
21st century

steel industry, 68–70

negotiated restructuring, 101


Allocation of production, optimization, 66

All-steel auto body, 134

Antidumping act, 111

Arcelor Mittal, 24, 52, 127

Attracting capital, 67

Auto steel story, 134–136, 148

Automotive changes steel, 137–139

Automotive industry economics, 140

Available time, 43


Baosteel, 26

Bargaining in the 1990s, new directions, 97–101

Basic Bessemer process (BOF), 12–15, 17, 63, 77, 159–160, 181

Benchmarking, 34

Bessemer’s process, 76

Big steel, 53–58, 71, 75, 175

Biomass solutions, 178

Blast furnace, 45

Boeing systems integrator model, 52

BOF–CCM configuration, 78

BOF–concast route, 95

Budd body, 135

Budd innovations, 136

Bull whip effect (BWE), 133, 152

Business cycles, 152


Calendar time, 42

Challenges and opportunities

Eurofer case, 186–188

Metallos case, 188–191

new steel company knowledge management strategies, 184–186

steel and the customer base, 191–193

Chandler’s theory, 30

China, impact of, 121–127

Chinese economy, 129

Chinese steel, 46

Coal chain, 47

Coal-based iron making technologies, 178

Compact strip process (CSP), 76

Competition policy, 128–131, 199

Construction steel, 149

Continuous casters (CCs), 15

Continuous casting machine (CCM), 77

Continuous casting to continuous process, 160

Continuous casting, 161

Cooperative partnership agreements (CPA), 98, 99

Co-operative wage study (CWS) system, 83, 86

Coordinated committee steel companies (CCSC), 97

Cost-of-living (COLA), 97

Customer base, steel and the,

Customer pull innovation, 148

Cycle time ratio, 43


Digital manufacturing, 167

Directly reduce iron (DRI), 48, 196

Dofasco, 29

Down time, 42

Dumping, 63

Dumping, effects of, 117–119

Dumping, steel, 110–112

Dynamic efficiencies, 67


EAFs, 181

Economies of scale, 65

Electric arc furnaces (EAFs), 12, 15, 17, 24, 62, 73, 179

Electro-tinning operations, 166

Employee retirement income security act (ERISA), 75

Environmental legislation, 199

Eurofer case, 186–188

Evraz–Oregon steel mills merger, 66

Experimental negotiating agreement (ENA), 97


Factor weighting, 87

Factor-comparison method, 88

Financial crisis, 127, 128

Fisher body division, 138

Fixed-cost hypothesis, 64, 65

Functionally departmentalized organization, 30


Gerdau, 25

German-Siemens model, 79

GHGs, 181

Gilchrist–Thomas process, 12

Global consolidation, steel, 20–23

Global production network (GPN), 157

Global steel companies

Arcelor Mittal, 24

Baosteel, 26

Gerdau, 25

Nucor, 24

Posco, 25

Tata steel, 26

Tenaris, 26

ThyssenKrupp AG, 25

US steel, 23

Global steel, 15, 127

Global steel, economic geography of, 112

Global supply chains, 44–50

Globalization, 6

GM model, 27

Great Steel industry consolidation movement

allocation of production, optimization, 66

attracting capital, 67

dynamic efficiencies, 67

economies of scale, 65

fixed-cost hypothesis, 64

labor contracts, flexibility, 66

synergies, 65

Growth story, 150–151


Hand sheet mills, 137

HCC (hard carbon coal), 45

Herman goring works (HGW), 56

History, of steel, 11


Industrial clusters, 145

Industrial culture, 103

Industrial organization, 71

Industrial standardization, 164

Industry organization and competition

Japanese challenge, steel in, 77–80

minimill breakthrough, 75–76

new competitors, 73–75

steel distribution and fabrication, 80–82

Innovation, 148, 164

International steel group (ISG) agreement, 101


Japanese challenge, steel in, 77–80

Japanese Steel revolution, 58–60


Kaizen or continuous improvement strategy, 186

Key regional markets, 114

Knowledge intensive business services (KIBS), 68

Kyoto green house gas targets, 180


Labor contracts, flexibility, 66

Labor management participation teams (LMPTs), 99

Labor market policy, 199

Lean management hierarchy, 75

Linz–Donawitz process, 12

Local markets, 142–144

Local union in steel, role of, 102–104

Logic of managerial enterprise, 30

Low alloy steel, 12, 13


Man hours per ton (MHPT), 37

Manifest crisis, 69

Manufacturing, 149

Materials competition, 170, 197

Met coal, 44, 45

Metallos case, 42–44, 188–191

Minimill breakthrough, 75–76

Ministry of international trade and industry (MITI), 59

Modern auto–steel interface, 139–142

Modern steels, 12

Modularization, 50

Molten steel, 161

Multidivisional form, 30


Natural gas, 48

Networked manufacturing, 20

New collaborative supply chains, 147

New competitors, 73–75

New deal economic model, 54, 55

New deal steel, 14

New global steel benchmarking, 34

New global steel manufacturing, 146

New steel appliances, 166

New steel company knowledge management strategies, 184–186

New steel product development practices, 168–170

Nucor, 24

Nucor revolution, 60–62

Nucor steel–Berkeley facility, 76


Occupational safety and health act (OSHA), 75

Oligopoly, 53

Open hearth (OH) furnaces, 14

Open hearth furnaces, 84

Open hearth steelmaking shops, 159

Open hearth, 159–160

Outside market forces

auto steel story, 134–136

auto steel, 148

automotive changes steel, 137–139

business cycles, 152

construction steel, 149

growth story, 150–151

local markets, 142–144

manufacturing, 149

modern auto-steel interface, 139–142

new collaborative supply chains, 147

new global steel manufacturing, 146

postindustrial steel, 144–146

steel changes automotive, 136

steel clusters, 142–144

steel supply chains, 152

value chain, 147

Oxygen blown converter (OBC) technology, 15


Path dependence, 156

