
Applications will almost always have to store data of some kind, and developers will often combine a relational database management system (RDBMS) with some type of object relational mapping tool (ORM). RDBMSs and ORMs can be tricky and are not a favorite topic for many developers, but sooner or later, they must be addressed.

RDBMSs, ORMs, and When to Use Them

An RDBMS is the database that stores an application’s relational data. Developers will use a language like SQL (Structured Query Language) to deal with the relational algebra, meaning that a language like this handles the data management and the relationships between the data. Used together, they allow you to both store data and query that data to get specific information as efficiently as possible. Having a good understanding of relational database structures, such as how to use proper normalization or the different types of serializability, might keep you from falling into many traps. Obviously, such subjects deserve an entire book and won’t be covered in their entirety in this chapter; instead, we’ll focus on using the database via its usual programming language, SQL.

Developers may not want to invest in learning a whole new programming language to interact with the RDBMS. If so, they tend to avoid writing SQL queries entirely, relying instead on a library to do the work for them. ORM libraries are commonly found in programming language ecosystems, and Python is no exception.

The purpose of an ORM is to make database systems easier to access by abstracting the process of creating queries: it generates the SQL so you don’t have to. Unfortunately, this abstraction layer can prevent you from performing more specific or low-level tasks that the ORM is simply not capable of doing, such as writing complex queries.

There is also a particular set of difficulties with using ORMs in object-oriented programs that are so common, they are known collectively as the object-relational impedance mismatch. This impedance mismatch occurs because relational databases and object-oriented programs have different representations of data that don’t map properly to one another: mapping SQL tables to Python classes won’t give you optimal results, no matter what you do.

Understanding SQL and RDBMSs will allow you to write your own queries, without having to rely on the abstraction layer for everything.

But that’s not to say you should avoid ORMs entirely. ORM libraries can help with rapid prototyping of your application model, and some libraries even provide useful tools such as schema upgrades and downgrades. It’s important to understand that using an ORM is not a substitute for gaining a real understanding of RDBMSs: many developers try to solve problems in the language of their choice rather than using their model API, and the solutions they come up with are inelegant at best.


This chapter assumes you know basic SQL. Introducing SQL queries and discussing how tables work is beyond the scope of this book. If you’re new to SQL, I recommend learning the basics before continuing. Practical SQL by Anthony DeBarros (No Starch Press, 2018) is a good place to start.

Let’s look at an example that demonstrates why understanding RDBMSs can help you write better code. Say you have a SQL table for keeping track of messages. This table has a single column named id representing the ID of the message sender, which is the primary key, and a string containing the content of the message, like so:

CREATE TABLE message (
  id serial PRIMARY KEY,
  content text

We want to detect any duplicate messages received and exclude them from the database. To do this, a typical developer might write SQL using an ORM, as shown in Listing 12-1.

if query.select(Message).filter(Message.id == some_id):
    # We already have the message, it's a duplicate, ignore and raise
    raise DuplicateMessage(message)
    # Insert the message

Listing 12-1: Detecting and excluding duplicate messages with an ORM

This code works for most cases, but it has some major drawbacks:

  • The duplicate constraint is already expressed in the SQL schema, so there is a sort of code duplication: using PRIMARY KEY implicitly defines the uniqueness of the id field.

  • If the message is not yet in the database, this code executes two SQL queries: a SELECT statement and then an INSERT statement. Executing a SQL query might take a long time and require a round-trip to the SQL server, introducing extraneous delay.

  • The code doesn’t account for the possibility that someone else might insert a duplicate message after we call select_by_id() but before we call insert(), which would cause the program to raise an exception. This vulnerability is called a race condition.

There’s a much better way to write this code, but it requires cooperation with the RDBMS server. Rather than checking for the message’s existence and then inserting it, we can insert it right away and use a try...except block to catch a duplicate conflict:

    # Insert the message
except UniqueViolationError:
    # Duplicate
    raise DuplicateMessage(message)

In this case, inserting the message directly into the table works flawlessly if the message is not already present. If it is, the ORM raises an exception indicating the violation of the uniqueness constraint. This method achieves the same effect as Listing 12-1 but in a more efficient fashion and without any race condition. This is a very simple pattern, and it doesn’t conflict with any ORM in any way. The problem is that developers tend to treat SQL databases as dumb storage rather than as a tool they can use to get proper data integrity and consistency; consequently, they may duplicate the constraints written in SQL in their controller code rather than in their model.

