Chapter 10. Input and Output: Reading, Writing and Directory Tricks

10.0 Introduction

Most programs need to interact with the outside world, and one common way of doing so is by reading and writing files. Files are normally on some persistent medium such as a disk drive, and, for the most part, we shall happily ignore the differences between files on a hard disk (and all the operating system-dependent filesystem types), a USB drive or SD card, a DVD-ROM, and others. For now, they’re just files. And, like most other languages and OSes, Java extends the “reading and writing” model to network (socket) communications, which we’ll touch on in Chapters 12 and 13.

Java provides many classes for input and output; they are summarized in Figure 10-1. This chapter covers all the normal input/output operations such as opening/closing and reading/writing files. Files are assumed to reside on some kind of file store or permanent storage. Distributed filesystems such as Apache Hadoop HDFS, Sun’s Network File System (NFS, common on Unix and available for Windows), SMB (the Windows network filesystem, available for Unix via the open source Samba program), and FUSE (Filesystem in User SpacE, implementations for most Unix/Linux systems) are assumed to work “just like” disk filesystems, except where noted.

The support for reading and writing is in two major parts:

  • The InputStream/OutputStream/Reader/Writer classes which are the traditional ways of reading/writing files have been largely unchanged since the days of Java 1.0 and 1.1, In modern Java a new class, java.nio.file.Files is provided.

  • All modern operating systems provide the means to organize groups of files into directories or “folders”. This chapter covers directories: how to create them, how to navigate them. Files provides most of the support for processing directories, but it also introduces a number of convenience routines for easily reading, writing, and copying files that are covered in this chapter. These are generally more convenient than using the traditional I/O classes. We cover both in this chapter.


There are two different uses of the term “Stream”. The first—for a stream of bytes to be read or written—is unrelated to the second—use of “Stream” in modern Java to refer to a connection among cooperating methods. I’ll try to keep it straight by only using InputStream and/or OutputStream for the former, and Stream for the latter.

To give you control over the format of data that you read and write, the Formatter and Scanner classes provide formatting and scanning operations. Formatter allows many formatting tasks to be performed either into a String or to almost any output destination. Scanner parses many kinds of objects, again either from a String or from almost any input source. These are fairly powerful; each is given its own recipe in this chapter.

The second part of the chapter is largely devoted to the Files and Path classes in java.nio.file. These two classes provide the ability to list directories, obtain file status, rename and delete files on disk, create directories, and perform other filesystem operations. They also provide the ability to read a file line-by-line into a Stream<String>. These two classes together largely supplant the older class. They were introduced in Java 7, so very little new code should be using the older File class.

Note that many of the methods of this class attempt to modify the permanent file store, or disk filesystem, of the computer you run them on. Naturally, you might not have permission to change certain files in certain ways. This can be detected by the Java Virtual Machine’s SecurityManager, which will throw the unchecked exception SecurityException if you don’t have permission to do the attempted operation. But failure can also be detected by the underlying operating system: if the security manager approves it, but the user running your program lacks permissions on the directory, for example, you will either get back an indication (such as false) or an instance of the checked exception IOException. This must be caught (or declared in the throws clause) in any code that calls any method that tries to change the filesystem.

10.1 About InputStreams/OutputStreams and Readers/Writers

Java provides two sets of classes for reading and writing. The InputStream/OutputStream section of package (see Figure 10-1) is for reading or writing bytes of data. Older languages tended to assume that a byte (which is a machine-specific collection of bits, usually eight bits on modern computers) is exactly the same thing as a “character”—a letter, digit, or other linguistic element. However, Java is designed to be used internationally, and eight bits is simply not enough to handle the many different character sets used around the world. Script-based languages like Arabic and Indian languages, and pictographic languages like Chinese and Japanese, each have many more than 256 characters, the maximum that can be represented in an eight-bit byte. The unification of these many character code sets is called, not surprisingly, Unicode. Both Java and XML use Unicode as their character sets, allowing you to read and write text in any of these human languages. But you should use Readers and Writers, not Streams, for textual data.

jcb4 1001
Figure 10-1. classes

Unicode itself doesn’t solve the entire problem. Many of these human languages were used on computers long before Unicode was invented, and they didn’t all pick the same representation as Unicode. And they all have zillions of files encoded in a particular representation that isn’t Unicode. So routines are needed when reading and writing to convert between Unicode String objects used inside the Java machine and the particular external representation in which a user’s files are written. These converters are packaged inside a powerful set of classes called Readers and Writers. Readers and Writers should always be used instead of InputStreams and OutputStreams when you want to deal with characters instead of bytes. We’ll see more on this conversion, and how to specify which conversion, a little later in this chapter.

See Also

One topic not addressed in depth here is the reading/writing capabilities of “Channels” in the Java “New I/O” package1. This part of NIO is more complex to use than either Files or the input/output streams, and the benefits accrue primarily in large-scale server-side processing. Recipe 4.5 provides one example of using NIO. The NIO package is given full coverage in the book Java NIO by Ron Hitchens (O’Reilly).

Another topic not covered here is that of having the read or write occur concurrently with other program activity. This requires the use of threads, or multiple flows of control within a single program. Threaded I/O is a necessity in many programs: those reading from slow devices such as tape drives, those reading from or writing to network connections, and those with a GUI. For this reason, the topic is given considerable attention, in the context of multithreaded applications, in Chapter 16.

For traditional I/O topics, Elliotte Rusty Harold’s Java I/O, although somewhat dated, should be considered the antepenultimate documentation. The penultimate reference is the javadoc documentation, while the ultimate reference is, if you really need it, the source code for the Java API. Due in part to the quality of the JavaDoc documentation, I have not needed to make a single reference to the source code in writing this chapter.

10.2 Reading a Text File


The Java documentation doesn’t have methods for opening files. How do I open and read a text file, and process it a line at a time, or get a collection of all the lines?


Use the Files::lines() method, which returns a Stream of Strings. Or, use Files.newBufferedReader(), Files.newBufferedWriter(), Files.newInputStream(), Files.newOutputStream(), Or, construct a FileReader, FileInputStream. Once you have that, construct a BufferedReader, and use the older while ((line == readLine()) != null) pattern.


There is no explicit open operationfoonote:[Not strictly true; there is, but only in the java.nio.FileChannel class, which we’re not covering], perhaps as a kind of rhetorical flourish of the Java API’s object-oriented design.

The quickest way to process a text file a line at a time is to use Files.lines() which takes a Path argument and returns a functional Stream<String> into which it feeds the lines from the file:


The Files class has several other static methods which open a file and read some or all of it:

List<String> readAllLines(Path)::Reads the whole file into a List<String>. readAllBytes::Reads the whole file into an array of bytes.

The Files.newI/O Class() operations take a Path argument and return the appropriate Reader/Writer or InputStream/OutputStream. A Path is a descriptor for an abstract path (filename) that may or may not exist. The explicit constructors for a FileReader, FileWriter, FileInputStream, or FileOutputStream take a filename or an instance of the older File class containing the path. These operations correspond to the “open” operation in most other languages’ I/O packages.

Historically, Java used to require use of the code pattern while line == readLine( != null to read lines from a BufferedReader. This still works, of course, and will continue to work until the last JavaBean sets in the west, in the far future.

Example 10-1 shows the code for each of these ways of reading lines from a file.

Example 10-1. main/src/main/java/io/ - Reading Lines From A File
        System.out.println("Using Path.lines()");

        System.out.println("Using Path.readAllLines()");
        List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(Path.of(fileName));

        System.out.println("Using BufferedReader.lines().forEach()");
        new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)).lines().forEach(s -> {

        System.out.println("The old-fashioned way");
        BufferedReader is = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
        String line;
        while ((line = is.readLine()) != null) {

Most of these methods can throw the checked exception IOExceptions, so you must have a throws clause or a try/catch around these invocations.

If you create an InputStream, OutputStream, Reader or Writer, you should close it when finished. This avoids memory leaks and, in the case of writing, ensures that all buffered data is actually written to disk. One way to ensure this is not forgotten is to use the try-with-resources syntax. This puts the declaration and definition of a Closeable resource into the try statement:

    static void oldWayShorter() throws IOException {
        try (BufferedReader is =
            new BufferedReader(new FileReader(INPUT_FILE_NAME));
            BufferedOutputStream bytesOut = new BufferedOutputStream(
                new FileOutputStream(OUTPUT_FILE_NAME.replace("\.", "-1.")));) {

            // Read from is, write to bytesOut
            String line;
            while ((line = is.readLine()) != null) {
                line = doSomeProcessingOn(line);


The lines() and read-related methods in Files obviate the need for closing the resource, but not the need for handling IOException; the compiler or IDE will remind you if you forget those.

There are options that can be passed to the Files methods which open a file; these are discussed in the sidebar “”.

To read the entire contents of a file into single string, in Java 8+, use Files.readString(). In older Java versions, use my FileIO.readerToString() method.

String input = Files.readString(Path.of(INPUT_FILE_NAME)));

This will read the entire named file into one long string, with embedded newline ( ) characters between each line. To read a binary file, use Files.readAllBytes() instead.

See Also

There is formal documentation online for File and Path.

10.3 Reading from the Standard Input or from the Console/Controlling Terminal


You want to read from the program’s “standard input” or directly from the program’s controlling terminal or console terminal.


For the standard input, read bytes by wrapping a BufferedInputStream() around For reading text, use an InputStreamReader and a BufferedReader. For the Console or controlling terminal, use Java’s System.console() method to obtain a Console object, and use its methods.


Sometimes you really do need to read from the standard input, or console. One reason is that simple test programs are often console-driven. Another is that some programs naturally require a lot of interaction with the user and you want something faster than a GUI (consider an interactive mathematics or statistical exploration program). Yet another is piping the output of one program directly to the input of another, a very common operation among Unix users and quite valuable on other platforms, such as Windows, that support this operation.

Standard Input

Most desktop platforms support the notion of standard input (a keyboard, a file, or the output from another program) and standard output (a terminal window, a printer, a file on disk, or the input to yet another program). Most such systems also support a standard error output so that error messages can be seen by the user even if the standard output is being redirected. When programs on these platforms start up, the three streams are preassigned to particular platform-dependent handles, or file descriptors. The net result is that ordinary programs on these operating systems can read the standard input or write to the standard output or standard error stream without having to open any files or make any other special arrangements.

Java continues this tradition and enshrines it in the System class. The static variables, System.out, and System.err are connected to the three operating system streams before your program begins execution (an application is free to reassign these; see Recipe 10.10). So, to read the standard input, you need only refer to the variable and call its methods. For example, to read one byte from the standard input, you call the read method of, which returns the byte in an int variable:

int b = );

But is that enough? No, because the read() method can throw an IOException. So you must either declare that your program throws an IOException, as in:

public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {

or you can put a try/catch block around the read() method:

        int b = 0;
        try {
            b =;
            System.out.println("Read this data: " + (char)b);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Caught " + e);

In this case, it makes sense to print the results inside the try block because there’s no point in trying to print the value you read, if the read() threw an IOException.

