Writing the persistence tests

Since I don't have any actual unit tests for the persistence code yet, I'll start off by making some. In the process, I have to figure out how persistence will actually work. The following code goes in tests/test_persistence.py:

from unittest import TestCase
from planner.persistence import File

class test_file(TestCase):
    def test_basic(self):
        storage = File(':memory:')
        storage.store_object('tag1', ('some object',))
                         (('some object',),))

    def test_multiple_tags(self):
        storage = File(':memory:')

        storage.store_object('tag1', 'A')
        storage.store_object('tag2', 'B')
        storage.store_object('tag1', 'C')
        storage.store_object('tag1', 'D')
        storage.store_object('tag3', 'E')
        storage.store_object('tag3', 'F')

                         set(['A', 'C', 'D']))


                         set(['E', 'F']))

Looking at each of the important sections of the test code, we see the following:

    def test_basic(self):
        storage = File(':memory:')
        storage.store_object('tag1', ('some object',))
                         (('some object',),))

The test_basic test creates File, stores a single object under the name 'tag1', and then loads that object back from storage and checks whether it is equal to the original object. It really is a very basic test, but it covers the simple use case.


We don't need a test fixture here because we're not actually working with an on-disk file that we need to create and delete. The special filename ':memory:' tells SQLite to do everything in memory. This is particularly handy for testing.

    def test_multiple_tags(self):
        storage = File(':memory:')

        storage.store_object('tag1', 'A')
        storage.store_object('tag2', 'B')
        storage.store_object('tag1', 'C')
        storage.store_object('tag1', 'D')
        storage.store_object('tag3', 'E')
        storage.store_object('tag3', 'F')

                         set(['A', 'C', 'D']))


                         set(['E', 'F']))

The test_multiple_tags test creates a storage, and then stores multiple objects in it, some with duplicate tags. It then checks whether the storage keeps all of the objects with a given tag, and returns all of them on request.

In other words, all these tests define the persistence file as a multimap from string keys to object values.


A multimap is a mapping between single keys and any number of values. In other words, each individual key might be associated with one value, of fifty.

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