People without accurate information cannot act responsibly, but people with accurate information are compelled to act responsibly.

Simple Truth #47 is from the book Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute, coauthored by Ken, John Carlos, and Alan Randolph. I love this quote because it illustrates the importance of trust.

Leaders who don’t trust others don’t share information. They keep everything under lock and key. In the absence of information, people often make up their own version of the truth, which may be more negative than reality. When people don’t have accurate information, it’s as if their leader is handcuffing them from being their best.

Servant leaders trust their people and realize that openly sharing information about themselves and the organization is the right thing to do. When people have accurate information, they can make decisions that are in the best interests of the organization.


Great leaders understand that trust is the foundation of effective leadership. A key aspect of trust is sharing information with your people. Here are some tips on how to do it:

• Create a culture of accountability by providing access to information. If you aren’t at liberty to share certain details, say so. Your people will understand.

• Speak plainly in ways that are easily understood. Present complicated data in simple terms and focus on having a dialogue with people, not bombarding them with trivia.

• Be a straight shooter. Your team members are adults who can handle the truth. Use healthy doses of compassion and empathy when delivering tough news.

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