Achor, Shawn, 7580

affinity biases, 112113, 135136

Allen, David, 40

alumni networks, 51

Anderson, Rania H., 135143

authenticity, at work, 5, 89, 35, 66, 157

Aversano, Lou, 130131

Barsade, Sigal, 154155

Barton, Kate, 116

belonging, fostering trust through, 3338

benevolence-based trust, 53. See also trust

Bernstein, Amy, xiii, 315, 4556, 97110, 147158

Bhasin, Pramod, 120121


affinity, 112113, 135136

in the workplace, 66

Black alumni associations, 73

Black men, workplace biases and, 66

Black women

emotional vulnerability of, 4, 9

inclusion and, 1213

isolation of, 6

workplace biases and, 66

See also women of color

boss-employee friendships, 159166

boundary-spanning relationships, 4648, 5455

bragging, about accomplishments, 91

Budhwar, Pawan, 159166

Campbell, Elizabeth, 102

candor, psychological safety and, 19

Carboni, Inga, 4556

Caulfield, Emily, xixvi

champions, outreach to, 71

Chow, Rosalind, 97110

Clark, Dorie, 3942, 8185, 88, 9192

collaborative efficiency, 4950

color-blind policies, 35, 38

community service, 7172

competence-based trust, 53. See also trust

Conferences for Women, 7579


between women, 123128

maintaining professional, 8793

prioritizing, 8889

reactivating dormant, 70

shallow, 92

social, 7780

staying in touch with, 89

strong, 4647, 6162

See also work relationships


in friendships, 178

in leaders, 29, 3132

cosponsors, 103104

Covid-19 pandemic, xixii, 18, 69

creativity, 6

Cross, Rob, 45, 49, 52

David, Susan, 168171


focusing on, 3536

prioritizing, 113

dissent, psychological safety and, 19

diversity, equity, and inclusion

beliefs about, 10

benefits of, 33

dormant connections, reactivating, 70

Dutton, Jane, 4

Dweck, Carol, 59

Edmondson, Amy, 1725

efficiency, collaborative, 4950

“85 Broads,” 127128

Ellevate Network, 127

emotional intelligence, 167168

emotional vulnerability

of managers, 2223

in men, 1314

sisterhood and, 56

of women, 4, 78

work relationships and, 3, 178

empathy, 167168

employee resource groups (ERGs), 7374

empowerment, 4, 7

energizers, 5254

ethics, of networking, 6061

expertise, 2829

fairness, 164165

feedback, 114115, 141, 162163

female leader advantage, 102

female sponsors, 101102, 123128

Ferdman, Bernardo, 1415

fixed mindset, 59

Folkman, Joseph, 2732

Frei, Frances, 84

friendships. See work friendships

Fucci, Mike, 111

Gallo, Amy, xixvi, 315, 97110, 167175

gender discrimination, 123128

Gielan, Michelle, 76

Gino, Francesca, 8891

good judgment, as element of trust, 2829. See also trust

Grant, Adam, 85

group networking, 7273

growth mindset, 59

helpfulness, 9091

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann, 119122, 124, 129133

Hispanic women. See Latina women; women of color

homogeny, 38

Howe, Steve, 115116

hybrid workplace

challenges of managing, 20

psychological safety in, 1725

strategies for managing, 2125

work-life balance and, 1920

Ibarra, Herminia, 5763

identity-safe environments, 36

identity threats, 3335


fostering trust through, 3338

See also diversity, equity, and inclusion

inclusive climate, 813

innovation, 6

invisibility conundrum, for professionals of color, 74

isolation, of professionals of color, 66

Jacoby-Senghor, Drew, 34

Jain-Link, Pooja, 111117

Kennedy, Julia Taylor, 111117

Kersey, Amanda, xiii

Knight, Rebecca, 8793

Laker, Ben, 159166

Latina women

emotional vulnerability of, 4, 9

inclusion and, 1213

isolation of, 6

See also women of color

layoffs, 165


consistency in, 29

expertise of, 2829

female, 102

good judgment of, 2829

perpetuation of white male, 113, 124125

trust in, 2732

See also managers

learned helplessness, 40

learning communities, 7071

Levine, Ben, 131

Livingston, Beth, 315

loneliness, at work, 154155

loyalty, 120, 121

Malik, Ashish, 159166


benefits of protégés for, 129133

consistency by, 164165

creation of identity-safe environments by, 36

emotional vulnerability of, 2223

work friendships and, 152154, 159166

See also leaders

Mayo, Anthony J., 6574

McIntyre, Sian, 120

McKee, Annie, 168171

McLain Smith, Diana, 40, 41

McNulty, Anne Welsh, 123128

McNulty Institute for Women’s Leadership, 128


as advocates for women, 135143

networking by, 5253

relationships of, 5051

shared sisterhood and, 1415

as sponsors, 101102, 135143

mentorship, 51, 97, 9899, 130, 135, 137, 140

#MeToo movement, 136

Morriss, Anne, 84

Mortensen, Mark, 1725

multicultural approach to inclusion and belonging, 3536

Nelson, Shasta, 177181

network churn, 5051


benefits of, 57, 8788

boundary spanning, 4648, 5455

challenges for women, 4748

dread of, xiv

effective, 4556

efficient, 4850

energizers and, 5254

gender differences in, 5253

group, 7273

innate talent for, 59

maintaining professional network, 8793

misconceptions about, 5763

perceptions about, among professionals of color, 6768

remote, by people of color, 6574

as self-serving and selfish, 6061

through community service, 7172

