

acceptance tests 282-283

for Petstore provider 283

for provider schema 282

Petstore data source 367-368


AWS (Amazon Web Services) 353

Azure 355

GCP (Google Cloud Platform) 357

ALB (application load balancer) 94

ami attribute 212

Ansible 224

ansible-playbook command 232

application layer 76

Apply stage 304-306

approve stage 310


Blue/Green deployments 217-218

federated Nomad cluster 192-195

hybrid-cloud load balancing 184-185

multi-tiered web application 77-78

remote backend modules 131-132

self-service infrastructure provisioning 237

serverless deployments 108-112

archive_file data source 69, 73

arguments 11

ARM (Azure Resource Manager) 124-127

deploying unsupported resources 125

generating configuration code 126-127

migrating from legacy code 125-126

ARN (Amazon Resource Name) 138, 303

ASM (AWS Secrets Manager) 347

attributes 11

auto_apply 321

-auto-approve flag 41

automating Terraform 294, 319-324

beginning at root 299

custom solution for Terraform Enterprise 295-298

design details 297-298

reverse-engineering Terraform Enterprise 295-297

deploying Terraform CI/CD pipeline 315-319

configuring Terraform variables 317

connecting to GitHub 319

creating least-privileged deployment policy 316

creating source repository 315

deploying to AWS 317-318

developing Terraform CI/CD pipeline 299-312

building Plan and Apply stages 304-306

code 312

configuring environment variables 306-308

declaring input variables 300

declaring pipeline as code 309-311

IAM roles and policies 301-303

autoscaling module 93-99

cloudinit config data source 96-99

trickling down data 94

AWS (Amazon Web Services) 353-354

configuring credentials file 354

creating account 353

creating IAM user 353-354

deploying Terraform CI/CD pipeline 317-318

multi-tiered web application in 75-102

architecture 77-78

autoscaling module 93-99

database module 88-93

deploying web application 99-101

networking module 84-88

root module 81-84

Terraform modules 78-80

AWS (Amazon Web Services) provider 11-12, 354

aws configure command 354

AWS Secrets Manager (ASM) 347

Azure 355-356

configuring in Terraform 356

creating account 355

installing Azure CLI 355

obtaining credentials via CLI 355-356

serverless deployments to 122-124

Azure Functions app 111

azure.addresses.consul_ui 198

azure.addresses.nomad_ui 199


BACKEND variable 308

Blue/Green deployments 212, 215-222

architecture 217-218

Blue/Green cutover 221-222

code 219

considerations 222

deploy 219-220

BrowserQuest 182

browserquest_address output 202, 206

bucket 149

build command 305


CI/CD pipelines (continuous integration/continuous deployment) 155-180

automating Terraform 294-324

beginning at root 299

custom solution for Terraform Enterprise 295-298

deploying 319-322

deploying Terraform CI/CD pipeline 315-319

developing Terraform CI/CD pipeline 299-312

configurations and provisioners 162-171

dynamic blocks 169-171

executing scripts with provisioners 164

for_each vs. count 162-164

null resource with local-exec provisioner 166

repeating configuration blocks 167, 171

configuring serverless containers 171-173

deploying static infrastructure 173-176

Docker containers 158-159, 176-178

two-stage deployments 156-157

workspace setup 160-161

CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) 351

Cloud Build service 158

Cloud Run service 158

Cloud Source Repositories service 158

cloud-agnostic 7-8

cloudinit config data source 96-99

CM (configuration management) 223-233

application deployment 231-233

code 224-229

combining Terraform with Ansible 224

infrastructure deployment 230-231


