Fear is excitement without breath.


How you think and feel is a choice—a very important choice that should not be left to chance. You have the power to choose and therefore own some control over your destiny. To a large measure, your thoughts and energy can help create the life of your dreams because positive thoughts and energy foster positive outcomes whereas negative thoughts and energy tend to forecast negative outcomes. It's science. You'll see “It's Science!” pop-ups throughout the book that share the science-based research behind the power of breath and mindset. Without conscious breathing, your thoughts can default to negativity and doubt and become self-sabotaging. Instead, connect your mind and body to the kind of thoughts and energy that will bring the success you desire. Breath is a ready and available vehicle for transformation at any given moment. Even just three deep breaths can be truly transformative: from fear to excitement, from nervous to calm, from doubt to certainty. When you breathe mindfully (even briefly), you get the benefits of meditation without having to sit still for long periods of time. You can breathe to succeed in small snippets every day. Make the decision to choose your thoughts and energy as often as possible and you'll quickly begin to see the incredible power that you have within.

When was the last time you took a long, slow, deep breath? Most people can't recall. Treat yourself to one deep breath right now. Ready? Take a really long, deep inhale and a long, slow exhale. Ahhhhhh. Let it set the tone for you to relax into this book with an open mind about the power of breath for success. Taking control of your thoughts and emotions through breath will add tremendous value to the way you lead and/or work. Whether you're an executive, an entrepreneur, an employee, a leader, a CEO, a colleague, or a team player, tapping into the power of your breath will open the door to a new level of clarity, creativity, positivity, productivity, and abundance, and a new sense of calm strength and connectedness.

Three deep breaths (3DB) and a variety of other simple breath techniques can easily be your superpower for quickly taking control and shifting your energy, mood, and perspective whenever and wherever you need empowerment. In the moment. No more shallow breathing all the time. It's not serving your body or your mind, and it's certainly not elevating your energy for success and business. Get ready to upgrade your breath and take control of your thoughts, emotions, and energy. No more autopilot. Breathe to succeed.


In an article titled Neuroscientists Have Identified How Exactly a Deep Breath Changes Your Mind, Morgan Cerf of Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University says, “Breathing at different paces or paying careful attention to the breaths . . . were shown to engage different parts of the brain. Humans' ability to control and regulate their brain is unique: e.g., controlling emotions. . . . These abilities are not trivial. When breathing changed with the exercises, the brain changed as well. . . . The findings provide neural support for advice individuals have been given for millennia: during times of stress, or when heightened concentration is needed, focusing on one's breathing or doing breathing exercises can indeed change the brain.”1

This book is my love letter to breath. It's about sharing the transformative power of breath in business; how even 3DB (three deep breaths) at key moments can be nothing short of miraculous. I'm not your typical meditation teacher. I'm an entrepreneur with a business sensibility about meditation . . . and breath is meditation at the speed of business! I hope to empower you to utilize easily accessible and very effective breath techniques as meditation in the moment, in under sixty seconds. That's doable, right? If your thoughts and emotions have been controlling you, that can change right now.

Mindful breath completely transformed my life in 1989 when I began practicing yoga. I became obsessed with breath and the way it could immediately shift my thoughts and energy. After six years of daily practice, I decided to complete a yoga teacher training program (not to become a teacher but to deepen my knowledge) and have since done well over 10,000 hours of yoga and breath practice. Breath is meant to go beyond the yoga mat. Breath has saved me (from myself!) in business for over twenty-five years. It always delivers. It never disappoints. It'll do the same for you. Breath will be the missing piece of the puzzle in fully (or finally) connecting your mind and body. No yoga required. Again, how you think and feel is a choice. When you breathe mindfully, you move into your optimal performance zone with limitless potential because you're in sync with your mind, body, and beliefs. In the chaotic business world we live and breathe in today, we're constantly multitasking under extreme pressure, deadline, and distraction. When we're in work mode without pause, it's dangerous both emotionally and physically and leads to burnout, stress, damaged relationships, and the habit of never being present.

Fear and doubt limit everything; breath expands everything, including opportunities, performance, positivity, and success.

Taking mindful, deep breaths paired with positive intention (I call this Breathing Like a Boss) is the fastest and most effective way to literally connect with your mind and body and choose to feel the way that you want to feel—in a way that will lead to accomplishments, goals, and your version of success. Breath is not esoteric or abstract . . . it's science! As you begin to experiment with your breath, watch as your default perspective becomes positive, patient, and clear to make mindful decisions and to be productive, creative, open-minded, and present unlike ever before. We often aren't conscious about how we let our negative thoughts and habits lead the way until it's too late; we've made hasty decisions and/or acted impulsively with colleagues, employees, supply partners, or customers. Breath will become your new compass, the emotional GPS that is always activated to guide you in the best direction. If you're practicing it regularly, the benefits will likely seep into your personal life too. How's that for value?


