

Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), 143–144. See also contribution-based compensation

American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), 100


career paths

big picture, 113–114

buy-in, 110–111

career fit tool, 106

career guides, 109

career mapping tool, 107–108

career opportunity environment, 106

career plan, 106

Department of Veterans Affairs, 103–105

evaluation, 115–117

individual assessments, 106

initial results, 117–118

maximizing and integrating resources, 112–113

MyCareer@VA, 105–106

portal launch, 114–115

successful strategies, 109

training, 106

CBP. See Customs and Border Protection Bureau

CCS. See contribution-based compensation system

Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), 61–63. See also new employees, integrating

change management, 190–191

Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO), 181–182

Commercial Services Program (CSP), 59

competency management system (CMS), 185–186

contribution-based compensation system (CCS)

advantages, 153–155

Air Force Research Laboratory, 143–144

limitations, 155–156

measuring contribution, 148–151

pay-for-performance system, compared to, 158–162

process overview, 144–148

results, 151–153

CSP. See Commercial Services Program

Customs and Border Protection Bureau (CBP), 35–37. See also staffing challenges

CVM. See Center for Veterinary Medicine


Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS), 126, 131

Department of Labor (DOL), 190–191

Department of Transportation (DOT), 1–3. See also leaders, developing

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), 65, 103–105. See also career paths; recruitment and retention

developmental program (DP), 131

DOL. See Department of Labor

DOT. See Department of Transportation

DP. See developmental program


EECS. See employee emergency contacts system

electronic position description system (ePDS), 179

emergency notification system (ENS), 187

employee emergency contacts system (EECS), 187

enterprise resource planning systems (ERPS), 168

entry-on-duty system (EODS), 186–187

ePDS. See electronic position description system

ERPS. See enterprise resource planning systems

Executive Resources Home Page, 56–57


federal employees benefits system (FEBS), 185

federal personnel and payroll system (FPPS), 184

foundations of modern government, 211–214


general schedule (GS) grades, 125


HCIE. See human capital information environment

HR information system (HRIS), 178

HRIT. See human resource information technology

HRLOB. See human resources line of business

HRMES. See human resources messaging system

HRMS. See human resources management system

human capital information environment (HCIE), 178

human resources customer and strategic services

accountability, 200–201

colocation, 199

customer-focused strategic and operational support, 198–199

HR clinic, 203–204

leadership, 201–202

National Institutes of Health, 195–198

organization, 199–200

recruitment, 202–203

reorganization, 201

results, 207–209

strategic advice, 204–205

strategic initiatives group, 205–207

human resources information technology (HRIT), 168–169

human resources line of business (HRLOB), 177

human resources management system (HRMS), 168

human resources messaging system (HRMES), 188

human resources service delivery

benefits, 172–174

lessons learned, 174–175

National Archives and Records Administration, 163–165

process analysis and redesign, 165–167

roles and responsibilities, 170–172

technology, 168–170


Workforce Tracking and Transformation System/Entry on Duty System, 169–170

human resources systems

bonuses, 128

budget, 129–130

communications, 127

developmental program, 131–132

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, 121–122

National Intelligence Civilian Compensation Program, 135

new employees, 130

occupation councils, 134

occupational advancement process, 131

pay band structures, 124–125

performance management, 125–126

performance-pay process, 129

persistent improvement, 134–135

promotions, 132–134

salary increases, 126–127

success factors, 136–139

teamwork, 130

total pay compensation, 128

vision, 122–124

human resources technology

competency management system, 185–186

emergency notification system, 187

employee emergency contacts system, 187

employee orientation website, 186

entry-on-duty system, 187

evolution, 178–179

federal employees benefits system, 185

human capital executive dashboards, 187–188

human capital information environment, 182–183

human resources messaging system, 188

lessons learned, 192–194

NASA automated awards system, 185

NASA organization profile system, 186

NASA People website, 188

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 177–178

portal, 183

return on investment, 188–192

STARS, 188

system for administration, training, and educational resources for NASA, 184–185

timeline, 179–182

workforce transformation and tracking system, 186


intelligence community (IC), 135

Interior Business Center (IBC), 169, 179


Johnson Space Center (JSC), 180


key performance indicator (KPI), 187

knowledge management (KM)