Treating your SQL backend as a model API is good way to make efficient use of it. You can manipulate the data stored in your RDBMS with simple function calls programmed in its own procedural language.

Database Backends

ORM supports multiple database backends. No ORM library provides a complete abstraction of all RDBMS features, and simplifying the code to the most basic RDBMS available will make using any advanced RDBMS functions impossible without breaking the abstraction layer. Even simple things that aren’t standardized in SQL, such as handling timestamp operations, are a pain to deal with when using an ORM. This is even more true if your code is RDBMS agnostic. It is important to keep this in mind when you choose your application’s RDBMS.

Isolating ORM libraries (as described in “External Libraries” on page 22) helps mitigate potential problems. This approach allows you to easily swap your ORM library for a different one should the need arise and to optimize your SQL usage by identifying places with inefficient query usage, which lets you bypass most of the ORM boilerplate.

For example, you can use your ORM in a module of your application, such as myapp.storage, to easily build in such isolation. This module should export only functions and methods that allow you to manipulate the data at a high level of abstraction. The ORM should be used only from that module. At any point, you will be able to drop in any module providing the same API to replace myapp.storage.

The most commonly used ORM library in Python (and arguably the de facto standard) is sqlalchemy. This library supports a huge number of backends and provides abstraction for most common operations. Schema upgrades can be handled by third-party packages such as alembic (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/alembic/).

Some frameworks, such as Django (https://www.djangoproject.com), provide their own ORM libraries. If you choose to use a framework, it’s smart to use the built-in library because it will often integrate better with the framework than an external one.


The Module View Controller (MVC) architecture that most frameworks rely on can be easily misused. These frameworks implement (or make it easy to implement) ORM in their models directly, but without abstracting enough of it: any code you have in your view and controllers that use the model will also be using ORM directly. You need to avoid this. You should write a data model that includes the ORM library rather than consists of it. Doing so provides better testability and isolation, and makes swapping out the ORM with another storage technology much easier.

Streaming Data with Flask and PostgreSQL

Here, I’ll show you how you can use one of PostgreSQL’s advanced features to build an HTTP event-streaming system to help master your data storage.

Writing the Data-Streaming Application

The purpose of the micro-application in Listing 12-2 is to store messages in a SQL table and provide access to those messages via an HTTP REST API. Each message consists of a channel number, a source string, and a content string.

CREATE TABLE message (
  source TEXT NOT NULL,
  content TEXT NOT NULL

Listing 12-2: SQL table schema for storing messages

We also want to stream these messages to the client so that it can process them in real time. To do this, we’re going to use the LISTEN and NOTIFY features of PostgreSQL. These features allow us to listen for messages sent by a function we provide that PostgreSQL will execute:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_on_insert() RETURNS trigger AS $$
     PERFORM pg_notify('channel_' || NEW.channel,
                       CAST(row_to_json(NEW) AS TEXT));
   $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

This code creates a trigger function written in pl/pgsql, a language that only PostgreSQL understands. Note that we could also write this function in other languages, such as Python itself, as PostgreSQL embeds the Python interpreter in order to provide a pl/python language. The single simple operation we’ll be performing here does not necessitate leveraging Python, so sticking to pl/pgsql is a wise choice.

The function notify_on_insert() performs a call to pg_notify() , which is the function that actually sends the notification. The first argument is a string that represents a channel, while the second is a string carrying the actual payload. We define the channel dynamically based on the value of the channel column in the row. In this case, the payload will be the entire row in JSON format. Yes, PostgreSQL knows how to convert a row to JSON natively!

Next, we want to send a notification message on each INSERT performed in the message table, so we need to trigger this function on such events:

CREATE TRIGGER notify_on_message_insert AFTER INSERT ON message

The function is now plugged in and will be executed upon each successful INSERT performed in the message table.

We can check that it works by using the LISTEN operation in psql:

$ psql
psql (9.3rc1)
SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)
Type "help" for help.

mydatabase=> LISTEN channel_1;
mydatabase=> INSERT INTO message(channel, source, content)
mydatabase-> VALUES(1, 'jd', 'hello world');
Asynchronous notification "channel_1" with payload
"{"id":1,"channel":1,"source":"jd","content":"hello world"}"
received from server process with PID 26393.