That code works and gives you the ability to read a byte at a time from the standard input. But most applications are designed in terms of larger units, such as integers, or a line of text. To read a value of a known type, such as int, from the standard input, you can use the Scanner class (covered in more detail in Recipe 10.6):

Scanner sc = Scanner.create(;
int i = sc.nextInt();

For reading characters of text with an input character converter so that your program will work with multiple input encodings around the world, use a Reader class. The particular subclass that allows you to read lines of characters is a BufferedReader. But there’s a hitch. Remember I mentioned those two categories of input classes, Streams and Readers? But I also said that is a Stream, and you want a Reader. How do you get from a Stream to a Reader? A “crossover” class called InputStreamReader is tailor-made for this purpose. Just pass your Stream (like to the InputStreamReader constructor and you get back a Reader, which you in turn pass to the BufferedReader constructor. The usual idiom for writing this in Java is to nest the constructor calls:

BufferedReader is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

You can then read lines of text using the readLine() method. This method takes no argument and returns a String that is made up for you by readLine() containing the characters (converted to Unicode) from the next line of text in the file. When there are no more lines of text, the literal value null is returned:

public class CatStdin {

    public static void main(String[] av) {
        try (BufferedReader is =
                new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( {
            String inputLine;

            while ((inputLine = is.readLine()) != null) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("IOException: " + e);

To read a single Integer from the standard input, read a line and parse it using Integer.parseInt(). To read a series of integers, one per line, you could combine these with a functional style, since the BufferedReader has a lines() method that produces a Stream<String>:

public class ReadStdinIntsFunctional {
    private static Stream<Integer> parseIntSafe(String s) {
        try {
            return Stream.of(Integer.parseInt(s));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            return Stream.empty();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        try (BufferedReader is =
                new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;) {

The Console (“Controlling Terminal”)

The Console class is intended for reading directly from a program’s controlling terminal. When you run an application from a “terminal window” or “command prompt window” on most systems, its console and its standard input are both connected to the terminal, by default. However, the standard input can be changed by piping or redirection on most OSes. If you really want to read from “wherever the user is sitting,” bypassing any indirections, then the Console class is usually your friend.

You cannot instantiate Console yourself; you must get an instance from the System class’s console() method. You can then call methods such as readLine(), which behaves largely like the method of the same name in the BufferedReader class used in the previous recipe.

The following code shows an example of prompting for a name and reading it from the console:


public class ConsoleRead {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String name = System.console().readLine("What is your name?");
        System.out.println("Hello, " + name.toUpperCase());

One complication is that the System.console() method can return null if the console isn’t connected. Annoyingly, some IDEs including Eclipse don’t manage to set up a controlling terminal when you use the Run As→Java Application mechanism. So production-quality code should always check for null before trying to use the Console. If it fails, use a logger or just plain System.out.

One facility the Console class is quite useful for is reading a password without having it echo. This has been a standard facility of command-line applications for decades, as the most obvious way of preventing “shoulder surfing”—somebody looking over your shoulder to see your password. Nonecho password reading is now supported in Java: the Console class has a readPassword() method that takes a prompt argument, intended to be used like: cons.readPassword("Password:"). This method returns an array of bytes, which can be used directly in some encryption and security APIs, or can easily be converted into a String. It is generally advised to overwrite the byte array after use to prevent security leaks when other code can access the stack, although the benefits of this are probably reduced when you’ve constructed a String. There’s an example of this in the online code in io/

10.4 Printing with Formatter and printf


You want an easy way to use java.util.Formatter class’s capability for simple printing tasks.


Use Formatter for printing values with fine-grained control over the formatting. Use String.format() or PrintWriter.printf() / PrintStream.printf().


The Formatter class is patterned after C’s printf routines. In fact, PrintStream and PrintWriter have convenience routines named printf() that simply delegate to the stream or writer’s format() method, which uses a default Formatter instance. Unlike in C, however, Java is a strongly typed language, so invalid arguments will throw an exception rather than generating gibberish. There are also convenience routines static String.format() and printf() in PrintWRiter/PrintStream for use when you want to format a String without the bother of creating the Formatter explicitly.

The underlying Formatter class in java.util works on a String containing format codes. For each item that you want to format, you put a format code. The format code consists of a percent sign (%), optionally an argument number followed by a dollar sign ($), optionally a field width or precision, and a format type (d for decimal integer, that is, an integer with no decimal point, f for floating point, and so on). A simple use might look like the following:

System.out.printf("%1$04d - the year of %2$f%n", 1956, Math.PI);
System.out.printf("%04d - the year of %f%n", 1956, Math.PI);

As shown in Figure 10-2, the “%1$04d” controls formatting of the year and the “%2$f” controls formatting of the value of PI.2

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Figure 10-2. Format codes examined

Many format codes are available; Table 10-1 lists some of the more common ones. For a complete description, refer to the javadoc for java.util.Formatter.

Table 10-1. Formatter format codes
Code Meaning


Character (argument must be char or integral type containing valid character value).


“decimal int”—integer to be printed as a decimal (radix 10) with no decimal point (argument must be integral type).


Floating-point value with decimal fraction (must be numeric); field width may be followed by decimal point and fractional digit field width; e.g., 7.2f.


Floating-point value in scientific notation.


Floating-point value, as per f or e, depending on magnitude.


General format; if value is null, prints “null,” else if arg implements Formattable, format as per arg.formatTo(); else format as per arg.toString().


Date codes; follow with secondary code. Common date codes are shown in Table 10-2. Argument must be long, Long, Calendar, or Date.


Newline; insert the platform-dependent line ending character.


Insert a literal % character.

Note also that you may, but are not required to, put a “parameter order” number between the % and the format code. For example, in “%2$04d”, the “2$” means to format the second parameter, regardless of the order of the parameters. This is primarily useful with dates (see the following example, where you need to format several different portions of the same Date or Calendar, or any time you want to format the same object more than once) and in internationalization, where different languages may require words to be in a different order within a sentence.

Some examples of using a Formatter are shown in Example 10-2.

Example 10-2. main/src/main/java/io/
public class FormatterDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // The arguments to all these format methods consist of
        // a format code String and 1 or more arguments.
        // Each format code consists of the following:
        // % - code lead-in
        // N$ - OPTIONAL parameter number (1-based) after the format code
        // N - field width
        // L - format letter (d: decimal(int); f: float; s: general; many more)
        // For the full(!) story, see javadoc for java.util.Formatter.

        // Most general (cumbersome) way of proceding.
        Formatter fmtr = new Formatter();
        Object result = fmtr.format("%1$04d - the year of %2$f", 1956, Math.PI);

        // Shorter way using static String.format(), default parameter numbering.
        Object stringResult = String.format("%04d - the year of %f", 1956, Math.PI);

        // A shorter way using PrintStream/PrintWriter.format, more in line with
        // other languages. But this way you should provide the newline delimiter
        // using %n (rather than 
 as that is platform-dependent!).
        System.out.printf("%04d - the year of %f%n", 1956, Math.PI);

        // Format doubles with more control
        System.out.printf("PI is approximately %4.2f%n", Math.PI);

Running FormatterDemo produces this:

C:> javac
C:> java io.FormatterDates 
1956 - The year of 3.141593
1956 - The year of 3.141593
1956 - The year of 3.141593
PI is about 3.14

For formatting date and time objects, a large variety of format codes are available—about 40 in all. Date and time objects are discussed in Chapter 6. Table 10-2 shows the more common date/time format codes. Each must be preceded by a t, so to format the first argument as a year, you would use %1$tY.

Table 10-2. Formatting codes for dates and times
Format code Meaning


Year (at least four digits)


Month as 2-digit (leading zeros) number


Locale-specific month name (b for abbreviated)


Day of month (2 digits, leading zeros)


Day of month (1 or 2 digits)


Locale-specific day of week (a for abbreviated)

H or I

Hour in 24-hour (H) or 12-hour (I) format (2 digits, leading zeros)


Minute (2 digits)


Second (2 digits)


Locale-specific AM or PM in uppercase (if P) or lowercase (if p)

R or T

24-hour time combination: %tH:%tM (if R) or %tH:%tM:%tS (if T)


Date formatted as “%tm/%td/%ty”

In my opinion, embedding these codes directly in applications that you distribute or make available as web applications is often a bad idea, because any direct use of them assumes that you know the correct order to print these fields in all locales around the world. Trust me, you don’t. Instead of these, I recommend the use of DateTimeFormatter, covered in Recipe 6.2, to control the order of arguments. However, for “quick and dirty” work, as well as for writing log or data files that must be in a given format because some other program reads them, these are OK.

Some date examples are shown in Example 10-3.

Example 10-3. main/src/main/java/io/
public class FormatterDates {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Format number as dates e.g., 2020-06-28
        System.out.printf("%4d-%02d-%2d%n", 2020, 6, 28);

        // Format fields directly from a Date object: multiple fields from "1$"
        // (hard-coded formatting for Date not advisable; see I/O chapter)
        LocalDate today =;
        // Print in a form like e.g., "July 4, 2020"
        System.out.printf("Today is %1$tB %1$td, %1$tY%n", today);

Running this FormatterDates class produces the following output:

C:> java io.FormatterDates
Today is January 01, 2020

10.5 Scanning Input with StreamTokenizer


You need to scan a file with more fine-grained resolution than the readLine( ) method of the BufferedReader class and its subclasses.


Use a StreamTokenizer, readLine() and a StringTokenizer, the Scanner class (see Recipe 10.6); regular expressions (Chapter 4); or one of several third-party “parser generator” tools.


Though you could, in theory, read a file one character at a time and analyze each character, that is a pretty low-level approach. The read() method in the Reader class is defined to return int so that it can use the time-honored value -1 (defined as EOF in Unix <stdio.h> for years) to indicate that you have read to the end of the file:


public class ReadCharsOneAtATime {

    void doFile(Reader is) throws IOException {
        int c;
        while (( )) != -1) {

Notice the cast to char; the program compiles fine without it, but does not print correctly because c is declared as int. Variable c must be declared int, to be able to compare against the end-of-file value -1). For example, the integer value corresponding to capital A treated as an int prints as 65, whereas with (char) prints the character A.

We discussed the StringTokenizer class extensively in Recipe 3.1. The combination of readLine() and StringTokenizer provides a simple means of scanning a file. Suppose you need to read a file in which each line consists of a name like [email protected], and you want to split the lines into users and host addresses. You could use this:

public class ScanStringTok {

    public static void main(String[] av) throws IOException {
        if (av.length == 0)
            System.err.printf("Usage: %s filename [...]%n",
            for (int i=0; i<av.length; i++)

    static void process(String fileName) {
        String s = null;
        try (BufferedReader is =
                new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));) {
            while ((s = is.readLine()) != null) {
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, "@", true);
                String user = (String)st.nextElement();
                String host = (String)st.nextElement();
                System.out.println("User name: " + user +
                    "; host part: " + host);

                // Do something useful with the user and host parts...
        } catch (NoSuchElementException ix) {
            System.err.println("Malformed input " + s);
        } catch (IOException e) {

The StreamTokenizer class in java.util provides slightly more capabilities for scanning a file. It reads characters and assembles them into words, or tokens. It returns these tokens to you along with a type code describing the kind of token it found. This type code is one of four predefined types (StringTokenizer.TT_WORD, TT_NUMBER, TT_EOF, or TT_EOL for the end-of-line), or the char value of an ordinary character (such as 32 for the space character). Methods such as ordinaryCharacter() allow you to specify how to categorize characters, while others such as slashSlashComment() allow you to enable or disable features.

