
AECS Ltd, 135–136

agriculture, 143–144

Ahuja, M.K., 108

Airbnb, sharing economy, 12

Allen, J., 92

alliances, new knowledge acquisition, 109–111

alterative innovation propositions, 90

Alvarez, S., 47

Amazon, leadership, 37–38

ambidexterity, strategy validation, 89

ambidextrous organizations, 42–45

Anderson, K., 18–19

Anderson, P., 52–53

Ane, B.W., 72

Apple computer, entrepreneurship, 13–14

appropriate structure, 38–40

Artificial Intelligence (AI), 149–150

assurance, 118

Augsdorfer, P., 101, 102

Azerual, B., 112

Baptist Health South Florida, 137

Barney, J., 47

Beason, R., 63

Berry, L.B., 118

Bertels, H., 124

Beynon-Jones, S., 63

Bezos, J., 37–38, 92, 117

Big Data, 20


disruptive technology, 76–77

health care, 130–132

Birkinshaw, J., 73

Blauth, M., 78, 79

Boeing Corporation, dynamic capability, 97–98

Boland, R., 79–80

bold innovation, opportunity emergence, 55–58

bolt-on acquisitions, 111–112

Bootlegging, 100–102

Bransford, B., 123

Brettel, M., 78, 79

Brin, S., 44

Brohman, M.K., 121

Brown, B., 67

Brown, N., 63

Brueller, N.R., 111

Burgelman, R., 99

Burgelman, R.A., 90–91

business model information typology (BMIT), 124

business model innovation, service sector, 124–126

business models, strategy, 91–92

business-to-business (B2B) markets, 26–27

Canon competence, 71–72

car industry, innovation, 6–8

Carley, K.M., 108

Carmeli, A., 111, 112

Carson, D., 73

causation-based decision making, 78–79

Chambers, J., 24–26

Chaston, I., 13

Chen, C., 28

Chesbrough, H., 92, 106

Chinese economy, entrepreneurship, 2

Christensen, C., 60, 98, 99, 125

Christensen, C.M., 43

Cisco, 24–26

Clark, K., 100

Clifford, P.G., 70

cluster, innovation, 15

Colarelli, D., 74

collaboration, competence enhancement, 74

collaborative development, 27–28

collaborative orientation, entrepreneur, 26–28

combinatorial chemistry (CC), 133

combining knowledge, 112–113

communication, leadership, 35–36


contrasting theories, 69–72

creativity, 77–80

dynamic, 72–73

enhancement, 74–77

competence enhancement, innovation, 4

competition, discontinuity, 52

competitive advantage, service sector, 122–123

computer industry, disruptive technology, 75–76

concept-generation process, 130

Conger, J., 36

contrasting theories, competence, 69–72

conventional innovation, 13

Cooper, R.G., 56–57

core competence strategy, 71–72

Corning Company, entrepreneurial competence model, 57–58

cost-effective health care, 135–136

Covin, D., 82

Covin, J.G., 82, 84

Coyne, K.R., 70

creation involves actions, 47

creative destruction, entrepreneurship, 8


competence, 77–80

regaining, 94–95

Crick, A., 28

Crowther, A.K., 106

customer expectations, meeting, 121–122

customer satisfaction, service sector, 118–122

Dawood, I., 127

decision making, entrepreneurial, 77

del-Palacio, I., 15–16

DeMartino, R., 74

Dess, G., 82

Dess, G.G., 87

detergents, risk, 4–5

digital technology, health care, 134–138

discontinuity, opportunity emergence, 52–55

discovery, opportunity emergence, 47–48

disruption, 13–14, 60

disruptive technology, 75–77

Divvyshot, 112

DNA sequencing technologies, 133

Drori, I., 111

Dual Cyclone bagless vacuum cleaner, entrepreneur, 22

dynamic capability, managing process, 96–98

dynamic competence, 69–70, 72–73

economic cycles, entrepreneurship, 1

economics, macroenvironment, 60–62

Edison, T., 32–33

effectuation, 48

Eisenhardt, K.M., 98

electric vehicles, 110–111

electronic medical records (EMR), 136

Elsum, I., 124

emergent strategy, 84–85

empathy, 118

Engel, J.S., 15–16

enhancement, competence, 74–77

entrepreneur. See also technological entrepreneurs

entrepreneurial decision making, 77

entrepreneurial innovation, 88

entrepreneurial leaders, 33, 34

entrepreneurial proposition, personal vision, 18–19

entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE), 28–29


leading-edge technology, 104

entrepreneurship, 8–11

defined, 12–13

infrastructure, 14–16

market disruption, 13–14

market-driven, 9–10

technological, 13

exploitative innovation, 88–90

exploiting autonomy, 41–42

exploiting foresight, 24–26

explorative innovations, 42–43, 88–90

financial services, service sector, 123

firms, strategy validation, 88

Fleming, L., 131

Flynn, M., 67

Ford, H., 6, 33

Ford, M., 150

foresight, entrepreneur, 22–23

foresight, exploiting, 24–26

fracking, development of, 61–62

Friar, J.H., 105

Fuchs, G., 132

4Ps, service sector, 116–117

functional competences, 34–35

Galletta, D.F., 108

gap-based quality factors, 119–120

Gemmell, R.M., 79–80

genetic modification (GM), 68

genetically modified (GM) crops, 144–145

genome sequencing, 145–146

genomics, health care, 132–134

Gibson, C.B., 73

Gilmore, A., 73

Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), industrial discontinuity, 54

