Step 5: Explain the Rules

You’re almost ready to go. Now you need to explain the rules and detailed instructions for the self-selection iterations. Start by reiterating what you’re looking for in a squad and remind everyone of the constraints for forming squads.

As mentioned in Establish the Main Rules , the fewer constraints the better. The following have proven successful:

  1. Squads have to be capable of delivering end to end.

  2. Squads have to be made up of three to seven people.

  3. Squads have to be co-located.

Point to the prominently displayed printouts on the wall. Then explain the room layout including the squad diagrams, timer, role posters, and company banner. Next, guide participants through the instructions:

  • The iterations will be ten minutes in duration.

  • When you hear the word “Go!” place your photo in the squad you’d like to work in.

  • Discuss with the other people in your chosen squad whether the squad has the right skills and is fully formed; that is, work within the constraints.

  • If the squad doesn’t have the right skills or otherwise isn’t fully formed, have a conversation with people from other squads and see if you can solve the problem together.

  • Allow the last minute or so to fill in the skills checklist (as shown here).

  • After each iteration there will be real-time feedback to the room.

Explain that you will run as many iterations as needed to achieve a good result. Ask if anyone has any questions, and if so, answer them. Once everyone understands what they’re expected to do, it’s time to get started!

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