Part 8
Moving Beyond the Basics

At this point you have learned all of the main topics you need to become a proficient Git user. There are a handful of commands that you’ll only need to use occasionally.

Covered in this part:

  • You may need to export the current state of your repository without the entire history. You learn how to do that in Task 41, Exporting Your Repository.

  • Git attempts to remain as fast as possible, sometimes at the cost of storage efficiency. Task 42, Doing Some Git Housekeeping shows you the commands to run to recalculate your repository’s internal structure and save some disk space.

  • Many developers are still working in an environment where Subversion is their company’s version control system of choice. Git provides bidirectional support for SVN—it can both read from and write to an SVN server. You learn about that in Task 43, Syncing with Subversion.

  • Finally, we’ve talked about repositories exclusively in the context of repositories with a working tree, but there is another type of repository: a bare repo. These are used for sharing changes via pushing and pulling to and from. They’re covered in Task 44, Initializing Bare Repositories.

Now, let’s start off with exporting your repository.

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