Example 10-4 shows a StreamTokenizer used to implement a simple immediate-mode stack-based calculator:

2 2 + =
22 7 / =

I read tokens as they arrive from the StreamTokenizer. Numbers are put on the stack. The four operators (+, -, *, and /) are immediately performed on the two elements at the top of the stack, and the result is put back on the top of the stack. The = operator causes the top element to be printed, but is left on the stack so that you can say:

4 5 * = 2 / =
Example 10-4. main/src/main/java/io/ - Simple calculator using StreamTokenizer
public class SimpleCalcStreamTok {
    /** The StreamTokenizer Input */
    protected  StreamTokenizer tf;
    /** The Output File */
    protected PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);
    /** The variable name (not used in this version) */
    protected String variable;
    /** The operand stack */
    protected Stack<Double> s = new Stack<>();

    /* Driver - main program */
    public static void main(String[] av) throws IOException {
        if (av.length == 0)
            new SimpleCalcStreamTok(
                new InputStreamReader(;
            for (int i=0; i<av.length; i++)
                new SimpleCalcStreamTok(av[i]).doCalc();

    /** Construct by filename */
    public SimpleCalcStreamTok(String fileName) throws IOException {
        this(new FileReader(fileName));

    /** Construct from an existing Reader */
    public SimpleCalcStreamTok(Reader rdr) throws IOException {
        tf = new StreamTokenizer(rdr);
        // Control the input character set:
        tf.slashSlashComments(true);    // treat "//" as comments
        tf.ordinaryChar('-');        // used for subtraction
        tf.ordinaryChar('/');    // used for division

    /** Construct from a Reader and a PrintWriter
    public SimpleCalcStreamTok(Reader in, PrintWriter out) throws IOException {

     * Change the output destination.
    public void setOutput(PrintWriter out) {
        this.out = out;

    protected void doCalc() throws IOException {
        int iType;
        double tmp;

        while ((iType = tf.nextToken()) != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
            switch(iType) {
            case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: // Found a number, push value to stack
            case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD:
                // Found a variable, save its name. Not used here.
                variable = tf.sval;
            case '+':
                // + operator is commutative.
                push(pop() + pop());
            case '-':
                // - operator: order matters.
                tmp = pop();
                push(pop() - tmp);
            case '*':
                // Multiply is commutative
                push(pop() * pop());
            case '/':
                // Handle division carefully: order matters!
                tmp = pop();
                push(pop() / tmp);
            case '=':
                out.println("What's this? iType = " + iType);
    void push(double val) {
    double pop() {
        return ((Double)s.pop()).doubleValue();
    double peek() {
        return ((Double)s.peek()).doubleValue();
    void clearStack() {

10.6 Scanning Input with the Scanner Class


You want to scan a simple input file consisting of various number and strings in a known format.


Read with Scanner’s next() methods.


The Scanner class lets you read an input source by tokens, somewhat analogous to the StreamTokenizer described in Recipe 10.5. The Scanner is more flexible in some ways (it lets you break tokens based on spaces or regular expressions) but less in others (you need to know the kind of token you are reading). This class bears some resemblance to the C-language scanf() function, but in the Scanner you specify the input token types by calling methods like nextInt(), nextDouble(), and so on. Here is a simple example of scanning:

        String sampleDate = "25 Dec 1988";

        try (Scanner sDate = new Scanner(sampleDate)) {
            int dayOfMonth = sDate.nextInt();
            String month =;
            int year = sDate.nextInt();
            System.out.printf("%d-%s-%02d%n", year, month, dayOfMonth);

The Scanner recognizes Java’s eight built-in types, in addition to BigInteger and BigDecimal. It can also return input tokens as Strings or by matching regular expressions (see Chapter 4). Table 10-3 lists the “next” methods and corresponding “has” methods; the “has” method returns true if the corresponding “next” method would succeed. There is no nextString() method; just use next() to get the next token as a String.

Table 10-3. Scanner methods
Returned type “has” method “next” method Comment




The next complete token from this scanner




The next string that matches the given regular expression (regex)




The next token that matches the regex pattern constructed from the specified string




The next token of the input as a BigDecimal




The next token of the input as a BigInteger




The next token of the input as a boolean




The next token of the input as a byte




The next token of the input as a double




The next token of the input as a float




The next token of the input as an int




Reads up to the end-of-line, including the line ending




The next token of the input as a long




The next token of the input as a short

The Scanner class is constructed with an input source, which can be an InputStream, a String, or Readable (Readable is an interface that Reader and all its subclasses implement).

One way to use the Scanner is based on the Iterator pattern, using while (scanner.hasNext()) to control the iteration. Example 10-5 shows the simple calculator from Recipe 10.5 rewritten3 to use the Scanner class.

Example 10-5. main/src/main/java/io/ - Simple calculator using java.util.Scanner
public class SimpleCalcScanner {
    /** The Scanner */
    protected Scanner scan;

    /** The output */
    protected PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);

    /** The variable name (not used in this version) */
    protected String variable;

    /** The operand stack; no operators are pushed, so it can be a stack of Double */
    protected Stack<Double> s = new Stack<>();

    /* Driver - main program */
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        if (args.length == 0)
            new SimpleCalcScanner(
                new InputStreamReader(;
            for (String arg : args) {
                new SimpleCalcScanner(arg).doCalc();

    /** Construct a SimpleCalcScanner by name */
    public SimpleCalcScanner(String fileName) throws IOException {
        this(new FileReader(fileName));

    /** Construct a SimpleCalcScanner from an open Reader */
    public SimpleCalcScanner(Reader rdr) throws IOException {
        scan = new Scanner(rdr);

    /** Construct a SimpleCalcScanner from a Reader and a PrintWriter */
    public SimpleCalcScanner(Reader rdr, PrintWriter pw) throws IOException {

    /** Change the output to go to a new PrintWriter */
    public void setWriter(PrintWriter pw) {
        out = pw;

    protected void doCalc() throws IOException {
        double tmp;

        while (scan.hasNext()) {
            if (scan.hasNextDouble()) {
            } else {
                String token;
                switch(token = {
                case "+":
                    // Found + operator, perform it immediately.
                    push(pop() + pop());
                case "-":
                    // Found - operator, perform it (order matters).
                    tmp = pop();
                    push(pop() - tmp);
                case "*":
                    // Multiply is commutative
                    push(pop() * pop());
                case "/":
                    // Handle division carefully: order matters!
                    tmp = pop();
                    push(pop() / tmp);
                case "=":
                    out.println("What's this? " + token);

    void push(double val) {

    double pop() {
        return ((Double)s.pop()).doubleValue();

    double peek() {
        return ((Double)s.peek()).doubleValue();

    void clearStack() {

10.7 Scanning Input with Grammatical Structure


You need to parse a file whose structure can be described as “grammatical” (in the sense of computer languages, not natural languages).


Use one of many parser generators.


Although the StreamTokenizer class (see Recipe 10.5) and Scanner (see Recipe 10.6) are useful, they know only a limited number of tokens and have no way of specifying that the tokens must appear in a particular order. To do more advanced scanning, you need some special-purpose scanning tools. “Parser generators” have a long history in computer science. The best-known examples are the C-language yacc (Yet Another Compiler Compiler) and lex, released with Seventh Edition Unix in the 1970s and discussed in lex & yacc (O’Reilly), and their open source clones bison and flex. These tools let you specify the lexical structure of your input using some pattern language such as regular expressions (see Chapter 4). For example, you might say that an email address consists of a series of alphanumerics, followed by an at sign (@), followed by a series of alphanumerics with periods embedded, as:

name:  [A-Za-z0-9]+@[A-Za-z0-0.]
name: w+#[w.]

The tool then writes code that recognizes the characters you have described. These tools also have a grammatical specification, which says, for example, that the keyword EMAIL must appear, followed by a colon, followed by a “name” token, as previously defined.

There are several good third-party parser generator tools for Java. They vary widely based on complexity, power, ease of use, and so on:

  • One of the best known and most elaborate is ANTLR.

  • JavaCC is an open source project at

  • JParsec lets you write the parser in straight Java, so it’s all built at compile time (most of the others require a separate parse generation step, with the build and debugging issues that that raises). JParsec is on GitHub.

  • JFlex and CUP work together like the original yacc and lex, as grammar parser and lexical scanner respectively.

  • Parboiled uses Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) to also build the parser at compile time. See GitHub for more information.

  • Rats! parser generator is part of the eXTensible Compiler Project at New York University.

  • There are others; a more complete list is maintained at Java Source.

These “parser generators” can be used to write grammars for a wide variety of programs, from simple calculators—such as the one in Recipe 10.6—through HTML and CORBA/IDL, up to full Java and C/C++ parsers. Examples of these are included with the downloads. Unfortunately, the learning curve for parsers in general precludes providing a simple and comprehensive example here, let alone to compare them intelligently. Refer to the documentation and the numerous examples provided with each distribution.

As an alternative to using one of these, you could simply roll your own “recursive descent parser,” and once you learn how to do so, you may find it’s not really that difficult, quite possibly even less hassle than dealing with the extra parser generator software. (Depending on the complexity of the grammar involved, obviously.)

Java developers have a range of choices including simple line-at-a-time scanners using StringTokenizer, fancier token-based scanners using StreamTokenizer, a Scanner class to scan simple tokens (see Recipe 10.6), Regular Expressions (see Chapter 4), and third-party solutions include grammar-based scanners based on the parsing tools listed here.

10.8 Copying a File


You need to copy a file in its entirety.


Use one of the Java 11 Files.copy() methods. If on an older release, use the explicit read and write methods in the +Readers/Writer+s or +InputStream/OutputStream+s.


The Files class has several overloads of a copy method that makes quick work of this requirement.

Path copy(Path, Path, CopyOption...) throws;
long copy(InputStream, Path, CopyOption...) throws IOException;
long copy(Path, OutputStream) throws IOException;

Long ago, Java’s IO facilities did not package a lot of the common operations like copying one file to another or reading a file into a String. So back then I wrote my own package of helper methods. Users of older JDK versions may want to use FileIO from my utilities package com.darwinsys.util. Here’s a simple demo program that uses FileIO to copy a source file to a backup file:




public class FileIoDemo {
    public static void main(String[] av) {
        try {
            FileIO.copyFile("", "FileIO.bak");
            FileIO.copyFile("FileIO.class", "FileIO-class.bak");
        } catch (IOException e) {

My copyFile method takes several forms, depending on whether you have two filenames, a filename and a PrintWriter, and so on. The code for FileIO itself is not shown here but is online, in the darwinsys API download.

10.9 Reassigning the Standard Streams


You need to reassign one or more of the standard streams, System.out, or System.err.


Construct an InputStream or PrintStream as appropriate, and pass it to the appropriate set method in the System class.


The ability to reassign these streams corresponds to what Unix (or DOS command line) users think of as redirection, or piping. This mechanism is commonly used to make a program read from or write to a file without having to explicitly open it and go through every line of code changing the read, write, print, etc. calls to refer to a different stream object. The open operation is performed by the command-line interpreter in Unix or DOS, or by the calling class in Java.

