Abs, Hermann, 106

Academic Credit Corporation, 134

acquisitions, 159, 214

rules for, 240243

Adams, Brooks, 153

Adams, Henry, 152153

adversarial trade, 8186

confining, 8586

overview of, 8185

political measures against, 85

predatory pricing and, 83

production consortiums and, 8485

Advanced Management School, AT&T, 273

age and rank, in Japan, 71, 129

AIDS, 326

Aiken, Howard, 260261, 262

aircraft industry, 8485

Aktiengesellschaft , 152

Allied Chemical Corporation, 215

Altmeyer, Arthur, 315

American Association of Retired Persons, 127

American Economic Association, 97

American Hospital Supply, 69, 70

American Management

Associations, xxi Ancient Law (Maine), 152

anti-Japanese measures, 84

Anti-Saloon League, 330

antitrust laws

conglomerates and, 298

labor unions and, 191

mergers and, 297298

moralist approaches to, 296298

social costs of, 298301

takeover panels in mergers and, 228, 237

antitrust suits

against AT&T, 271, 273, 275, 278, 281284, 285,
287, 288, 290, 291293, 294, 300

criticism of, 271272

against IBM, 269, 272273

against Standard Oil Trust, 272

Apple Computer, xvixvii Argentina, 9, 220, 222

Aristotle, 234

Armco, 197

ASEA, 32

assembly line, 15

AT&T, 271, 273293

Advanced Management School of, 273

antitrust suits against, 271, 273, 275, 278, 281284, 285,
287, 288, 290, 291293, 294, 300

as borrower, 279

defense communication and, 282, 291293

difficulties for regional companies of, 284286

future of, 289291

hard-sell campaign by, 276278

inflation and, 279280

atomic energy research, 326

atypical Kondratieff wave, 37

Australia, 9

Austrian School, 87, 89, 92

Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC), 262


additional revenues from, 255256

de-industrialization and, 15, 38

economic benefits of, 253256

labor costs and, 1819, 66, 70, 196, 198, 201, 309

manufacturing and, xxii, 15, 29, 45, 136, 185, 187, 248

quality and, 187, 253254

reindustrialization and, 317

supervisor’s role and, 116117, 185, 186

telephone service and, 280, 286

unemployment and, 60

automobile industry, 14, 16, 32, 45, 65, 78, 84, 112, 116117, 125, 164, 168, 194, 196

Avery, Dennis, 5n

baby-boom and baby-boomers, xx, 34, 45, 6263, 66, 129, 130, 138, 181182, 249250

baby bust, 62, 130, 138, 182, 198

Baker, James, 30

Bank of Japan, 73, 77, 78

bankruptcy and bankruptcy laws, 167, 193, 216, 238239, 243, 257

banks and banking

acquisitions and, 243

automation in, 17, 248, 262

in China, 25

commercial paper and, 326327

European manufacturing and, 45, 53

Eurodollars and, 327

in Germany, 61, 68, 243

international vice-president job in, 109

in Japan, 23, 28, 72, 73, 77, 83, 165, 171, 187, 204

liquidity arbitrage and, 220221

loans and, xxi, 85, 214, 219, 220222, 326, 328

long-distance telephone service and, 287, 295

Bauer, Otto, 88

Bell Atlantic, 292

Bell Laboratories

defense communications and, 291293

future after breakup of, 289291, 301

research at, 115, 325

telecommunication technology of, 274275

Bell Telephone System, 42, 88, 271293

AT&T antitrust suit and, 281283, 294, 298

breakup of, 270, 273, 283, 291

inflation’s impact on, 278280, 300

issues after breakup facing, 284288

marketing of home telephone by, 273278, 296297

public opinion on, 280281

Bendix, 214215

benevolent neglect policy, 18

Bergsten, Fred, 56

Berle, Adolph, 233234

Bethlehem Steel, 197

biotechnology, 66

Bismarck, Otto von, 314, 335, 336

blue-collar workers availability skilled workers for
jobs among, 135136, 309, 310, 313

