Animation in QML

Qt allows us to easily animate a UI component without writing a bunch of code. In this example, we will learn how to make our program's UI more interesting by applying animations to it.

How to do it…

  1. Once again, we will start everything from scratch. Therefore, create a new Qt Quick application project in Qt Creator and open up MainForm.ui.qml.
  2. Go to the Imports tab in the Library window and add a Qt Quick module called QtQuick.Controls to your project.
  3. After that, you will see a new category appear in the QML Types tab called Qt Quick - Controls, which contains many new widgets that can be placed on the canvas.
  4. Next, drag three button widgets to the canvas and set their height to 45. Then, go to the Layout tab on the Properties window and enable both the left and right anchors for all the three button widgets. Make sure the target for the anchors are set to Parent and the margins remain as 0. This will make the buttons resize horizontally according to the width of the main window. After that, set the y value of the first button to 0, the second to 45, and the third to 90. The UI should now look like this:
    How to do it…
  5. Now, open up qml.qrc with the Editor and add fan.png to the project:
    How to do it…
  6. Then, add two mouse area widgets to the canvas. After that, drag a rectangle widget and an image widget on the canvas. Parent the rectangle and image to the mouse areas we have just added before this.
  7. Set the color of the rectangle to #0000ff and apply fan.png to the image widget. Your UI should now look like this:
    How to do it…
  8. After that, export all the widgets in your MainForm.ui.qml as alias properties of the root item by clicking on the icons located to the right of the widget name:
    How to do it…
  9. Next, we will apply animation and logic to the UI but we won't be doing it in MainForm.ui.qml. Instead, we will do it all in main.qml.
  10. In main.qml, remove the default code for the mouse area and add in a width and height for the window so that we get more space to preview:
    import QtQuick 2.5
    import QtQuick.Window 2.2
    Window {
      visible: true
      width: 480
      height: 550
      MainForm {
        anchors.fill: parent
  11. After that, add the code that defines the behavior of the buttons in the MainForm widget:
    button1 {
      Behavior on y { SpringAnimation { spring: 2; damping: 0.2 } }
      onClicked: {
        button1.y = button1.y + (45 * 3)
    button2 {
      Behavior on y { SpringAnimation { spring: 2; damping: 0.2 } }
      onClicked: {
        button2.y = button2.y + (45 * 3)
    button3 {
      Behavior on y { SpringAnimation { spring: 2; damping: 0.2 } }
      onClicked: {
        button3.y = button3.y + (45 * 3)
  12. Then, follow this with the behavior of the fan image and the mouse area widget it is attached to:
    fan {
      RotationAnimation on rotation {
        id: anim01
        loops: Animation.Infinite
        from: 0
        to: -360
        duration: 1000
    mouseArea1 {
      onPressed: {
        if (anim01.paused)
  13. Last but not least, add the behavior of the rectangle and the mouse area widget it's attached to:
    How to do it…
  14. If you compile and run the program now, you should see three buttons at the top of the window and a moving rectangle at the bottom left, followed by a spinning fan at the bottom right. If you click any of the buttons, they will move slightly downward with a nice, smooth animation. If you click on the rectangle, it will change color from blue to red. Meanwhile, the fan image will pause its animation if you click on it while it's animating, and it will resume the animation if you click on it again:
    How to do it…

How it works…

Most of the animation elements supported by the C++ version of Qt, such as transition, sequential animation, parallel animation, and so on, are also available in Qt Quick. If you are familiar with the Qt animation framework in C++, you should be able to grasp this pretty easily.

In this example, we added a spring animation element to all three buttons that specifically tracked their respective y-axes. If Qt detects that the y value has changed, the widget will not instantly pop to the new position, but instead it will be interpolated, move across the canvas, and perform a little shaking animation when reaching its destination, which simulates the spring effect. We just have to write one line of code and leave the rest to Qt.

As for the fan image, we added a rotation animation element to it and set the duration to 1000 milliseconds, which means it will complete a full rotation in one second. We also set it to loop its animation infinitely. When we clicked on the mouse area widget it's attached to, we just called pause() or resume() to enable or disable the animation.

Next, for the rectangle widget, we added two states to it, one called BLUE and one called RED, each of which carries a color property that will be applied to the rectangle upon state change. At the same time, we added a sequential animation group to the mouse area widget that the rectangle is attached to, and then added two property animation elements to the group. You can also mix different types of group animation; Qt can handle this very well.

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