As soon as the row is inserted, the notification is sent, and we’re able to receive it through the PostgreSQL client. Now all we have to do is build the Python application that streams this event, shown in Listing 12-3.

import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extensions
import select

conn = psycopg2.connect(database='mydatabase', user='myuser',
                        password='idkfa', host='localhost')


curs = conn.cursor()
curs.execute("LISTEN channel_1;")

while True:
    select.select([conn], [], [])
    while conn.notifies:
        notify = conn.notifies.pop()
        print("Got NOTIFY:", notify.pid, notify.channel,

Listing 12-3: Listening and receiving the stream of notifications

Listing 12-3 connects to PostgreSQL using the psycopg2 library. The psycopg2 library is a Python module that implements the PostgreSQL network protocol and allows us to connect to a PostgreSQL server to send SQL requests and receive results. We could have used a library that provides an abstraction layer, such as sqlalchemy, but abstracted libraries don’t provide access to the LISTEN and NOTIFY functionality of PostgreSQL. It’s important to note that it is still possible to access the underlying database connection to execute the code when using a library like sqlalchemy, but there would be no point in doing that for this example, since we don’t need any of the other features the ORM library provides.

The program listens on channel_1, and as soon as it receives a notification, prints it to the screen. If we run the program and insert a row in the message table, we get the following output:

$ python listen.py
Got NOTIFY: 28797 channel_1
{"id":10,"channel":1,"source":"jd","content":"hello world"}

As soon as we insert the row, PostgreSQL runs the trigger and sends a notification. Our program receives it and prints the notification payload; here, that’s the row serialized to JSON. We now have the basic ability to receive data as it is inserted into the database, without doing any extra requests or work.

Building the Application

Next, we’ll use Flask, a simple HTTP micro-framework, to build our application. We’re going to build an HTTP server that streams the flux of insert using the Server-Sent Events message protocol defined by HTML5. An alternative would be to use Transfer-Encoding: chunked defined by HTTP/1.1:

import flask
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extensions
import select

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

def stream_messages(channel):
    conn = psycopg2.connect(database='mydatabase', user='mydatabase',
                            password='mydatabase', host='localhost')

    curs = conn.cursor()
    curs.execute("LISTEN channel_%d;" % int(channel))

    while True:
        select.select([conn], [], [])
        while conn.notifies:
            notify = conn.notifies.pop()
            yield "data: " + notify.payload + " "

@app.route("/message/<channel>", methods=['GET'])
def get_messages(channel):
    return flask.Response(stream_messages(channel),

if __name__ == "__main__":

This application is simple enough that it supports streaming but not any other data retrieval operation. We use Flask to route the HTTP request GET /message/channel to our streaming code. As soon as the code is called, the application returns a response with the mimetype text/event-stream and sends back a generator function instead of a string. Flask will call this function and send results each time the generator yields something.

The generator, stream_messages(), reuses the code we wrote earlier to listen to PostgreSQL notifications. It receives the channel identifier as an argument, listens to that channel, and then yields the payload. Remember that we used PostgreSQL’s JSON encoding function in the trigger function, so we’re already receiving JSON data from PostgreSQL. There’s no need for us to transcode the data since it’s fine to send JSON data to the HTTP client.


For the sake of simplicity, this example application has been written in a single file. If this were a real application, I would move the storage-handling implementation into its own Python module.

We can now run the server:

$ python listen+http.py
 * Running on

On another terminal, we can connect and retrieve the events as they’re entered. Upon connection, no data is received, and the connection is kept open:

$ curl -v
* About to connect() to port 5000 (#0)
*   Trying
* Adding handle: conn: 0x1d46e90
* Adding handle: send: 0
* Adding handle: recv: 0
* Curl_addHandleToPipeline: length: 1
* - Conn 0 (0x1d46e90) send_pipe: 1, recv_pipe: 0
* Connected to ( port 5000 (#0)
> GET /message/1 HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.32.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*

But as soon as we insert some rows in the message table, we’ll start seeing data coming in through the terminal running curl. In a third terminal, we insert a message in the database:

mydatabase=> INSERT INTO message(channel, source, content)
mydatabase-> VALUES(1, 'jd', 'hello world');
mydatabase=> INSERT INTO message(channel, source, content)
mydatabase-> VALUES(1, 'jd', 'it works');

Here’s the data output:

data: {"id":71,"channel":1,"source":"jd","content":"hello world"}
data: {"id":72,"channel":1,"source":"jd","content":"it works"}

This data is printed to the terminal running curl. This keeps curl connected to the HTTP server while it waits for the next flux of messages. We created a streaming service without doing any kind of polling here, building an entirely push-based system where information flows from one point to another seamlessly.