Blue/Green deployments 219

CM (configuration management) 224-229

declaring pipeline as 309-311

hybrid-cloud load balancing 186-188

managed services 204

remote backend modules 134-138

root module 82-84

self-service infrastructure provisioning 238-239

serverless deployments 112-120

function app 117-118

resource groups 113-114

storage blobs 115-117

storage containers 114-115

Terraform CI/CD pipeline 312

codepipeline module 297, 299

CodeStarConnections connection 309

conditional expressions 66-67

config_path attribute 188

configuration arguments 12

configuration code 126-127

configuration drift 42-44

configuration files

modifying 20-21

writing 9-11

configuration management 3

ConfigureFunc function 273

CONFIRM_DESTROY flag 306, 321

CONFIRM_DESTROY variable 308

connection attribute 234

Container Registry service 158

content attribute 40

corrupted state 130

count argument 60, 65, 73-74, 162-163, 246

count attribute 219, 233, 236

count parameter 65

count, for_each vs. 162-164

count.index expression 68-69

cowsay tool 166

create_before_destroy 213-214

create_before_destroy flag 211, 213

create_before_destroy meta attribute 211-212

Create() function 276

Create() function hook 48, 164, 274, 277


AWS 354

Azure 355-356

credentials output 249

credentials value 250

CRUD (create, read, update, delete) 24, 267

custom providers 265-293

blueprints for 266-268

Petstore provider architecture 268

Terraform provider basics 267

creating resources 274-280

Create() 276

Delete() 279-280

Read() 277-278

Update() 278-279

implementation 285-292

deploying Petstore API 285-286

installing provider 288

pets as code 288-292

testing and building provider 286-288

writing acceptance tests 282-283

for pet resource 283

for provider schema 282

writing Petstore provider 269-273

configuring provider schema 270-273

setting up Go project 269-270

custom resources with Shell provider 359-363

implementation 360-362

installing 359-360


data access layer 76

data sources 364-369

acceptance tests 367-368

adding 19-23

applying changes 21-22

destroying infrastructure 22-23

modifying Terraform configuration 20-21

creating 365-366

external 337-338

registering 364

using 369

database module 88-93

generating random password 92-93

passing data from networking module 90-91

DataSourcesMap attribute 364

db_config variable 94

db_password 81

declarative programming 7

declaring, local file resource 26-27

default argument 53

default input argument 51

Delete function hook 274

Delete() function 30, 46-48, 164, 274, 279-280

deleting, local file resource 45-47

dependencies, implicit 64

depends_on argument 69, 73

depends_on attribute 233

deployment_role_arn value 303

description input argument 52

destroy operation 46, 101

destroy runs 321-322

Docker containers 158-159, 176-178

designing pipeline 158

detailed engineering 159

kicking off 178

dynamic blocks 169-171

dynamic infrastructure 157, 199-201

dynamic secrets 345-347

AWS Secrets Manager (ASM) 347

HashiCorp Vault 345-346

dynamodb_table 149


each object 163

each.key accessor 163

each.value accessor 163

EC2 instance 8-19

configuring AWS provider 11-12

deploying 13-17

destroying 17-19

initializing Terraform 12

writing Terraform configuration 9-11

element() function 68

enable_green_application variable 219

encryption at rest 332-333

enhanced backends 130

environment variables 306-308, 339-341

error_message 54

execution plan 28-32


conditional 66-67

for expressions 61-62

expressiveness 8

extensibility 8, 236

external data sources 337-338


false expression 54, 349

federated Nomad cluster 191-203

