

1. Seymour-Smith (1998).

2. Friedman (2008).

3. McLean (1971).

4. O’Sullivan and Graham (2010).

5. Brooks (2010).

6. Brooks (2010).


1. Donne (1624).

Part I

1. Diamond (1999; 2005).

Chapter 1

1. Bernstein (2008).

2. Tucker (2010).

3. Tucker (2010).

4. Chang (2008), p. 83. For those interested in the great debate on which economic model is best, see the following authors: Chang (2008); Stiglitz (2006); Beattie (2009).

5. Greenwald (2009), pp. 238–243.

6. Greenwald (2009), pp. 233–238.

7. Greenwald (2009), pp. 238–243.

8. Greenwald (2009), pp. 238–243. Angell’s ideas first presented in a pamphlet in 1909 called Europe’s Optical Illusion and then published in book format in 1910. His main thesis was the emergence of the independent nature of trade and finance with decreased dependence on countries to influence such factors.

9. Rodrik (2011), p. 3

10. Rodrik (2011), p. 23

11. Friedman (1999).

12. Hill (2007); Wild (2006); Wood (2001); Rugman (2000). All these authors take a similar approach to describing the onset of globalization in the opening chapters of their respective works.

13. Ball (2004).

14. Griffin (2001); Hodgetts (2006): Box inserted p. 8 titled Roots of Globalization written by Lawrence A. Beer in Hodgetts (2006).

15. Peng (2009), p. 12.

16. Peng (2009), p. 12.

17. Peng (2009), p. 12.

18. Friedman (2005).

19. Beattie (2009).

20. Giridharadas (2010).

21. Rugman and Oh (2008).

22. Rostovzeff (1926; 1959).

23. Bernstein (2008), p. 14.

24. Morris (2010), p. 144.

25. Morris (2010), p. 97.

26. Diamond (2005).

27. Everett (2008).

Chapter 2

1. Figueira et al. (2009), p. ix.

2. Aristotle, Economics, quoted in Figueira et al. (2009), p. 86.

3. Euripides, as quoted in Figueria et al. (2009), p. 140

4. Hesiod, “Works and Days,” 303, 306–313, quoted in Figueira et al. (2009), p. 155.

5. Epictetus, Discourses, as quoted in Figueria et al. (2009), p. 118.

6. Xenophon, The Household Manager, 20.27–28, quoted in Figueira et al. (2009), p. 132.

7. Plato (360 BCE).

8. Boesche (2003).

9. Michaelson (2001); Krause (1999); Jay (1967).

10. Pillai (2007).

11. Boesche (2003).

12. Boesche (2003).

13. Chow (2007), p. 13.

14. Chow (2007), p. 13.

15. Chow (2007), p. 24.

16. Ghazanfar (2000).

17. Ghazanfar (2000).

18. Ghazanfar (2000).

19. Ghazanfar (2000).

20. Ferguson (2008).

21. Roberts (2004), p. 68.

22. Dunning (2003).

23. Met Timeline (2003).

24. McEvilley (2001).

25. McEvilley (2001), p. 141.

26. Curtin (1994), p. 2.

27. Curtin (1994), p. 3.

28. Chadwick (2006).

29. Bergreen (2007), p. 295.

30. Ferguson (2008).

31. Ohmae (1990).

32. Von Daniken (1999).

33. Donne (1624).

34. Darwin (1859).

35. Pieterse (2003).

36. Cowen (2002).

37. Ridley (2010).

38. Ridely (2010).

39. Ridley (2010).

40. Arthur (2009).

41. Tapscott and Williams (2008).

42. Robertson (2003).

43. Bernstein (2008)

44. Jensen and Meckling (1976), pp. 305–360.

45. Diamond (1999), p. 14.

46. Diamond (1999), p. 25.

47. Diamond (2005).

48. Diamond (2005).

49. Diamond (2005).

50. Boyce (2003).

51. Boyce (2003).

52. Dunning (2003), p. 17.

Part II

1. Wheeler (1916).

2. Wheeler (1916).

3. Sting (1987).

4. Confucius (n.d.).

5. Churchill (n.d.).

6. All sources indicate this quote is from Plutarch’s Of Banishment; see

Chapter 3

1. Keita (2003)

2. Keita (2003).

3. Roberts (2004).

4. Dunn (2010).

5. Lichteim (1975).

6. Allan (1973).

7. Victoria-Museum (2010), artifact on display and the accompanying inscription.

8. Solomon (2010).

9. Karam (2007).

10. Cahill (2003).

11. Merrian-Webster (2007).

12. Abatino et al. (2009).

13. Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company (1856)