change in economic position of, 142145

decreasing number of, 12, 1315, 125, 309310, 334

hostility takeovers and, 237, 238

in Japan, 70, 79

knowledge workers versus, 17, 310

preserving jobs for, 17, 317

quality circles and, 117

retraining of, 18

supervisors and, 118

unemployment and, 1315

wages for, 122123, 124, 125

white-collar workers versus, 111, 113, 115, 255

Bluhdorn, Charles, 189

BMW, 16, 32, 65

Boeing, 84

bonds, 220

Boy Scouts, 150, 232

brand recognition, 7071, 74

Brazil, xxii, 7, 8, 19, 2829, 47, 75, 220, 222, 226

Bretton Woods Conference, 30

British Factory Acts (1844), 314

Buddenbrooks (Mann), 151

Business Cycles (Schumpeter), 37

business cycle theory, 6, 96

Calhoun, John C., 160

California Universal Telephone Law, 285

Canada, 194, 280


automation and, 37

currency fluctuations and, 51, 52

entrepreneurs and sources of, xx, 36, 59, 61, 63, 304

high-tech industries and need for, 62, 63, 66

hostile takeovers and, 215, 217, 219

international competition and cost of, 19

international economy and flows of, 2122, 25, 26

knowledge jobs and, 307, 308, 309

Kondratieff cycle and, 3637

multinationals and, 44, 46

pension funds as sources of, 193, 223, 225

profit and cost of, 205, 207

social challenges and, 304, 305

telephone business and, 279, 287

Third World countries and need for, 30

capital formation

antitrust issues and, 301

demand and, 90

emphasis on, 11, 320

Eurodollars and, 327

in Germany, 68

international economy and, 21, 5253

job creation and, 309, 319320

labor unions and, 191, 193

professional schools and, 208

profits and, 320321

Schumpeter on, 93, 94, 96

capital-intensive industries, 38, 219, 279, 309, 310

capitalism, xxxi

compensation for top executives and, 122

corporate, see corporate capitalism

free enterprise and, 237

Schumpeter on, 96

Watson at IBM as symbol of, 263

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (Schumpeter), 96

capital movements

floating exchange rates and, 53

symbol economy and, 20, 326

world economy and movement of, 3

Carnegie, Andrew, 302303, 304, 319

Carnegie Foundation, 134

cartel theory, 3942

Carter, Jimmy, xxix, 5, 27, 28, 52, 75, 281, 282

Caterpillar, 54

CBS, 215

Chase Manhattan Bank, 170

China, 8, 77, 84, 160, 204, 333

Chrysler, 124, 168, 194

Churchill, Winston, 156

Citibank, 32, 167, 170, 185, 187, 222, 244, 328

Citicorp, 48, 69, 295

Class A and Class B shares, 228

Club of Rome, 5, 7, 9

Coca-Cola Company, 69, 7273

commercial paper, xxii, 221, 323, 326328

Common Market, 7, 51, 77, 300

Commons, John R., 153

Communications Workers of America, 282, 286

compensation, executive, 119, 120125

competitive trade, 8182, 85, 86

complementary trade, 81

compulsory retirement, 126


mainframe, 273

personal, 273

Watson at IBM and design of, 258, 259263

Concept of the Corporation (Drucker), 209

Concorde, 63

concurrent majority, 160

Congress of Industrial Organizations, 161

consortiums, production, 8485

Constitution, 335

consultants, 150, 177, 265

Continental Airlines, 238239

Continental Illinois Bank, 220, 229

continuous learning, 265

Control Data Corporation, 303, 305

Cooper, James Fenimore, 269270

Cordiner, Ralph, 165, 166

core business, 52

corporate capitalism

hostile takeovers and, 233, 234

management and, 166167, 216, 217

raiders and, 219, 233234

county farm agent system, 301, 303, 323, 331332

Couzens, James, 304305

craft guilds, 157

Cross, 71

cultural factors and doing business in Japan, 7173

Cultural Revolution, China, 160

Cummins Engine Company, 305

currency speculation, 21, 51

decentralization, 207

defense communication, 282, 291293

Deficits and the Dollar : The World Economy at Risk (Marris), 21n

defined-benefits plans, 223, 224, 230231, 232

defined-contributions plans, 224, 230, 231, 232

De Gaulle, Charles, 57

Degeneration of the Democratic Dogma, The (Adams), 153