architecture 192-195

dynamic infrastructure 199-201

overview 191-192

ready for use 202-203

static infrastructure 195-199

file() function 247

files, zipping 69-70

fileset() function 68, 247

filters block 366

first-class function 50

fixtures, test 261-263

flat modules 101, 132-133

for expressions 8, 52, 61-62, 169, 247-249, 306-307

for_each, count vs. 162-164

for-each expression 156

force new attribute 40

force_destroy attribute 257-258

ForceNew 274-275, 279

free software 6-7

function app 117-118

function hooks 26

functional programming 49-74

applying changes 71-72

assigning values with variable definition file 53

conditional expressions 66-67

count parameter 65

for expressions 61-62

functions 56-57

implicit dependencies 64

input variables 51-52

local file 68-69

local values 63

output values 57

printing output 59

shuffling lists 54-57

templates 59, 67-68

validating variables 53-54

zipping files 69-70

functions 56-57


GCP (Google Cloud Platform) 357-358

authenticating with Google Cloud SDK 358

configuring in Terraform 358

creating account 357

creating new project 357

designing pipeline 158

detailed engineering 159

Docker containers on 158-159, 176-178

installing Google Cloud SDK 358

kicking off 178

GET request 279, 338

GitHub 140, 319

go build 287

go mod get 286

go mod init 263, 286

Go project 269-270

go test -v command 263

Google Cloud Platform. See GCP

Google Cloud SDK

authenticating with 358

installing 358

GOPATH variable 260, 269

group, sorting by 109-112


HashiCorp Vault 345-346

HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) 6

higher-order function 50

host attribute 188

HTTP providers 338-339

http_http source 338

hybrid cloud 181

hybrid-cloud load balancing 183-190

architecture 184-185

code 186-188

deploying 188-190


IaC (infrastructure as code) 3, 124, 236

IAM (Identity and Access Management) 93, 132, 162

IAM (Identity and Access Management) module 250-251

creating user 353-354

roles and policies 301-303

iam module 244

iam.serviceAccountUser 171

ID resource 256

Identity and Access Management. See IAM

ids attribute 364

ignore_changes flag 213

image argument 171

image tag 305

immutability 50

immutable infrastructure 6, 278

implicit dependencies 64

importing resources 255-258

infrastructure as code (IaC) 3, 124, 236

input variables

for Terraform CI/CD pipeline 300

overview 51-52

validating variables 53-54


Azure CLI 355

Google Cloud SDK 358

providers 288

Shell provider 359-360

instance_type attribute 212

integration tests 236, 258


join() function 249


lb_dns_name 81, 100

least-privileged access control 331-332

least-privileged deployment policy 316

legacy code 125-126

life cycle of Terraform resource 24-48

creating local file resource 33-35

customizing 212-215

considerations 215

create_before_destroy 213-214

declaring local file resource 26-27

deleting local file resource 45-47

generating execution plan 28-32

initializing workspace 27-28

performing no-op 36-38

process overview 25-26

updating local file resource 38, 45

detecting configuration drift 42-44

Terraform refresh 44-45

lifecycle argument 213, 234

lists, shuffling 54-57

load balancing, hybrid-cloud 183-190

architecture 184-185

code 186-188

deploying 188-190

local file resource

creating 33-35

declaring 26-27

deleting 45-47

saving output to 68-69

updating 38-45

detecting configuration drift 42-44

Terraform refresh 44-45

local values 63, 247-248

local_file resource 29, 31, 35-36, 44, 46, 68, 70, 239-242, 340

local-exec provisioners 179, 214-215, 223, 230-231, 234, 266, 336-337, 344, 350, 363

