

how money is made, terminology, 19-21

advisory councils, 76, 77

income statements, 24, 26-30

agendas, planning, 81-83, 99, 101, 104-105

money flow and profit, tracking, 24-36

annual learning plans (ALPs)

stakeholders, identifying and

capacity-to-consume analysis, 55, 58

  understanding, 36-40, 42-43

components of, 52-55, 58-62

worksheet-business language quiz, 19

examples of, 55-57

business case for learning

exercise for, 71

annual learning plans, 50-60, 70-71

input sources, 51

components of, 62

key points for, 70

description of, 11

menu choice approach, 58-60

examples of, 63, 65-67

prioritization approval process, 52

funding learning projects, 62-64, 71-72

assets, 32

presenting case for approval, 64-69

"At C Level Series," 2

purpose of, 45-46

value proposition statements, 46-50,



balance sheets, 24, 30-33 business language quiz, 19
Baldrige National Quality Award, Malcolm, Business Literacy Institute, 20, 21


business model, 21-24
BD, 114 Business Model Generation (Osterwalder and
Berman, K., 18

Pigneur), 22, 24

Bersin & Associates, 1-2
Betof, E., 114-115 C
Bingham, T., 2 Cardwell, N. 114
"Board Culture of Corporate Governance, Case, J., 18

A" (O’Donovan), 75

cash flow statements, 24, 33-36
board of directors, role of, 75-76 charters, 80, 81, 91, 94-95, 97-98
Brinkerhoff, R., 90, 103, 150 Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical
business, knowing your

Center, 166

balance sheets, 24, 30-33

Coca-Cola, 134-135

business model, 21-24

Colgate-Palmolive, 114

cash flow statements, 24, 33-36


description of, 11, 17-18

description of, 12

exercises, 41-43

exercises for, 151

external, 134, 153, 155-156

financial statements

feedback from customers, 150-153

balance sheets, 24, 30-33

internal, 134

cash flow statements, 24, 33-36

jargon, overuse of, 140-142

income statements, 24, 26-30

key points for, 156-157

financing cash flow, 34

messages, crafting, 145-148

Fombrun, C., 134-135

method, selecting, 148-150

funding learning projects, 62-64, 71-72

need for integrated system, 133-134

operational plan, 136


segmenting target audiences, 142-145

Galagan, P., 2

strategic plan, development of with

Gardner, H., 117

  examples, 135-140

General Electric, 114
Cooper, R. G., 86-87 Gillette, 22-23
corporate governance, 75-76 GoToMeeting, 107
Corporate University Xchange, 166 governance. See learning governance
CorpU 10th Annual benchmarking Study gross margin, 28

of Learning Excellence and

Innovation, 112, 114

costs, direct versus indirect, 20 Hacket, J. P., 2
Cycle of Leadership: How Great Leaders Teach Hall, B., 3

Their Companies to Win, The (Tichy and

Hall, J. L., 166

Cardwell), 114

High Impact Learning Map (HILM), 90,

103, 106-107

D High Impact Learning (Brinkerhoff and
Darden Restaurants, Inc., 166-167

Apking), 103

day sales outstanding, 32 Hofmeister, J., 18
debt-to-equity ratio, 30-31
due diligence, 62 I
income statements, 24, 26-30
E Ingersoll Rand, Visiting Executive
earnings per share (EPS), 29

Program, 115-128

earnings statement. See income statements Intel, 114
Enron Corp., 75 internal communication, 134
Essentials of Corporate Communication Imple- inventory turns, 32-33

menting Practices for Effective Reputation

investing cash flow, 34

Management (Van Reil and Fombrun),


expenses, 20 Jefferson, A., 150
Expertus, Inc., 136, 140 John Deere, 2
external communication, 134, 153, K


Kirkpatrick, D., 150
Kirkpatrick, J., 150
F Knight, J., 18
Fannie Mae, 2
feedback from customers, 150-153 L
Finance Intelligence for HR Professionals Lane, R. W., 2