Although you could just assign a new PrintStream to the variable System.out, best pracice is to use the defined method to replace it:

        String LOGFILENAME = "error.log";
        System.setErr(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(LOGFILENAME)));
        System.out.println("Please look for errors in " + LOGFILENAME);
        // Now assume this is somebody else's code; you'll see it
        //   writing to stderr...
        int[] a = new int[5];
        a[10] = 0;    // here comes an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

The stream you use can be one that you’ve opened, as here, or one you inherited:

System.setErr(System.out);    // merge stderr and stdout to same output file.

It could also be a stream connected to or from another Process you’ve started (see Recipe 18.1), a network socket, or URL. Anything that gives you a stream can be used.

10.10 Duplicating a Stream As It Is Written; Reassigning Standard Streams


You want anything written to a stream, such as the standard output System.out, or the standard error System.err, to appear there but also be logged in to a file.


Subclass PrintStream and have its write() methods write to two streams. Then use system.setErr() or setOut() to replace the existing standard stream with this “tee” PrintStream subclass.


Some classes are meant to be subclassed. Here we’re just subclassing PrintStream and adding a bit of functionality: a second PrintStream! I wrote a class called TeePrintStream, named after the ancient Unix command tee. That command allowed you to duplicate, or “tee off” (from plumber’s pipe tee, not the game of golf or the local pest) a copy of the data being written on a “pipeline” between two programs.

The original Unix tee command is used like this: the | character creates a pipeline in which the standard output of one program becomes the standard input to the next. This often-used example of pipes shows how many users are logged into a Unix server:

who | wc -l

This runs the who program (which lists who is logged in to the system, one name per line ,along with the terminal port and login time) and sends its output, not to the terminal, but rather into the standard input of the word count (wc) program. Here, wc is being asked to count lines, not words; hence the -l option. To tee a copy of the intermediate data into a file, you might say:

who | tee wholist | wc -l

which creates a file wholist containing the data. For the curious, the file wholist might look something like this:

ian      ttyC0    Mar 14 09:59
ben      ttyC3    Mar 14 10:23
ian      ttyp4    Mar 14 13:46  (

So both the previous command sequences would print 3 as their output.

TeePrintStream is an attempt to capture the spirit of the tee command. It can be used like this:

System.setErr(new TeePrintStream(System.err, "err.log"));
// ...lots of code that occasionally writes to System.err... Or might.

System.setErr() is a means of specifying the destination of text printed to System.err (there are also System.setOut() and System.setIn()). This code results in any messages that printed to System.err to print to wherever System.err was previously directed (normally the terminal, but possibly a text window in an IDE) and in to the file err.log.

This technique is not limited to the three standard streams. A TeePrintStream can be passed to any method that wants a PrintStream. Or, for that matter, an OutputStream. And you can adapt the technique for BufferedInputStreams, PrintWriters, BufferedReaders, and so on.

Example 10-6 shows the source code for TeePrintStream.

Example 10-6. main/src/main/java/io/
public class TeePrintStream extends PrintStream {
    /** The original/direct print stream */
    protected PrintStream parent;

    /** The filename we are tee-ing too, if known;
     * intended for use in future error reporting.
    protected String fileName;

    /** The name for when the input filename is not known */
    private static final String UNKNOWN_NAME = "(opened Stream)";

    /** Construct a TeePrintStream given an existing PrintStream,
     * an opened OutputStream, and a boolean to control auto-flush.
     * This is the main constructor, to which others delegate via "this".
    public TeePrintStream(PrintStream orig, OutputStream os, boolean flush)
    throws IOException {
        super(os, true);
        fileName = UNKNOWN_NAME;
        parent = orig;

    /** Construct a TeePrintStream given an existing PrintStream and
     * an opened OutputStream.
    public TeePrintStream(PrintStream orig, OutputStream os)
    throws IOException {
        this(orig, os, true);

    /* Construct a TeePrintStream given an existing Stream and a filename.
    public TeePrintStream(PrintStream os, String fn) throws IOException {
        this(os, fn, true);

    /* Construct a TeePrintStream given an existing Stream, a filename,
     * and a boolean to control the flush operation.
    public TeePrintStream(PrintStream orig, String fn, boolean flush)
    throws IOException {
        this(orig, new FileOutputStream(fn), flush);
        fileName = fn;

    /** Return true if either stream has an error. */
    public boolean checkError() {
        return parent.checkError() || super.checkError();

    /** override write(). This is the actual "tee" operation. */
    public void write(int x) {
        parent.write(x);    // "write once;
        super.write(x);        // write somewhere else."

    /** override write(). This is the actual "tee" operation. */
    public void write(byte[] x, int o, int l) {
        parent.write(x, o, l);    // "write once;
        super.write(x, o, l);    // write somewhere else."

    /** Close both streams. */
    public void close() {

    /** Flush both streams. */
    public void flush() {

It’s worth mentioning that I do not need to override all the polymorphic forms of print() and println(). Because these all ultimately use one of the forms of write(), if you override the print and println methods to do the tee-ing as well, you can get several additional copies of the data written out.

10.11 Reading/Writing a Different Character Set


You need to read or write a text file using a particular encoding.


Convert the text to or from internal Unicode by specifying a converter when you construct an InputStreamReader or PrintWriter.


Classes InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter are the bridge from byte-oriented Streams to character-based Readers. These classes read or write bytes and translate them to or from characters according to a specified character encoding. The UTF-16 character set used inside Java (char and String types) is a 16-bit character set. But most character sets—such as ASCII, Swedish, Spanish, Greek, Turkish, and many others—use only a small subset of that. In fact, many European language character sets fit nicely into 8-bit characters. Even the larger character sets (script-based and pictographic languages) don’t all use the same bit values for each particular character. The encoding, then, is a mapping between Java characters and an external storage format for characters drawn from a particular national or linguistic character set.

To simplify matters, the InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter constructors are the only places where you can specify the name of an encoding to be used in this translation. If you do not specify an encoding, the platform’s (or user’s) default encoding is used. PrintWriters, BufferedReaders, and the like all use whatever encoding the InputStreamReader or OutputStreamWriter class uses. Because these bridge classes only accept Stream arguments in their constructors, the implication is that if you want to specify a nondefault converter to read or write a file on disk, you must start by constructing not a FileReader or FileWriter, but a FileInputStream or FileOutputStream!

// io/
BufferedReader fromKanji = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("kanji.txt"), "EUC_JP"));
PrintWriter toSwedish = new PrinterWriter(
    new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("sverige.txt"), "Cp278"));

Not that it would necessarily make sense to read a single file from Kanji and output it in a Swedish encoding; for one thing, most fonts would not have all the characters of both character sets, and, at any rate, the Swedish encoding certainly has far fewer characters in it than the Kanji encoding. Besides, if that were all you wanted, you could use a JDK tool with the ill-fitting name native2ascii (see its documentation for details). A list of the supported encodings is also in the JDK documentation, in the file docs/guide/internat/encoding.doc.html. A more detailed description is found in Appendix B of Java I/O (O’Reilly).

10.12 Those Pesky End-of-Line Characters


You really want to know about end-of-line characters.


Use and in whatever combination makes sense.


If you are reading text (or bytes containing ASCII characters) in line mode using the readLine() method, you’ll never see the end-of-line characters, and if you’re using a PrintWriter with its println() method, the same applies. Thus you won’t be cursed with having to figure out whether , , or appears at the end of each line.

If you want that level of detail, you have to read the characters or bytes one at a time, using the read() methods. The only time I’ve found this necessary is in networking code, where some of the line-mode protocols assume that the line ending is . Even here, though, you can still work in line mode. When writing, pass into the print() (not println() !) method. When reading, use readLine() and you won’t have to deal with the characters:

outputSocket.print("HELO " + myName + "
String response = inputSocket.readLine();

For the curious, the strange spelling of “hello” is used in SMTP, the mail sending protocol, where commands are four letters.

10.13 Beware Platform-Dependent File Code


Chastened by the previous recipe, you now wish to write only platform-independent code.


Use readLine() and println(). Avoid use of by itself; use File.separator if you must.


As mentioned in Recipe 10.12, if you just use readLine() and println(), you won’t have to think about the line endings. But a particular problem, especially for former programmers of C and related languages, is using the character in text strings to mean a newline. What is particularly distressing about this code is that it works—sometimes—usually on the developer’s own platform. But it will probably fail someday, on some other system:

    String myName;
    public static void main(String[] argv) {
        BadNewline jack = new BadNewline("Jack Adolphus Schmidt, III");
    public String toString() {
        return "BadNewlineDemo@" + hashCode() + "
" + myName;

    // The obvious Constructor is not shown for brevity; it's in the code

The real problem is not that it fails on some platforms, though. What’s really wrong is that it mixes formatting and I/O, or tries to. Don’t mix line-based display with toString(); avoid “multiline strings”—output from toString() or any other string-returning method. If you need to write multiple strings, then say what you mean:

    String myName;
    public static void main(String[] argv) {
        GoodNewline jack = new GoodNewline("Jack Adolphus Schmidt, III");

    protected void print(PrintStream out) {
        out.println(toString());    // classname and hashcode
        out.println(myName);        // print name  on next line

Alternatively, if you need multiple lines, you could return an array or List of strings.

10.14 Reading/Writing Binary Data


You need to read or write binary data, as opposed to text.


Use a DataInputStream or DataOutputStream.


The Stream classes have been in Java since the beginning of time and are optimal for reading and writing bytes rather than characters. The “data” layer over them, comprising DataInputStream and DataOutputStream, is configured for reading and writing binary values, including all of Java’s built-in types. Suppose that you want to write a binary integer plus a binary floating-point value into a file and read it back later. This code shows the writing part:

public class WriteBinary {
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException {
        int i = 42;
        double d = Math.PI;
        String FILENAME = "binary.dat";
        DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(
            new FileOutputStream(FILENAME));
        System.out.println("Wrote " + i + ", " + d + " to file " + FILENAME);

Should you need to write all the fields from an object, you should probably use one of the methods described in Recipe 12.6.

10.15 Reading and Writing JAR or ZIP Archives


You need to create and/or extract from a JAR archive or a file in the well-known ZIP Archive format, as established by PkZip and used by Unix zip/unzip and WinZip.


You could use the jar program in the Java Development Kit because its file format is identical to the ZIP format with the addition of the META-INF directory to contain additional structural information. But because this is a book about programming, you are probably more interested in the ZipFile and ZipEntry classes and the stream classes to which they provide access.


The class is not an I/O class per se, but a utility class that allows you to read or write the contents of a JAR or ZIP-format file.4 When constructed, it creates a series of ZipEntry objects, one to represent each entry in the archive. In other words, the ZipFile represents the entire archive, and the ZipEntry represents one entry, or one file that has been stored (and compressed) in the archive. The ZipEntry has methods like getName(), which returns the name that the file had before it was put into the archive, and getInputStream(), which gives you an InputStream that will transparently uncompress the archive entry by filtering it as you read it. To create a ZipFile object, you need either the name of the archive file or a File object representing it:

ZipFile zippy = new ZipFile(fileName);

To see whether a given file is present in the archive, you can call the getEntry() method with a filename. More commonly, you’ll want to process all the entries; for this, use the ZipFile object to get a list of the entries in the archive, in the form of an Enumeration (see Recipe 7.6).