de-industrialization, 1220

American labor force and, 1214

British industrial decline and, 14

dynamics of size and, 1516

entrepreneurship and, 16

information-based manufacturing industries and, 17

Japan and, 1415

knowledge-intensive industries and, 1415

labor cost reduction by, 1820

materials-based industries and, 17

mechanization and, 14

trade policy and, 1718

demand deposits, 220221

Deming, Edwards, 202, 206

Democracy (Adams), 153

demographic trends

baby boom and, xx, 34, 45, 6263, 66, 129, 130, 138, 181182, 249250

baby bust and, 62, 130, 138, 182, 198

entrepreneurship and, xx, 6263, 139

middle management changes and, 181182

retirement benefit changes and, 192193

technology changes and, 307308

unemployment and, 66

Denmark, 313

Deutsche Bank, 106

devaluation of U.S. dollar, 23, 24, 25, 7677

development concepts, 28

Dickens, Charles, 151

distribution, in Japan, 7172, 226, 317

doctors, compensation for, 143

dollar, U.S., devaluation of, 23, 24, 25, 7677

Drucker, Peter, interview with, xvxxxi

due process, 172

dumping, 84

du Pont, 247, 290, 325

Eastman, Joseph, 295


Keynesian, 22, 31, 67

monetarist, 31

supply-side, 31, 67, 91

ECU (European Currency Unit), 31, 51

Edison, Thomas Alva, 259, 324

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 159, 268, 326327

End of Economic Man, The (Drucker), xxxi

ENIAC, 262

enlightened despots, 166, 234, 236, 314

entrepreneurial business, xvixvii, 34, 37, 66, 138139, 187

entrepreneurial society, xxxxii, xxix, 29, 6061, 62

entrepreneurs, xvi, xviiixix, xxiixxiii, 30, 36, 59, 6061, 63, 139, 304, 311, 320

entrepreneurship, xxiii, 16, 3336, 59, 61, 63, 92, 138139, 284

equity capital, 19, 51

Ericsson, 32, 288

Eurodollars, 326328

Euromarks, 327

European Common Market, 7, 51, 77, 300

European Currency Unit (ECU), 31, 51

Euro-Swiss-francs, 327

Euroyen, 327

exchange rates, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 46, 49, 52, 325

executives, compensation for, 119, 120125

export markets

adversarial trade and, 8586

agricultural products and, 7, 8, 78

currency risk and, 4953

developing countries and, 1112

domestic policies and, 1213, 5458

Germany and, 22, 6465, 67, 76, 81, 82, 194

internationalist position for, 56

invisible trade and, 1718

Japan and, 7, 20, 21, 22, 2324, 28, 6465, 7879

of knowledge, 17

mercantilist position for, 57

nationalist position for, 57

raw materials and, 10, 19, 28, 30

smaller and middle-size business and, 16

Switzerland and, 82

telecommunications and, 288

trade surplus and, 7, 65, 75

Watson at IBM and, 266

Exxon, 46, 124

Factory Acts (1844), United Kingdom, 314

farm agents, 331332

Federal Communications Commission, 275, 293

Federal Reserve Board, 76, 90

Fiat, 45, 254

first-line supervisors, 116119

flexible benefits, 117, 118, 200

flexible contributions, 232

Flick, Friedrich, 242243

flight capital, 25

floating exchange rates, 20, 53


demand for, 5

export surpluses and, 67

Ford, Gerald R., 281, 282

Ford, Henry, 15, 304, 305

Ford-Europe, 45

Ford Motor Company, 304

Model T from, 142, 143, 272

Foreign Affairs, 5n

foreign-exchange risks

hedging and, 4952

internationalizing and, 5152

selling short and, 50

Fortune, 263, 264, 266

4-H Clubs, 302, 303

Francis Joseph, Emperor, 166, 171

free enterprise, 236238

Freud, Sigmund, 331

Frick, Henry C., 302

Friedman, Milton, 90, 319

Future of Industrial Man, The (Drucker), xxiv

Gabon, 42

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 216

GE Brazil, xxii Geneen, Harold, 189, 214

General Electric (GE), xxii, 14, 62, 137, 150, 165, 170, 171, 185, 187, 254, 290, 323324

General Electric Credit Corporation, xxii, 327, 328

General Motors, 102, 124, 159, 186, 216, 228, 230, 232, 240, 266

General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, The (Keynes), 88, 95