Pension and legacy costs, 104–107

Pension benefits guarantee fund (PBGF), 103

Pittsburgh plus, 174, 175

Pittsburgh price system, 53, 71, 173–175

Platform strategies, 141

Posco, 25

Possible time, 42

Postindustrial steel, 144–146, 167

Postwar steel, 14

Preservation of markets, 199

Primary steel mills, 17

Process innovation, 163–165

Public policy, 197–200

Pulverized coal injection (PCI), 48


Reference mill labor productivity benchmarking, 37

Ameristeel case, 37

Eurofer case, 39–42


Pittsburgh pricing system, 173–175

SAE standards, 175–177

steel and recycling, 179–182

steel, environment, and EPA, 177–179

Re-melting steel scrap, 15

Reprocessing scrap metal, 12

Rolling mills, 84


SAE standards, 175–177

Seaborne coal, 44

Stamping, 138

State, 127

Statistical process control (SPC), 84

Steel and evolutionary economics, 156–158

Steel and recession, 115

Steel and recycling, 179–182

Steel and technological change

basic oxygen furnace, 159–160

continuous casting to continuous process, 160

digital manufacturing, 167

materials competition, 170

new steel appliances, 166

new steel product development practices, 168–170

open hearth, 159–160

postindustrial steel, 167

process innovation, 163–165

steel and evolutionary economics, 156–158

steel cans, 165

steel company technology development, 158

steel consumer products, innovation for, 165

steel product, 163–165

steel production technology, future, 161–163

Steel basics

global steel, 15

history, 11

metal, 11

new deal steel, 14

postwar steel, 14

steel industry, 14

steel making, 15–17

steelmaking earliest sites, 11–13

Steel benchmarking, 42

Steel cans, 165

Steel changes automotive, 136

Steel clusters, 142–144

Steel companies operations

global consolidation, 20–23

global steel companies

Arcelor Mittal, 24

Baosteel, 26

Gerdau, 25

Nucor, 24

Posco, 25

Tata Steel, 26

Tenaris, 26

Thyssenkrupp Ag, 25

US steel, 23

global supply chains, 44–50

metallos case, 42–44

new global steel benchmarking, 34

reference mill labor productivity benchmarking, 37

Ameristeel case, 37

Eurofer case, 39–42

reverticalization of steel, 44–50

steel benchmarking and time metrics, 42

steel companies, managing, 32–33

steel company of the future, 50–52

steel executives objectives, 34

traditional steel industry performance benchmarking, 34

U.S. Steel model, 27–32

Steel companies, managing, 32–33

Steel company of the future, 50–52

Steel company technology development, 158

Steel consumer products, innovation for, 165

Steel distribution, 80–82

Steel economic spaces, 157

Steel executives objectives, 34

Steel fabrication, 80–82

Steel industries, organization and reorganization of, 53

Steel industry labor-management relations, 83

Steel industry operations

21st century steel industry, 68–70

big steel, 54–58

great steel industry consolidation movement

allocation of production, optimization, 66

attracting capital, 67

dynamic efficiencies, 67

economies of scale, 65

fixed-cost hypothesis, 64

labor contracts, flexibility, 66

synergies, 65

Japanese steel revolution, 58–60

Nucor revolution, 60–62

steel industries, organization and reorganization of, 53

Steel industry performance benchmarking, traditional, 34

Steel industry restructuring, 196

Steel industry wage structure, 86–92

Steel labor relations

1959 Steel strike, 92–95

21st century, negotiated restructuring, 101

bargaining in the 1990s, new directions, 97–101

centralized bargaining in steel, 95–97

labor process in steel, 84–86

local union in steel, role of, 102–104

pension and legacy costs, 104–107

steel industry labor-management relations, 83

Steel industry wage structure, 86–92

steel unions and labor agency, 107–108

Steel making, 15–17

Steel metal, 11

Steel pricing and antitrust, 173–175

Steel product, 163–165

Steel production technology, future, 161–163

Steel restructuring, 69

Steel strike, 1959, 92–95

Steel supply chains, 152

Steel trade balances, 114

Steel trade disputes, 116–117

Steel trade flows and trade disputes

China, impact of, 121–127

competition policy, 128–131

dumping, 110–112

dumping, effects of, 117–119

global steel, 127

global steel, economic geography of, 112

key regional markets, 114

state, 127

steel and recession, 115

steel trade balances, 114

steel trade disputes, 116–117

trade flows, 127

trade liberalization, 120

trade policy, 128–131

Steel unions and labor agency, 107–108

Steel, centralized bargaining in,

Steel, environment, and EPA, 177–179

Steel, labor process in, 84–86

Steel, reverticalization of, 44–50

Steelmaking earliest sites, 11–13

Steel-manufacturing cluster phenomenon, 142, 144

Structural stoppages time, 42

Sustained contingent collaborative (SCC), 192

Synergies, 65

Systems integrator, 52


Tata steel, 26

Teardown process, 169

Teardrop-shaped dream cars, 136

Tenaris, 26

ThyssenKrupp AG, 25

Time metrics, 42

Tinplate market, 165

Tool steel, 13

Total productive maintenance (TPM), 187

Trade flows, 127

Trade liberalization, 120

Trade policy, 128–131

Transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel, 13

Twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steel, 13


U.S. Steel model, 27–32

Unibody, 134

Up time, 42

US employee retirement income security act (ERISA), 105

US steel, 23, 31, 174

US steel model, 53


Value chain, 46, 147

Voluntary restraint agreements (VRAs), 57


Wide sheet steel, 166

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