Enumeration all = zippy.entries( );
while (all.hasMoreElements( )) {
    ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry)all.nextElement( );

We can then process each entry as we wish. A simple listing program could be:

if (entry.isDirectory( ))
    println("Directory: " + e.getName( ));
    println("File: " + e.getName( ));

A fancier version would extract the files. The program in Example 10-7 does both: it lists by default, but with the -x (extract) switch, it actually extracts the files from the archive.

Example 10-7. main/src/main/java/io/
public class UnZip {
    /** Constants for mode listing or mode extracting. */
    public static enum Mode {
    /** Whether we are extracting or just printing TOC */
    protected Mode mode = Mode.LIST;

    /** The ZipFile that is used to read an archive */
    protected ZipFile zippy;

    /** The buffer for reading/writing the ZipFile data */
    protected byte[] b = new byte[8092];

    /** Simple main program, construct an UnZipper, process each
     * .ZIP file from argv[] through that object.
    public static void main(String[] argv) {
        UnZip u = new UnZip();

        for (int i=0; i<argv.length; i++) {
            if ("-x".equals(argv[i])) {
            String candidate = argv[i];
            // System.err.println("Trying path " + candidate);
            if (candidate.endsWith(".zip") ||
            else System.err.println("Not a zip file? " + candidate);
        System.err.println("All done!");

    /** Set the Mode (list, extract). */
    protected void setMode(Mode m) {
        mode = m;

    /** Cache of paths we've mkdir()ed. */
    protected SortedSet<String> dirsMade;

    /** For a given Zip file, process each entry. */
    public void unZip(String fileName) {
        dirsMade = new TreeSet<String>();
        try {
            zippy = new ZipFile(fileName);
            Enumeration<ZipEntry> all = (Enumeration<ZipEntry>) zippy.entries();
            while (all.hasMoreElements()) {
        } catch (IOException err) {
            System.err.println("IO Error: " + err);

    protected boolean warnedMkDir = false;

    /** Process one file from the zip, given its name.
     * Either print the name, or create the file on disk.
    protected void getFile(ZipEntry e) throws IOException {
        String zipName = e.getName();
        switch (mode) {
        case EXTRACT:
            if (zipName.startsWith("/")) {
                if (!warnedMkDir)
                    System.out.println("Ignoring absolute paths");
                warnedMkDir = true;
                zipName = zipName.substring(1);
            // if a directory, just return. We mkdir for every file,
            // since some widely used Zip creators don't put out
            // any directory entries, or put them in the wrong place.
            if (zipName.endsWith("/")) {
            // Else must be a file; open the file for output
            // Get the directory part.
            int ix = zipName.lastIndexOf('/');
            if (ix > 0) {
                String dirName = zipName.substring(0, ix);
                if (!dirsMade.contains(dirName)) {
                    File d = new File(dirName);
                    // If it already exists as a dir, don't do anything
                    if (!(d.exists() && d.isDirectory())) {
                        // Try to create the directory, warn if it fails
                        System.out.println("Creating Directory: " + dirName);
                        if (!d.mkdirs()) {
                            "Warning: unable to mkdir " + dirName);
            System.err.println("Creating " + zipName);
            FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(zipName);
            InputStream  is = zippy.getInputStream(e);
            int n = 0;
            while ((n = >0)
                os.write(b, 0, n);
        case LIST:
            // Not extracting, just list
            if (e.isDirectory()) {
                System.out.println("Directory " + zipName);
            } else {
                System.out.println("File " + zipName);
            throw new IllegalStateException("mode value (" + mode + ") bad");

See Also

People sometimes confuse the Zip archive file format with the similarly-named GZip compression format. GZip-compressed files can be read or written with the GZipInputStream and GZipOutputStream classes from

10.16 Finding Files in a Filesystem-Neutral Way with getResource() and getResourceAsStream()


You want to load objects or files without referring to their absolute location in the filesystem. This can be because:

  • you are in a server (Java EE) environment.

  • you want to be independent of file paths.

  • you want to read a file in a unit test.

  • you expect users to deploy the resource “somewhere” on the classpath (possibly even inside a JAR file).


Use getClass() or getClassLoader() and either getResource() or getResourceAsStream().


There are three varieties of getResource() methods, some of which exist (with the exact same signature) both in the Class class (see Chapter 17) and in the ClassLoader class (see Recipe 17.5). The methods in Class delegate to the ClassLoader, so there is little difference between them. The methods are summarized in Table 10-6.

Table 10-6. The getResource* methods
Method signature In Class In ClassLoader

public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String);



public URL getResource(String);



public Enumeration<URL> getResources(String) throws IOException;



The first is designed to quickly and easily locate a “resource” or file on your classpath. Using the Class version, or the other one with a standard classloader implementation, the resource can be a physical file, or a file inside a JAR file. If you define your own classloader, your imagination is the limit, as long as it can be represented as an InputStream. This is commonly used as:

InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("");
// then do something with the InputStream...

The second form returns a URL, which again, can be interpreted in various ways (see the discussion of reading from a URL in Recipe 12.1).

The third form, only usable with a ClassLoader instance, returns an Enumeration of URL objects. This is intended to return all the resources that match a given string; remember that a CLASSPATH can consist of pretty much any number of directories and/or JAR files, so this will search all of them. Useful for finding a series of configuration files and merging them, perhaps. Or for finding out whether there is more than one resource/file of a given name on your classpath.

Note that the resource name can be given as either a relative path or as an absolute path. Assuming you are using Maven (see Recipe 1.7), then for the absolute path, place the file relative to src/main/resources/ directory. For the relative path, place the file in the same directory as your source code. The same rules apply in an IDE assuming you have made src/main/java and src/main/resources be treated as “source folders” in your IDE configuration. The idea is that “resource files” get copied to your classpath folder. For example, if you have two resource files, src/main/resources/one.txt and src/main/java/MyPackage/two.txt, and your project is configured as described, these two lines would work, if accessed from a program in MyPackage:

Class<?> c = getClass();
InputStream isOne = getResourceAsStream("/one.txt");	// note leading slash
InputStream isTwo = getResourceAsStream("two.txt");	// without leading slash

In either case, getResource() and getResourceAsStream() will return null if they don’t find the resource; you should always check for null to guard against faulty deployment. However, if it doesn’t find anything matching, getResources() will return an empty Enumeration.

If the file path has slashes between components (as in package/subpackage), the name you path into any of the getResource methods should have a “.” in place of the “/”.

10.17 Getting File Information: Files and Path


You need to know all you can about a given file on disk.


Use java.nio..file.Files methods.


The java.nio.file.Files class has a plural name both to differentiate it from the legacy File class that it replaces and to remind us that it sometimes works on multiple files. There are two types of static methods in the Files class, information and operational. The informational ones (see Table 10-7) simply give you information about one file, such as boolean exists() or long size(). The operational ones (see Table 10-8) either make changes to the filesystem, or open a file for reading or writing. Each of the operational ones can throw the checked exception IOException; only a few of the informational ones can.

The vast majority of these methods have argument(s) of type java.nio.file.Path. A Path represents a path into the filesystem, i.e., a set of directories and possibly a file, like “C:UsersuserDownloads” or “/home/ian/Downloads”. The path may or may not exist as a file on disk at the time you create a Path representing it. The Files class can tell you whether the file represented by a given Path exists, can bring that path into being as a file or as a directory, and can either change the corresponding file’s attributes or even destroy it if it does exist. Path objects are easily created with Path.of(String name) which has several overloads.

Files in conjunction with Path offers pretty well everything you’d need to write a full-blown “file manager” application, let alone the needs of a more typical application needing file information and/or directory access. The Files class has a series of static boolean methods which give basic information

Table 10-7. public static Informational methods in java.nio.file.Files
Return type Method Notes


exists(Path, LinkOption…);


getAttribute(Path, String, LinkOption…);

<V extends FileAttributeView> V

getFileAttributeView(Path, Class<V>, LinkOption…);


getLastModifiedTime(Path, LinkOption…);


getOwner(Path, LinkOption…);


getPosixFilePermissions(Path, LinkOption…);


isDirectory(Path, LinkOption…);



If Executable by current user



If a “dot file” on Unix, or “hidden” attribute set on some OSes



If Readable by current user


isRegularFile(Path, LinkOption…);


isSameFile(Path, Path) throws IOException;

Has to unwind filesys complexities like “..”, symlinks, …





If Writable by current user


mismatch(Path, Path);


notExists(Path, LinkOption…);


probeContentType(Path) throws IOException;

Tries to return MIME type of data


readSymbolicLink(Path) throws IOException;



By “current user” we mean the account under which the current JVM instance is being run.

Most of these methods are demonstrated in Example 10-8.

Example 10-8. main/src/main/java/io/
        println("exists", Files.exists(Path.of("/")));
        println("isDirectory", Files.isDirectory(Path.of("/")));
        println("isExecutable", Files.isExecutable(Path.of("/bin/cat")));
        println("isHidden", Files.isHidden(Path.of("~/.profile")));
        println("isReadable", Files.isReadable(Path.of("lines.txt")));
        println("isRegularFile", Files.isRegularFile(Path.of("lines.txt")));
        println("isSameFile", Files.isSameFile(Path.of("lines.txt"),
        println("isSymbolicLink", Files.isSymbolicLink(Path.of("/var")));
        println("isWritable", Files.isWritable(Path.of("/tmp")));
        println("isDirectory", Files.isDirectory(Path.of("/")));
        println("probeContentType", Files.probeContentType(Path.of("lines.txt")));
        println("readSymbolicLink", Files.readSymbolicLink(Path.of("/var")));
        println("size", Files.size(Path.of("lines.txt")));

Obviously the paths chosen are somewhat system-specific, but when run on my Unix system, the boolean methods all returned true, and the last three returned:

probeContentType returned text/plain
readSymbolicLink returned private/var
size returned 78

Table 10-8 shows the methods that make changes to filesystem entities.

Table 10-8. public static Operational Methods in java.nio.file.Files
Return type Method


copy(InputStream, Path, CopyOption…);


copy(Path, OutputStream);


copy(Path, Path, CopyOption…);


createDirectories(Path, FileAttribute<?>…);


createDirectory(Path, FileAttribute<?>…);


createFile(Path, FileAttribute<?>…);


createLink(Path, Path);


createSymbolicLink(Path, Path, FileAttribute<?>…);


createTempDirectory(Path, String, FileAttribute<?>…);


createTempDirectory(String, FileAttribute<?>…);


createTempFile(Path, String, String, FileAttribute<?>…);


createTempFile(String, String, FileAttribute<?>…);






find(Path, int, BiPredicate<Path, BasicFileAttributes>, FileVisitOption…);




lines(Path, Charset);




move(Path, Path, CopyOption…);




newBufferedReader(Path, Charset);


newBufferedWriter(Path, Charset, OpenOption…);


newBufferedWriter(Path, OpenOption…);


newByteChannel(Path, OpenOption…);


newByteChannel(Path, Set<? extends OpenOption>, FileAttribute<?>…);




newDirectoryStream(Path, String);


newInputStream(Path, OpenOption…);


newOutputStream(Path, OpenOption…);






readAllLines(Path, Charset);

<A extends BasicFileAttributes> A

readAttributes(Path, Class<A>, LinkOption…);

Map<String, Object>

readAttributes(Path, String, LinkOption…);




readString(Path, Charset);


setAttribute(Path, String, Object, LinkOption…);


setLastModifiedTime(Path, FileTime);


setOwner(Path, UserPrincipal);


setPosixFilePermissions(Path, Set<PosixFilePermission>);


write(Path, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>, Charset, OpenOption…);


write(Path, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>, OpenOption…);


write(Path, byte[], OpenOption…);


writeString(Path, CharSequence, Charset, OpenOption…);


writeString(Path, CharSequence, OpenOption…);

Path is an interface, whose implementation is provided by a provider class called Filesystem. Path has many methods, listed in Table 10-9.

