
Acknowledgement sections of books tend to get skipped by readers eager to get to the good stuff, and that's a shame because without these people this book would not have happened.

First off to my Apress editor, Jonathan Hassell, and project manager, Kylie Johnston: thanks guys for your help and support and for holding my feet to the fire when deadlines loomed! Also thanks to Kim Wimpsett for whacking my poor prose into proper copyedited shape, Kurt Krames for the cover, and to Susan Glinert and Lori Bring for getting everything to actually fit on a printed page.

Next off, Joel Spolsky, who helped sell Apress on the idea of this book, let me badger him with questions and has helped hundreds of developers with Joel on Software: thanks, Joel!

A great many people were interviewed for this book, and to each and every one of them I say, thanks for taking the time out of your busy lives to answer my questions about what you do.

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