14. Pliny the Younger, Letters 1.24, in Figueira et al. (2009), p. 98.

15. New York University (2009, December)

16. Smith (1776).

17. Young (2001).

18. Menzies (2002).

19. Menzies (2008).

20. Menzies (2008).

21. Brook (2008).

22. Byong-Kuk (2003)

23. Yoshino (1998).

24. Yoshino (1998).

25. Weatherford (1997).

26. United Press International, 17/Chocolate-seen-as-ancient-trade-offering/UPI-52621300412957/

27. Holsten (1996).

28. Diamond (2005).

29. Yule (1998).

30. Bernstein (2008), chap. 6, pp. 130–151.

31. Bernstein (2008), p. 140.

32. The Local (2010).

Chapter 4

1. Blasford-Snell and Snailham (2000).

2. Bergreen (2003).

3. Menzies (2002).

4. LaHaye (2010).

5. Mun (1664).

6. Magnusson (2003).

7. Yule (1918).

8. Bergreen (2007).

9. Viorst (1994), pp. 159–163.

10. Viorst (1994), p. 173.

11. Bergreen (2007).

12. Brik (2008), p. 44.

13. Grann (2009).

14. Translated from Latin in Mogoffin (1916), pp. 3, 4, 8.

15. Murray (2005).

16. Murray (2005).

Chapter 5

1. (2010).

2. Bergreen (2007).

3. The work of Xavier Guichard in his book Eleuis (Alaises), published in the 1930s, is referenced in Butler and Dafoe (1999).

4. Edwards (1969).

5. Lynch (1984)

6. Herbert (1965).

7. Bergreen (2007).

8. Silk History (2010).

Chapter 6

1. Pierce (1968).

2. Diamond (1999), p. 215.

3. Civilization (2009).

4. Butler (1999), p. 19.

5. Arvantinos (1999), pp. 45–78.

6. Roberts (2004), p. 68.

7. Van Doren (1961).

8. Van Doren (1961).

9. Diamond (1999), p. 234.

10. Tablets (2010).

11. Ajram (1992).

12. Menzies (2002), p. 26.

13. Stopford (1997).

14. Schanberg (1996).

15. de Balzac (1835).

16. Exod. 21:16.

17. Tim. 1:8–10.

18. Miller (1981).

19. Thomas (1997).

20. Thomas (1997).

21. Grant (1982), p. 30.

22. Beresford (2010).

23. Van Drehle (2011).

Chapter 7

1. Ebb and Kander (1966).

2. Behn (1677).

3. Weatherford (1997), pp. 19, 21.

4. Reid (2003).

5. Boswell (2010).

6. Schiff (2010)

7. Lapham (1988).

8. Lapham (1988).

9. Weatherford (1997), p. 11

10. Ferguson (2008), p. 3.

Chapter 8

1. Bernstein (2008), p. 66.

2. 2 Sam. 24:24.

3. Varner (1989).

4. The word “tecton” is rooted in architecton, the Greek word for “architecture,” and its use in early biblical accounts describing the occupation of people at that time was often used as a common term for all those artisans involved in the specialized and professional construction of building foundations.

5. (2008).

6. (2010).

7. Bernstein (2008), p. 68.

8. Feldman (2002).

9. Hill (2003).

10. Becker (2003).

11. Armstrong (1993).

12. Armstrong (1993).

13. Hill (2003).

14. Becker (2003), p. 26.

15. Bernstien (2008), p. 71.

16. Sarker (2007).

17. Sura 4:29.

18. Force majeure (1957).

19. Neuborne (2003), p. 20.

20. Bhikku (1997).

21. Lacca (2009).

22. Brecht (1985).

23. Mullett (2004).

Chapter 9

1. Coolidge (1925). The statement comes from a speech called “The Press Under a Free Government,” given on January 17, 1925. The quote is really “After all, the chief business of the American people is business.” However, Coolidge did go on to say that “of course the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence.”

2. Smith (1776).

3. Ricardo (1817).

4. Regan (1986).

5. Wong (2010).

6. Ferguson (2008)

7. Menzies (2008).

8. Johns (2007).

9. Nayak (2007).

10. Debt (2010).

11. Shotoku (640 AD).

12. Anthon (1841), p. 1273.

13. Frumkin (1945), p. 143.

14. MacLeod (2002), p. 11.

15. Patent Act (1790).

16. MacQueen (2007), p. 34.

17. Johns (2010).

18. Tabber’s Temptations (2010).

19. Southern v. How (1618).

Chapter 10

1. Friedman (1999).

2. Michaelson (2001).

3. Gupta and Wang (2009), pp. 9–10.

4. Porter (1990).

5. Smith (1776).

6. Torrens (1829)

7. Porter (1990), pp. 71–110.

8. Porter (1990), p. 74.

9. Porter (1990), p. 78.

10. Porter (1980), pp. 4–29.

11. Farhad and Gibson (2006).

12. Yule (1998).

13. Hegre (2001).

14. Friedman (1999), p. 464.

15. Warring Greeks found peace in ancient Egypt (2010).

16. Warring Greeks found peace in ancient Egypt (2010).

17. Gupta and Wang (2009).

18. Gupta and Wang (2009), p. 5.

19. Morris (2010), p. 6.

20. Morris (2010), p 16.

21. Kossof (2010, November 10).

22. Mallet (2008), p. 7. Note that this quote opens the first chapter of the Gupta and Wang’s (2008) book regarding leveraging strategies for global advantage, why enter China and India.

23. Dunning (2003), p. 17.

24. Ferrero (2006).

25. Dunning (2003), p. 12.

26. Dunning (2003), p. 12.

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