Germany, 4

apprentice training in, 67

automobile industry in, 32

business policy of, 68

currency fluctuations and, 52

entrepreneurial surge in, 66

exports and, 22, 6465, 67, 76, 81, 82, 194

government policy in, 6768

high tech industries in, 66

labor costs in, 6667

multinationals and, 44, 4546, 47

trade policy of, 56

unemployment in, 66, 311

Gilder, George, xxiii

Ginzberg, Eli, 34

Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 57

Global 2000 Report, 5, 7

go-between, in Japanese business, 73

Goldman Sachs, 327

Great Britain, undemployment in, 14

Great Depression, 4, 6, 37, 77, 191, 257, 258, 264

“Greening of America,” 35

greenmail, 214

Grove, Andrew S., xxvi

guild system, 157

Gulf & Western, 189

Gulf Oil, 215, 217218, 272, 296

Gulick, Luther, 150

Hanna, Mark, 160

Hapsburg Grand Duchy, Florence, 314

Harvard Business Review, 180, 181

Harvard Business School, xx

Harvard University, 134, 263

Hearst, William Randolph, 329, 330

hedging, 4952

Hefner-Alteneck, Friedrich Franz von, 324

High Output Management (Grove), xxvi

high-tech entrepreneurship, 5963

high technology businesses

emergence of, 10

exports and, 55

in Germany, 19, 66

job creation in, 3435

Hitler, Adolf, xvxvi, 242, 330

Hong Kong, 25, 29

Hoover, Herbert, 55, 268

hostile takeovers, xxvii, 172, 213239

corporate capitalism failure and, 217, 233234

defensiveness dangers in, 225227

finance for, 219222, 228229

impact of, 213

inflation and, 167

management legitimacy and, 167, 235236

pension funds in, 223225, 229233

preventive measures and, 225228, 236

raiders and, 213214

rapid growth using, 214215

shareholders and, 214, 219, 222223, 227, 235, 237239

takeover panels preventing, 227228

vulnerability of companies and, 216219

Hugenberg, Alfred, 242

Huntington, Henry E., 302

Iacocca, Lee, 125

IBM, 14, 32, 48, 69, 118, 119, 171, 245, 288

antitrust suit against, 272273

as intelligent monopoly, 297

research at, 325

Watson’s vision at, 257270

Icahn, Carl, 215

Inc . magazine, xxx, 35

independent directors, 235

India, 8, 2930, 47, 77, 226

Individual Retirement Account (IRA), 233

Indonesia, 9


capital-intensive, 38, 219, 279, 309, 310

information and knowledge-based

manufacturing, 1718

knowledge-intensive, 15, 310

labor-intensive, 15, 19, 29, 38, 313

materials-based manufacturing, 17

production versus employment in, 18

smokestack, 25, 27, 33, 3738, 60, 65, 120, 123, 195, 196201

information-based organizations, 185189

entrepreneurial units in, 187

flat structure of, 186187

managerial units in, 186187

responsibility and self-discipline in, 187188

span of communications in, 186

infrastructure innovations, 8

Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Drucker), xxixxiii, 16n, 209

