Creating a divisional dashboard

For the divisional dashboards, we only want to show data for the current user's division. Ideally, when someone logs in to the intranet, we would know his or her division. We could then pass that information into our JavaScript. None of that infrastructure is in place currently, so we will mock up the functionality in our static HTML files.

Thinking about each chart, all three of them will be bar charts. To get started, we create a new file and save it and then perform the following steps:

  1. We include all the plugins we have used previously for our bar charts as follows:
    <script src="../js/jqplot.categoryAxisRenderer.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../js/jqplot.barRenderer.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../js/jqplot.pointLabels.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../js/jqplot.canvasTextRenderer.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../js/jqplot.canvasAxisTickRenderer.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../js/jqplot.trendline.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../js/functions.js"></script>
    <script src="../js/themes.js"></script>
  2. To fake the server-side passing of the user's division, we use a query string value. We pass this value to the h1 tag so we know which division we are viewing. We perform a replace method because browsers handle spaces in URLs in varying ways as follows:
      var selDivision = (getQueryStringVar('division')) || "Media-Software";
      $("#division_name").html(selDivision.replace("_"," "));
  3. We begin with the individual product categories chart with trend lines and it will be a bar chart. We create the array to hold our series data and our ticks. The first version of this chart had one function to create the series options and one to create the trendline options. We combine all that into one function as follows:
      //****** Individual Categories with Trends *********/
      var prodTrendSeriesObj = [], prodTrendTicks = [];
      function createSeries(name, seriesIndex) {
        var series = { 
          label: name, 
          trendline: { 
            show: false, 
            label: 'Trend: ' + name 
        if(seriesIndex== $("
          #trendline").val() || 
          ($("#trendline").val() == 
          null && index == 0)) {
   = true;
        return series;
  4. Next, we create a function to take the selected division and loop through each product category, create our series objects, and add options to our drop-down menu. This function will be called from within the remote data function, prodTrendDataPull, as shown in the following code snippet:
      function createSelDivision(prod_cat) {
        var i = 0, data = [];
        $.each( prod_cat, function( key, value ) {
          data[i] = prod_cat[key];
          prodTrendSeriesObj[i] = createSeries(key,i);
          $("#trendline").append("<option value=" + i + ">" + key + "</option>");
        return data;
  5. In our data formatting function, prodTrendDataPull, we loop through each category. If it matches selDivision, we call createSelDivision. We finish by looping through remoteData.labels and pushing these to the prodTrendTicks array as follows:
      var prodTrendDataPull = function(remoteData,options) {
        var data = [], divisions = remoteData.divisions;
        for (var div in divisions) {
          if (divisions.hasOwnProperty(div)) {
            if(selDivision == div) {
              data = createSelDivision(divisions[div]);
        $.each(remoteData.labels, function( i, value ) {
        return data;
  6. We create refreshChart to be called each time the value in the drop-down menu is changed. We set seriesColors to the selected division_colors and set the x axis ticks to prodTrendTicks as follows:
      function refreshChart() {
        rev_category.replot( {
          series: prodTrendSeriesObj,
          seriesColors: division_colors[selDivision],
          grid: { backgroundColor: getBgColor(division_colors[selDivision])},
          axes: { xaxis: { ticks: prodTrendTicks } }
  7. Since this chart is a bar chart, we create an object to hold our default plot options. In addition, we set the defaults for our trend line and enable the legend for this chart. We finalize our options by using color_theme to set the default colors to the company colors as follows:
      var prodTrendPlotObj = defaultBarObj(prodTrendSeriesObj, $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer, prodTrendDataPull);
      prodTrendPlotObj.seriesDefaults.trendline = { color: '#000', lineWidth: 4 };
      prodTrendPlotObj.legend = { show: true, placement: 'outsideGrid', location: 'ne' }
      prodTrendPlotObj = color_theme( prodTrendPlotObj, company_colors );
  8. We create our chart object using our JSON feed and our object prodTrendPlotObj. Since jqPlot creates the ticks before it pulls the data, we need to call refreshChart to update the ticks and the colors. This can be implemented as follows:
      var rev_category = $.jqplot ('division_rev_category', './data/6_month_prod_categories.json', prodTrendPlotObj);
  9. Previously, we called a function to set trendline options from within our drop-down event handler. Since we did away with that function, we add an if/else statement and set to true or false for each series as follows:
      $("#trendline").change(function() {	
        var trendObj = prodTrendSeriesObj;
        for(var x=0; x < trendObj.length; x++){
          if(x == $(this).val()) {
            trendObj[x] = true;
          } else {
            trendObj[x] = false;
  10. We reuse the code for the stacked bar chart with revenue by division found in 1168_10_05.html, but with the new chart we will only show the current division. In our function to format the remote data, we loop through the labels and push each one to totalDivTicks as follows:
      //****** Stacked Product Revenue by Month **********/
      var totalDivSeriesObj = [], totalDivTicks = [];
      var totalDivDataPull = function(remoteData,options) {
        var i = 0, data = [], divisions = remoteData.divisions;
        $.each(remoteData.labels, function( i, value ) {
  11. Next, we loop through each division, and if it matches the selected division, we populate our data array and our totalDivSeriesObj array as follows:
        $.each( divisions, function( div, obj ) {
          if(selDivision == div) {
            $.each( obj, function( key, value ) {
              data[i] = divisions[div][key];
              totalDivSeriesObj[i] = { label: key };
        return data;
  12. The creation of the plot object and the chart is similar to how we created our charts for the VP dashboard. We can implement this using the following lines of code:
      var totalDivPlotObj = defaultBarObj(totalDivSeriesObj, $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer, totalDivDataPull);
      totalDivPlotObj.stackSeries = true;
      totalDivPlotObj.axes.xaxis.ticks = totalDivTicks;
      totalDivPlotObj.legend = { show: true, placement: 'outsideGrid', location: 'ne' }
      totalDivPlotObj = color_theme(totalDivPlotObj, division_colors[selDivision]);
      var division_revenue = $.jqplot ('indiv_division_revenue', 'data/12_month_prod_categories.json', totalDivPlotObj);
  13. For the product returns chart, we start by creating returnsDataPull to loop through the labels and the regions to generate our ticks, data, and series data arrays as follows:
      //****** Product Returns by Region **********/
      var returnsSeriesObj = [], returnsTicks = [];
      var returnsDataPull = function(remoteData,options) {
        var data = [];
        $.each(remoteData.labels, function(i, value ) {
        $.each(remoteData.regions, function(key, value ) {
          returnsSeriesObj.push( { label: key } );
        return data;
  14. We use the defaultBarObj function to build our options for this bar chart. We make it a stacked bar chart, set our ticks, enable the divisional colors, and then create the chart as follows:
      var returnsPlotObj = defaultBarObj(returnsSeriesObj, $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer, returnsDataPull);
      returnsPlotObj.stackSeries = true;
      returnsPlotObj.axes.xaxis.ticks = returnsTicks;
      returnsPlotObj = color_theme( returnsPlotObj, company_colors);
      var product_returns = $.jqplot ('division_product_returns', 'data/returns_by_region.json', returnsPlotObj);
  15. With all of this done, we move to the HTML part of our dashboard. We create links for each division with the respective query string value. When we go into production, passing the value to the JavaScript will be handled on the server side. We also have the h1 tag, as shown in the following code snippet, that is populated when our JavaScript parses the query string:
    <a href="1168_11_02.html?division=Media-Software">Media-Software</a> |
    <a href="1168_11_02.html?division=Electronics">Electronics</a> | 
    <a href="1168_11_02.html?division=Nerd_Corral">Nerd Corral</a>
    <h1 id="division_name"></h1>
  16. Like our VP dashboard, we wrap each chart and h2 tag in a section tag and add a class as follows:
    <section class="division_chart">
    <h2>Product Revenue by Month</h2>
    <div id="indiv_division_revenue" class="w600 h300"></div>
    <section class=" division_chart ">
    <h2>Last 12 Months of Product Returns by Region</h2>
    <div id="division_product_returns"></div>
    <section class=" division_chart ">
    <select id="trendline" name="trendline">
    <h2><span id="division"></span> Product Revenue with Trends</h2>
    <div id="division_rev_category" class="w700"></div>
  17. We finish by adding style rules to styles.css. We float each section to the left and set the minimum width and height. We also change the background color of the legends so when they overlap our charts, we can still read them. This can be implemented as follows:
    section.division_chart { 
      float: left; 
      min-width: 48%;
      min-height: 425px;
    section.division_chart table.jqplot-table-legend {
      background: #fff;

