Interactive maps

Besides being able to use Web-services to download map tiles for the background of the maps created in R, we can also rely on some of those to generate truly interactive maps. One of the best known related services is the Google Visualization API, which provides a platform for hosting visualizations made by the community; you can also use it to share maps you've created with others.

Querying Google Maps

In R, you can access this API via the googleVis package written and maintained by Markus Gesmann and Diego de Castillo. Most functions of the package generate HTML and JavaScript code that we can directly view in a Web browser as an SVG object with the base plot function; alternatively, we can integrate them in a Web page, for example via the IFRAME HTML tag.

The gvisIntensityMap function takes a data.frame with country ISO or USA state codes and the actual data to create a simple intensity map. We will use the cancels dataset we created in the Finding Polygon Overlays of Point Data section, but before that, we have to do some data transformations. Let's add the state name as a new column to the data.frame, and replace the missing values with zero:

> cancels$state <- rownames(cancels)
> cancels$Cancelled[$Cancelled)] <- 0

Now it's time to load the package and pass the data along with a few extra parameters, signifying that we want to generate a state-level US map:

> library(googleVis)
> plot(gvisGeoChart(cancels, 'state', 'Cancelled',
+                   options = list(
+                       region      = 'US',
+                       displayMode = 'regions', 
+                       resolution  = 'provinces')))
Querying Google Maps

The package also offers opportunities to query the Google Map API via the gvisMap function. We will use this feature to render the airports from the dt dataset as points on a Google Map with an auto-generated tooltip of the variables.

But first, as usual, we have to do some data transformations again. The location argument of the gvisMap function takes the latitude and longitude values separated by a colon:

> dt$LatLong <- paste(dt$lat, dt$lon, sep = ':')

We also have to generate the tooltips as a new variable, which can be done easily with an apply call. We will concatenate the variable names and actual values separated by a HTML line break:

> dt$tip <- apply(dt, 1, function(x)
+                  paste(names(dt), x, collapse = '<br/ >'))

And now we just pass these arguments to the function for an instant interactive map:

> plot(gvisMap(dt, 'LatLong', tipvar = 'tip'))
Querying Google Maps

Another nifty feature of the googleVis package is that you can easily merge the different visualizations into one by using the gvisMerge function. The use of this function is quite simple: specify any two gvis objects you want to merge, and also whether they are to be placed horizontally or vertically.

JavaScript mapping libraries

The great success of the trending JavaScript data visualization libraries is only partly due to their great design. I suspect other factors also contribute to the general spread of such tools: it's very easy to create and deploy full-blown data models, especially since the release and on-going development of Mike Bostock's D3.js.

Although there are also many really useful and smart R packages to interact directly with D3 and topojson (see for example my R user activity compilation at Now we will only focus on how to use Leaflet— probably the most used JavaScript library for interactive maps.

What I truly love in R is that there are many packages wrapping other tools, so that R users can rely on only one programming language, and we can easily use C++ programs and Hadoop MapReduce jobs or build JavaScript-powered dashboards without actually knowing anything about the underlying technology. This is especially true when it comes to Leaflet!

There are at least two very nice packages that can generate a Leaflet plot from the R console, without a single line of JavaScript. The Leaflet reference class of the rCharts package was developed by Ramnath Vaidyanathan, and includes some methods to create a new object, set the viewport and zoom level, add some points or polygons to the map, and then render or print the generated HTML and JavaScript code to the console or to a file.

Unfortunately, this package is not on CRAN yet, so you will have to install it from GitHub:

> devtools::install_github('ramnathv/rCharts')

As a quick example, let's generate a Leaflet map of the airports with some tooltips, like we did with the Google Maps API in the previous section. As the setView method expects numeric geo-coordinates as the center of the map, we will use Kansas City's airport as a reference:

> library(rCharts)
> map <- Leaflet$new()
> map$setView(as.numeric(dt[which(dt$Dest == 'MCI'),
+   c('lat', 'lon')]), zoom = 4)
> for (i in 1:nrow(dt))
+     map$marker(c(dt$lat[i], dt$lon[i]), bindPopup = dt$tip[i])
> map$show()
JavaScript mapping libraries

Similarly, RStudio's leaflet package and the more general htmlwidgets package also provide some easy ways to generate JavaScript-powered data visualizations. Let's load the library and define the steps one by one using the pipe operator from the magrittr package, which is pretty standard for all packages created or inspired by RStudio or Hadley Wickham:

> library(leaflet)
> leaflet(us) %>%
+   addProviderTiles("Acetate.terrain") %>%
+   addPolygons() %>%
+   addMarkers(lng = dt$lon, lat = dt$lat, popup = dt$tip)
JavaScript mapping libraries

I especially like this preceding map, as we can load a third-party satellite map in the background, then render the states as polygons; we also added the original data points along with some useful tooltips on the very same map with literally a one-line R command. We could even color the state polygons based on the aggregated results we computed in the previous sections! Ever tried to do the same in Java?

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