In Search of Excellence (Peters and Waterman), xxi, xxvi

Insel, Barbara, 5n

Intel, xxvi, 288

intelligent monopolies, 296297

International Chamber of Commerce, 258

internationalizing finances, 5152

International Monetary Fund, 9, 9n

international trade, see trade

invisible trade, 1718

Itoh, 72

ITT, 189, 214, 288, 298

Jackson, Andrew, 55

Japan, 4

adversarial trade and, 81, 82, 8386

automation and, xxii, 19, 254, 255

automobile industry in, 79, 112, 114, 196

brand recognition in, 7071, 74

changing world economy and, 4, 32

continuous learning in, 265

cost of capital in, 19

cult of bigness in, xxi cultural differences in, 7173

doing business in, 6974

Drucker’s work in, 202209, 266

exports of, 7, 20, 22, 2324, 28, 6465, 7879

focus on employees in, 171172

food imports by, 89, 11

as foreign creditor, 2324, 7677, 79

go-betweens in, 73

government in, xxix, 156, 161162, 268, 317

high-tech entrepreneurship in, 59

IBM and, 258, 265, 266, 273

innovation in, 248

jobs in, 33, 34, 37, 70, 79, 264

labor costs in, 6667, 112, 205

lifetime employment in, 70, 79, 165, 193194, 205, 232

management in, 162, 164165, 168, 171, 178179, 186, 202, 204, 206, 258, 266, 333

manufacturing in, 13, 14, 16, 17, 54, 65, 7173

Meiji Restoration and transition to a “modern” state by, 204, 336

multinationals and, 4647

oil imports by, 41

profits in, 205206

quality circles in, 67, 118, 202, 265

railroad monopoly in, 296

rank and age in, 71, 129

raw materials and industrial production in, 9, 10, 11

reserve currency and, 3031

savings rate in, 320

Shibusawa and new business enterprise in, 153

trade policy of, 1011, 28, 32, 79

trade surpluses in, 22, 57

trading companies in, 7172, 185

unemployment in, 18, 22, 24, 25, 65, 66, 79

U.S. trade with, 7, 12, 13, 54, 7580

wage structure in, 122, 200, 205

world trade with, 2230, 64, 7778

Japanese Central Bank, 28

Japanese National Railroads, 296

Japan Inc., 86

job creation

by high technology, 3435

by low technology, 35

in small and medium-size businesses, 34

Jobs, Steve, xvixvii


as property rights, 174

shrinkage of, 14, 16, 34, 37, 38, 198, 201, 317

Johns-Manville Corporation, 238, 239

Johnson, Lyndon B., 217, 314, 315

Johnson & Johnson, 139

Joseph II, Emperor of Austria, 166

J. P. Morgan & Company, 123, 151

junk bonds, 220

Juran, Joseph M., 202, 206

just-in-time inventory delivery system, 202

Kanban, 202

Kartelle, Die (Liefmann), 39, 296

Kennedy, John F., 314

Kennedy, Joseph, 268

Kettering, Charles, 259

Keynes, John Maynard, 8798

Keynesian economic theory, 22, 31, 67

Kissinger, Henry, 57

knowledge, export of, 17

knowledge-intensive industries, 15, 310

knowledge services, 10

knowledge workers, 17, 114, 145, 173, 334

Komatsu, 54

Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, 228

Kondratieff, Nikolai, 36, 37

Kondratieff bust, 36

Kondratieff cycle, 3637

Kondratieff long wave, 36

Kondratieff no-growth, 36, 38

Kondratieff stagnation, 36, 37

Korean War, 326

Krupp Works, 242, 243

labor costs

automation and, 1819, 66, 70, 196, 198, 201, 309

de-industrialization and, 1820

equity capital and, 19

exchange rates and, 26

in Germany, 6667

high interest rates and, 19

