
The JBoss Application Server is a certified platform for Java EE for developing and deploying Java Enterprise applications. The JBoss Application Server provides the full range of Java EE 1.6 features as well as extended Enterprise services, including clustering, caching, and persistence. This book will show Java EE developers how to develop their applications using the JBoss Application Server and the widely used Eclipse environment combined with the Maven framework, which will greatly increase your productivity. The whole learning process is arranged through a common theme application, the Ticket Booking application, that progressively increases in complexity as new topics are introduced.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Getting Started with JBoss AS 7, discusses installing the core application server distribution and all the required tools for running it and for developing Java EE applications (JVM, Eclipse, and Maven).

Chapter 2, What's New in JBoss AS 7, provides a crash course on JBoss AS 7. It introduces the new filesystem structure, the application's configuration, and the dichotomy between standalone servers and domain servers.

Chapter 3, Beginning Java EE 6 – EJBs, discusses the new features introduced by EJB 3.1, including Singleton EJB, Asynchronous EJB, and EJB Timer Service. We will develop our Ticket Booking application, which will be the main theme of the book.

Chapter 4, Learning Context Dependency Injection, introduces Context Dependency Injection, comparing its features with the older EJB and JSF programming models. We will show how to enhance out ticket system using CDI annotations.

Chapter 5, Combining Persistence with CDI, discusses the Java Persistence API, showing how we can persist data on a relational database. We will then combine the JPA API with the example developed in the earlier chapters.

Chapter 6, Testing Your Applications, introduces Arquillian, showing how to use it for testing your application using a running application server instance or by managing its own server instance.

Chapter 7, Developing Applications with JBoss JMS Provider, discusses the Java Message Service, showing how you can configure some core JMS elements (such as factories and destinations) on your server. Next, we will enhance our Ticket example by adding a JMS producer and consumer. The last part of this chapter deals with advanced concepts, such as consuming messages from an external JMS provider.

Chapter 8, Adding Web Services to Your Applications, talks about the two core web services stacks: SOAP-based web services and RESTful web services; it provides concrete examples and highlights the differences between the two approaches.

Chapter 9, Managing the Application Server, talks about the core concepts of the Command Line Interface and how it can improve your productivity. The next part of this chapter dives deep into writing CLI scripts using other languages such as Jython.

Chapter 10, Clustering JBoss AS 7 Applications, is all about the world of clustered applications. We will learn how to use the robust clustering features of JBoss AS applied to some of the examples discussed in this book.

Chapter 11, Securing JBoss AS 7 Applications, will show how to use security domains to perform required authorization and authentication checks. The next part of this chapter discusses securing the data that is transmitted from the client to the server and vice versa.

Appendix, Rapid Development Using JBoss Forge, is the last section of this book; it is about the JBoss Forge framework. It shows how you can use this framework to generate a basic CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) application.

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