
Sometimes, it seems like finding the right job is an act of providence, best left to chance. It doesn’t have to be that way. If you begin by understanding exactly what you want to do with your life and then seek the kind of employment that will allow you to fulfill that desire, you will have saved yourself much time and potentially much heartbreak.

A friend told me she could never work in an office; she eventually became a city detective. Know the environment you will feel most comfortable in and make your career decisions develop from there.

If you spend as much as half of your life doing something that you dislike, you will be unhappy, and your employer will be unhappy as well. Spend some time in contemplation. Know as much about yourself as possible and then learn as much as possible about your potential employer. More than anything, learn as much about the person who will supervise you and the people with whom you will work every day. Many studies have proven that people leave jobs because they don’t get along with their supervisor. Ask questions about these people; be proactive. Remember, you are bringing your skills and talents to them. Without the best employees, companies consist only of empty buildings. Take some control; it’s a dynamic process.

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