The best minute servant leaders spend is the one they invest in people.

People sometimes wonder why Spencer Johnson and I titled our book The One Minute Manager. They can’t imagine how someone can manage in a minute. The reality is that many managers don’t take the time, even a minute, to set goals for their people, praise their progress, or redirect their efforts—the Three Secrets from the book.

Investing a little time in your people is similar. Part of The One Minute Manager’s significance is how it helps leaders understand that the best ways to serve your people don’t have to involve long conversations, scheduled meetings, or performance reviews. Sometimes the simplest acts—like paying attention, commenting on what people are doing, or having a friendly chat—can be the most meaningful. Investing in people is about spending time focusing on them, not yourself.


The best minutes you invest in your people can focus on simple things:

• Listen to people’s suggestions or discuss a problem.

• Ask people what they did over the weekend or how a sick family member is doing.

• Wish someone good luck on a presentation or say, “Happy Birthday.”

Making people feel special doesn’t have to take a lot of your time. Spending a few moments of your day to let them know you care could mean more to them than you’ll ever know.

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