Explaining OHLC charts

"So, OHLC and candlestick charts are very similar to line charts. The only difference is that instead of using a point to denote the data value, these charts use small diagrams to show multiple data points. Let's start with an OHLC chart." Bob notices our confused looks. "Sorry, OHLC stands for Open, High, Low, Close. So, for each day on our x axis, we represent four prices for the stock. Also, for each day we have a figure that looks like this." Bob draws a line with branches sticking off on each side.

Explaining OHLC charts

"So, for each day we have a vertical line. The top of the line shows the highest price the stock reached during the day; the bottom shows the lowest price. The two bars extending sideways are called ticks. The tick on the left side shows the opening price, and the tick on the right shows the closing price."

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