SI KAHN: Si’s CDs and books can be ordered from this site, including his earlier books The Fox in the Henhouse: How Privatization Threatens Democracy (coauthored with feminist/public philosopher Elizabeth Minnich); Organizing: A Guide for Grassroots Leaders; and How People Get Power. The website also has a number of Si’s original songs available for free downloading, as well as his writing over the years and videos of many of his performances.

REAL PEOPLES MUSIC: For Si Kahn bookings, including music and literary festivals, concerts, lectures, workshops, and residencies, as well as information about other progressive musicians and speakers.

GRASSROOTS LEADERSHIP: Resources for people and organizations working on privatization, prison, criminal justice and immigration issues, plus a secure way to contribute online to support the work of this progressive nonprofit founded by Si in 1980.


Most of the songs whose lyrics appear in Creative Community Organizing are available on Si’s CDs. Following are descriptions of some of the CDs that are currently available for purchase at They can also be ordered through your local independent music and bookstores. The songs listed in bold italics following each album description are included in this book.

COURAGE (Strictly Country SCR 69, 2010): Released concurrently with Creative Community Organizing, Si’s sixteenth CD Courage honors the quiet heroism of everyday people. With production and instrumentation by Jens Krüger, harmony and liner notes by Kathy Mattea. Eight of the sixteen songs on Courage appear in this book: Custodian, Hutto, Molly Maguire, Peace Will Rise, Playing the Old Songs, Shoulders (for Brian McSheffrey), Stones in the Furrow, Washington Square.

THANKSGIVING (Strictly Country SCR 63, 2007): Two songs from each of Si’s first ten CDs, plus four new songs. Thanksgiving was recognized by the Folk-DJ list, which measures international radio airplay, as the #1 CD, #1 song and #1 artist for November 2007. I Have Seen Freedom.

WE’RE STILL HERE (Strictly Country SCR 57, 2004): A tribute to the courage and persistence of working people everywhere. Recorded live in the Netherlands and released in 2004 on Si’s sixtieth birthday. Mother Jones’ Farewell (I Was There).

IN MY HEART (Strictly Country SCR 33, 1993): Folk artists don’t really have “hits” as the music industry understands them. But, if they did, these would be Si’s greatest hits. Consumer friendly and politically correct: with twenty-four songs, the lowest unit price per song of any CD! Brookside Strike, Children of Poland, What Will I Leave.

GOOD TIMES AND BEDTIMES (Rounder, 1993): Si is aware that, despite being a long-time union activist, when it comes to his children, he’s management. Still, this CD takes the side of the kids when it comes to bedtime.

CARRY IT ON (Flying Fish 70104, 1987): Si joins Pete Seeger and Jane Sapp on twenty-one songs of the civil rights, labor, and women’s movements, taken from the book of the same name by Pete and Bob Reiser. The songs you want to pass on to the next generations. A great gift for children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. Solidarity Forever.

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