Table 10-9. public static Operational Methods in java.nio.file.Files
Access Return type Method



of(String, String…);



























subpath(int, int);







































toRealPath(LinkOption…) throws IOException;






register(WatchService, WatchEvent$Kind<?>[], WatchEvent$Modifier…) throws IOException;



register(WatchService, WatchEvent$Kind<?>…) throws IOException;



















To find the information about one file, you can use the informational methods in Files and Path, as shown in Example 10-9.

Example 10-9. main/src/main/java/dir_file/ - Getting File Information
public class FileStatus {
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException {

        // Ensure that a filename (or something) was given in argv[0]
        if (argv.length == 0) {
            System.err.println("Usage: FileStatus filename");
        for (String a : argv) {

    public static void status(String fileName) throws IOException {
        System.out.println("---" + fileName + "---");

        // Construct a Path object for the given file.
        Path p = Path.of(fileName);

        // See if it actually exists
        if (!Files.exists(p)) {
            System.out.println("file not found");
            System.out.println();    // Blank line
        // Print full name
        System.out.println("Canonical name " + p.normalize());
        // Print parent directory if possible
        Path parent = p.getParent();
        if (parent != null) {
            System.out.println("Parent directory: " + parent);
        // Check if the file is readable
        if (Files.isReadable(p)) {
            System.out.println(fileName + " is readable.");
        // Check if the file is writable
        if (Files.isWritable(p)) {
            System.out.println(fileName + " is writable.");

        // See if file, directory, or other. If file, print size.
        if (Files.isRegularFile(p)) {
            // Report on the file's size and possibly its type
            System.out.printf("File size is %d bytes, content type %s
        } else if (Files.isDirectory(p)) {
            System.out.println("It's a directory");
        } else {
            System.out.println("I dunno! Neither a file nor a directory!");

        // Report on the modification time.
        final FileTime d = Files.getLastModifiedTime(p);
        System.out.println("Last modified " + d);

        System.out.println();    // blank line between entries

When run on MS-Windows with the three arguments shown, it produces this output:

C:javasrcdir_file>java dir_file.FileStatus   / /tmp/id /autoexec.bat
Canonical name C:
File is readable.
File is writable.
Last modified 1970-01-01T00:00:00.00000Z
It's a directory

file not found

Canonical name C:AUTOEXEC.BAT
Parent directory: 
File is readable.
File is writable.
Last modified 2019-10-13T12:43:05.123918Z
File size is 308 bytes.

As you can see, the so-called “canonical name” not only includes a leading directory root of C:, but also has had the name converted to uppercase. You can tell I ran that on Windows. That version of Windows did not maintain time stampson directories; the value 0L gets interpreted as January 1, 1970 (not accidentally the same time base as used on Unix since that time). On Unix, it behaves differently:

$ java dir_file.FileStatus / /tmp/id /autoexec.bat
Canonical name /
File is readable.
It's a directory
Last modified 2019-12-16T01:14:05.226108Z

Canonical name /tmp/id
Parent directory: /tmp
File is readable.
File is writable.
File size is 36768 bytes, content type null
Last modified 2019-12-21T18:46:27.402108Z

file not found


A typical Unix system has no autoexec.bat file. And Unix filenames (like those on a Mac) can consist of upper- and lowercase characters: what you type is what you get.

Legacy Compatibility

To use a Path with legacy code that needs the older, simply use File oldType = Path.toFile()

jshell> Path p = Path.of("/");
p ==> /

jshell> File f = p.toFile();
f ==> /

To go the other way, the File class has been retrofitted with a toPath() method:

jshell> File f = new File("/");
f ==> /

jshell> Path p = f.toPath();
p ==> /

10.18 Creating a New File or Directory


You need to create a new file on disk, but not write any data into it; you need to create a directory before you can create files in it.


For an empty file, use a java.nio.file.Files object’s createFile(Path) method. To create a directory, use the Files class’ createDirectory() or createDirectories() method.



You could easily create a new file by constructing a FileOutputStream or FileWriter (see Recipe 12.6). But then you’d have to remember to close it as well. Sometimes you want a file to exist, but you don’t want to bother putting anything into it. This might be used, for example, as a simple form of interprogram communication: one program could test for the presence of a file and interpret that to mean that the other program has reached a certain state. Example 10-10 is code that simply creates an empty file for each name you give.

Example 10-10. main/src/main/java/dir_file/ - Creation of a file on disk
/** Create file(s) by name. Final "e" omitted in homage to UNIX system call. */
public class Creat {
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException {

        // Ensure that a filename (or something) was given in argv[0]
        if (argv.length == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Usage: Creat filename [...]");

        for (String arg : argv) {
            // Constructing a Path object doesn't affect the disk, but
            // the Files.createFile() method does.
            final Path p = Path.of(arg);
            final Path created = Files.createFile(p);

java.nio.file.createFile() has an overload that takes a second argument of type OpenOption. This is an empty interface that is implemented by the StandardOpenOption enumeration. These options are listed in Table 10-5.


Of the two methods used for creating directories, createDirectory() creates just one directory, whereas createDirectories() creates any intermediate directories that are needed. For example, if /home/ian exists and is a directory, the call:

shell> Files.createDirectory(Path.of("/Users/ian/abc"))
$11 ==> /Users/ian/abc

will succeed (unless the directory is already there), but the call:

jshell> Files.createDirectory(Path.of("/Users/ian/once/twice/again"))

will fail with a java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException because the directory once does not exist. To create this path of directories, as you might expect by now, use createDirectories() (plural):

jshell> Files.createDirectories(Path.of("/Users/ian/once/twice/again"))
$14 ==> /Users/ian/once/twice/again

Both variants return a Path object referring to the new directory if they succeed and throw an exception if they fail. Notice that it is possible (but not likely) for createDirectories() to create some of the directories and then fail; in this case, the newly created directories are left in the filesystem.

10.19 Changing a File’s Name or Other Attributes


You need to change a file’s name on disk or some of its other attributes such as setting the file to read-only or changing its modification time.


To change the name (or location), use a java.nio.file.Files' static move() method. For other attributes, use setLastModifiedTime() to change the time stamp, or one of several other setters for “mode” or “permission” attributes.


Similar to the Unix command line, there is no separate “rename” operation; the “move” methods provide all functions of “putting a file somewhere else”, whether that is to the same name in a different directory, a different name in the same directory, or a different name on a different “disk” or “filesystem”. Accordingly, the Files.move() method requires two Path objects, one referring to the existing file and another referring to the new name. Then call the Files.move() method, passing both path objects, firs the existing and then the desired name. This is easier to see than to explain, so here goes:

public class Rename {
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException {

        // Construct the Path object. Does NOT create a file on disk!
        final Path p = Path.of("MyCoolDocument"); // The file we will rename

        // Setup for the demo: create a new "old" file
        final Path oldName = Files.exists(p) ? p : Files.createFile(p);

        // Rename the backup file to "mydoc.bak"
        // Renaming requires a Path object for the target.
        final Path newName = Path.of("mydoc.bak");
        Files.deleteIfExists(newName); // In case previous run left it there
        Path p2 = Files.move(oldName, newName);
        System.out.println(p + " renamed to " + p2);

For changing the attributes, there are several methods available, listed in Table 10-10. Each of these has a return value of type boolean, with true meaning success.

Table 10-10. Files Attribute Setters
Method Signature Description

setExecutable(boolean executable)

Convenience method to set owner’s execute permission for this file.

setExecutable(boolean executable, boolean ownerOnly)

Sets the owner’s or everybody’s execute permission for this file.

setLastModified(long time)

Sets the last-modified time of the file or directory that this file names.

setReadable(boolean readable)

Convenience method to set owner’s read permission for this file.

setReadable(boolean readable, boolean ownerOnly)

Sets the owner’s or everybody’s read permission for this file.


Convenience for setReadable(false).

setWritable(boolean writable)

A convenience method to set the owner’s write permission for this file.

setWritable(boolean writable, boolean ownerOnly)

Set owner’s or everybody’s write permission for this file.

For the methods that take two arguments, the first enables or disables the feature on the given file that matches the method name, and the second controls whether the operation applies to the owner only or to everyone. The second argument is ignored if the file lives on a filesystem that doesn’t support multi-user permissions or if the operating system doesn’t support that. All the methods described in this recipe return true if they succeed and false otherwise.

For example, boolean setReadable(boolean readable, boolean ownerOnly) lets you specify who can read the given file. The readable argument is true or false depending on whether you want it readable or not. The ownerOnly argument tries to extend the readability choice to all users on a multi-user operating system, ignored if not applicable.

setLastModified() allows you to play games with the modification time of a file. This is normally not a good game to play, but it is useful in some types of backup/restore programs. This method takes an argument that is the number of milliseconds (not seconds) since the beginning of Unix time (January 1, 1970). You can get the original value for the file by calling getLastModified() (see Recipe 10.17), or you can get the value for a given date by calling the ZonedDateTime’s toInstant().getEpochSecond() method (see Recipe 6.3) and multiplying by 1,000 to convert seconds to mSec.

These methods are representative of those that can be explored using JShell (see Recipe 1.4). I encourage you to explore the operation of these methods using JShell. I’d suggest having a second window in which you can run ls -l or dir commands to see how the file is affected. For example:

Example 10-11.
jshell> var f = File.createTempFile("foo", "bar");
f ==> /tmp/foo9391300789087780984bar

jshell> f.createNewFile();
$4 ==> false

jshell> f.setReadOnly();
$5 ==> true

jshell> f.canRead();
$6 ==> true

jshell> f.canWrite();
$7 ==> false

jshell> f.setReadable(true);
$8 ==> true

jshell> f.canWrite();
$9 ==> false

jshell> f.setReadable(false, false);
$10 ==> true

jshell> f.canWrite();
$11 ==> false

10.20 Deleting a File


You need to delete one or more files from the disk.


Use java.nio.file.Files object’s delete(Path) or deleteIfExists(Path) method. These delete the files referred to by the Path argument (subject of course to permissions) and directories (subject to permissions and to the directory being empty).