blocking 350-351

dangers of 336

null resources with 166

local.default_environment 307

local.policies 248

local.policy_mapping value 246

local.uppercase_words 63

log files security 333-339

external data sources, dangers of 337-338

HTTP provider, dangers of 338-339

local-exec provisioners, dangers of 336

restricting access 339

sensitive information in 334-336

looping through multiple instances 249


Mad Libs stories 50-59

assigning values with variable definition file 53

functions 56-57

generating 60-72

applying changes 71-72

conditional expressions 66-67

count parameter 65

for expressions 61-62

implicit dependencies 64

local file 68-69

local values 63

templates 67-68

zipping files 69-70

input variables 51-52

output values 57

printing output 59

shuffling lists 54-57

templates 59

validating variables 53-54

main function 270

main package 270 file 82

maintainability 236

managed services 203-206

code 204

ready for use 205-206

many-staged pipelines 324

massively multiplayer online role-playing game. See MMORPG multi-cloud

migrating Terraform state 251-258

importing resources 255-258

moving resources 253-254

redeploying 254-255

state file structure 252-253

MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game), multi-cloud 181-207

hybrid-cloud load balancing 183-190

architecture 184-185

code 186-188

deploying 188-190

on federated Nomad cluster 191-203

architecture 192-195

dynamic infrastructure 199-201

overview 191-192

ready for use 202-203

static infrastructure 195-199

re-architecting to use managed services 203-206

code 204

ready for use 205-206

module expansions 246

module.iam expansion 249

modules 78-80

expansions 245-246

looping through multiple instances 249

modularizing code 243-245

root module 79-80

standard module structure 80

syntax 78-79

multi-line strings 247-248

multi-tiered web application in AWS 75-102

architecture 77-78

autoscaling module 93-99

templating cloudinit_config 96-99

trickling down data 94

database module 88-93

generating random password 92-93

passing data from networking module 90-91

deploying web application 99-101

networking module 84-88

root module 81-84

Terraform modules 78-80

root module 79-80

standard module structure 80

syntax 78-79

mutable infrastructure 6


name attribute 246, 275

Name label 11

name variable 250

namespace variable 81-83, 91, 112-114, 160

nested modules 132

networking module 84-88, 90-91

no-op (no-operation) 36-38

Nomad cluster, federated 191-203

architecture 192-195

dynamic infrastructure 199-201

overview 191-192

ready for use 202-203

static infrastructure 195-199

nonpure functions 85

null resources 166

null_resource provider 145-146, 153, 156, 166, 336


ocal-exec provisioner 340

open source software 6-7

organizing directory structure 160-161

-out flag 31

output values

overview 57

printing 59


package main 270


password 327-328, 342

password, random 92-93

PATCH request 279

PENDING state 319

petsource_pet_ids data source 366

Petstore provider

architecture 268

creating resources 274-280

Create() 276

Delete() 279-280

Read() 277-278

Update() 278-279

data source 364-369

acceptance tests 367-368

creating 365-366

registering 364

using 369

implementation 285-292

deploying Petstore API 285-286

installing provider 288

pets as code 288-292

testing and building provider 286-288

writing 269-273

configuring provider schema 270-273

setting up Go project 269-270

writing acceptance tests 282-283

for pet resource 283

for provider schema 282


petstore_pet data source 366

petstore_pet resource 266, 272

petstore_pet_ids data source 366-367

Plan stage 304-306


IAM module 301-303

least-privileged deployment policy 316

Sentinel policies as code 347-351

blocking local-exec provisioners 350-351

policies attribute 246

policies input 247

policy variable 250

PreCheck function 287

presentation layer 76

prevent_destroy flag 213

principle of least privilege 92, 331

printing output 59

production.tfvars 343

-profile flag 354

project_name variable 83

projects, GCP 357


provider attribute 234

provider block 11, 354

Provider() function 270


custom 265-293

blueprints for 266-268

creating resources 274-280

implementation 285-292

writing acceptance tests 282-283

writing Petstore provider 269-273

Shell provider 359-363

installing provider 359-360

using provider 360-362

provisioner attribute 234


executing scripts with 164

null resources with local-exec 166

provisioning tools 6

public_ip output 227

pure functions 49, 54


query constraint arguments 21


race conditions 130

random password 92-93

random_shuffle resource 55, 61, 63-64, 69

random_string resource 304

RDS (Relational Database Service) 241, 285, 327

Read() function 30, 36-38, 45, 48, 274, 276-278

refactoring 235-264

migrating Terraform state 251-258

importing resources 255-258

moving resources 253-254

redeploying 254-255

state file structure 252-253

self-service infrastructure provisioning 236-242

architecture 237

code 238-239

preliminary deployment 240-241

tainting and rotating access keys 241-242

Terraform configuration 242-251

Identity and Access Management (IAM) module 250-251

looping through multiple module instances 249

modularizing code 243-245

module expansions 245-246

replacing multi-line strings with local values 247-248

testing infrastructure as code 258-263

running test 263

test fixtures 261-263

writing basic Terraform test 259-260

region variable 81-83, 160

registering data source 364 292

remote backend modules 129-154

