Chapter 9, Showing Real-time Data with Our Charts

  1. The redraw method is used when we want to manually update plot data or change properties in our chart. If we want to change the axes or have jqPlot update the data series from a remote data source, we need to use replot.
  2. The axes and ticks were rendered before the data from our remote source was processed.
  3. If too many data series are added to the remote data source, the charts generated will be unreadable.
  4. We set the min and max values for our gauge. We created label and used labelPosition to move the label below the chart. We created an array for the ticks option to allow us know the position of where our needle sat. We also set intervals to create colored bands below the needle and used intervalColors to color those bands.
  5. We can overload jqPlot with the amount of data it will need to process and try to plot. Also, with too many data points, the chart will be unreadable.
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