
Like any book, this is the result of much more than an author such as me sitting in front of their computer typing a bunch of words. Please give me a few minutes to thank those involved in bringing this book to you.

First, I’d like to thank a reader of my first book, who shot me an email that planted the seed that became this book.

Next, Dave, Andy, and the entire crew at Pragmatic Bookshelf have been great to work with a second time. Both books I’ve written for them have been gambles—first as a rookie author and then with this book as an author charting the territory of a new format—and they haven’t blinked an eye.

My editor, Susannah Davidson Pfalzer, has been indispensable. She was always there with advice, tips, the occasional tough love, and an ever-optimistic attitude; every author should be so lucky.

Reviewers of early drafts of this book provided me with a tremendous amount of constructive feedback that helped shaped this book into what you’re holding in your hands (or looking at on your computer’s screen). Thanks to Joel Clermont, Javier Collado, Geoff Drake, Chad Dumler-Montplaisir, Wayne Huang, Michael Hunger, Ivo Jansch, Jerry Kuch, Johnathan Meehan, John Mertic, Luigi Montanez, Karl Pfalzer, Luke Pillow, Christophe Portneuve, Tom Sartain, Stefan Turalski, Tom Van Herreweghe, Matt Warren, and Nick Watts.

No acknowledgments for a book on an open source tool would be complete without acknowledging the work of the legion of volunteers who made the project possible. A huge debt is owed by all of us who use Git to the nearly 700 people who have contributed to the project.

My family and friends, in particular my wife (whom I’m lucky enough to count as both), have been amazing—as always. Without their support, and that of the rest of my family and friends, this book would not have happened.

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