List of Tables

Chapter 3. The heart of the matter: the plot command

Table 3.1. Unary operators in order of decreasing precedence

Table 3.2. Binary operators in order of decreasing precedence

Table 3.3. The rand(x) function is used both to access the random number generator and to set its seeds, depending on the value of the argument.

Table 3.4. Smoothing methods available for plot ... smooth ...

Chapter 4. Managing data sets and files

Table 4.1. Meaning of blank lines in data files

Table 4.2. Column-access methods, pseudocolumns, and column-access functions. (An entry in the first column in italics is a placeholder for any matching value. Non-italic entries must be used verbatim.)

Table 4.3. Pseudofiles

Table 4.4. Metadata in data files

Chapter 5. Practical matters: strings, loops, and history

Table 5.1. String functions

Table 5.2. Prefixes used for internal variables

Chapter 6. A catalog of styles

Table 6.1. Modifiers for the appearance of lines, points, and other graph elements

Table 6.2. All possible combinations of errorbars and errorlines styles

Chapter 8. All about axes

Table 8.1. Prefixes used to indicate the selected coordinate system

Table 8.2. Conversion specifiers understood by the gprintf(...) function. See table 8.4 and table 8.5 for conversion specifiers for date and time values, and table 5.1 for information on gprintf(...).

Table 8.3. Accuracy specifiers to be used with the gprintf() and sprintf() functions

Table 8.4. Alphabetically sorted conversion specifiers for date/time information for the set _tics format and set timefmt commands. See table 8.2 to format numeric values. See table 8.5 for a list sorted by topic.

Table 8.5. Conversion specifiers for date/time information for the set _tics format and set timefmt commands, sorted by topic. See table 8.2 to format numeric values. See table 8.4 for a list sorted alphabetically by conversion specifier.

Table 8.6. Functions to parse and format arbitrary time strings. See tables 8.4 and 8.5 for conversion specifiers.

Chapter 9. Color, style, and appearance

Table 9.1. Equivalent ways to specify a color explicitly (here, magenta)

Table 9.2. Symbols for dash patterns

Table 9.3. Special line types defined by all terminals

Table 9.4. Internal variables that contain information about the size of the canvas and the position of the borders

Chapter 10. Terminals and output formats

Table 10.1. Control characters for enhanced text mode

Chapter 11. Automation, scripting, and animation

Table 11.1. Gnuplot loop constructs and conditionals

Chapter 12. Beyond the defaults: workflow and styles

Table 12.1. Selected default hotkey bindings

Table 12.2. Symbolic names of some of the function keys available

Table 12.3. These variables are set whenever a mouse or keyboard event occurs when a plot window is active, provided that mousing has been enabled using set mouse.

Table 12.4. The environment variables that gnuplot reads on startup. Unless otherwise specified, the variables have the same name on all platforms.

Table 12.5. Command-line options recognized by gnuplot

Appendix C. Surface and contour plots

Table C.1. Values used in the mask to the set hidden3d option

Table C.2. The values of the mask used in the set border option. The red lines are the ones switched on by the corresponding bit in the mask.

Table C.3. The matrix formats

Table C.4. Smoothing kernels available with set dgrid3d

Appendix D. Palettes and false-color plots

Table D.1. Colorbox options. They control the placement and formatting of tic marks along the colorbox and are therefore similar to the corresponding commands for any of the other axes. (The details given in the indicated sections apply to the colorbox as well.)

Table D.2. Relevant differences between the three plot styles that can be used to create false-color plots

Appendix F. Higher math

Table F.1. All built-in mathematical functions

Table F.2. Functions to access parts of complex numbers

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