catalog, 97–98

foundation, 91–93

future, 99

history, 88–89

implementing, 93

infrastructure, 94

LE/ER discussion board, 98–99

lessons learned, 100–101

Olmer Initiative, 89–91

Social Security Administration, 87–88

SSA LE/LR website, 95–97

using, 100

workload management system, 94–95

KPI. See key performance indicator


labor-management relations/employee relations (LR/ER), 110. See also knowledge management

leaders, developing

360 degree assessments, 4

coaching, 4–5

communication, 9–10

culture change, 5–6

DOT Office of Inspector General, 1–2

employee viewpoint survey, 2–3

internal leadership and support, 12–14

keys to success, 5

leadership planning and collaboration, 8–9

mentoring, 8

organizational assessments, 10–12

organizational climate, 14–15

performance culture, 9

reasons for success, 15–16

return on investment, 14

training, 6–8

vision, 1–2

workforce retention, 14

LR/ER. See labor-management relations/employee relations


NAAS. See NASA automated awards system

NARA. See National Archives and Records Administration

NASA. See National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA automated awards system (NAAS), 185

NASA Employee Benefits System (NEBS), 180, 185

NASA organizational profile system (NOPS), 186

NASA Personnel Payroll System (NPPS), 180

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 177–178. See also human resource technology

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 163–165. See also human resource service delivery

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), 121–122. See also human resource systems

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 195–198. See also human resources customer and strategic services

National Intelligence Civilian Compensation Program (NICCP), 135

National Park Service (NPS), 59

National Science Foundation (NSF), 52–53. See also new employees, integrating

NEBS. See NASA Employee Benefits System

New Employee Orientation (NEO), 54

new employees, integrating

clarification, 51, 56–57

compliance, 51, 53–55

connection, 51, 58

culture, 51, 57–58

evaluations, 60

executives, support for, 58–60

findings, 63

National Science Foundation, 52–53

orientation versus onboarding, 49–51

success, measuring, 61–63

new executive transition (NExT), 55

NGA. See also National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

NICCP. See National Intelligence Civilian Compensation Program

NIH. See National Institutes of Health

NOPS. See NASA organizational profile system

NPPS. See NASA Personnel Payroll System

NPS. See National Park Service

NSF. See National Science Foundation


occupational advancement (OA), 131

OCD. See operational capabilities demonstration

Office of Inspector General (OIG), 1–3. See also leaders, developing

Office of Labor-Management and Employee Relations (OLMER), 87–88. See also knowledge management

operational capabilities demonstration (OCD), 169


pay performance performance review authority (PP PRA), 139

performance management performance review authority (PM PRA), 139

position description (PD), 171


recruitment and retention

career coaching, 69

challenges, 66–67

civilian credentialing, 71–72

Department of Veterans Affairs, 65

hiring process reforms, 71

results, 72–75

training, 70

virtual job fairs, 67–69

request for proposals (RFP), 169

retreats, 57–58


SATERN. See system for administration, training and educational resources for NASA

Social Security Administration (SSA), 87–88. See also knowledge management

staffing challenges

assessing candidates, 43

attracting applicants, 40–41

attrition rates, 39

budgetary resources, 43

Customs and Border Protection, 35–37

expanding infrastructure, 43

flexibility, 43

focused objectives, 43

hiring rates, 39

leadership commitment, 42–43

lessons learned, 47–48

managing logistics, 43

metrics, 44–47

mission, 37

NASCAR initiative, 42

onboard rates, 39

percentage of candidates hired, 38

STARS, 181

system for administration, training

and educational resources

for NASA (SATERN), 181, 184–185



business-unit need approach, 80

communication, 83

management role, 83

policy and guidelines, 80

results, 83–86

supporting tools and services, 82

technology, 81–82

trademark work at home, 78–79

training, 82

United States Patent and Trademark Office, 77–78

thrift savings plan (TSP), 177

total pay compensation (TPC), 128


United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 19–21. See also workforce planning model

United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 77–78. See also telework


VA. See Department of Veterans Affairs


WMS. See workload management system

Workforce Information Cubes for NASA (WICN), 181

workforce planning model

baselines, 23–24

beta model, 24–26

building for the future, 22

considering the entire workforce, 23

current government requirements, 33–34

enhancement and modifications, 26–28

human capital vulnerabilities, 21–22

impact, 28–31

reasons for success, 31–33

screenshot, 28

staffing decisions, 19–20

USAID, 19–21

workload analysis, 24–25

workload drivers and assumptions, 23

workforce transformation and tracking system (WTTS), 186

workload management system (WMS), 94–95

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