global warming, 141–143

Goldsmith, M., 34

Google, ambidextrous organization, 44–45

governmental regulation, 63–65

Green, K., 65, 84

Greene, P., 28

Gregoire, D.A., 51

Grobmeiera, C., 95

Guimaraes, R., 123

Guimaraes, T., 123

Gupta, V., 33

Habtay, S.R., 10

Hall, S.D., 70

Hamal, G., 70, 122

health care, 129, 145–147

biotechnology, 130–132

digital technology, 134–138

genomics, 132–134

medical data, 138–140

specialist knowledge, 129–130

heterogeneity, 115

Hewlett Packard’s (HP’s), 112–113

high-end alternative technology, 61–62

high-end risk, 61–62

high-throughput screening (HTS) systems, 133

Hill, C.W., 66, 75

Hofmeister, J., 65

Hornsby, J.S., 73

Humulin, disruptive technology, 76

hybrid projects, 100

IBM company, leadership, 33, 39, 40

idea generation, 79–80

idea-creation process, 130

improvisation, creativity, 77

incremental innovation projects, 100

incumbents, technology, 66

industrial discontinuity, 53–55

Industrial Revolution, entrepreneurship, 1, 11


competence enhancement, 74

conventional, 13

dimensions, 4

dynamic capability, 96

entrepreneurial, 13

radical, 5–6

intangibility, 115

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 67

internal drug development programs (IDDPs), 133

international knowledge, accessing, 105

Internet and related communications technology, 134–135

Internet of Things (IoT), 150–152

IT revolution, service sector, 126–127

Jane Philips Medical Center, 137–138

Japan, car industry, 6–7

Jarratt, D., 82–83

Kay, A., 71, 122–123

Kets de Vries, M.E., 36

Khoury, A.E., 95

Kirzner, I., 9

Kirzner, I.M., 47

Kliesch-Eberl, M., 96

knowledge. See also new knowledge acquisition

combining, 112–113

specialist, 129–130

knowledge, opportunity emergence, 48–51

Koen, P., 124

Kolb, D., 79–80

Kollmann, T., 87

Kraft, H., 133

Krauss, G., 132

Kuratko, D.F., 73

Lambe, C.J., 110

Land, E., 36–37

Lanterman, M., 138–139

Lazzarotti, V., 106

leaders and structure

ambidextrous organizations, 42–45

appropriate structure, 38–40

communication, 35–36

management style, 31–33

organic structures, 40–42

risk, incorrect convictions, 36–37

role fulfillment, 33–35

visionary entrepreneurs, 37–38

leadership, managing process, 94–95

leadership, retaining, 6–8

leading-edge technology, 104

legislation, macroenvironment, 63–65

Lichtenthaler, E., 106

long-established management philosophy, 4

Lumpkin, G.T., 82, 87

Lydon, S.R., 34

MacMillan, I.C., 33

macroenvironment, 59

economics, 60–62

legislation, 63–65

meta-trends, 67–68

politics, 62–63

technology, 65–67

management philosophy, 4

management style, 31–33

managing process

dilemmas, 93–94

dynamic capability, 96–98

leadership, 94–95

radical innovation, 99–102

strategic planning, 98–99

teams, 95

technological diversity, 97–98

Manzini, R., 106

Marion, T.J., 105

market convention, breaking, 117

market disruption

entrepreneurship, 13–14

market learning, strategy, 85–86

market system model, 59

market-driven entrepreneurship, 9–10

Mauer, R., 78, 79

McKnight, W.L., 41

medical data, health care, 138–140

mergers and acquisitions (M&As), 111, 112

meta-trends, macroenvironment, 67–68

Metzner, D., 23

milk production, risk, 2–3

Millier, P., 86

Mintzberg, H., 81–82

Montagno, R.V., 73

Morris, M., 92

music industry, remodeling, 125–126

Musk, E., 29–30

network structure, 108

networks, entrepreneur, 23–26

networks, new knowledge acquisition, 107–109

new knowledge acquisition

alliances, 109–111

knowledge, 103–105

networks, 107–109

open innovation, 106–107

purchase, 111–113

New product development (NPD), planning, 98–99

New Zealand, Fonterra’s success, 2–3

O’Connor, G., 74

O’Driscoll, A., 73

O’Reilly, C., 43, 89

OPEC oil crisis, 7

open innovation, new knowledge acquisition, 106–107

opportunity emergence

bold innovation, 55–58

discontinuity, 52–55

discovery, 47–48

knowledge, 48–51

opportunity orientation, entrepreneur, 20–22

organic structures, 40–42

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), industrial discontinuity, 54, 55

