Chapter 1. Python and Testing

You might be a programmer, a coder, a developer, or maybe a hacker. As such, it's almost impossible that you haven't had to sit down with a program that you were sure was ready for use—or possibly a program you knew was not ready—and put together a bunch of tests to prove it. It often feels like an exercise in futility or, at its best, a waste of time. We're going to learn about how to avoid this situation, and make testing an easy and enjoyable process.

This book is going to show you a new way to test, a way that puts much of the burden of testing right where it should be—on the computer. Even better, your tests will help you to find problems early, and tell you just where they are, so that you can fix them easily. You'll love the easy, helpful methods of automated testing, and test-driven development.

The Python language has some of the best tools when it comes to testing, so we're going to learn about how to make testing easy, quick, fun, and productive by taking advantage of these tools.

This chapter provides an overview of the book, so we're going to briefly discuss the following topics:

  • The levels of tests: Unit, integration, and system
  • Acceptance testing and regression testing
  • Test-driven development

Testing for fun and profit

This chapter started with a lot of grandiose claims—you'll enjoy testing. You'll rely on this to help you kill bugs early and easily. Testing will stop being a burden for you and will become something that you want to do. How?

Think back to the last really annoying bug that you had to deal with. It could have been anything: a database schema mismatch, a bad data structure, what have you.

Remember what caused the bug? The one line of code with the subtle logic error. The function that didn't do what the docs said it did. Whatever it was, keep this in mind.

Imagine a small chunk of code that could have caught that bug, if it had been run at the right time and you had been told about it.

Now imagine that all of your code is accompanied by those little chunks of test code, and that they are quick and easy to execute.

How long would your bug have survived? Not very long at all.

This gives you a pretty basic understanding of what we'll be talking about in this book. There are many refinements and tools to make the process quicker and easier, but the basic idea is to tell the computer what you expect, using simple and easily-written chunks of code, and then tell the computer to double-check your expectations throughout the coding process. Because expectations are easy to describe, you can write them down first, allowing the computer to shoulder much of the burden of debugging your code. Because expectations are easy to describe, you can write them down fast, allowing you to move on to interesting things while the computer keeps track of the rest.

When you're done, you have a code base that is highly tested and that you can be highly confident of. You caught your bugs early and fixed them quickly. Best of all, your testing was done by the computer based on what you told it and what you wanted the program to do. After all, why should you do it, when the computer can do it for you?

I have had simple automated tests catch everything from minor typos to instances of database access code being left dangerously out-of-date after a schema change, and pretty much any other bug that you can imagine. The tests caught the errors quickly and pinpointed their locations. A great deal of effort and trouble was avoided because they were there.

Spending less time on debugging and being sure of your result makes programming more fun. Producing a higher quality of code in a shorter amount of time makes it more profitable. The test suite provides instant feedback, allowing you to run each chunk of your code now instead of waiting for the program as a whole to be in a state where you can execute it. This quick turnaround makes programming both more satisfying and more productive.

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