The best use of power is in service to others.

Most new leaders are excited to have power because they feel they finally have the title and position to do things their way. But having power doesn’t guarantee cooperation from your people. Leaders who think they are a big deal because of their position are at risk of losing their best people and not getting the performance they need from the people who remain.

When I was elected president of the seventh grade, I came home from school excited to tell my parents about this achievement. My father, who retired as a rear admiral in the US Navy, had a quick reminder for me. “Congratulations, Ken. But now that you’re president, don’t use your position. Great leaders are great not because they have power but because their people trust and respect them.”

My dad knew an important principle of being a successful servant leader: people will give you their best when they trust you and know you have their backs.


When you have a leadership position, focus not on the power that comes with the position but on the people you have an opportunity to serve. Your people will know you are there to serve, not to be served, when you do the following:

• Continually emphasize we over me.

• Listen more than you talk.

• Encourage and support people’s efforts rather than directing them.

When your people are your focus, they know they are part of a team and are motivated to give you their best efforts.

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