Move Beyond Small Talk and Make a Real Connection
Work relationships can be the most meaningful aspects of our professional lives.
by Emily Caulfield and Amy Gallo, cohosts of Women at Work


Real Connections Begin with Trust

1. Sisterhood Is Trust
Emotional vulnerability makes high-quality relationships at work possible.
A conversation with Tina Opie and Beth Livingston

2. What Psychological Safety Looks Like in a Hybrid Workplace
Managers need to take a new approach to building trust.
by Amy Edmondson and Mark Mortensen

3. The Three Elements of Trust
Positive relationships, good judgment, and consistency are the foundation.
by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman

4. To Foster Trust, Organizations Need Inclusion and Belonging
If people can’t be their authentic selves at work, they already have one foot out the door.
by Michael Slepian

5. Repairing a Professional Relationship When Trust Has Broken Down
Disengagement isn’t always an option.
by Dorie Clark


Genuine Networking

6. Networking Doesn’t Have to Be a Drag
How women can manage the challenges of building a strong network.
A conversation with Inga Carboni

7. Five Misconceptions About Networking
Which are holding you back?
by Herminia Ibarra

8. Remote Networking as a Person of Color
Six tips for building relationships when they’re more important than ever.
by Laura Morgan Roberts and Anthony J. Mayo

9. Do Women’s Networking Events Move the Needle on Equality?
Attendees of a conference for women were more likely to be promoted.
by Shawn Achor

10. How to Protect Your Time Without Alienating Your Network
Say yes to the best opportunities, and let the others go graciously.
by Dorie Clark

11. How to Maintain Your Professional Network over the Years
You shouldn’t be in touch only when you need something.
by Rebecca Knight


Why Sponsorship Matters

12. Sponsorship: Defining the Relationship
Demystifying the sponsor-protégé connection.
A conversation with Rosalind Chow

13. Sponsors Need to Stop Acting Like Mentors
It’s time to clarify what sponsorship looks like.
by Julia Taylor Kennedy and Pooja Jain-Link

14. Make Yourself Sponsor-Worthy
Performance alone won’t get you the support you need.
by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

15. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Women Supporting Each Other at Work
Avoid the temptation to think there’s limited space for people like you.
by Anne Welsh McNulty

16. Want to Be a Better Manager? Get a Protégé
Sponsoring others can help you learn new skills and spot areas for growth.
by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

17. What Men Can Do to Be Better Mentors and Sponsors to Women
Understand their challenges and help them get ahead.
by Rania H. Anderson and David G. Smith


Making Work Friendships Work

18. Work Friendships Are Mostly Amazing and Sometimes Messy
What to do when the demands of the job strain the relationship with your best office pal.
A conversation with Nancy Rothbard and Julianna Pillemer

19. What to Do When You Become Your Friend’s Boss
Suddenly, you know a little too much about each other.
by Ben Laker, Charmi Patel, Ashish Malik, and Pawan Budhwar

20. When a Work Friendship Becomes Emotionally Draining
Establish boundaries without hurting your colleague’s feelings.
by Amy Gallo

21. Stay Friends with Your Work BFF—Even After One of You Leaves
How to build on the foundation you established at work.
by Shasta Nelson



Discussion Guide

About the Contributors

About the Podcast

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