developing 131-138

architecture 131-132

flat modules 132-133

writing code 134-138

for teams 143-146

deploying S3 backend 143-144

storing state in S3 backend 144-146

sharing 139-142

GitHub 140

Terraform Registry 140-142

standard and enhanced backends 130

Terraform Cloud 153

workspaces 148-153

cleaning up 152-153

deploying multiple environments 148-151

remote-exec provisioner 211, 234

repeating configuration blocks 167-171

required_providers block 359

resource chaining 86

resource groups 113-114

resource provisioners 156

ResourceProvider interface 270

resourcePSPet() function 272, 274


creating 274-280

Create() 276

Delete() 279-280

Read() 277-278

Update() 278-279

customizing lifecycles 212-215

considerations 215

create_before_destroy 213-214

importing 255-258

moving 253-254

with Shell provider 359-363

implementation 360-362

installing 359-360

reusability 236

role_arn 149

root module 79-84, 299

rotating access keys 241-242

run.admin 171

run.invoker role 172


S3 remote backends 129-154

developing 131-138

architecture 131-132

flat modules 132-133

writing code 134-138

for teams 143-146

deploying S3 backend 143-144

storing state in S3 backend 144-146

sharing 139-142

GitHub 140

Terraform Registry 140-142

standard and enhanced backends 130

Terraform Cloud 153

workspaces 148-153

cleaning up 152-153

deploying multiple environments 148-151

s3backend module 298-299, 303

schema, provider

configuring 270-273

writing acceptance tests for 282

schema.EnvDefaultFunc function 271

schema.Resource interface 274

scripts, executing with provisioners 164


secrets.tfvars 343

security and secrets management 325-352

dynamic secrets 345-347

AWS Secrets Manager (ASM) 347

HashiCorp Vault 345-346

log files 333-339

external data sources, dangers of 337-338

HTTP provider, dangers of 338-339

local-exec provisioners, dangers of 336

restricting access to 339

sensitive information in 334-336

writing 349

environment variables 339-341

redirecting sensitive Terraform variables 343-344

Terraform variables 342-343

Terraform state 326-333

encryption at rest 332-333

least-privileged access control 331-332

removing unnecessary secrets from 326-331

self-service infrastructure provisioning 236-242

architecture 237

code 238-239

preliminary deployment 240-241

tainting and rotating access keys 241-242

writing 349

serverless deployments 105, 107-128

architecture 108-112

combining Azure Resource Manager (ARM) with Terraform 124-127

deploying unsupported resources 125

generating configuration code 126-127

migrating from legacy code 125-126

deploying to Azure 122-124

writing code 112-120

function app 117-118

resource groups 113-114

storage blobs 115-117

storage containers 114-115

sg output 88

sg variable 94

shared configuration objects 267

sharing remote backend modules 139-142

GitHub 140

Terraform Registry 140-142

Shell provider 359-363

installing provider 359-360

using provider 360-362

shell_script data source 360

shell_script resource 360

shuffle_enabled variable 67

shuffle_resource 65

shuffle() function 54

shuffling lists 54-57

size, sorting by 109-112

sleep 60 command 164

software componentization 87

source repository 315

species attribute 275

ssh_keypair variable 81

standard backends 130

standard module structure 80

state file structure 252-253

static infrastructure 173-176, 195-199

static secrets 339-344

environment variables 339-341

redirecting sensitive Terraform variables 343-344

Terraform variables 342-343

storage blobs 115-117

storage containers 114-115

strangler façade pattern 125

strings, multi-line 247-248

syntax, module 78-79

system tests 258


tainting access keys 241-242

teams 143-146

deploying S3 backend 143-144

storing state in S3 backend 144-146

templatefile() function 49, 56-57, 69, 73-74, 98

templates 59, 67-68

Terraform 3-23

adding data sources 19-23

applying changes 21-22

destroying infrastructure 22-23

modifying Terraform configuration 20-21

characteristics 4-8

cloud-agnostic 7-8

declarative programming 7

easy to use 6

free and open source software 6-7

provisioning tool 6

richly expressive and highly extensible 8

combining ARM with 124-127

deploying unsupported resources 125

generating configuration code 126-127

migrating from legacy code 125-126

combining with Ansible 224


AWS provider 354

Azure in 356

GCP 358

deploying virtual machine 8-19

configuring AWS provider 11-12

deploying EC2 instance 13-17

destroying EC2 instance 17-19

initializing Terraform 12

life cycle of resource 24-48

creating local file resource 33-35

declaring local file resource 26-27

deleting local file resource 45-47

generating execution plan 28-32

initializing workspace 27-28

performing no-operation (no-op) 36-38

process overview 25-26

updating local file resource 38-45

modules 78-80

root module 79-80

standard module structure 80

syntax 78-79

provider basics 267

refactoring 242-251

IAM module 250-251

looping through multiple module instances 249

modularizing code 243-245

module expansions 245-246

replacing multi-line strings with local values 247-248

security and secrets management 326-333

encryption at rest 332-333

least-privileged access control 331-332

removing unnecessary secrets from 326-331

terraform apply -auto-approve 41, 100, 123, 146

terraform apply -state 148

terraform apply command 9, 13, 19, 21, 33, 39, 44-45, 48, 71, 79, 85, 93, 116, 123, 130, 138, 143, 145, 156, 166, 189, 196, 205, 207, 212, 219, 231, 240-242, 252, 258, 260, 274, 306, 310, 317, 321-323, 336, 356