in Third World countries, 19, 200201, 209, 313214

labor-intensive industries, 15, 19, 29, 38, 313

labor unions, 190195

capital formation and, 191

changing employee perceptions of, 192194

as an estate of the realm, 191192

executive compensation packages and, 120

in Germany, 67

labor costs and, 112, 119

power of, 163164

productivity and, 191

wages mad. 161, 192

“lab without walls,” 325326

Langmuir, Irving, 325

lawyers, compensation for, 143

Lazard Frères, 170

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 159, 330

Lewis, John L., 161, 201

Liefmann, Robert, 39, 41, 296

lifetime employment, Japan, 70, 79, 165, 193194, 205, 232

Lilienthal, David, 315

Lincoln, Abraham, 269

Lincoln Electric, 199

Lincoln Laboratory, 326

liquidity arbitrageurs, 220221

liquidity crisis, 23

literacy, technological, 136

Lloyd George, David, 311

loans, xxi, 85, 214, 219, 220222, 326, 328

London Eurodollar market, 20

low-tech businesses, 35, 6062

Lueger, Karl, 153154

Lufthansa, 68

McKinsey & Company, 35, 74

macroeconomic axioms, 31

Maine, Henry, 152

Mainframe computers, 273


consultants, 150

graduate schools of, 150

legitimacy of, 162181

as liberal art, 202209

mismatches in, 136139

multinational and, 48, 185186

principles of, 102104

raiders in hostile takeovers and, 226

as social function, 154, 332335

Management Magazin, 155

management theory, 149, 175

Management Today, 155

Manhattan Project, 326

Mann, Thomas, 151

manufacturing, in Japan, 13, 14, 16, 17, 54, 65, 7173

Maoism, 330, 333

Mao Tse-tung, 30, 160

Marks & Spencer, 115, 139

Marlborough, Duke of, 104

Marris, Stephen, 21n

Marshall, Alfred, 89

Marshall, George C., 101102, 104105, 106

Marshall Plan, 84

Martin-Marietta, 215

Marx, Karl, 8889, 92, 93, 95, 143, 331, 332, 334

Masaryk, Tomás, xxx mass and mass movements, 323, 328331

Massey- Ferguson, 185

Mayo Clinic, 149

MCI, 278, 287, 292, 296

Means, Gardner, 233234

mechanization, 15

Medicare, 192

Meiji Restoration, Japan, 204, 336

Mellon, Andrew, 302

Mercedes, 32, 65, 196

Merck, 244

merger boom, 242

mergers and acquisitions, 158

Mexico, 19, 28, 29, 42, 75, 200, 307

microchips, semiconductor, 10, 15

middle management, 180184

middle-tech entrepreneurship, 60, 6162

Mill, John Stuart, 89, 93

Miller, J. Irwin, 305

Millipore, 71

mining industry, 24

Ministry of Finance, Japan, 73

Ministry of International Trade and

Industry (MITI), Japan, 73, 204205

Mitsubishi, 72

Mitsui, 72

Mitterrand, François, 60

Model T, 142, 143, 272

Modern Corporation and Private Property, The (Berle and Means), 233234

Modern Maturity, 127

monetarism, 31


intelligent, 296297

regulated, 277, 294296

Morgan, J. P., 123, 151, 240, 302

Motorola, 1819

multinationals, 4448

American versus Japanese, 47

centralization of, 45

computer usage by, 17

management jobs in, 48, 185186

subsidiaries of, 46, 47

transnational systems of, 4546, 48

Watson at IBM and, 266267

Mussolini, Benito, 154, 330

mutual funds, 223

Nakasone, Yasuhiro, 79

Napoleon III, Emperor of France, 170

NASA, 326

National Cash Register Company (NCR), 47, 268, 269

National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (March of Dimes), 325

