Chapter 12. Web and GUI Programming

In this chapter, we will use third-party libraries to write web and GUI programs with D. We will investigate the following recipes:

  • Creating a dynamic website with cgi.d
  • Creating a web API with web.d
  • Parsing and modifying an HTML page with dom.d
  • Accessing a SQL database
  • Sending an e-mail
  • Writing colored output to the console
  • Getting real-time input from the terminal
  • Working with image files
  • Creating a graphics window to show a TV static demo
  • Creating an OpenGL window


D has a growing community of third-party library authors. In this chapter, we'll look primarily at libraries written by me and others. With these libraries, performing web and GUI programming with D can be easy, though they don't do everything. To prepare you to move beyond these limitations, we'll also look at techniques used in library implementation. We will also see practical applications of many of the recipes in this book as well as some new techniques that you may find useful when writing your own code.

I'll make reference to my Github repository throughout this chapter. This repository can be located at

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