Terraform Cloud 7, 153

Terraform core 6

terraform destroy -auto-approve 101

terraform destroy command 9, 17, 19, 22, 45, 72, 124, 130, 153, 166, 178, 190, 207, 241, 258, 260, 274, 292, 306, 321, 323, 336

Terraform Enterprise 7, 295-298

design details 297-298

reverse-engineering 295-297

terraform get 116, 128

terraform graph command 31

terraform import 235-236, 252, 255-256, 264

terraform init command 9, 12, 19, 59, 71, 84, 100, 116, 122, 128, 143, 146, 148, 189, 196, 205, 219, 240, 251, 254, 270, 306, 316, 323, 360

terraform plan 29-31, 33, 36-37, 39, 42, 44, 122-123, 130, 237, 241, 251, 255, 257, 274, 296-297, 306, 309, 323, 337, 339, 356

terraform plan -destroy 306

terraform providers schema command 271

Terraform refresh 44-45

terraform refresh command 44, 48, 255, 258, 264

Terraform Registry 140-142

terraform show command 15, 19, 22, 32, 43-44, 256

terraform state command 146, 235

terraform state list command 150, 241, 254

terraform state mv command 252-253, 264

terraform state rm command 252, 255-256, 264

terraform state show 256, 291

terraform taint command 236, 241, 264

terraform validate 259

Terraform variables

redirecting sensitive 343-344

static secrets 342-343

terraform workspace list 148

terraform workspace select command 148

terraform-aws-s3backend 140

terraform-exec 235

terraform-lint 259

terraform-plugin-sdk 270

terraform.ResourceProvider interface 270

TestAccPSPet_basic() 287


infrastructure as code 258-263

running test 263

test fixtures 261-263

writing basic Terraform test 259-260

writing acceptance tests 282-283

for pet resource 283

for provider schema 282

TF_IN_AUTOMATION variable 308

TF_INPUT variable 308

TF_LOG 334

tfe_workspace 365

tfe_workspace_ids 365

tia-chapter4-dev 83

timestamp() function 74

trickling down data 94

type input argument 52


unit tests 258

unsupported resources 125

Update function hook 274

Update() function 30, 278-279

Update() function hook 48, 274, 277

updating local file resource 38-45

detecting configuration drift 42-44

Terraform refresh 44-45 address 176

user_data attribute 212, 214

user_init data 234


username 327-328, 342

uuid() function 74


validating variables 53-54

var.auto_apply flag 311

var.environment variable 306-307

var.namespace 114, 160

var.num_files files 68

var.num_files variable 65

var.password 327, 344

var.production 221

var.terraform_version 305

var.username 327

var.version variable 214

var.words 61-63

variable definition files 53

variable object type 51

virtual machine 8-19

configuring AWS provider 11-12

deploying EC2 instance 13-17

destroying EC2 instance 17-19

initializing Terraform 12

vpc output 88, 91

vpc variable 94


web application 99-101

website_url value 112

WORKING_DIRECTORY variable 306, 308


initializing 27-28

remote backend modules 148-153

cleaning up 152-153

deploying multiple environments 148-151


ZDDs (zero-downtime deployments) 211-234

Blue/Green deployments 215-222

architecture 217-218

Blue/Green cutover 221-222

code 219

considerations 222

deploy 219-220

CM (configuration management) 223-233

application deployment 231-233

code 224-229

combining Terraform with Ansible 224

infrastructure deployment 230-231

customizing resource lifecycles 212-215

considerations 215

create_before_destroy 213-214

zipping files 69-70

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