Contour Profiler Overview
The Contour Profiler shows response contours for two factors at a time. Other factors can be set to specific values to show how this affects the contours. The interactive contour profiling facility is useful for optimizing response surfaces graphically. Separate surface plots for each response are also graphed. Figure 4.2 shows an example of the Contour Profiler for the sample data.
Figure 4.2 Contour Profiler
Contour Profiler
Example of the Contour Profiler
This example uses the sample data table. There are three factors (SILICA, SILANE, and SULFUR) and four responses (ABRASION, MODULUS, ELONG, and HARDNESS). This data table already contains saved prediction formula columns for the four response variables.
1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open
2. Select Graph > Contour Plot.
3. Select Pred Formula ABRASION, Pred Formula MODULUS, Pred Formula ELONG, and Pred Formula HARDNESS and click Y, Prediction Formula.
4. Click OK.
The values for SILICA are on the horizontal axis and the values for SILANE are on the vertical axis. The value for SULFUR is fixed at 2.25. See Figure 4.2.
5. Click the Current X box for SULFUR and type 2. Click anywhere outside the box to set the value.
6. In the Lo Limit box for Pred Formula ABRASION, type 100.
7. In the Hi Limit box for Pred Formula ABRASION, type 160.
8. Click anywhere outside the box to update the plot.
Figure 4.3 Contour Profiler for
Contour Profiler for
The contour lines and surface plots differ from those in Figure 4.2 because SULFUR is set at a different value. Move the slider bar for SULFUR to see how different values further change the contour lines and surface plots. The shaded area on the contour plot represents the region of the graph that is not feasible, based on the Lo Limit and Hi Limit values for ABRASION,
Launch the Contour Profiler Platform
The Contour Profiler can be accessed in the following ways:
The Contour Profiler can be accessed directly from the Graph menu. When you access the Contour Profiler in this way, the Contour Profiler launch window appears. See “Profiler Launch Windows” in the “Introduction to Profilers” chapter for details.
The Contour Profiler can be accessed as a red triangle menu option in many modeling platforms. See “Where to Find JMP Profilers” in the “Introduction to Profilers” chapter for details about the availability of the Contour Profiler in different platforms.
The Contour Profiler can be accessed from the Model Comparisons platform. Select Profiler from the Model Comparisons red triangle menu. Then, select Contour Profiler from the Profiler red triangle menu.
Image shown hereThe Contour Profiler can be accessed from the Formula Depot platform. Select Profiler from the Formula Depot red triangle menu and select the models to be profiled. Then, select Contour Profiler from the Profiler red triangle menu.
The Contour Profiler Report
The initial Contour Profiler report shows a contour profiler plot, a surface plot for each response, factor settings and controls, and response settings and controls. The colored lines on the graph are the contours for the responses set by the Y slider controls or by entering values in the Contour column. There is a separately colored contour for each response. For each contour, there is a dotted line in the direction of higher response values, so that you get a sense of direction
Factor Settings and Controls
Horiz, Vert
Radio buttons to control factor assignments to the horizontal and vertical axes in the contour profiler and surface plots.
The list of factors.
Current X
The current factor settings. Click in a box to change the value of a factor or use the slider controls. Right-click the slider control and select Rescale Slider to change the scale of the slider. When one value is changed, the values for the other factors remain the same, but the values in the response settings and controls report change accordingly. The Current X location is shown by the crosshair lines on the graph.
A column that appears for mixture designs with more than three predictors. This column enables you to lock settings for mixture values so that they are not changed when the mixture needs to be adjusted due to other mixture effects being changed. When locked columns exist, the shaded area for a mixture recognizes the newly restricted area.
Figure 4.4 Lock Column
Lock Column
Response Settings and Controls
The list of one or more responses, with a color legend. To change the color of a response, right-click the color legend for that response.
The current value of the contour on the contour profiler. Click in the box to change the value. The slider control can also be used to change the value of the contour.
Current Y
The predicted response based on the current X settings. The value is at the red line on the slider control. This value updates as the factor settings are changed.
Lo Limit
Enables you to set a lower limit for your response. Click in a box to set the limit or click the left triangle of the slider control for that response. If a response column’s Spec Limits column property has a value for Lower Spec Limit, that value is used as the initial value for Lo Limit.
High Limit
Enables you to set an upper limit for your response. Click in a box to set the limit or click the right triangle of the slider control for that response. If a response column’s Spec Limits column property has a value for Upper Spec Limit, that value is used as the initial value for Hi Limit.
When response limits are used, the profiler shows regions that are not feasible as shaded in the contour profiler plot.
Contour Profiler Platform Options
Grid Density
Sets the density of the mesh plots in the surface plots.
Graph Updating
Contains options to change the frequency of updates for the graph. (The difference might not be noticeable on a fast machine.) The following two options are available:
Per Mouse Move
Updates the graph continuously as you drag the mouse. This is the default setting.
Per Mouse Up
Updates the graph each time the mouse is released.
Surface Plot
Shows or hides the mesh plots.
Contour Label
Shows or hides a label for the contour lines. The label colors match the contour colors.
Contour Grid
Draws contours on the Contour Profiler plot at intervals that you specify.
Remove Contour Grid
Enables you to remove a contour grid once one is drawn.
Factor Settings
Provides a submenu of commands that enables you to save and transfer the Contour Profiler’s settings to other parts of JMP. See “Factor Settings” in the “Profiler” chapter.
Launches the Simulator. See the “Simulator” chapter.
Up Dots
Shows or hides dotted lines that correspond to each contour. The dotted lines show the direction of increasing response values.
Set Contours to Current
Resets the contour lines to be where the current Y values are located. This means that all contour lines cross where the crosshairs are on the contour plot and the controls agree in the Y sliders.
Arrange X Controls Left
Rearranges the X and Y controls horizontally with the X controls on the left or vertical with the X controls at the top.
Hide X Controls
Shows or hides the X controls (Factor Settings and Controls).
Hide Y Controls
Shows or hides the Y controls (Response Settings and Controls).
Constraint Shading Settings
If you specify limits for the response columns, the areas of the plot that are outside of the feasible region are shaded. The unshaded white area represents the feasible region. See Figure 4.5.
Figure 4.5 Settings for Contour Shading
Settings for Contour Shading
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