National Health Service, United Kingdom, 318

National Recovery Administration (NRA), 316

NEC Corporation, 288

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 30

New Deal, 90, 150, 153, 160, 201, 257, 268, 305, 316, 336

New York Stock Exchange, 51

New York World’s Fair (1939), 258, 268

New Zealand, 9

Nippon Steel, 78

Nissan, 116117, 186

Nobel, Alfred, 245

no-growth organizations, 249252

jobs in, 249250

productivity and, 252

promotion versus stagnation in, 250251

no-growth theory, 36

Norris, William C., 303304, 305, 316, 319

no-tech entrepreneurship, 35, 59

O’Connor, Basil, 325

oil shocks, 21, 33, 41, 218

Olivetti, 288

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), 218

failure of, 3943

“open world economy,” 19

options, 50, 121

organization consultants, 177

Organization for Economic Development (OECD), 21n

organizations, information-based, 185189

entrepreneurial units in, 187

flat structure of, 186187

managerial units in, 186187

responsibility and self-discipline in, 187188

span of communications in, 186

organizations, innovative, 244248

jobs in, 34, 37

research budgets and, 245247

self-discipline in, 247

organizations, no-growth, 249252

jobs in, 249250

productivity and, 252

promotion versus stagnation in, 250251

Orton, Dwayne, 265

parallel ladders organizational structure, 137

Parmenides, 98

part-time employment, 137138

Penn Square Bank, 228

pension plans, 155, 164

defined-benefit, 223, 224, 230231, 232

defined-contribution, 224, 230, 231, 232

as family asset, 173

managerial compensation and, 122

managers of, 223224

part-time employment and, 138

profits and contributions to, 172

raiders in hostile takeovers and, 224225, 229, 234

retirement decision and, 126, 127

stock ownership by, 167, 193

teachers and, 143

peripheral business, 52

personal computers, 273

Peru, 8

Peter Principle, 102

Peters, Thomas J., xxi, xxvi

petroleum industry

hostile takeovers in, 218

OPEC and, 3943, 218

Pfizer, 170

Phillips Industries, 62

Phillips Petroleum, 215, 218, 219, 236

Pickens, T. Boone, 215, 217218, 219

Pigou, Arthur Cecil, 300

Pioneers, The (Cooper), 270

Plato, 234

pluralism, 155162

Pompidou, Georges, 57

Porsche, 65

Port of New York Authority, 170, 171

Post Office, 296

Practice of Management, The (Drucker), xxiii, 208209

Prairie, The (Cooper), 270

predatory pricing, 83

preindustrial population, 312, 313

preindustrial society, 307

primary-products economy, 411

private limited company, 228

privatization, 68

Procter & Gamble, 139

production, and adversarial trade, 8186

production consortiums, 8485

production sharing, 29, 313

professional schools, 131134

progressive movement, 153

Prohibition, 330

promotion decisions

age and rank in Japan and, 71

parallel ladders and, 137

principles of, 102104

steps for, 104107

property rights, and jobs, 174

protectionism, 28, 55, 58, 85

Public Interest, The, xxvii

public utility commissions, 275, 280, 282, 283, 285286, 287, 290

Pulitzer, Joseph, 329, 330

quality, and automation, 187, 253254

quality circles, 67, 117, 118, 202, 265

quotas, in trade, 84

RADAR lab, 326


corporate capitalism and, 233234

financing by, 219220, 222, 225

hostile takeovers and, 171, 213214, 215, 218, 219

management’s fear of, 226

pension fund managers and, 222, 223, 224225, 229, 234

shareholders and, 222223, 235, 236

success of, 215219

rank and age, in Japan, 71, 129

rapidly industrializing countries

development concepts in, 28

labor costs in, 19, 200201, 209, 313214

production sharing in, 29

Rathenau, Walter, 153

RCA, 1819, 62, 290

Reagan, Ronald, xxix, 18, 22, 27, 54, 76, 79, 281, 282, 299

real economy, 2028

recession, 33, 35, 56

Red Cross, 150, 333

redundancy, 312

regulated monopolies, 278, 294296

reindustrializing American concept, 317

Report of the Club of Rome, The, 5, 7, 9

research labs, 47, 108, 183, 323, 324326

reserve currency, 3031


compulsory, 126

employment cutbacks and, 127

in Japan, 61, 129

Reuther, Walter, 230n, 231

Ricardo, David, 89

Richman, Tom, xxxi

robotization, see automation

Rockefeller, David, 170

Rockefeller, John D., 272, 296, 304

Rohatyn, Felix, 170

Rolls-Royce, 8485

ROLM, 278, 288

Roman Catholic Church, 104, 106, 163

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 197

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 106, 156, 160, 161, 268, 325