We load the newly created dashboard in our browser. The two charts showing product revenue use the division colors and the product return chart has the company colors. We switch between the different divisions and see the data and the chart colors change:

Creating a divisional dashboard

We notice when we select DVD/Blu-ray Players from the Electronics dashboard drop-down menu, the legend ends up covering some of the chart. This is because we are using the outside placement option for our chart. We remember that this option will place the legend outside the div for our chart.

As each chart is wrapped in a section tag with a width of 48 percent, this means our legend will move around trying to stay inside the parent container. We could have used outsideGrid but that would have shrunk the size of our bar chart, so we made a trade-off.

It is close to lunch time so we decide to go grab something to eat knowing that our meeting will likely be this afternoon. Just as we get to the door, our office phone rings. Calvin tells us we have a meeting to present our dashboards at two o'clock. We hang up and walk down to Calvin's favorite sandwich shop.

Digesting our work

We arrive back in the office a little before two o'clock so we can get everything together for our presentation. Once we're ready, we make our way to the conference room, where Roshan, Sara, and Calvin are waiting on us. Even Jeff from IT has joined us. We connect our laptop and project the VP dashboard on the screen.

"I love it," Sara says after a few moments, "I like how the colors match the company's brand. Also the revenue and profit line chart stands out." Roshan speaks up, "The waterfall chart is nice and with Sara's data, we can see the Inventory Losses broken out in the chart below it." I tell them, "We didn't intend it that way. I guess it was a happy accident."

"We also have the divisional dashboard to present," I continue. I remind them that we have mocked up the functionality to change divisions on the chart, at which point you pull up the chart on the projector.

Extending the divisional dashboard

Roshan makes the first comment, "This is great. Maybe in the future we can get the product return data broken out by divisions as well. That way Electronics will only see the totals for their division."

Calvin raises his hand. "Is there any way these charts could work as a slideshow? We've got all these TVs around the office we could display them on." Sara jumps in, "I like this idea. It gets relevant information out to more people."

Roshan holds up his hands as if he's trying to slow us down. "We'll need to think it through. We don't want vendors and other non-employees being able to see this data but it's a good idea. However, what we have will work for now."

Dashboard Version 3

"Which brings us to the other two items to discuss," says Roshan. "We have taken baby steps in the area of social media and our daily deals website. We have been tracking social media conversions and want to get this information out there.

We want a chart showing the number of conversions each month and also the monthly revenue as a result of those conversions. We'll leave the rest up to you."

I mention that Roshan said there were two other items. "Right, I'll let Jeff tell you," Roshan says. "Thanks," Jeff says, "We like the charts you created for IT. We're in the process of getting final sign-off on an IT dashboard. Before we move forward, is there any way we can change the donut chart you created? I'm talking about the one showing current browser and version percentages (found in 1168_05_05.html). We like it, but it would be really nice if we could have a tooltip near the cursor. I'm thinking, since you've used it on other charts, it should be an easy fix."

We tell him we'll look into it. Roshan speaks again, "Well, I think that's everything. We'll check back in later this week."

We get back to the office and start thinking through the social media conversion chart. It would be best to render the revenue data as a bar chart and then we can render the conversions as a line. We can also add a trend line for the revenue.

Since this is going to be the next phase of our dashboards, we begin thinking about things we can add to our chart beyond just the data. We begin reading more on how the canvas element works. We come across the Dive Into HTML5 site, They discuss how to include images into the canvas. That gets us thinking. What if we added the company logo to the actual chart? Not just overlay it with CSS but make it part of the canvas?

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