Step 3: Prepare Frequently Asked Questions

Even after lots of conversations, emails, and presentations on the day, it’s important to remind everyone of the details of the event, the reasoning behind it, and what to expect.

We recommend collecting the most frequently asked questions and preparing a simple yet comprehensive FAQ sheet for the event. It’s a good way to make the details front of mind for participants.

Sample FAQs

Here are sample FAQs you can use or adapt for your self-selection event:

Do I have to stay where I am?

This really is self-selection. You don’t have to stay where you are if you don’t want to—although it’s totally fine if you do! You choose!

What squads can I choose from again?

Have a look at the list of all squads and think about things like these:

  • What do I want to learn?

  • Where would I learn the most?

  • Where would I teach the most?

  • What is best for the company?

When will I start with my new squad?

It’s important to know that this reorganization won’t be in place straight away; people have projects to hand over and things to finish. We’ll sit with each squad and talk through questions, issues, and current projects, then agree a plan. Hopefully the transition occurs sooner rather than later, but the timing is dependent on who chooses which team.

Can I be in more than one squad?

Our experience tells us that one squad per person is best. It allows people to commit to their teammates and to the work, which means they are always available to their squad. There are exceptions to this, of course, and the decision is ultimately yours.

What should I do if I can’t be there on the day?

We would love for everyone to be there, but with this number of people it’s inevitable that some won’t be able to make it. If you can’t be there, don’t worry; you can either nominate a proxy (that is, someone you trust who you can explain what you would like to do) or you can let one of the facilitators know.

What about my current work/projects?

This is important and we’ll account for this, but don’t worry about it right now. We’re defining the end goal with self-selection. Once we know the squad layout we’ll tackle your current workload.

How many test/design/development slots are there in each squad?

We have a squad blueprint that you will have seen, but this is a suggestion and not a strict layout. The exact requirements will vary based on the work (for example, we think operations squads should have a 1:1 test:dev ratio, but it’s really up to the squad to decide). If in doubt, talk to the others in a squad and the product owners.

The exact requirements for each squad will vary based on the work; for example, we found that BAU squads work well with a 1:1 test:dev ratio, but it’s really up to the squad to decide. Also, some squads might have no design requirements, for example, whereas others will be doing significant front-end work. If in doubt, talk to the others in a squad and the product owners.

I just want someone to tell me where to go. Can you just put me in a squad?

We think you know more about what you should work on and whom you should work with. If you’re really unsure, you can select the “I have no squad” section initially and then listen for issues and gaps to fill. We really don’t want to select on your behalf; you will do a better job!

How long will I be with my squad? Am I signing my life away?

We want stable squads, but you aren’t signing your life away. We’ll review the lay of the land within six months.

Where should I put my photo if I just don’t know where to go?

Just choose the “I have No Squad” section (for now!).

What if someone else is already doing what I want to do?

If someone is already doing what you want to do, talk to that person and the rest of the squad, and do this against a backdrop of finding the best solution for the company.

What happens next?

We will arrange to sit down with each squad to answer any questions and discuss any issues and define a plan for becoming a new squad. That plan will involve a day when the squad sits down as a group and decides which elements of agile will best suit their work (choosing from a list of ingredients). We aren’t the scrum police and we don’t enforce agile, but we can provide a list of things and help you pick.

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