This is not complicated. Simply construct a Path object for the file you wish to delete, and call the static Files.delete() method:

public class Delete {
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException {

        // Construct a File object for the backup created by editing
        // this source file. The file probably already exists.
        // Some text editors create backups by putting ~ at end of filename.
        File bkup = new File("");
        // Now, delete it:

Recall the caveat about permissions in the Introduction to this chapter: if you don’t have permission, you can get a return value of false or, possibly, a SecurityException. Note also that there are some differences between platforms. Some versions of Windows allow Java to remove a read-only file, but Unix does not allow you to remove a file unless you have write permission on the directory it’s in, nor to remove a directory that isn’t empty (there is even an exception, DirectoryNotEmptyException, for the latter case). Here is a version of Delete with reporting of success or failure:

public class Delete2 {

    static boolean hard = false; // True for delete, false for deleteIfExists

    public static void main(String[] argv) {
        for (String arg : argv) {
            if ("-h".equals(arg)) {
                hard = true;

    public static void delete(String fileName) {
        // Construct a File object for the file to be deleted.
        final Path target = Path.of(fileName);

        // Now, delete it:
        if (hard) {
            try {
                System.out.print("Using Files.delete(): ");
                System.err.println("** Deleted " + fileName + " **");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.out.println("Deleting " + fileName + " threw " + e);
        } else {
            try {
                System.out.print("Using deleteIfExists(): ");
                if (Files.deleteIfExists(target)) {
                    System.out.println("** Deleted " + fileName + " **");
                } else {
                        "Deleting " + fileName + " returned false.");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.out.println("Deleting " + fileName + " threw " + e);

The -h option allows this program to switch between delete() and deleteIfExists(); you can see the difference by running it on things that exist, don’t exist, and are not empty, using both methods. The output looks something like this on my Unix box:

$ ls -ld ?
-rw-r--r--  1 ian  512   0 Dec 21 16:35 a
drwxr-xr-x  2 ian  512  64 Dec 21 16:35 b
drwxr-xr-x  3 ian  512  96 Dec 21 16:22 c
$ java -cp target/classes dir_file.Delete2 a b c d 
Using deleteIfExists(): ** Deleted a **
Using deleteIfExists(): ** Deleted b **
Using deleteIfExists(): Deleting c threw java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException: c
Using deleteIfExists(): Deleting d returned false.
# Here I put the files back the way they were, then run again with -h
$ java -cp target/classes dir_file.Delete2 -h a b c d
Using Files.delete(): ** Deleted a **
Using Files.delete(): ** Deleted b **
Using Files.delete(): Deleting c threw java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException: c
Using Files.delete(): Deleting d threw java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: d
$ ls -l c
total 2
drwxr-xr-x  2 ian  ian  512 Oct  8 16:50 d
$ java dir_file.Delete2 c/d c
Using deleteIfExists(): ** Deleted c/d **
Using deleteIfExists(): ** Deleted c **

10.21 Creating a Transient/Temporary File


You need to create a file with a unique temporary filename and/or or arrange for a file to be deleted when your program is finished.


Use java.nio.file.Files createTempFile() or createTempDirectory() method. Use one of several methods to ensure your file is deleted on exit.


The Files class has static methods for creating temporary files and directories. Note that a “temporary” file in tis context is not deleted automatically; it is simply created in a directory that is set aside for temporary files on that operating system (.e.,g., /tmp on Unix).

Path createTempFile(Path dir, String prefix, String suffix, FileAttribute<?>… attrs)

Creates a new empty file in the specified directory, using the given prefix and suffix strings to generate its name.

Path createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, FileAttribute<?>… attrs)

Creates an empty file in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name.

Path createTempDirectory(Path dir, String prefix, FileAttribute<?>… attrs)

Creates a new directory in the specified directory, using the given prefix to generate its name.

Path createTempDirectory(String prefix, FileAttribute<?>… attrs)

Creates a new directory in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix to generate its name.

The file attributes are discussed in the sidebar “”.

There are various ways to arrange for a file to be deleted automatically. One is to use the legacy class, which has a explicit deleteOnExit() method. This arranges for any file (no matter how it was created) to be deleted if it still exists when the program exits. Here we arrange for a backup copy of a program to be deleted on exit, and also create a temporary file and arrange for it to be removed on exit. Both files are gone after the program runs:

public class TempFiles {
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException {

        // 1. Making an existing file temporary
        // Construct a File object for the backup created by editing
        // this source file. The file probably already exists.
        // My editor creates backups by putting ~ at the end of the name.
        File bkup = new File("");
        // Arrange to have it deleted when the program ends.

        // 2. Create a new temporary file.

        // Make a file object for foo.tmp, in the default temp directory
        Path tmp = Files.createTempFile("foo", "tmp");
        // Report on the filename that it made up for us.
        System.out.println("Your temp file is " + tmp.normalize());
        // Arrange for it to be deleted at exit.
        // Now do something with the temporary file, without having to
        // worry about deleting it later.

    public static void writeDataInTemp(Path tempFile) throws IOException {
        // This version is dummy. Use your imagination.
        Files.writeString(tempFile, "This is a temp file");

When run on a Unix system, this program looked like this, proving that the file was created, but removed when the JVM exited:

$ java
Your temp file is /tmp/foo8423321910215054689tmp
$ ls -l /tmp/foo8423321910215054689tmp
ls: /tmp/foo8423321910215054689tmp: No such file or directory

The createTempFile() method is like createNewFile() (see Recipe 10.18) in that it does create the file. Also be aware that, should the Java Virtual Machine terminate abnormally, the deletion probably will not occur. There is no way to undo the setting of deleteOnExit() short of renaming the file or something drastic like powering off the computer before the program exits.

Another way to arrange for any file to be deleted when you are finished with it is to create it with the DELETE_ON_CLOSE option (see Table 10-5) so it will be deleted when you close the file.

A third, less likely methoe is to instead use a JVM shutdown hook. DELETE_ON_CLOSE is probably the best option, particularly in a long-running application, like most server-side apps. In these situations, the server could be running for weeks, months, or even years, and in the meantime all the temp files would accumulate, and the JVM would accumulate a large list of deferred work that it needs to perform upon shutdown. You’d probably run out of disk space or server memory or some other resource. For most long-running apps of this kind, it’s better to use DELETE_ON_CLOSE or even the explicit delete() operation. Another alternative is to use a scheduler service to periodically trigger removal of old temporary files.

10.22 Listing a Directory


You need to list the filesystem entries named in a directory.


Use java.nio.file.Files static method Stream<Path> list(Path dir) passing the Path representing the directory.


The java.nio.file.Files class contains several methods for working with directories. If you just want to list the contents of a directory, using its list(Path) method. For example, to list the filesystem entities named in the current directory, just write:


This can become a complete program with as little as the following. Note that on many systems the Path objects are returned in the order they occur in the directory, which isn’t sorted. In this simple example we use the Stream.sorted() method to order the entries alphabetically.

public class Ls {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
            .forEach(dir -> {

Of course, there’s lots of room for elaboration. You could print the names in multiple columns across the page. Or even down the page because you know the number of items in the list before you print. You could omit filenames with leading periods, as does the Unix ls program. Or print the directory names first; I once used a directory lister called lc that did this, and I found it quite useful.

If you want to process the directory recursively, you should not check each entry to see if it’s a file or directory and recurse on directories. Instead, you should use one of the walk() or walkFileTree() methods discussed in Recipe 10.26; these handle recursion for you. There is also a set of Files.newDirectoryStream() methods, with and without filter callbacks and other arguments, that return a DirectoryStream<Path>

10.23 Getting the Directory Roots


You want to know about the top-level directories, such as C: and D: on Windows.


Use the static method FileSystems.getDefault().getRootDirectories() which returns an Iterable of Path objects, one for each root directory. You can print them or do other operations on them.


Operating systems differ in how they organize filesystems out of multiple disk drives or partitions. MS-windows has a low-level device-oriented approach in which each disk drive has a root directory named (A: for the first floppy (if you still have one!), C: for the first hard drive, and other letters for CD-ROM and network drives). This approach requires you to know the physical device that a file is on. Unix, Linux and Mac OS X have a high-level approach with a single root directory /; and different disks or partitions are “mounted” or connected into a single unified tree. This approach sometimes requires you to figure out where a device file is mounted. Perhaps neither is easier, though the Unix approach is a bit more consistent. Either way, Java makes it easy for you to get a list of the roots.

The static method FileSystems.getDefault().getRootDirectories() returns an Iterable<Path> containing the available filesystem roots for whatever platform you are running on. Here is a short program to list these.

C:> java dir_file.DirRoots

As you can see, the program listed my floppy drive (even though the floppy drive was not only empty, but left at home while I wrote this recipe on my notebook computer in my car in a parking lot), the hard disk drive, and the CD-ROM drive.

On Unix there is only one:

$ java dir_file.DirRoots

One thing that is “left out” of the list of roots is the so-called UNC filename. UNC filenames are used on some Microsoft platforms to refer to a network-available resource that hasn’t been mounted locally on a particular drive letter. If your system still uses these, be aware they will not show up in the listDirectoryRoots() output.

10.24 Using the FileWatcher Service to Get Notified about File Changes


You want to be notified when some other application updates one or more of the files in which you are interested.


Use the java.nio.file.FileWatchService to get notified of changes to files automatically, instead of having to examine the files periodically.


It is fairly common for a large application to want to be notified of changes to files, without having to go and look at them periodically. For example, a Java Enterprise web server wants to know when Servlets and other components get updated. An IDE wants to know when files were modified by an external editor or a build script. Many modern operating systems have had this capability for some time, and now it is available in Java.

The basic steps to using the FileWatchService are:

  1. Create a Path object representing the directory you want to watch.

  2. Get a WatchService by calling, for example, FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService().

  3. Create an array of Kind enumerations for the things you want to watch (in our example we watch for files being created or modified).

  4. Register the WatchService and the Kind array onto the Path object.

  5. From then on, you wait for the watcher to notify you. A typical implementation is to enter a while (true) loop calling the WatchService’s take() method to get an “event,” and interpret these to figure out “what just happened.”

Example 10-12 is a program that does just that. In addition, it starts another thread to actually do some filesystem operations, so that you can see the Watcher Service operating.

Example 10-12. main/src/main/java/nio/
public class FileWatchServiceDemo {

    final static String TEMP_DIR_PATH = "/tmp";
    static final String FILE_SEMA_FOR = "MyFileSema.for";
    final static Path SEMAPHORE_PATH = Path.of(TEMP_DIR_PATH ,FILE_SEMA_FOR);
    static volatile boolean done = false;
    final static ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
        String tempDirPath = "/tmp";
        System.out.println("Starting watcher for " + tempDirPath);
        System.out.println("Semaphore file is " + SEMAPHORE_PATH);
        Path p = Paths.get(tempDirPath);
        WatchService watcher =
        Kind<?>[] watchKinds = { ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_MODIFY };
        p.register(watcher, watchKinds);
        threadPool.submit(new DemoService());
        while (!done) {
            WatchKey key = watcher.take();
            for (WatchEvent<?> e : key.pollEvents()) {
                    "Saw event " + e.kind() + " on " +
                if (e.context().toString().equals(FILE_SEMA_FOR)) {
                    System.out.println("Semaphore found, shutting down watcher");
                    done = true;
            if (!key.reset()) {
                System.err.println("WatchKey failed to reset!");

     * Nested class whose only job is to wait a while, create a file in
     * the monitored directory, and then go away.
    private final static class DemoService implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            try {
                System.out.println("DemoService: Creating file");
                Files.deleteIfExists(SEMAPHORE_PATH); // clean up from previous run
                System.out.println("DemoService: Shutting down");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Caught UNEXPECTED " + e);

10.25 Program: Save User Data to Disk


You need to save user data to disk in a Java application. This may be in response to File→Save in a GUI application, saving the file in a text editor, or saving configuration data in a non-GUI application. You have heard (correctly) that a well-behaved application should never lose data.


