Appendix F

Project Ranking Template


To convert corporate strategies into project selection criteria, and to rate the criteria according to importance, i.e., according to their influence in achieving strategic goals.


The project selection criteria are developed as an outgrowth of the Strategic Planning Process. Anytime the corporate strategy changes, the project selection criteria must be reviewed and perhaps refined.

How to Use this Form

The Portfolio Planning and Management Team uses this tool to establish a relative ranking of a project. In addition, it will be used to continually to review and refine project priorities as business needs change and innovative concepts emerge. The worksheet will be used when evaluating:

  1. New project proposals

  2. Solution option analysis

  3. Programs and projects during program reviews.


1. Customer Satisfaction: impact of project on external customers

2. Business Results: impact of project on strategic goals

3. Employee Satisfaction: impact of project on employee retention

4. Revenue: impact of project on increased revenue

5. Cost: low versus high cost to fund the project

6. Longevity: length of time the enterprise will benefit from the new product or service

7. Size of Investment: large versus small investment risk

8. Project Complexity Risk: simple versus complex project

9. New Technology Risk: proven technology versus cutting edge/unproven

10. Benefit Risk: risk to realizing projected benefits

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