time management and, 8185

as waste of time, 58

weak ties and, 6162

women’s events, 7580

nimbleness, 5051

Opie, Tina, 315

Patel, Charmi, 159166

people of color

invisibility conundrum for, 74

perceptions about networking of, 6768

remote networking by, 6574

workplace biases and, 66

workplace challenges for, 140

See also women of color

performance assessments, 141

personal identity, xiii

personal information

disclosure of, and psychological safety, 2125

risks of sharing, 21

Pillemer, Julianna, 147158

positive relationships, 28, 31

positivity, 5253, 77, 178

professional identity, xiii

professional network

maintaining, 8793

See also networking

professional relationships. See connections; work relationships

promotions, 77, 142


affinity biases and, 112113, 135136

becoming sponsor-worthy, 119122

benefits of, for sponsors, 113114, 129133

benefits of sponsorship for, 129

characteristics of good, 131132

feedback for, 141

finding, 132133, 138

getting feedback from, 114115

as legacy, 115116

prioritizing difference in potential, 113

sponsor advocacy for, 140143

stretch assignments for, 138139, 141142

See also sponsors; sponsorship

psychological safety

creating culture of, 2125

definition of, 18

establishing and maintaining, 1819

in hybrid workplace, 1725

work-life balance and, 1920

“Queen Bee” phenomenon, 124

Quora, 83

radical candor, 162163

rapport building, 68

reflection, time for, 50


boundary-spanning, 4648, 5455

building across differences, 6566

building through ERGs, 7374

close, 6162

diverse, 60

forming naturally, 5960

gender differences in, 5051

nurturing, 89

prioritizing, 8889

sponsorship, 104105

See also connections; work relationships

remote employee resource groups, 7374

remote networking, by people of color, 6574

remote work, 1725. See also hybrid workplace

Roberts, Laura Morgan, 6574

Rothbard, Nancy, 147158

Rozanski, Horacio, 114115

Ryan, Tim, 14

Scoble, Robert, 8283

self-complexity, 155

self-promotion, 91

sexual harassment, 136

shared networks, 7273


emotional vulnerability and, 56

shared, 415

as trust, 315

Slepian, Michael, 3338

small talk, xiv

Smith, David G., 135143

social capital, 66, 99, 101, 104

social connection, 7780

social identity, 38

social media, 7071, 90, 160, 164, 166


acting like mentors, 111117, 130

affinity biases and, 112113, 135136

benefits of protégés for, 113114, 129133

choosing, 103

cosponsors, 103104

definition of, 97

female, 101102, 123128

finding, 99101, 119122

male, 101102, 135143

multiple, 105106, 109

outreach to, 71

role of, 112, 136137

thanking, 108109

who leave company, 109110

work of, 138143

See also protégés; sponsorship

sponsorship, xivxv, 97110

among women, 123128

asking for, 99101

benefits of, 113117, 127, 129133

building legacy through, 115116

commitment to, 115116

definition of, 97, 129

expressing gratitude for, 108109

versus mentorship, 9899, 130

questions about, 108110

relationships, 104105

risks of, 132

See also protégés; sponsors

stretch assignments, 138139, 141142

strong connections, 4647, 6162

support systems, for minorities, 3637

talent, identifying, 138

time management, networking and, 8185

Torres, Nicole, 315, 4556, 97110, 147158


benevolence-based, 53

building, for psychological safety, 2125

building, with protégés, 114115

competence-based, 53

fostering through inclusion and belonging, 3338

in leaders, 2732

regaining lost, 156157

repairing broken, 3942

sisterhood as, 315

three elements of, 2732

Tyagarajan, Tiger, 120121

Wagner, Jen, 114115

weak ties, 6162, 92

White, Laurie Dalton, 79

white men, emotional vulnerability in, 1314

white women, inclusive climate and, 10, 12

whole selves, 89


emotional vulnerability in, 4, 78, 14

feedback for, 141

male sponsors of, 101102

networking by, 4748, 5253

relationships of, 5051

supporting each other, power of, 123128

workplace challenges for, 140

Women Inspiration and Enterprise (WIE) networks, 128

women of color, 56

emotional vulnerability of, 79

inclusion and, 913

isolation of, 6, 8

workplace challenges for, 140

women’s networking events, 7580

work friendships, 147181

boss-employee, 159166

challenges of, 150151, 159160

changing tone of, 170171

conflicts in, 151152, 155156

emotionally draining, 167175

hierarchical differences and, 152154, 159166

lack of, 154155

maintaining, after departure, 177181

power shifts in, 162163

repairing, 156157

rise in, 160

uniqueness of, 148150

upsides of, 148149, 151

working from home. See hybrid workplace; remote work

work-life balance, 1920


authenticity in, 5, 89, 35, 66, 157

gender discrimination in, 123128

hybrid, 1725

improving diversity, inclusion, and equity in, 7

inclusive, 813

work relationships

making meaningful, xixvi

between men and women, 135143

positive, 28, 31

repairing, 3942, 156157

trust and, 315

between women, 123128

Zenger, Jack, 2732

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