The Campaign to Make This a Reality

There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.


Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

—Swami Vivekananda

I fully recognize that in 2016, much of this will be dismissed as too radical. Terms such as crazy and economically ignorant will intrude as mosquitoes of disapproval, and I am prepared to withstand that phase. In 2017, opposition will start to erode as the recession begins to manifest and deflation starts to exceed even seemingly high levels of monetary expansion. In 2018, there will be even less resistance to these ideas once “#Another$TrillionQE” is no longer an unusual recommendation, and so on. Eventually, it is my goal to have the Overton Window move to a point that these concepts receive serious debate. If we are very fortunate, at least some of these ideas may be seen as prescient by the 2020s.

I am just one man, without any “establishment” backing, posting this whitepaper on a blog. I have run solo, multiyear, volunteer-sustained charities in the past, such as The Uplift Prize, but this endeavor is much greater in scope. Since the greatest things ever accomplished have been accomplished by teams, and if you like some of the ideas presented here, I would like to recruit your help. As a grassroots campaign, some of the avenues we can begin with are:

Send this to people you know who may be interested in the subject matter, and persuade them to digest the material, especially if they are outside of the United States.

Viral marketing through social media. Whether Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or anywhere else, post this wherever you feel it may be appropriate (such as retweeting my “ATOM Award of the Week”).

Help me build exposure by connecting with, and present this material to, key figures in the mainstream media, who can then bring this to a broader audience.

Following some media exposure, the next step is to present to central banks, elected officials, and thought leaders. If you have a suitable contact, help arrange a meeting or phonecall where I can present these ideas to them.

Help this set of ideas become part of the discourse for the 2016 U.S. election and other elections worldwide. Refer back to the “ATOM Political Platform” section.

If you are good at getting sponsors, the right type of sponsorship is very valuable here.

Help me organize and execute an ATOM video contest, where entrants produce a video that evangelizes and simplifies the concepts and ideas for a mass audience, for a prize of ~$10,000 or so.

Help me appear at venues such as TED to deliver a presentation on some or all of the subject matter here. Smaller conferences are also valuable, provided the talk is videotaped and posted online.

Think about what is it that you do exceptionally well, and we will try to incorporate your talents into this campaign. Keep reminding yourself how great it will be for your Federal income taxes to evaporate away, and how your stipend keeps rising exponentially. Each action you take, however small it may seem at the time, assists the campaign of making this a reality. Getting these ideas to the decision makers may take time, and the skepticism and debate may take even more time. But always remember that every grain of sand we deposit in the ocean makes the level of the ocean rise a tiny bit, so each action edges us toward the grand goal.

If you are enthusiastic about these ideas, join with me in this campaign, and start working on some of the previous bullet points, as well as ideas of your own.

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