Installing coreutils

The coreutils[33] package contains GNU versions of many tools, including sort, stat, cat, date, and many more.

Install coreutils with the following command:

 $ ​​brew​​ ​​install​​ ​​coreutils

Commands in this package are all prefixed with a g. For example, to use the stat command, you’d use gstat.

To make these commands override their BSD counterparts, modify your .bash_profile file to include the path, and then apply the changes to your current environment:

 $ ​​echo​​ ​​'export PATH="$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"'​​
 >​​ ​​>>​​ ​​~/.bash_profile
 $ ​​source​​ ​​~/.bash_profile

Verify that the changes are applied by using the which comand to verify that the stat command comes from the coreutils package:

 $ ​​which​​ ​​stat

You’ll see this output:


Since these files are now at the front of your PATH, they’ll be used first.

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