Appendix 13

Essential Account
Planning Report Card

Key 1: Use the Right Structure
Grading Areas: Rate on a Scale of 10 (1: strongly disagree; 10: strongly agree)
1. We have a clearly articulated vision for how the account plans and processes will work.  
2. The account plans all align with the sales strategy and comprise a piece of the goal.  
3. We have a well-defined account plan structure that is used consistently.  
Total for This Key  
Average Score for This Key (divide by 3)  
Key 2: Set the Goal
Grading Areas: Rate on a Scale of 10 (1: strongly disagree; 10: strongly agree)
1. We set goals for our accounts that are aggressive but achievable.  
2. Our goals consider intelligence and insight from our account plans.  
3. We consistently identify a multiple of the account goal (e.g., 2.5x) in potential opportunities from the account plan.  
Total for This Key  
Average Score for This Key (divide by 3)  
Key 3: Create the Habits
Grading Areas: Rate on a Scale of 10 (1: strongly disagree; 10: strongly agree)
1. Our account plans and process are simple and straightforward rather than overengineered.  
2. We have a living account planning process that operates according to a schedule throughout the year.  
3. Our team is accountable for plans and we effectively manage noncompliance.  
Total for This Key  
Average Score for This Key (divide by 3)  
Key 4: Understand the Politics
Grading Areas: Rate on a Scale of 10 (1: strongly disagree; 10: strongly agree)
1. Our leadership creates a healthy direction for our culture and sets good examples that minimize politics.  
2. We have established clear roles and ownership for the account planning process.  
3. If there are disagreements or differences, we find ways to come to agreement for the good of the organization.  
Total for This Key  
Average Score for This Key (divide by 3)  
Key 5: Think Big
Grading Areas: Rate on a Scale of 10 (1: strongly disagree; 10: strongly agree)
1. We set aspirational goals for select accounts that make us uncomfortable but excited.  
2. We have visualized as a team what it will look like professionally and personally when we reach that level.  
3. We engage our customers in our aspirational account planning.  
Total for This Key  
Average Score for This Key (divide by 3)  

Letter Grade Scale
9-10 A: Great. You may be demonstrating a best practice.
8 B: Good. Determine how you can improve your lowest areas.
7 C: Risky. Create an action plan to improve as soon as you can.
6 D: Scraping Bottom. Fix this area immediately.
<6 F: Yikes! Stop the damage and question what you’re doing.
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