(Berman, Knight, and Case), 18

Lauber, R., 163-164
Lawless, R., 2

Rapid Design Team meeting, 89-100

leaders as teachers

suppliers, identifying, 96, 99, 108, 110,

benefits of, 114-115


description of, 11-12

team composition, 91-93

exercise for, 131

key points for, 130


Visiting Executive Program, 115-128

McCormick, 2
Leaders as Teachers: Unlock the Teaching Potential McDonald’s Corp., 23-24

of Your Company’s Best and Brightest


(Betof), 114-115

follow-up, 84

Leading Minds (Gardner), 117

planning, 81-83, 107

learning activities

learning governance, 74-85, 128-129


learning solutions, designing and

net profit, 20

  developing, 85-112, 129-130

New Product Development (NPD) process,

as teachers, 114-128, 130-131


learning and business goals, alignment Ng, D., 166-167


need for, 3-4


why it is difficult to accomplish, 3

O’Donovan, G., 75
learning and business goals, examples of operating cash flow, 34

linking, 2-3

operating margin, 28-29
learning councils, 77 Oracle University, 166
learning governance Osterwalder, A., 22, 24

based on corporate governance, 75-76

overhead, 28

charters for, 80, 81

designing, 77-79


exercise for, 129

PepsiCo, 114

key points for, 128

Phillips, J., 150

meetings/agendas, planning, 81-83

Phillips, R., 165-166

postmeeting follow-up, 84

Pigneur, Y., 22, 24

recognizing contributions of members,

Pollack, R., 150


Procter & Gamble, 11-12, 22-23, 114

role of, 74-75

profit, 20-21

structure of, 76-77

profit-and-loss (P&L) statements. See income

support for, methods for obtaining,



learning solutions, designing and developing Q

agendas, 99, 101, 104-105

Quesada, S., 167

charters, 91, 94-95, 97-98

Quick! Show Me Your Value (Seagraves), 142

communicating results with stakeholders,



exercise for, 130

Radicati Group, 133

High Impact Learning Map, 90, 103,

Ramelli, D., 2


Rapid Design Team meeting, 89-100

key points for, 129

Raytheon, 2-3

New Product Development process,

return on invested capital (ROIC), 34-35


revenue, 20
Roosevelt, F. D., 115 U
Rossett, A., 164-165 UPS, 46-47
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

(SEC), 18

San Diego State University, 165
Seagraves, T., 142 V
SG&A (selling, general, and administrative) value proposition statements

costs, 28

components of, 47-48

Shell Oil, 18

creating, 47-50

Skonecki, E., 166

example of, 50


exercises for, 70

analysis worksheet, 40

key points for, 69-70

communicating with, 101, 103

purpose of, 46-47

identifying and understanding, 36-40,

Van Riel, C., 134-135


Visiting Executive Program

needs of, 48

compared to fireside chats, 115

Steelcase, 2

elements of, 118

Stone, R., 150

evaluation and feedback, 123

strategic boards, 76, 77, 83

overviews of, 119-121

Strategic Learning Alignment (SLA) Model

preparation for, 122

See also individual steps

process of, 117-122

components of, 10-12

purpose of, 116-117

description of, 4, 7-16, 159-162

recognition of participants, 128

importance of using appropriate

  language and tools, 8-10


tips from users, 163-167

Wal-Mart, 22

using the, 12

Wick, C., 150

worksheet for self-assessment, 13-16

Winning at New Products Accelerating: The
Success Case Method (Brinkerhoff), 103

Process from Idea to Launch (Cooper), 86

Swanson, B., 2-3 worksheets

business language quiz, 19


stakeholder analysis, 40

3M, 114

strategic learning alignment

Tichy, N., 114, 116-117

  self-assessment, 13-16

"Top Training Priorities for 2005, The"  

(Hall), 3

  YUM! Brands, 164
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