Appendix 3

SWOT Analysis

A traditional SWOT analysis, from the perspective of your sales organization, will help your team focus its efforts.

Strengths Weaknesses

•  We are a preferred supplier.

•  Good penetration in the mobile business.

•  Products are well received.

•  Strong relationships in the divisions we are in.

•  Cloud offerings need to be strengthened.

•  Haven’t been able to quantify the ROI of our products.

•  Our aggressive pricing leaves little profit for investment.

Opportunities Threats

•  Good inroads into new business units.

•  Successes with our past work makes a good case for new business units.

•  Customer willing to co-invest in new initiatives with us.

•  A large portion of our business comes through RFPs, which have price pressure.

•  Our increased presence has drawn attention from larger competitors in the account.

Directions: Complete the SWOT analysis by listing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your sales organization regarding your account. Remember this SWOT analysis is from the perspective of your company: What are the strengths of your sales organization? What are the weaknesses of your sales organization?


Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
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