
Many people have contributed to this book and we’d like to say thank you to all of them!

Thank you to Julie Starr for cleaning up our language and helping us structure our thoughts; Brenda Leeuwenberg for asking difficult questions, pointing out holes and inconsistencies, and constantly challenging us; Paula Boock for pointing out what publishers actually do and making us contact The Pragmatic Bookshelf; and our editor, Katharine Dvorak, for her inspired and sane advice, her lightning speed, and her awesome editing.

Thank you also to Susannah Pfalzer, Dave Thomas, and Andy Hunt at The Pragmatic Bookshelf and all of the reviewers: Alessandro Bahgat, Jacob Chae, Derek Graham, Alexander Henry, Aaron Kalair, Nigel Lowry, Matthew Margolis, Loren Sands-Ramshaw, Tibor Simic, Federico Tomassetti, and Colin Yates.

A special thank you goes to Trade Me, which trusted its employees to solve a complex problem and let us write about it.

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