A naive and arguably more portable implementation of this application would instead repeatedly loop over a SELECT statement to poll for new data inserted in the table. This would work with any other storage system that does not support a publish-subscribe pattern as this one does.

Dimitri Fontaine on Databases

Dimitri is a skilled PostgreSQL Major Contributor who works at Citus Data and argues with other database gurus on the pgsql-hackers mailing list. We’ve shared a lot of open source adventures, and he’s been kind enough to answer some questions about what you should do when dealing with databases.

What advice would you give to developers using RDBMSs as their storage backends?

RDBMSs were invented in the ’70s to solve some common problems plaguing every application developer at that time, and the main services implemented by RDBMSs were not simply data storage.

The main services offered by an RDBMS are actually the following:

  • Concurrency: Access your data for read or write with as many concurrent threads of execution as you want—the RDBMS is there to handle that correctly for you. That’s the main feature you want out of an RDBMS.

  • Concurrency semantics: The details about the concurrency behavior when using an RDBMS are proposed with a high-level specification in terms of atomicity and isolation, which are maybe the most crucial parts of ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability). Atomicity is the property that between the time you BEGIN a transaction and the time you’re done with it (either COMMIT or ROLLBACK), no other concurrent activity on the system is allowed to know what you’re doing—whatever that is. When using a proper RDBMS, also include the Data Definition Language (DDL), for example, CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE. Isolation is all about what you’re allowed to notice of the concurrent activity of the system from within your own transaction. The SQL standard defines four levels of isolation, as described in the PostgreSQL documentation (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/transaction-iso.html).

The RDBMS takes full responsibility for your data. So it allows the developer to describe their own rules for consistency, and then it will check that those rules are valid at crucial times such as at transaction commit or at statement boundaries, depending on the deferability of your constraints declarations.

The first constraint you can place on your data is its expected input and output formatting, using the proper data type. An RDBMS will know how to work with much more than text, numbers, and dates and will properly handle dates that actually appear in a calendar in use today.

Data types are not just about input and output formats, though. They also implement behaviors and some level of polymorphism, as we all expect the basic equality tests to be data type specific: we don’t compare text and numbers, dates and IP addresses, arrays and ranges, and so on in the same way.

Protecting your data also means that the only choice for an RDBMS is to actively refuse data that doesn’t match your consistency rules, the first of which is the data type you’ve chosen. If you think it’s okay to have to deal with a date such as 0000-00-00 that never existed in the calendar, then you need to rethink.

The other part of the consistency guarantees is expressed in terms of constraints as in CHECK constraints, NOT NULL constraints, and constraint triggers, one of which is known as foreign key. All of that can be thought of as a user-level extension of the data type definition and behavior, the main difference being that you can choose to DEFER the enforcement of checking those constraints from the end of each statement to the end of the current transaction.

The relational bits of an RDBMS are all about modeling your data and the guarantee that all tuples found in a relation share a common set of rules: structure and constraints. When enforcing that, we are enforcing the use of a proper explicit schema to handle our data.

Working on a proper schema for your data is known as normalization, and you can aim for a number of subtly different normal forms in your design. Sometimes though, you need more flexibility than what is given by the result of your normalization process. Common wisdom is to first normalize your data schema and only then modify it to regain some flexibility. Chances are you actually don’t need more flexibility.

When you do need more flexibility, you can use PostgreSQL to try out a number of denormalization options: composite types, records, arrays, H-Store, JSON, or XML to name a few.

There’s a very important drawback to denormalization though, which is that the query language we’re going to talk about next is designed to handle rather normalized data. With PostgreSQL, of course, the query language has been extended to support as much denormalization as possible when using composite types, arrays or H-Store, and even JSON in recent releases.

The RDBMS knows a lot about your data and can help you implement a very fine-grain security model, should you need to do so. The access patterns are managed at the relation and column level, and PostgreSQL also implements SECURITY DEFINER stored procedures, allowing you to offer access to sensible data in a very controlled way, much the same as with using saved user ID (SUID) programs.

The RDBMS offers to access your data using a SQL, which became the de facto standard in the ’80s and is now driven by a committee. In the case of PostgreSQL, lots of extensions are being added, with each and every major release allowing you to access a very rich DSL language. All the work of query planning and optimization is done for you by the RDBMS so that you can focus on a declarative query where you describe only the result you want from the data you have.

