, 13, 23, 27, 30


relational database management system (RDBMS), 187, 195197

REpresentational State Transfer (REST), 184

reStructured Text (reST), 3436


scaling, 177186

scenarios, 83

select() function, 181182

semantic versioning, 9

service-oriented architecture, 184

setup.cfg, 5961, 7, 5761

setuptools library, 5859, 67

singledispatch() function, 205207

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), 30

six module, 201202

sockets, 172173

sorted() function, 128

sorted list, 159160

Sphinx, 3340, 42

autodoc, 3637

doctest, 3839

SQL, 187190, 197198. See also PostgreSQL

SQLAlchemy, 22, 30, 190

Stinner, Victor, 174176

streaming, 190

strings, 202

super() method, 114117

sys module, 17

sys.path variable, 18


Tagliamonte, Paul, 147149

taskflow, 14


policy, 96, 9798

skipping, 78

unit, 7576

threads, 178

timeit module, 175

timestamps, 4956

time zones, 4950, 5254

tox, 9296

tox-travis, 97

Travis CI, 96


Unicode, 202

update_wrapper() function, 105



API, 41

numbering, 810

Python, 5, 95

virtual environments, 9096

re-creating, 94

setting up, 9192

tox, 9293


warnings, 4344

Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI), 29

Wheel, 6163

universal, 63

with, 207

wraps decorator, 106


yield, 121123


zero copy, 170

ZeroMQ, 185186

zip() function, 129

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