Josh Axe, a certified doctor of natural medicine, a doctor of chiropractic, and a clinical nutritionist, says, “Life today doesn't often offer us the opportunity to enact a full stress response and resolution. Instead, we operate as if we're in a constant, low-grade state of emergency, with no real end in sight. Many of us don't physically dispel stress hormones or take the time to resolve the real problem . . . or to question our priorities.”2

My perspective on utilizing breath for success comes from my twenty-five-plus years as a small-business entrepreneur. However, the advice here is not only for entrepreneurs; it's relevant and empowering to employees, intrapreneurs, corporate leaders and executives, people who work at home, teams, freelancers, consultants, and so forth. In fact, as Jason Feifer, editor in chief of Entrepreneur magazine, recently explained, we are all entrepreneurs. The term has evolved; he writes that “[t]he old definition was attached to a small business person but today, the word entrepreneur is different. It means a mindset, a culture, identity. It means someone who makes things happen for themselves. You can do that in any form; you can be an entrepreneur and not own a company, you can do that in your life or at a company you work for. It's a mindset for people who seize opportunities and create things . . . .”3 Mindful and strategic breath will definitely help seize opportunities and create ideas, products, energy, and success. Whatever your title may be, we are all the CEO of our own mind–body connection. When we activate that connection with breath, we become what I call a “C.E.'Om.”

There are a few common reasons why people are quick to say, “I don't meditate.” Often, the initial effort can feel futile. I can relate to many reasons that I've heard, and that's why my breath techniques offer game-changing benefits without the high barrier to entry for what we think of as meditation. Simple breath practices invite you to experience meditation in ways that are immediate and offer instant results rather than frustration. Here's why Breathing Like a Boss will begin to work for you right now:

  1. It takes less than sixty seconds at a time to tap into the power of quiet and stillness. You'll see as soon as you take 3DB.
  2. Breath can help short attention–spanned, fast-paced people (like me) learn how to slow down internally.
  3. I have a business sensibility about breath, so my advice is practical, functional, and efficient, not New Age-y. (Burning incense gives me a headache and I feel awkward chanting Sanskrit phrases.)
  4. It's a practice that doesn't require getting to a certain level of enlightenment or prerequisite training. It's understandable that many people try meditation once, get frustrated, and say, “It doesn't work.” They get analysis paralysis wondering if they're doing it correctly, so they move on. Breathing Like a Boss is a personalized practice that's accessible in smaller snippets throughout the day as it meets you exactly where/when you need it most.

Three deep breaths (3DB) have been a superpower to help manage my daily thoughts, emotions, and energy in order to reach my goals and enjoy the process; learn from my failures/mistakes; and continue to evolve. It's often your mind (rather than your ability) that limits your success. Enhanced breath cuts through that limiting and negative thinking and ushers in positive strength to go beyond where a negative mind would have you throw in the towel. Mindful breath is easy to activate and insightful to experience whether you're in a challenging moment or you simply want to be present. It can be seamlessly integrated into whatever your day looks like. Managing our thoughts and emotions is something that we may never completely master. I mean, we're human. But we don't want to be haphazard with emotions in business. We can train ourselves to live in our highest energy more often than not. Knowing that you have the power to reset at any time is like being handed the keys to the kingdom (of our mind-body connection). Once activated, you can Breathe Like a Boss throughout your workday with a new sense of freedom, confidence, and control.

My secondary intention with this book is to be part of the larger conversation unfolding right now about the effects of technology on our health and wellness. Our constantly connected business lives are causing health concerns that need to be addressed with a sense of urgency. Of course, being immersed in tech is an absolute necessity of business, but we need to add in a larger humanity quotient and set new boundaries. Breath, self-awareness, and small changes in our daily routine can be a big part of the wellness solution. We are ten-plus years past the dawn of smartphones (and social media), and those of us who have been connected since then are getting or have already gotten to the tipping point of being digitally overwhelmed. This situation is only going to worsen if we don't build awareness to ensure our digital well-being.

We've recently learned that the engineers of our favorite social platforms designed them for users to become addicted. Mission accomplished, right? I feel like we might be in the “saccharin of sweeteners” phase of technology, not knowing how dangerous our behavior is because the science isn't quite there yet. We can't wait for the science to fully catch up. It's time to get proactive. Take charge. While breath has been saving me in business situations for over twenty-five years, it has also more recently been an incredible antidote for my frequent feelings of brain fog, digital overload, and distraction.

This simple and impactful practice of Breathing Like a Boss will elevate your business life. My goal is to introduce the concept, prove my case, and then have you become your own teacher by making the practice uniquely yours. Empowering yourself. It's fully accessible, starting right now. Enhanced breathing and positive intentions will help you soar to your next level of success and connect you where you most need to be connected now—to your mind and body. Let's breathe on purpose, with purpose . . .

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