Roosevelt, Theodore, 149

Root, Elihu, 149

Rosenwald, Julius, 302303, 304, 332, 336

Royal Dutch, 272

Russia, 9, 156, 178, 179, 191, 204, 327

salary structure

blue-collar workers and, 122123, 124, 125

executive compensation and, 119, 120125

Saudi Arabia, 41, 43

schools, improvement in, 141145

Schumpeter, Joseph, 37, 8798, 296

Science, 5n

Scientific Management, 149

Sears, Roebuck, and Company, 114115, 302, 303, 304, 332

Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (SSEC), 259, 263

selling short, 50

shareholders, 151

Bell System breakup and, 271, 284

management and, 166

raiders and hostile takeovers and, 214, 219, 222223, 227, 235, 237239

Shell Oil, 272, 296

Shibusawa, Eiichi, 153

Siemens, 62, 288, 324

Silber, John R., 132

Singapore, 29

Sloan, Alfred P., Jr., 102, 104, 106, 266

Smith, Adam, 81

smokestack industries, 25, 27, 33, 3738, 60, 65, 120, 123, 195, 196201

Snow, C. P., 334

social innovations, 245, 323336

commercial paper, 326328

Eurodollars, 326328

farm agents, 331332

management, 332335

mass and mass movements, 328331

research laboratories, 324326

social programs, 315316

Social Security Act (1935), 257

Social Security program, 199200, 315

Société Anonyme, 151, 152

Socrates, 98

Sony, 114

South Korea, xxii, 4, 9, 19, 84

Soviet State Bank, 326, 327

Soviet Union, 9, 326327

span of communications, 186

span of control, 184, 186

Spencer, William, 170

Sprint, 278, 296

staffing decisions

principles of, 102104

steps for, 104107

staff services, 114, 177178

stagflation, 23

stagnation, in Kondratieff cycle, 36, 37

stakeholders, 165166, 167

Stalin, Joseph, xvi, 30, 36, 156, 160, 330

Standard Oil companies, 272

Standard Oil Trust, 272, 296

Stanford, A. Leland, 302

steel industry, 14, 78, 79, 124, 142, 161, 197, 219

Steinmetz, Charles Proteus, 323325, 326

Stigler, George, 299

Stinnes, Hugo, 242, 243

stock market

acquisitions and, 243

hostile takeovers and, 213, 214, 217, 229

retirement plans and, 224, 230231

structural change, 35

Sumitomo, 72

sunset laws, 295296


age and rank in Japan and, 71, 129

automation and role of, 116117, 185, 186

first-line, 116119

supply-side economics, 31, 67, 91

Supreme Court, 283, 335

Sweden, 32, 194, 288

switchboards, 277278, 288

Switzerland, 82

symbol economy

emergence of, 2028

Eurodollar and, 326

hard-landing scenarios in, 2224

Keynesian system on, 90, 95

Schumpeter on, 95

soft-landing scenario in, 22

Taiwan, 29

takeover panels, 227228, 237

Tax State, The (Schumpeter), 95

Taylor, Frederick W., 149

teachers, compensation for, 143

Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA), 134, 232233

technological change, 94, 305, 307

technological literacy, 136

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 315

Texaco, 272, 296

textile industry, 19

Thailand, 9, 19

Thatcher, Margaret, 61

Theory of Economic Development, The (Schumpeter), 92

Third World countries. See rapidly industrializing countries 3M, 139, 244

Tobin, Austin, 170

Total compensation packages, 120, 200

for executives, 120121, 122

for skilled workers in manufacturing, 143144, 197

tax proposal for, 123124

totalitarianism, 159

Toyota, 164, 196


adversarial, 8186

competitive, 8182, 85, 86

complementary, 81

invisible, 1718

trading companies, 17, 7273, 185

training programs, 116, 118, 119

Transcendentalists, 269

Truman, Harry S, 106

trusts, 151

Turner, Ted, 215


blue-collar jobs and, 1415, 60, 135136

in Germany, 66, 311

in Great Britain, 14

in Japan, 18, 24, 34, 65, 78, 79, 83

labor shortages and, 307308, 311, 314

labor unions and, 190, 199, 200

new job creation and, 3334, 56

severance pay and, 174

trade and, 22, 24, 25, 27, 58, 83, 84

unemployment insurance, 79, 142, 204, 335

Union Carbide, 171

Union Oil, 215, 218

United Automobile Workers, 194, 230

Universal Bank, 151

U.S. dollar devaluation, 23, 24, 25, 7677

U.S. Post Office, 296

U.S. Steel, 124, 142, 161, 197

U.S. Treasury Department, 76

U.S. Treasury securities, 77

University of Pennsylvania, 262

Vail, Theodore, 279, 283

venture capital, 36, 59, 61, 66

Vickers Da Costa, 71

Volkswagen (VW), 194

Voltaire, 166

voluntary quotas, in trade, 84

Wage-Hours Act (1937–38), 257

Wall Street Journal , xxvii

Waterman, Robert H., Jr., xxi, xxvi

Watson, Thomas, Jr., 257, 273

Watson, Thomas, Sr., 257270

computers designed by, 258, 259263

foreign affiliates established by, 266267

as social innovator, 263266

welfare economics, 300

West Africa, labor costs in, 19

Western Electric, 287, 288289, 291, 293

West Germany, see Germany Westinghouse, 62

white-collar workers

blue-collar workers versus, 111, 113, 115, 255

productivity of, 111

white-collar workers versus, 111, 113, 115, 255

white knights, 214, 215, 218, 222, 225

widow-makers, 108109

Wilson, Charles E., 159, 230

Women’s Christian Temperance Union, 330

Wood, Robert E., 304

Works Progress Administration (WPA), 316

World Bank, 30

World’s Fair (New York, 1939), 258, 268

World War I, 94

World War II, 101, 202, 259

Wozniak, Steve, xvixvii Wriston, Walter, 167, 170, 328

Zaire, 75, 220

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