Act Like a Leader Before You Are One

by Amy Gallo

If you want to become a leader, don’t wait for the fancy title or the corner office. You can begin to act, think, and communicate like a leader long before that promotion. Even if you’re still several levels down and someone else is calling all the shots, there are numerous ways to demonstrate your potential and carve your path to the role you want.

What the Experts Say

“It’s never foolish to begin preparing for a transition, no matter how many years away it is or where you are in your career,” says Muriel Maignan Wilkins, coauthor of Own the Room. Michael Watkins, the chairman of Genesis Advisers and author of The First 90 Days and Your Next Move, agrees. Not only does the planning help you develop the necessary skills and leadership presence, but it also increases your chances of getting the promotion because people will already recognize you as a leader. The key is to take on opportunities now, regardless of your tenure or role. “You can demonstrate leadership at any time, no matter what your title is,” says Amy Jen Su, author of The Leader You Want to Be and coauthor of Own the Room. Here are several ways to start laying the groundwork.

Knock your responsibilities out of the park

No matter how big your ambitions, don’t let them distract you from excelling in your current role. Focus on the present as much as—or more than—the future. “You still have to deliver results in your day job,” says Su. Adds Wilkins, “You always need to take care of today’s business so that nobody—peers, direct reports, or those above you—questions your performance.” That’s the first step to getting ahead.

Help your boss succeed

“You have to execute on your boss’s priorities too,” says Watkins. “Show her that you’re willing to pick up the baton on important projects.” Wilkins also suggests you “lean more toward yes than no” whenever your boss asks you to help with something new. Find out what keeps your manager up at night, and propose solutions to those problems.

Seize leadership opportunities, no matter how small

Make sure your “let me take that on” attitude extends beyond your relationship with your boss. Raise your hand for new initiatives, especially ones that might be visible to those outside your unit. “This will give others a taste of what you’ll be like in a more-senior role,” says Wilkins. It doesn’t have to be an intense, monthslong project. It might be something as simple as facilitating a meeting, offering to help with recruiting events, or stepping in to negotiate a conflict between peers. You might find opportunities outside of work, too. You can sit on the board of a local nonprofit or organize your community’s volunteer day. “These activities send the signal that you aspire to leadership potential,” Watkins says.

Look for the white space

Another way to prove your potential is to take on projects that others aren’t willing to tackle or don’t even know exist. “Every organization has needs that nobody is paying attention to, or that people are actively ignoring,” Wilkins says. For example, you might be able to identify a customer need that isn’t being met by your company’s current product line, and propose a new one. Or you could do a quick analysis of how much a specific change would save the company. When you take on a task that no one else is willing to do, you make yourself stand out.

How to Improve Your Leadership Presence


Presence. You know it when you see it—and you notice when it’s missing. It seems to come so naturally to some people, like a CEO who can own any room or a leader who has great charisma. Yet for a lot of people who’d like to develop their own executive presence, it’s hard to know where to start.

I’ve worked with hundreds of clients, and I find it helps to break executive presence into three essential areas that you need to work on together:

  • Set the right assumptions. Before your next meeting, think about who will be there and what they hope to get out of it. The mindset you bring to the table will shape every interaction you have. Assumptions can set you up for success or undermine your best efforts before you even open your mouth. Leaders with presence are honest about their assumptions so that they are not ambushed by them.
  • Review your communications repertoire. These are the tools and techniques you use to engage, influence, and inspire other people. Quite simply, they’re how we try to get our points across. Some people use humor, others ask questions. Some people give clear instructions, others might frame them as suggestions. Ask yourself which communication strategies you tend to use in different situations.
  • Manage your energy. Your energy sets the tone for any interaction. It’s not as easy as remembering to stand up straight or stop frowning. You need to match your energy to the situation. To learn what kind of nonverbal cues you’re giving off, film your next presentation or meeting or ask for feedback from a mentor.

Developing leadership presence does not need to be a mystery. Break it into manageable pieces by focusing on your assumptions, your communication strategies, and your energy.

Adapted from “Improve Your Leadership Presence” (video), on hbr.org, April 16, 2013.

Don’t be a jerk

There’s a fine line between being ambitious and acting like you’re too big for your britches. “Don’t try to exert authority when you don’t have it,” says Watkins. Practice what he calls “steward leadership”: Focus on what your team wants to accomplish instead of putting yourself first. Su recommends “humble confidence,” showing appropriate modesty in your role while having the self-assurance to know that you will rise to the next level. (See the sidebar “How to Improve Your Leadership Presence.”)

Be cautious when sharing your ambitions

It’s appropriate to raise your ambitions with your manager if you have a trusting, solid relationship, but frame them in a way that focuses on what’s best for the company. Su suggests you lay out your accomplishments for the past year and then ask something like, “As we look further out, where do you see me continuing to make a contribution?” Watkins warns that these conversations shouldn’t come off as being all about you. Instead, engage in a two-way conversation with your boss. And if you have the kind of manager who may feel threatened by your aspirations, it’s better to keep your ambitions quiet and prove your potential.

Find role models

Look for people who have the roles you want and study what they do—how they act, communicate, and dress. “Pick someone at the next level, someone similar to you, and find a way to work with them,” says Watkins. Volunteer for a committee they’re spearheading or offer to help with one of their pet projects. Identify behaviors that you can emulate while being true to yourself. “You don’t want to fake it,” says Wilkins. It might also help to study people who are stuck in their careers as examples of what not to do, Watkins says. Are they clumsy politically? Do they disrespect the lines of authority? Do they fail to make connections between departments?

Build relationships

There’s an old adage: “It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you.” When you’re evaluated for a promotion, it’s unlikely that your boss will sit in a room alone and contemplate your potential. She’ll rely on others to assess your ability, which means you need supporters across the organization—people who are aware of the work you’re doing. “If you find yourself walking down the hall with the most senior person at your company, be prepared to answer the question, ‘So what are you up to?’” Wilkins says. “Don’t take lightly any interactions that may seem informal. Treat every situation as an opportunity to demonstrate the value you bring to the organization and your knowledge of the business.”

Case Study: Focus on Solving Problems, Not Getting Promoted

In late 2010, after 10 years at Citi, Heather Espinosa was promoted to managing director. She reached this executive position by continuously challenging herself—and by making the most of each of her previous roles. “I’ve never been concerned with my title. When I thought an assignment was a stretch, I took it,” she explains. “When I applied for my previous position, the job carried the title ‘project manager.’ But after my first conversation with the manager, I knew it was a position that would require complex leadership skills and challenge me, so I accepted the job.”

In each role, Heather embraced additional responsibilities without being asked. “I make an effort to volunteer and raise my hand where I see a need. I started taking on the responsibility of managing director with the hope that if I performed well, the title would come.” And her bosses have always respected this approach. “I rarely walk into my manager’s office and say I want to talk about my career or my next promotion. I walk in and say, ‘Here’s a problem, and here’s how we might address it,’” she says.

Adapted from content posted on hbr.org, May 2, 2013 (product #H00AK9).

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