outsourcing, 104–105

Overdorf, M., 43

Page, L., 44

Palmer, R., 86

Parasuraman, A., 118, 121

Pellegrini, L., 106

perishability, 115–116

personal health record (PHR) systems, 139–140

personal vision, entrepreneurial proposition, 18–19

pharmaceutical firms, 131

pharmaceutical industry, disruptive technology, 76–77

Piccoli, G., 121

Pisano, G., 72

Polaroid camera, leadership, 36–37

politics, macroenvironment, 62–63

Porter, M., 69

Pralahad, C., 70, 122

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), 142

prior knowledge diversity, 51

product innovation, entrepreneurship, 4

product life cycle (PLC), 4

productivity, service sector, 126

purchase, new knowledge acquisition, 111–113

R&D projects, radical innovation, 99–100

radical entrepreneurial innovation, 66

radical innovation, 5–6

radical innovation projects, 100

radical innovation, managing process, 99–102

Rae, J., 99

re-alignment, strategy, 90–91

real-time teleconnectivity, eye care service, 136

redesigning business process, 123

regaining creativity, 94–95

Reger, G., 23

regulation, governmental, 63–65

reliability, 118

resource-based view (RBV) theory, 69, 122

responsiveness, 118

robots, 147–149

role fulfillment, 33–35

Rosenbach, W.E., 31

Rothaermel, F.T., 66, 75, 109

Rothman, H., 133

rule breaking, benefits, 39–40

Sarasvathy, S.D., 48, 78

Sashkin, M., 31

Savory, C., 71

Schindehutte, M., 92

Schreyogg, G., 96

Schumpeter, J., 8–9

Schumpeter, J.A., 49

search intensity, 51

sectoral architecture, innovation, 4

self-competences, 34

self-efficacy, entrepreneur, 28–30

service sector, 115–117

business model innovation, 124–126

competitive advantage, 122–123

customer satisfaction, 118–122

financial services, 123

IT revolution, 126–127

productivity, 126

SERVQUAL data, 118–120

Shainesh, G., 135

Shane, S., 49, 51

sharing economy, 11

Sharma, A., 93

Shepherd, D.A., 51

Shostak, S., 145

Shuen, A., 72

Siegel, R.A., 90–91

Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, 15

Simard, C., 106

simultaneous production and consumption, 116

Slevin, D., 84

Slevin, J., 82

smart water management, 143

Smith, K., 146–147

Sony Walkman, technological entrepreneurs, 21

Sorenson, O., 131

SpaceX’s Falcon rocket, entrepreneur, 29–30

specialist knowledge, health care, 129–130

Spekman, R.E., 110

Srivastava, S.C., 135

steel industry, disruptive technology, 76

stem cells, 146–147

Stiles, D., 82–83

Stöckmann, C., 87

strategic planning, managing process, 98–99

strategy, 81–82

business models, 91–92

emergent, 84–85

market learning, 85–86

process, 82–84

re-alignment, 90–91

validation, 86–91

Surie, G., 33

Swiercz, P.M., 34

Tabrizi, B.N., 98

tangibles, 118

teams, managing process, 95

technical intelligence (TI), 66–67

technical solution, creating, 21–22

technological convention disruption, 13–14

technological diversity, managing, 97–98

technological entrepreneurs

collaborative orientation, 26–28

foresight, 22–23

networks, 23–26

opportunity orientation, 20–22

self-efficacy, 28–30

traits, 17

vision, 17–20

technological entrepreneurship, 13, 75

technological fixation, risk, 36–37

technological visionaries, 32–33

technology, macroenvironment, 65–67

technology-based destruction, 11–12

technology-based entrepreneurial (TE) strategy, 86–88

technology-push entrepreneurship, 9–10

Teece, D.J., 72, 90

Tell, J., 107

Thamhain, H.J., 95

3M, entrepreneurial firm, 41–42

3M, managing process, 94

three-dimensional printing (3DPTM), diversity, 51

traits, entrepreneur, 17

transactional leadership, 31, 32

transformational leadership, 31–32

Tushman, M., 43, 52–53, 89

Uber, sharing economy, 11–12

uncertainty, creativity, 78

University Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), 137

validation, strategy, 86–91

vision, entrepreneur, 17–20

visionary entrepreneurs, 37–38

visionary leaders, 32

washing machines, polymer bead cleaning system, 4–5

Watanabe, K., 72

Watson, T.Jr., 33

wealth generation, 1–3

entrepreneurship (see Entrepreneurship)

innovation, 3–8

wearables, IoT, 152

Weinstein, D., 63

West, J., 106

Wheelwright, S., 99

Wheelwright, S.C., 100

White Gold, 2–3

Witt, U., 18

Wright, C.S., 127

Zeithaml, V.A., 118

Zhenga, W., 95

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