And that’s also why you need to pay close attention to the NoSQL offerings here, as most of those trendy products are in fact not removing just the SQL from the offering but a whole lot of other foundations that you’ve been trained to expect.

What advice would you give to developers using RDBMSs as their storage backends?

My advice is to remember the differences between a storage backend and an RDBMS. Those are very different services, and if all you need is a storage backend, maybe consider using something other than an RDBMS.

Most often, though, what you really need is a full-blown RDBMS. In that case, the best option you have is PostgreSQL. Go read its documentation (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/); see the list of data types, operators, functions, features, and extensions it provides. Read some usage examples on blog posts.

Then consider PostgreSQL a tool you can leverage in your development and include it in your application architecture. Parts of the services you need to implement are best offered at the RDBMS layer, and PostgreSQL excels at being that trustworthy part of your whole implementation.

What’s the best way to use or not use an ORM?

The ORM will best work for CRUD applications: create, read, update, and delete. The read part should be limited to a very simple SELECT statement targeting a single table, as retrieving more columns than necessary has a significant impact on query performances and resources used.

Any column you retrieve from the RDBMS and that you end up not using is pure waste of precious resources, a first scalability killer. Even when your ORM is able to fetch only the data you’re asking for, you still then have to somehow manage the exact list of columns you want in each situation, without using a simple abstract method that will automatically compute the fields list for you.

The create, update, and delete queries are simple INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Many RDBMSs offer optimizations that are not leveraged by ORMs, such as returning data after an INSERT.

Furthermore, in the general case, a relation is either a table or the result of any query. It’s common practice when using an ORM to build relational mapping between defined tables and some model classes, or some other helper stubs.

If you consider the whole SQL semantics in their generalities, then the relational mapper should really be able to map any query against a class. You would then presumably have to build a new class for each query you want to run.

The idea when applied to our case is that you trust your ORM to do a better job than you at writing efficient SQL queries, even when you’re not giving it enough information to work out the exact set of data you are interested in.

It’s true that, at times, SQL can get quite complex, though you’re not going to get anywhere near simplicity by using an API-to-SQL generator that you can’t control.

However, there are two cases where you can relax and use your ORM, provided that you’re willing to accept the following compromise: at a later point, you may need to edit your ORM usage out of your codebase.

  • Time to market: When you’re really in a hurry and want to gain market share as soon as possible, the only way to get there is to release a first version of your application and idea. If your team is more proficient at using an ORM than handcrafting SQL queries, then by all means just do that. You have to realize, though, that as soon as you’re successful with your application, one of the first scalability problems you will have to solve is going to be related to your ORM producing really bad queries. Also, your usage of the ORM will have painted you into a corner and resulted in bad code design decisions. But if you’re there, you’re successful enough to spend some refactoring money and remove any dependency on the ORM, right?

  • CRUD application: This is the real thing, where you are only editing a single tuple at a time and you don’t really care about performance, like for the basic admin application interface.

What are the pros of using PostgreSQL over other databases when working with Python?

Here are my top reasons for choosing PostgreSQL as a developer:

  • Community support: The PostgreSQL community is vast and welcoming to new users, and folks will typically take the time to provide the best possible answer. The mailing lists are still the best way to communicate with the community.

  • Data integrity and durability: Any data you send to PostgreSQL is safe in its definition and your ability to fetch it again later.

  • Data types, functions, operators, arrays, and ranges: PostgreSQL has a very rich set of data types that come with a host of operators and functions. It’s even possible to denormalize using arrays or JSON data types and still be able to write advanced queries, including joins, against those.

  • The planner and optimizer: It’s worth taking the time to understand how complex and powerful these are.

  • Transactional DDL: It’s possible to ROLLBACK almost any command. Try it now: just open your psql shell against a database you have and type in BEGIN; DROP TABLE foo; ROLLBACK;, where you replace foo with the name of a table that exists in your local instance. Amazing, right?

  • PL/Python (and others such as C, SQL, Javascript, or Lua): You can run your own Python code on the server, right where the data is, so you don’t have to fetch it over the network just to process it and then send it back in a query to do the next level of JOIN.

  • Specific indexing (GiST, GIN, SP-GiST, partial and functional): You can create Python functions to process your data from within PostgreSQL and then index the result of calling that function. When you issue a query with a WHERE clause calling that function, it’s called only once with the data from the query; then it’s matched directly with the contents of the index.

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