Use this five-step plan, with appropriate variations:

  1. Create a temporary file; arrange for it to be removed automatically with deleteOnExit(true).

  2. Write the user data to this file. Data format translation errors, if any, will be thrown during this process, leaving the previous version of the user’s data file intact.

  3. Delete the backup file if it exists.

  4. Rename the user’s previous file to *.bak.

  5. Rename the temporary file to the saved file.


As developers, we have to deal with the fact that saving a file to disk is full of risk. There are many things that can go wrong in saving data, yet it is one of the most critical parts of most applications. If you lose data that a person has spent hours inputting, or even lost a setting that a user feels strongly about, she will despise your whole application. The disk might fill up while we’re writing it, or be full before we start. This is a user’s error, but we have to face it. So here’s a more detailed discussion of the little five-step dance we should go through:

  1. Create a temporary file that we will write to. Set this file to deleteOnExit(true), so that if we fail in a later step we don’t clutter the disk. Because we are later going to rename this file to become the user’s real file, and we don’t want to run out of disk space during the rename, it is important that we create the file on the same disk drive partition (“drive letter” or “mount point”) as the user’s real file, otherwise the rename will silently morph into a copy-and-delete, which could fail due to lack of disk space. See Recipe 10.21 for methods of deleting a file on exit.

  2. Write the user data to this new temporary file. If we are transforming data—say, getting it from a JDBC ResultSet or writing objects using a XML transformer—an exception could be thrown. If we’re not careful, these exceptions can cause the user’s data to be lost.

  3. Delete the backup file if it exists. First time we do this it won’t exist; after that it probably will. Be prepared either way.

  4. Rename the user’s previous file to *.bak.

  5. Rename the temporary file to the save file.

This may seem like overkill, but “It’s not overkill, it prevents career kill.” I’ve done pretty much this in numerous apps with various save file formats. This plan is the only really safe way around all the problems that can occur. For example, the final step has to be a rename not a copy, regardless of size considerations, to avoid the “disk fills up” problem. So, to be correct, you have to ensure that the temp file gets created on the same disk partition (drive letter or mount point) as the user’s file.

The basic plan to use the FileSaver is:

  • Instantiate it by calling the constructor;

  • Call the getWriter() or getOutputStream() method

  • Use the output file to write the data;

  • Call finish() on the FileSaver object.


// package;
public class FileSaver {

    private enum State {
        /** The state before and after use */
        /** The state while in use */
    private State state;
    private final Path inputFile;
    private final Path tmpFile;
    private final Path backupFile;

    private OutputStream mOutputStream;
    private Writer mWriter;

    public FileSaver(Path inputFile) throws IOException {

        // Step 1: Create temp file in right place; must be on same disk
        // as the original file, to avoid disk-full troubles later.
        this.inputFile = inputFile;
        tmpFile = Path.of(inputFile.normalize() + ".tmp");
        backupFile = Path.of(inputFile.normalize() + ".bak");
        state = State.AVAILABLE;

     * Return a reference to the contained File object, to
     * promote reuse (File objects are immutable so this
     * is at least moderately safe). Typical use would be:
     * <pre>
     * if (fileSaver == null ||
     *   !(fileSaver.getFile().equals(file))) {
     *        fileSaver = new FileSaver(file);
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @return the File object for the file to be saved
    public Path getFile() {
        return inputFile;

    /** Return an output file that the client should use to
     * write the client's data to.
     * @return An OutputStream, which should be wrapped in a
     *     buffered OutputStream to ensure reasonable performance.
     * @throws IOException if the temporary file cannot be written
    public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {

        if (state != State.AVAILABLE) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("FileSaver not opened");
        mOutputStream = Files.newOutputStream(tmpFile);
        state = State.INUSE;
        return mOutputStream;

    /** Return an output file that the client should use to
     * write the client's data to.
     * @return A BufferedWriter to write on the new file.
     * @throws IOException if the temporary file cannot be written
    public Writer getWriter() throws IOException {

        if (state != State.AVAILABLE) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("FileSaver not opened");
        mWriter = Files.newBufferedWriter(tmpFile);
        state = State.INUSE;
        return mWriter;

    /** Close the output file and rename the temp file to the original name.
     * @throws IOException If anything goes wrong
    public void finish() throws IOException {

        if (state != State.INUSE) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("FileSaver not in use");

        // Ensure both are closed before we try to rename.
        if (mOutputStream != null) {
        if (mWriter != null) {

        // Delete the previous backup file if it exists;

        // Rename the user's previous file to itsName.bak,
        // UNLESS this is a new file ;
        if (Files.exists(inputFile) &&
            Files.move(inputFile, backupFile) == null) {
            throw new IOException(
                "Could not rename file to backup file " + backupFile);

        // Rename the temporary file to the save file.
        if (Files.move(tmpFile, inputFile) == null) {
            throw new IOException("Could not rename temp file to save file");
        state = State.AVAILABLE;


The code in this program is my own, based on my experience in various applications. I was prompted to package it up this way, and write it up, by a posting made by Brendon McLean to the mailing list for the now-defunct Java Application Framework JSR-296.

10.26 Program: Find: Walking a File Tree

The program shown in Example 10-13 implements a subset of the Windows Find Files dialog or the Unix find command. It has most of the structure needed to build a more complete version of either of these. It accepts the following options from standard Unix find (with limits):

  • -n name: Name to look for. Can include shell wildcards if quoted from the shell.

  • -s size: Size of file to look for. Can prefix with “+” for “greater than” or “-” for “less than.”

  • -a, -o: And or or, but only one of these, between a -n and a -s.

The Files class has four methods for walking a file tree. Two return a lazily-populated Stream<Path> and the other two invoke a callback FileVisitor for each file or directory found. My find implementation uses the first one; the four are summarized in Table 10-11.

Table 10-11. Files Tree Walk Methods
Return Signature


walk(Path start, FileVisitOption… options)


walk(Path start, int maxDepth, FileVisitOption… options)


walkFileTree(Path start, FileVisitor<? super Path> visitor)


walkFileTree(Path start, Set<FileVisitOption> options, int maxDepth, FileVisitor<? super Path> visitor)

Using the walk() methods is as simple as:

Files.walk(startingPath).forEach(path -> {
	// Do something with Path path; might be file, directory or other...

That code is near the start of the startWalkingAt() method in Example 10-13.

Example 10-13. main/src/main/java/dir_file/
 * Find - find files by name, size, or other criteria. Non-GUI version.
public class Find {

    public enum Conjunction { AND, OR };

    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Find.class.getSimpleName());
    static boolean started;

    /** Main program
     * @throws IOException If the Files.walkTree does so
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        Find finder = new Find();

        if (args.length == 0) {
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                if (args[i].charAt(0) == '-') {
                    switch(args[i].substring(1)) {
                    case "name":
                    case "size":
//                    Not implemented by back-end yet
//                    case "a":
//                        finder.filter.addConjunction(Conjunction.AND);
//                        continue;
//                    case "o":
//                        finder.filter.addConjunction(Conjunction.OR);
//                        continue;
                    default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Unknown argument " + args[i]);
            if (!started) {

    protected FindFilter filter = new FindFilter();

    public static void usage() {
            "Usage: Find [-n namefilter][-s sizefilter][dir...]");

    /** doName - handle one filesystem object by name */
    private void startWalkingAt(String s) throws IOException {"doName(" + s + ")");
        started = true;
        Path f = Path.of(s);
        if (!Files.exists(f)) {
            System.out.println(s + " does not exist");
        Files.walk(f).forEach(fp -> {
            try {
                if (Files.isRegularFile(fp))
                else if (Files.isDirectory(fp)) {
                } else {
                    System.err.println("Unknown type: " + s);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("IO Exception: " + e);

    /** doFile - process one regular file.
     * @throws IOException */
    private void doFile(Path f) throws IOException {
        if (filter.accept(f)) {
            System.out.println("f " + f);

    /** doDir - process a directory */
    private void doDir(Path d) {
        System.out.println("d " + d.normalize());

Example 10-14 shows a class called FindFilter, the back-end implementation of Find.

Example 10-14. main/src/main/java/dir_file/
/** Class to encapsulate the filtration for Find.
 * For now just set*Filter() methods. Really needs to be a real
 * data structure (maybe LinkedList<FilterOp> or a Tree) for complex
 * requests like:
 *    -n "*.html" -a ( -size < 0 -o mtime < 5 ).
public class FindFilter {
    private enum SizeMode {GT, EQ, LT};
    SizeMode sizeMode;
    Find.Conjunction conj;
    long size;
    String name;
    Pattern nameRE;
    boolean debug = false;

    void setSizeFilter(String sizeFilter) {
        sizeMode = SizeMode.EQ;
        char c = sizeFilter.charAt(0);
        if (c == '+') {
            sizeMode = SizeMode.GT;
            sizeFilter = sizeFilter.substring(1);
        } else {
            if (c == '-') {
                sizeMode = SizeMode.LT;
                sizeFilter = sizeFilter.substring(1);
        size = Long.parseLong(sizeFilter);

    /** Add a conjunction */
    public void addConjunction(Find.Conjunction conj) {
        if (this.conj != null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Only one conjucntion allowed in this version");
        this.conj = conj;

    /** Convert the given shell wildcard pattern into internal form (an RE) */
    void setNameFilter(String nameToFilter) {
        nameRE = makeNameFilter(nameToFilter);

    Pattern makeNameFilter(String name) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder('^');
        for (char c : name.toCharArray()) {
            switch(c) {
                case '.':    sb.append("\."); break;
                case '*':    sb.append(".*"); break;
                case '?':    sb.append('.'); break;
                // Some chars are special to RE and have to be escaped
                case '[':    sb.append("\["); break;
                case ']':    sb.append("\]"); break;
                case '(':    sb.append("\("); break;
                case ')':    sb.append("\)"); break;
                default:    sb.append(c); break;
        if (debug) {
            System.out.println("RE="" + sb + "".");
        // Should catch PatternException and rethrow for better diagnostics
        return Pattern.compile(sb.toString());

    /** Do the filtering. For now, only filter on name, size or name+size */
    public boolean accept(Path p) throws IOException {
        if (debug) {
            System.out.println("FindFilter.accept(" + p + ")");

        if (nameRE != null) {
            return nameRE.matcher(p.getFileName().toString()).matches();

        // size handling.
        if (sizeMode != null) {
            long sz = Files.size(p);
            switch (sizeMode) {
            case EQ:
                return (sz == size);
            case GT:
                return (sz > size);
            case LT:
                return (sz < size);

        // Catchall
        return false;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

1 A poor choice of name: it was “new” in Java SE 1.4. But newer than InputStream/OutputStream (Java 1.0) and Readers/Writers (1.1).

2 The central character in Yann Martel’s novel Life of Pi would have been born in 1956, according to information in Wikipedia.

3 If this were code in a maintained project, I might factor out some of the common code among these two calculators, as well as the one in Recipe 5.12, and divide the code better using interfaces. However, this would detract from the simplicity of self-contained examples.

4 There is no support for adding files to an existing archive, so make sure you put all the files in at once or be prepared to re-create the archive from scratch.

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