Becoming a Leader

What are you waiting for?
by Amy Bernstein, cohost of Women at Work


Find Your Authentic Self

1. Lead with Authenticity
It’s not necessarily about being your best self.
A conversation with Tina Opie

2. How Women Manage the Gendered Norms of Leadership
Breaking out of the double binds.
by Wei Zheng, Ronit Kark, and Alyson Meister

3. Make Room in Your Work Life for the Rest of Your Self
Resist either/or thinking about your identities.
by Brianna Barker Caza, Lakshmi Ramarajan, Erin Reid, and Stephanie Creary

4. Why Self-Awareness Isn’t Doing More to Help Women’s Careers
Women underestimate themselves, but not how you think.
by Tasha Eurich


Show Your Leadership Potential

5. Seeing Ourselves as Leaders
From convincing ourselves to convincing our colleagues.
A conversation with Muriel Maignan Wilkins and Amy Jen Su

6. Act Like a Leader Before You Are One
Take on opportunities, regardless of your tenure or role.
by Amy Gallo

7. How to Increase Your Influence at Work
Listen before you try to persuade.
by Rebecca Knight

8. Why You Need an Executive Voice
Think about what you say, and how and when you say it.
by Rebecca Shambaugh

9. Make Yourself Sponsor-Worthy
Stellar performance is just the beginning.
by Sylvia Ann Hewlett


Advocate for Yourself

10. The Art of Claiming Credit
Be noticed—without being a braggart.
A conversation with Amy Jen Su

11. Get Yourself Invited to Important Meetings
Claim a seat at the table.
by Nina A. Bowman

12. Having the Here’s-What-I-Want Conversation with Your Boss
Approach your “ask” strategically.
by Rebecca Shambaugh

13. How Women of Color Get to Senior Management
Factors that help and hinder their advancement.
by Cindy Pace

14. Advance in Your Career, Even When Your Boss Won’t Help
Build an advocacy team.
by Kristi Hedges

15. To Build Grit, Go Back to Basics
Know your story—then stand behind it.
An interview with Shannon Huffman Polson by Curt Nickisch


Support the Women Around You

16. Stop Telling Women They Have Impostor Syndrome
Don’t fix women; fix work.
by Ruchika Tulshyan and Jodi-Ann Burey

17. How Gender Bias Corrupts Performance Reviews
And what to do about it.
by Paola Cecchi-Dimeglio

18. What Men Can Do to Be Better Advocates for Women
Understand their challenges and help them get ahead.
by Rania H. Anderson and David G. Smith

19. The Power of Women Supporting Women
We all rise when we lift each other up.
by Anne Welsh McNulty



Discussion Guide

About the Contributors

About the Podcast

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